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基金信息: 河南省哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目“中国当代重要作家年谱的编制与出版”(WZ01)阶段性成果;国家社会科学基金重大招标课题“期刊史料与20世纪中国文学史”(11&ZD110)阶段性成果;河南省高等学校哲学社会科学创新团队支持计划“报刊史料与20世纪中国文学史”(2012-CXTD-02)阶段性成果;河南大学中国现代文学研究中心项目资助;黄河文明传承与现代文明建设河南省协同创新中心资助 展开


















Any kind of historical research of the Wu Xinjun is inseparable from the accumulation of historical materials, and compiling various "chronologies" is the best way to accumulate historical materials. Only in this way will many famous scholars regard the "chronology" as an important basis for historical research. At the beginning of the new period, Mr. Wang Yao also put forward the idea and planning of "starting from the chronology, hooking the data, and evaluating it in detail to provide the necessary conditions for scientific research". In the field of contemporary Chinese literature, the overall lag in the construction of historical materials and the compilation of writers' chronology seriously affects the improvement of the overall level of literary history research. A few years ago, I pointed out in my article "Some Thoughts on the Compilation of the Annals of Important Contemporary Chinese Writers": Fully drawing on the experience of compiling the chronology of ancient and modern writers, systematically promoting the compilation of the chronology of important contemporary writers, and compiling and publishing a number of high-quality writers' chronology, we can break through the "bottleneck" that restricts the construction of contemporary literary historical materials, put them on the track of benign development, and lay a solid historical foundation for the further deepening of the study of contemporary Chinese literary history. He also deeply demonstrated the significance of systematically compiling the chronology of writers to the development of contemporary Chinese literature. In recent years, some scholars have begun to realize the importance of compiling the chronology of contemporary writers, Mr. Lin Jianfa has continuously published the chronology of contemporary writers and critics in the journal Soochow Academic, and cooperated with Fudan University Press to publish the literary yearbooks of some contemporary writers such as Su Tong, Yu Hua, Yan Lianke, Fan Xiaoqing, and A Lai. Although there are still many problems with these published chronologies, they are undoubtedly a prominent highlight in the construction of historical materials for contemporary Chinese literature. In 2011, we began to compile the "Annals of Important Contemporary Chinese Writers Series". In the process of repeated communication between the research group, we gradually reached some basic consensus: the writer's chronology should be a high-level research work, which is a condensed essence on the basis of long-term combing and digesting historical materials. The writer's chronology should first be the research results of the writer himself, and through the careful arrangement of historical materials, it should restore the life and creative experience of the writer more completely, clearly present the trajectory of the development and transformation of the writer's thinking and literary concepts, and accurately grasp the lifestyle, mental state and writing style of the writer at different times, so as to promote and deepen the understanding of the writer's work. At the same time, the chronology is not only a study of the composer himself, a good writer's chronology should be a window to understand the overall style of literature of an era, and should be able to sort out as much information as possible on the development and evolution of literary history through a writer's growth environment and growth experience, social activities and literary activities, and restore the complex network structure of the literary world at that time. Only in this way can the academic quality and documentary reference value of this series be ensured. Focusing on the above goals, after several years of efforts, the research group gathered in Kaifeng many times, held a yearbook revision meeting, and finally completed the compilation of the "Annals of Important Contemporary Chinese Writers Series" (the first series). Due to the differences in academic personality and interest of researchers, although the genealogies are slightly different in personality and style, they have the following basic characteristics in terms of research content, methods and overall goals: (1) It expands the sources of historical data collection as much as possible. Zhang Xuecheng once said: The chronology is "a study that complements the knowledge of people and the world, not only the examination of a collection of literature", and the narrow scope of historical materials is easy to lead to the lack of content of the chronology. In compiling the chronology, in addition to the writings of the writers themselves, we also extensively consult the writings and memoirs of people close to him (family, friends, colleagues, editors, researchers). Where possible, interviews with informed persons are also conducted around relevant issues, combining written and oral materials. At the same time, local historical records, literary yearbooks, local literature development documents, and local literary research results of the places where writers lived and worked are also included in the scope of historical collection. In the face of large and scattered writings, we also focus on the writer's self-statements and interviews, letters and diaries, which have more valuable historical details and shining fragments; More attention should be paid to the original journal and first edition of the article, rather than simply copying anthologies, anthologies, memoirs, research works, etc. On the one hand, it can avoid false rumors and minimize errors in historical materials; On the other hand, it is also in order to make new discoveries, and the works and first editions published in journals have more original forms, which are linked to the complex social context in which they were born, and are often accompanied by editor's notes, writers' creative talks, critics' and readers' evaluations when publishing works, etc., from which it is easier to discover valuable literary history information. We also attach importance to all kinds of electronic texts, and make full use of modern electronic retrieval tools such as "CNKI", "Weipu", "Newspaper and Periodical Catalogue Index", "Superstar Discovery System", "Yomiu Academic Search", "National Newspaper Index Database" and so on, which can make the retrieval of historical materials twice as effective. However, we should not rely too much on electronic search, because a large number of books and literature, many local literary newspapers and even some famous periodicals before the 90s of the 20th century have not yet been entered into the above-mentioned search system. Some "biographies of writers", "catalogues of works" and "chronology of works" include some published chronologies of contemporary writers, and rely more on the above-mentioned electronic retrieval system, and most of the articles included in the retrieval system are included, while those that are not entered into the retrieval system can only be absent. Many chronologies or "quasi-chronology", the material after the 90s of the 20th century is more sufficient, while the previous material is weaker. Therefore, when compiling the chronology of contemporary