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With the great heap in China's urbanization,hundreds of millions of peasants went into cities and form a huge number of migrant population in China.They make a significant contribution to the development of the cities,however they have to face a lot of social problems.The issue of left-behind children seems to be the most important one.Because of urban-rural separate registration system and different benefits beyond it,tens of millions children have been left by their parents in their hometown,and their basic living,health,education and other aspects have to encounter with some new risks.Therefore,finishing some researches on this issue of left-behind children can be not only to promote the development of China's social welfare system,but also have great significance to optimize the path of China's future urbanization.

Researches on left-behind children have shown a sharp increase since 2005,all these researches have finished some analysis on left-behind children's issues and contributed to our policies in practice.However,current researches also encountered with some important problems in research framework,research perspective and research methods,so these researches can not focus on social welfare transformation behind the obvious problems from the regime of welfare mix theory.Based on these problems,this study want to make welfare pluralism as the core theory,take the social welfare as the viewing angle,and carry out a detailed analysis on left-behind children's welfare supplying system with a combination of quantitative and qualitative empirical research methods.

Based on the empirical investigation in Xingwen County of Sichuan Province,the study has three basic findings:(1)Left-behind children's welfare re ceiving process meets with not only citizenship exclusive but also residential exclusive.My research finds that the overall welfare receiving gap among different groups has really appeared,with left-behind children's welfare lagging significantly behind that of normal children in rural area and double-parents left-be-hind children felling obviously behind that of single-parent left-behind group,which seems to be a visible negative effect in welfare receiveing of parent-child separation.At the same time,the structural difference between left-behind children and normal children can be also observed in the area of compassionate welfare services,whileas the variance in the aspect of welfare funds and protective welfare sevices is limited,therefore compassionate welfare services should be confined to be the core problem of left-behind children's welfare receiving.(2)Welfare mix system transfores to be familly-supported system.Statistical results reflect that the welfare attenuation of left-behind children is mainly oriented from their migranting families,whileas their stay-in-home families show an obvious increase in left-behind children's welfare providing process,but nation,community and voluntary organizations fails to appear positive alternative.Based on these,left-behind children's welfare supplying system has transfered to be the responsibility of their families,with migranting members being mainly responsible for funding and stay-in-home members mainly for serving,and the provision of left-behind children's welfare services have also gradually become a grandparent-grandson“empty nest”model.Meanwhile,the resources’ distribution of our nation,community and voluntary organizations relying on social capitals of rural families makes left-behind children's families more difficult to get their enough welfare funds or welfare services compared with their conterparts,therefore it forms an obvious“residential exclusion”in China's rual society after the traditional“citizenship exclusion”based on household registration.(3)The welfare providing problem of left-behind children is essentially the transformation problem of children's welfare system.Although the imbalance of famillies’ responsibility seems to be the scapegoat seen from the outside,the real reason under the imbalance is the family-oriented welfare providing network can not cope with current social risks.In another word,the problem of left-behind children's welfare is not a simple welfare reductions but a structural adjust ment in welfare mix,it can obviously reflect the imbalance of subjects’ responsibility in a welfare mix system,and behind this problem we can find the vulnerability of residual social welfare system and necessary of universal social welfare.

Due to above conclusions,this study gives us three suggestions:(1)Gradully balancing the unban and rural welfare system.Current household registion policies taking serious harm to rural population has a strong restriction to the welfare receiving progress of left-behind children,so in the future we should gradually relax or concel houshold registion-oriented welfare variation,balance unban-rural welfare differiences and form a open and harmonious welfare supplying network.(2)Gradually establishing a family-support social policy.Nowadays family-orentied welfare system has not already stand up with higher migranting risks,the imbalance of the responsibility of welfare mix in welfare supplying process has also strengthen the pressure of familly,thus we should gradually finish a family supporting network,which being a nation-gurantied,communities-fundamental,voluntary organizations- assitant system,and provide more supports to rual populations in the aspect of welfare funds and welfare services.(3)Gradually accelerating the transformation of China's child policy.Although residual social welfare system has played a huge effect after its foundation,it seems to become more and more invalid with the development of economic and society.Therefore,we should gradually accelerate the transformation from residual social welfare to universal model,speed up the transformation from inside welfare house system to outside welfare house system,strengthen the responsibility return in the constructive process of child policy,and ensure the extensive and abundant nation guranty for all the children.

Key Words:Children's Welfare,Left-behind Children,Welfare Mix,Social Welfare,Western Rural Area





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