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China and ASEAN are linked by mountains and rivers, cultural integration and blood affinity, and bilateral relations have experienced a complex and changeable development process. From the initial isolation of exchanges, to the beginning of the dialogue process between China and ASEAN in 1991, to the comprehensive dialogue partner in 1996, and finally the establishment of the "strategic partnership for peace and prosperity" in 2003. China-ASEAN relations have successfully gone through the "Golden Decade" and successfully opened the "Diamond Decade". In October 2013, President Xi Jinping solemnly put forward the initiative of jointly building a closer China-ASEAN community with a shared future, and the strategic concept of China-ASEAN to jointly build the "21st Century Maritime Silk Road". With the construction of the "Silk Road Economic Belt" and the "21st Century Maritime Silk Road" officially written into the Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Several Major Issues Concerning Comprehensively Deepening Reform, marking the elevation of the "Belt and Road" to a national strategy and injecting new vitality into the development of China-ASEAN relations, the two sides will work together towards the goal of good neighbors, good friends and good partners who are accompanied by rise and fall, safety and danger, and good partners in the same boat, on the basis of adhering to the principle of faith, harmony, win-win cooperation, mutual assistance, heart-to-heart, openness and inclusiveness, and jointly promote China. Political, economic and trade relations between ASEAN have entered a higher level. With the deepening of economic globalization and China's participation in economic globalization, political economy and economic politicization have intertwined, and China's rise has changed the balance of the world political and economic pattern, and has also had a profound impact on China-ASEAN relations. From "10+1" to "10+3" to "10+6" and "10+8", China-ASEAN relations have developed into deep waters. In the process of deepening the overall friendly relations, murmurs such as the theory of the China threat, the new economic colonialism and the black hole theory of Chinese investment have also arisen one after another; The fierce internal disputes over ASEAN's dominance, external intervention, and the resurgence of trade protectionism and resource nationalism within ASEAN have made China-ASEAN regional development issues not only simple economic and trade issues, but also complex and sensitive issues involving international politics, international economy and trade, international relations, international law, international industrial division of labor, religion, culture and ethnic traditions. The above-mentioned international situation and the surrounding diplomatic environment have made the phased issues in the development of China-ASEAN cooperation more and more complicated, and posed severe challenges to how China can play its role as a responsible major country. Faced with the new situation and new background of the development of China-ASEAN relations, it is necessary for the leaders of China and ASEAN countries to work hard to solve it with the courage to face reality, superb political wisdom and the character to dare to take responsibility, and it is also necessary for experts and scholars in various fields of China-ASEAN issues to break through the limitations of traditional research and jointly promote the collaborative research of research work and the joint output of high-quality results. However, from the perspective of traditional research, China-ASEAN regional development issues are mostly viewed and suggestions from the perspective of this discipline, lack of systematic viewpoints and overall methods, and the fragmentation of research results is obvious, and there are still some limitations and shortcomings in the research on the impact of political and economic interaction, cross-border dissemination of national culture and cultural value differences on China-ASEAN relations. In fact, the importance, complexity and arduousness of the problems facing China-ASEAN regional development, as well as the comprehensive, systematic and comprehensive nature of China-ASEAN regional development theory innovation, objectively require systematic thinking logic to break down the barriers between schools and schools, schools and social research institutions, and schools and government departments, carry out cross-university, interdisciplinary, cross-departmental and cross-border collaborative innovation, and vigorously promote consultative, applied and countermeasure research. With the high-level results of collaborative innovation, we can better serve the national development strategy and regional and local economic and social development. To this end, the China-ASEAN Institute of Guangxi University and the China-ASEAN Regional Development Collaborative Innovation Center have carried out active and fruitful explorations, and since 2014 have organized forces to coordinate research, summarized research results and compiled and published the China-ASEAN Cooperation and Development Report. As an important document in the study of China-ASEAN relations, the "Report on China-ASEAN Cooperation and Development" comprehensively collates and summarizes the progress of China-ASEAN political, economic and trade and people-to-people relations, comprehensively analyzes the strategic relations between China and ASEAN countries, and can provide reference for people who want to understand ASEAN, understand ASEAN, and enter ASEAN, provide reference for experts and scholars studying China-ASEAN relations, provide trade and investment reference for enterprises carrying out commercial trade and non-governmental exchanges with ASEAN countries, and provide forward-looking, and forward-looking and non-governmental exchanges with government departments. Scientific and feasible countermeasures. The successful publication of this development report is also the result of the hard work and perseverance of experts and scholars of the China-ASEAN Regional Development Collaborative Innovation Center. In this process, it is particularly gratifying that the Collaborative Innovation Center has gathered a group of outstanding young scholars, who have overcome various difficulties and problems in study, work and research, learned to grow in practice, and constantly matured, with good academic vision and strong research ability, which is an important strategic resource in the field of ASEAN research in the future, and the overall display of the academic construction level of the China-ASEAN Regional Development Discipline of Guangxi University and the vitality of the synergy mechanism of the "China-ASEAN Regional Development Collaborative Innovation Center". It laid a good foundation for the timely publication and quality of completion of this study. We also hope that the "China-ASEAN Cooperation and Development Report" can show the achievements of the construction of the China-ASEAN Research Institute and the China-ASEAN Regional Development Research Collaborative Innovation Center, better serve the major needs of China-ASEAN regional development practice and theoretical innovation, continuously improve the "trinity" innovation ability of scientific research, disciplines and talents, build a new type of think tank with Chinese university characteristics, and make the China-ASEAN Regional Development Collaborative Innovation Center an academic highland with major international influence, and provide China. ASEAN cooperation and exchanges provide high-level intellectual support and high-quality talent support, and make due contributions to enhancing China's academic discourse system in ASEAN. "Amorous only spring grass, new green every year." The academic career is an ordinary and difficult, lonely and bumpy road, without flowers, without applause, but more on the mountains and thorns. However, just as water and air are to human beings, academic research is an indispensable part of the development and national revitalization of every country. The development and progress of human society and the evolution and inheritance of human civilization are inseparable from the wisdom and talents of wise people throughout the ages. May all colleagues of the China-ASEAN Institute and the China-ASEAN Collaborative Innovation Center for Regional Development, as well as experts and scholars who are interested in dedicating themselves to the study of China-ASEAN issues, be like spring grass, decorate the beautiful rivers and mountains of the motherland year after year with their new greenery, and contribute their wisdom and talents to the glorious future of the development of the motherland and the beautiful prospects of China-ASEAN relations. is the order.(AI翻译)





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