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基金信息: 四川师范大学学术著作出版资金资助出版;本书为四川省哲学社会科学“十一五” 规划项目成果 展开


Harmonious Economy conditions Harmonious Society. To construct the macro regulation system for Harmonious Economy, with a view to facilitating market in its crucial role in allocating resources at an institutional level, tends to give a full play to “the guiding role of national development plans, programs and industrial policies in macroeconomic regulation and combine the use of fiscal and monetary policies to improve macroeconomic regulation.”

The study begins with the intellectual roots of Harmonious Economy and Macroeconomic Regulation. It reviews in a systematic manner the permutations of both Classical and Western economics thoughts. The literature review sheds light on the historical origin of China's own macro regulation system for Harmonious Economy, and provides for an instructive theoretical basis for the purpose of comparative study and reference. As the study goes further, Harmonious Economy is clearly defined, and so are its differentiations as well as affiliations with the concepts such as National Economy, Economic Consonance and Harmonious Society. Then the study discusses the rationales for structuring the harmonious macroeconomic regulation system from four perspectives, and identifies the framework of macroeconomic regulation essential to China's Harmonious Economy including its characteristics, and the principles, objectives, subjects as well as objects, operation mechanism and policy instruments in the related activities. The aforementioned discussion brings about the concepts on Harmonious Production, Harmonious Exchange, Harmonious Distribution, Harmonious Consumption, and their respective underlying macro regulations. The final part of the study offers an analysis on how to optimize the macro regulation for the good of Harmonious Economy, largely on the subject matters, measures, warning systems, and non-institutional support, and puts forward the proposals for improving China's macroeconomic regulation system.

In light of the research subject and methodology, this study on the macro regulation for Harmonious Economy is arranged in five parts (9 chapters). Part I (Chapter 1) examines the intellectual development of the thoughts on Harmonious Economy and macro regulation. Part II (Chapter 2 and 3) offers a brief overview to the macro regulation system for Harmonious Economy. Part III (Chapter 4 to Chapter 7) analyzes the substantive matters in the system, and Part IV (Chapter 8) discusses how to optimize the macroeconomic regulation for the good of Harmonious Economy.Part V (Chapter 9) touches on the macroeconomic regulation from the perspective of Harmonious Economy.

Chapter 1 examines the historical roots of the thoughts on Harmonious Economy and macroeconomic regulation. The chapter starts with the thoughts of classical writers and western economists, with a focus on those of Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, Adam Smith, Jeremy Bentham, Claude-Frederic Bastiat and Alfred Marshall. It also includes a review on the experience and development of macroeconomic regulations in major western countries. This is intended to bring about the historical origin of China's own macro regulation system for Harmonious Economy, and provide an instructive theoretical basis for the purpose of comparative study and reference.

Chapter 2 analyzes the rationales for constructing the macro regulation system for Harmonious Economy. As Harmonious Economy is defined, this study discusses its differentiations and affiliations with other related concepts such as Economic Consonance, National Economy, and Harmonious Society. In addition, the rationales—the pursuit of the Socialist Harmonious Society, the need for a sustainable development, and the requirements for transforming the pattern of economic growth, and also for the adaptation to economic globalization—are discussed, one by one, in this chapter. Chapter 2 lays the foundation and is the starting point for the whole study.

Chapter 3 analyzes the framework of the macro regulation system for Harmonious Economy. It begins with the content and characteristics of China's macroeconomic regulation for Harmonious Economy. Building on the analysis, Chapter 3 also puts forward the related principles and goals, examines the subjects and objects in the regulation, and analyzes regulatory policies constrained by the economic objectives. The last part in the chapter ushers in the expected model of China's macroeconomic regulation system for Harmonious Economy. This chapter is thereby the core of the whole study.

Chapter 4 discusses Harmonious Production and the related macro regulation. It starts with the origins of the idea of Harmonious Production, and defines Harmonious Production in terms of content and characteristics, analyzes the market mechanism essential to Harmonious Production, examines the deficiency inherent in the market mechanism to Harmonious Production, and therefore recommends a regulation mechanism for constructing Harmonious Production, including the elements of regulatory principles, the synthesis of macroeconomic regulation and market mechanism, and the policy instruments of macro-regulation.

Chapter 5 explicates Harmonious Exchange and the related macroeconomic regulation. Following an introduction to the evolution of the thoughts of Harmonious Exchange, the chapter defines the content of Harmonious Exchange and identifies its characteristics, and also offers proposals to the operative principles of Harmonious Exchange. This chapter also digs around the theories of market operation for Harmonious Economy, analyzes the deficiency inherent in the exchange if only by means of mere market mechanism. It attempts to structure the regulation mechanism necessary for Harmonious Exchange, including the elements of regulatory principles, the synthesis of macroeconomic regulation and market mechanism, and the policy analysis of macro-regulation.

Chapter 6 focuses on Harmonious Distribution and the related macroeconomic regulation. It discusses the intellectual development on the idea of equitable distribution, followed by a discussion on the content and characteristics of Harmonious Distribution defined in the study. Based on the analysis on the deficiency of market mechanism for Harmonious Distribution, this chapter recommends the regulatory principles, the synthesis of regulation and market mechanism and the related policy instruments to facilitate Harmonious Distribution.

Chapter 7 elucidates Harmonious Consumption and its macro regulation through a discussion on the evolution of the concept of Harmonious Consumption as well as the five major conflicts and challenges in consumption. In light of Hehe Theory, Harmonious Consumption and its characteristics are defined and identified, which leads to conclusions on the macro regulation policy instruments essential to Harmonious Consumption.

Chapter 8 expounds on how to optimize the macroeconomic control for the good of Harmonious Economy. This chapter includes the substantive issues in the optimization, such as the prerequisites, the measurements, warning mechanism and non-institutional support.

Chapter 9 has a look at the current macroeconomic regulations in China and its potential improvements from the perspectives of Harmonious Economy. It briefs on and also comments on the development of China's macroeconomic regulation system, and eventually puts forward recommendations for improving the macroeconomic regulation in China from the perspectives of Harmonious Economy.

Key words:Harmonious Economy,Macroeconomic Regulation, Optimization





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