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Diaoyu islands were under the administration of Fujian Province(affiliated with the Taiwan prefecture)in the Qing and Ming Dynasty of China,and had no relevance in deed to the Ryukyus during a long history,because there was an accepted customary boundary named the“Black Water Trench”,Okinawa Trough or ZhongLiu Trough today,dividing the Diaoyu Islands clearly from the Ryukyus.The trough is even more than 2700 meters deep in some areas.Also,the geographic surroundings show that,sailings from the Ryukyus or Japan to Diaoyu islands are against the winds and flows,so it was almost impossible for the Ryukyus or Japanese natives from their lands getting to“discover”Diaoyu islands before the 19th century.

In 1895,China was forced to cede Taiwan and all the affiliated islands thereto to Japan as the consequence of the defeat in Sino-Japanese War.From then on,the whole Taiwan(including Diaoyu islands)was under the Japanese colonization for 50 years.Actually,for the islands are remote and desolate,it seemed doubtful that Diaoyu islands had been designated by Japan as part of Taiwan prefecture or Ryukyu prefecture during the 50-year-long colonization.In 1945,following the end of the Second World War,Taiwan was returned to China.Chinese authority officially took over the governance of Taiwan in the October of 1945 in accordance with the Cairo Declaration,Potsdam Proclamation,and Japanese Instrument of Surrender.Hence,as part of Taiwan,the sovereignty of Diaoyu Islands reverted to China as well.

However,these remote and isolate islands had been little noticed by both China and Japan,or the whole international society,until the optimistic prediction of gas and oil deposits in that region were explored and reported by the media in about the late 1960s or the beginning of 1970s.Therefore,looking back carefully,how the Diaoyu islands dispute originated? In the strict sense,the following points concerning the post-war subtly settlement of Ryukyus(Diaoyu islands involved)should be noted:

(1)After the WWII,the Ryukyus had been detached from the Japanese territory and occupied straightway by the military government of allied powers(the U.S.as a major ally)since 1945.Some military maps recorded the Diaoyu islands as part of Ryukyu islands;

(2)In 1951,the Article 3 of San Francisco Peace Treaty with Japan indicates that Diaoyu Islands are included in“Nansei Shoto south of 29deg.North latitude”(Ryukyu or Ryukyus is the abbreviation of Nansei shoto as well),although Chinese government neither attended the San Francisco conference nor signed that Peace Treaty.Again,the No.27 Act in 1953 issued by the United State Civil Administration of Ryukyus showed the same content;

(3)In 1971,the US and Japan signed the Agreement on the Ryukyu Islands and the Daito Islands,and the geographic coordinates of Diaoyu Islands were included again by the so-called reversion area of the Ryukyu Islands and the Daito Islands.

Therefore,in the light of a series of post-war vague arrangements like the“detachment settlement”of Ryukyus,the U.S.“administration”of Ryukyus,and the“reversion of Okinawa”,the Diaoyu islands became subtly linked with the Ryukyus bringing about the current situation of Japanese“control”.It is apparent that almost all the Japanese claims on the Diaoyu islands are based on her titles to the Ryukyus(the three points listed above are the bases of the Japan’sovereignty arguments).Hence,the clarification of the legal status of Ryukyus shouldn't be absent while analyzing the sovereign issues of Diaoyu islands.

The topic of this book is Territorial Status of the Ryukyus and the Sovereignty of Diaoyu Islands in International Law.It purports to doubt the legal grounds of Japan's claims over the Diaoyu islands through questioning the legal status of the Ryukyus,and to clarify the relationships among the Ryukyus,Japan and the Diaoyu islands from the international law perspective as well.

There are five chapters in the book.Chapter one focuses on the connection points between the Ryukyus issue and the Diaoyu islands dispute,summarizing the previous researches and introducing the methodology of this study.Chapter two is to overview the historical differences and relationships between the Diaoyu Islands and Ryukyus,discussing the origins of the Diaoyu islands and Ryukyus issues.Chapter three is to analyze the territory status of the Ryukyus and the sovereign situation of Diaoyu Islands during the period of 1945—1952.The issue of Diaoyu islands involved in some military maps was intensively discussed in this chapter,along with the investigation of the Ryukyus’status based on the relevant postwar documents like Directives,Orders and other Acts issues by the Allied Powers.Chapter four aims to explore the status of Ryukyus after the sign of San Francisco Peace Treaty.This chapter highlights the following issues: the invalidity of the“residual sovereignty”,the illegitimacy of Agreement on the Ryukyu Islands and the Daito Islands and so on.Chapter five specializes in Japan's comprehensive claims and the conclusions include: Japan doesn't have any legal titles to the Ryukyus;Japan's claims over the Diaoyu islands which based on the Ryukyus are weak and fake,the Ryukyus have a status of her own,including the realization of the right of self-determination;Japan's arguments like the so-called“Chinese abandonment of the territory”,“Japanese effective control”,etc.,are all without legal bases.

This study isn't designed to resolve the dispute but enrich the existing researches on the Diaoyu islands via taking a specific Ryukyus' approach.The innovations of this book can be manifested in three aspects: First,it partly resolved the“conundrum”of Ryukyus’legal status,which seemed had perplexed the academic circle for a long time.Second,it fills in the blanks of the monographs specializing in the sovereignty of the Diaoyu islands in Chinese international law field.Finally,the approaches of this work connected history to law.Regarding the historical approaches,parts of the maps and historical documents cited are personally collected by the author.Also,for the convenience of further researches,some significant documents in English are laid in the footnotes or appendices.With respect to the legal approaches,this book strictly subjects to the positive international law perspective,identifying the legal norms and sources in accordance with the criteria of treaties and customaries emanating from states' own free will.





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