The Lifan Court was the central supreme organ of the Qing Empire specializing in the administration of ethnic areas in non-direct provinces, and had considerable legislative and judicial powers. This book takes the three ethnic regions of Mongolia, Hui Xinjiang and Tibet in the Qing Dynasty as the research perspective, uses legal pluralism as the theoretical support, uses the dual legal model of state law and inherent law as the research perspective, and comprehensively uses multidisciplinary research methods such as law, ethnology, history and legal sociology to specifically analyze how the Qing Dynasty achieved effective control of Mongolia, Hui Xinjiang and Tibet by the Qing Dynasty through the configuration of the legal functions of the Li Fanyuan. This is mainly manifested in the fact that the Lifan Court formulated a series of national laws applicable to Mongolia, Xinjiang and Tibet on behalf of the state, and at the same time appropriately recognized the inherent laws and judicial power with ethnic characteristics in ethnic areas without aggravating ethnic conflicts. Specifically, in the field of judicial operation, not only the application of national law, but also limited permission to the existence of the inherent laws of these three non-direct provinces and ethnic areas, and the cross-application of national laws and inherent laws in judicial judgments, basically achieved the political purpose of the Qing Empire to effectively control Mongolia, Hui Xinjiang and Tibet with a specific legal system design.(AI翻译)