writers, it is necessary to properly handle the relationship between reading original newspapers and periodicals and borrowing electronic search, so that they complement each other and benefit each other. (2) When describing the personal deeds and writings of writers, strive to be "detailed and meticulous" and "select the essence". The so-called "detailed and meticulous" means to see the skill in "examining the details of deeds" and "scheduling the details of the year and month". Especially for the important growth experience of writers, for the process of major transformation of writers' thinking and literary concepts, we must do everything possible to check it year by year, month by month and even day by day, and try to make it complete without leaving important gaps. The writer's early experience is generally less material, and it can briefly explain the influence of humanities, geography, and language environment on the writer. For the important experience of the writer, there are also cases where all means have been exhausted, but the problem cannot be solved, which requires "doubts" according to a unified norm: if the specific date is not clear, it is listed at the end of the month; If the specific month is unknown, it is listed at the end of the season; If the season is not clear, it will be listed at the end of the year. The meticulous arrangement of dates, months and days is to facilitate the collection of missing gaps for successors. "Detailed and meticulous" is not "meticulous", some unsuccessful chronologies, excessive listing of trivial facts such as life and life, but drowning the order of changes in writers' thoughts and literary concepts. In order to avoid this defect, we emphasize the need to "select the best" of historical materials: materials that do not reflect the writer's growth experience should be discarded as much as possible; When collecting the works of writers and critics, unless they have precious historical value, they are generally not quoted in large paragraphs; For important articles that can reflect the changes in the author's thinking and literary concepts, the principle of "selecting excerpts and compiling them in separate years" is adhered to. When excerpting, either only one or two of it, or only a few wonderful sentences, the aim is to deepen the understanding of the writer and ensure that the chronology does not lose its power as a synopsis. (3) Attach great importance to the relationship between writers and their contemporaries and critics. Studying the origins of mentors and friends and teaching students and apprentices is the most important task in the compilation of traditional chronology, and we have also learned from this. When hiring materials from contemporary writers and critics, keep it as short and concise as possible, and avoid "overpowering". Any citation must help to understand the environment, social ethos and literary style in which the composer grew up, or demonstrate the relationship between writers, critics and genealogists who influence and promote each other. In order to more clearly present the trajectory of the evolution of the main ideas and literary concepts, the important research papers published that year are listed at the end of the year in a purposeful manner, and the most positive and negative views are selected and summarized in the year's chronicle. (4) Attach great importance to the impact of major political, historical and cultural events, especially literary events, on writers. In order to clean up the trajectory of the evolution of writers' ideas and literary concepts and their causes, it is necessary to conduct all-round in-depth excavation of the relationship between "current affairs" and "writers". The chronology of ancient and modern Chinese writers, which has high historical and documentary value, can often link political history, cultural history and the overall style of literature, so that scholars in other fields of research can also benefit from the chronology of writers. (5) Attach great importance to the relationship between writers and various literary media. Nowadays, writers with more than 30 years of creative experience, after the beginning, development and even fame, have a strong dependence on traditional media such as literary publishing and literary newspapers and periodicals, and the commissioning, revision, and publication behavior of publishing houses and literary newspapers and periodicals, as well as the literary activities such as pen meetings, revision meetings, seminars, symposiums and awards they hold, will have an extremely profound impact on writers' literary concepts, writing methods, literary styles, and expression methods, which we pay close attention to. It is hoped that more meaningful historical fragments can be salvaged from this perspective, and provide important materials for researchers to reconstruct the integrity of literary history. Of course, we have not ignored the influence of emerging media on writers: before the 90s of the 20th century, radio was a strong medium, many writers made a name for themselves through radio, and many works were widely recognized through aerial airwaves. After the 90s, the rapid development of film and television networks has profoundly changed the way writers live and write. In the compilation of the chronology series, we have conducted in-depth exploration of the relationship between various media and writers, hoping to accumulate small amounts and reveal the intrinsic relationship between the transformation of literary media structure and the development of literary history on the basis of extensive search for such historical materials. When sorting out the chronology of important contemporary writers, we will all encounter a difficult problem: after the rise of media criticism in the mid-to-late 90s of the 20th century, writers frequently spoke to various media, often mixing "new views" and "old knowledge", and the "interviews" of writers by various media ignored "innovation" and "applied" each other to become a common phenomenon. We can neither avoid nor simply apply this, we need to "pick gold from the sand" in the muddy media criticism, and look for the trajectory of the development and evolution of writers' ideas and literary concepts. The challenges posed by the proliferation of media criticism to the work of collating historical materials must be seriously confronted. The compilation of a writer's chronology is a very hard work, and it is very difficult to achieve a detailed and complete picture at once. Many successful chronologies are completed through repeated additions and revisions. Only in this way will the compilation of ancient and modern Chinese chronicles continue to appear such works as "Annals Supplement", "New Annals Compilation" and "Annals Adaptations". Therefore, the set of chronology books presented to you can be said to be the "first draft" or "first compilation" of the chronology, and omissions or mistakes are inevitable, and we warmly welcome criticism and correction from academic circles, and welcome to hook and sink on this basis, examine mistakes, and gain perfection. As far as the discipline of contemporary Chinese literature is concerned, the compilation of writers' chronology is the most basic work, and only with a certain scale can it produce good benefits, and we look forward to more friends joining this work. February 18, 2016(AI翻译)





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