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The purpose of this thesis is based on combing the logic approach of ontology and dialectics in Western philosophy,to elaborate source of ideas,and contemporary meaning and value of Practical Ontology as well as Practical Materialism of Marx's philosophy revolution;to restore the principle of subjectivity on the dominant position in Marxist philosophy;to restore Marxist philosophy to be close to the reality of life;to get rid of the concepts that Marxist philosophy has been long misunderstood and distorted as so-called Humanity Empty,Economic Determinism,Material Determinism,Mechanism,etc. and to restore a real,rational,active Marxist Practical Philosophy. Marxist philosophy is the theory of human freedom and liberation,However,human liberation and the historical inevitability of communism must be based on labor —— essential power of the largest “private property be returned to workers,let workers truly occupy his nature forces based on ontological foundation.Marxist Philosophy achieved ontological revolution,which expressed as the sublation and transcend to Feuerbach's substance ontology of intuitive materialism and Hegel's knowledge ontology of objective idealism. Ancient Greek originated three main ontological approaches-author summarized as follows:substance ontology,knowledge ontology,practice ontology. Marxist philosophy is in the highest practical ontology stage. However,the interpretation of Marxist Philosophy Ontology attributed to the dispute between substances (natural) and ration (human),and the practice is just the unity and resolve of the dispute. Old materialism always recognized entity from the material elements,they excludes active and subjective factors in the entity which is the most criticized. Marx's ontology of Practical materialism certainly is not this kind,but Hegel abstract principle that entity is subject which to be upgraded to emotional practical ontology that creates history. It is deeply rooted in the traditions of Western philosophy history. Generation of anyphilosophy is a part and a journey of truth development. And the inheritance and abandonment to the old systems of the past philosophy,which follow logical inevitability in the history of philosophy thinking. Marxist philosophy as Inheritance and sublation to Hegel Speculation Ontology can find it own sources in the history of Western philosophy.The thesis is divided into five chapters.Chapter one discusses ontological history,status and relationship with Marxist philosophy. Natural philosophers of ancient Greece had disputes on ideology when explored the “primitive” world. Respectively there were ontologies of elements,digital,rational being,people-oriented and other ideological lines. Since ontology is human's ideas to grasp the ultimate nature of the objective world,and the logic of the concept in mind,it ultimately involves the relationship between man and nature,man is a natural product of the highest,people can take advantage of the natural,make benefit to the society,explore family relations,and settle down themselves,ancient Greek natural philosophers necessarily at the same time would question not only natural primitive,but also the essential power of the human beings. Accompanied by substance ontology and knowledge ontology,the ancient Greek origin of the third ideological line:Protagoras “man is the measure of all things” and Socrates “Know thyself” were represented as the beginning of humanism. By reviewing the expositions and debates from domestic and foreign scholars in three decades toward Marxist Philosophy Ontology,the authors come to a conclusion:“Ontologies” means “essential power”. From the point of logic and history is unified,the essential power of nature converse to the essential power of human,is the ontological inexorable law in its development as well as in social history. When human's nature force increasingly replaces the natural essential strength,the people increasingly really possess their own nature,and the personality free development really realize. This is human as the entity in practice to open its way for communism inevitability.Chapter two studies the principle “entity is subject” and its relationship with essential parts of Marxist philosophy. The latter Mr. Zhao Dunhua refers to Humanism,Practical Materialism and the Theory of Freedom and Liberation. Author proposes that all essential parts of Marxist philosophy are practice ontologicalinterpretation to principle “entity is subject”. I.e. Marx on the basis of humanism enriched and upgraded the abstract “entity is subject” to practical ontology which made contribution to practical materialism,and then Marx proposed Communist Doctrine of Human Freedom and Liberation. For example,Marx explained the practice ontological significance of “entity is subject” as:Subjectivity in Socrates embody as his life and his practice. If we do not count his practice activities,then Socrates philosophy is just good abstract provisions. This is the full affirmation Marx gave Humanism,Practice Ontology and Socratic philosophy,which has important theoretical and practical significance. Through combing history of philosophy,author suggests that,essentially,from Plato to Hegel's philosophy,ontology followed an approach of questioning knowledge. Meanwhile Marxist Philosophy Revolution gave a re-interpretation to the tradition of old humanism – It toke “practice” as entity,both overcame Hegel's absolute knowledge ontology,discarded the material ontology of Feuerbach. At the same time,Marx extracted subjectivity (nous) and objectivity (logos) in history of ancient Greek as a dialectic contradiction of two parties to unify in opposites. Which unify the subject and object,thought and existence in the dialectical movement. Marx came to crack the mystery of Being and history,therefore materialist history view,dialectics,epistemology unified in practical ontology,a complete look of practical materialism,the modern sense of the theory presented.In chapter three,through an interpretation to Hegel's “Philosophy of Right Criticism”,“ 1844 Manuscripts”,“The Holy Family”,“Feuerbach outline” etc. Author attempts to prove that practice is the soul of Marxist philosophy ontology. Marxist Philosophy Revolution is an ontological Revolution,what ontology difference from metaphysics,is emotional labor or practice,I.e. human's free and conscious activities,his essential strength objectification. Forces of human nature is not a purely subjective awareness of something,but thought,labor,and creation of the subjective into the objective in practice,a dynamic,self-awareness creative force of free will,the “entity as subject” that generates nature to human society. In order to correct the tendency of hostility to human from Mechanistic Materialism,Marx promoted people-oriented attitude,to take people's feelings,passion as essential power,to take labor,practice as objectified essential powers. Therefore,the “Entity” of Marxist philosophy is neither substance away from practice,not abstract and absolute idea or absolute knowledge behind other side of the world,but human productive practice including material production,spiritual production and human self-production. Marx used separately the natural forces and human essential power to interpret the mystery of nature and history,stressed that the original “form” of substance is things inherent,living,essential forces. Substance is subject to make all the changes. This subject and objectification emphasizing is Marx's philosophy different from the old materialism and Hegel's objective idealism.Chapter four gives an interpretation to “San Bruno articles”,“Shan Max articles”,and “Feuerbach chapter” of “The German Ideology”,to clarify some long-debated issues:Marxist philosophy ontology is on the plain meaning of the primordial substance,or the mechanical materialism ontology continuation,or the sublation of all previous materialism and idealism ontology? It is on this issue that serious differences occur on the understanding to Marxist philosophy. In fact,Marx has been upholding the position that natural history and human history should deal separately:—to make “primitive” atomic elements different from atom as “principle”;to distinguish “atoms exist in the void” with atomic elements in the beginning of the world. Marx takes material world as “positively to show themselves and achieve their own diversity in nature. By thoroughly cleaned and criticized Bruno's “self-awareness”,Stirner's “unique” and Feuerbach's intuitive materialism,Marx,Engels,gave Hegel's abstract entity an enrichment as practical ontology of materialism. This will not only retain the material uniformity and first existence;but also enhance practice as “entity”,to set and intermediate nature to society. Marx and Engels from the contradictions of material productive forces with productive relations,from the universal connection and structure of the social organism interaction through numerous appearances world “intuition” to explore overall development process behind the complex social phenomenon world. What Marx concerned about the historical development subject,not the spirit entity in the other side of the world,not the incarnation of “self-awareness” and “only-self”,not the isolation of intuitive nature from real life,but based on the production of substances,and to take social life as subject I.e. human emotional practice. This is the base of Historical Materialism—Practical Ontology. It is on this basis Marx completed the philosophical revolution,realized the dialectical unity of subject and object,thought and existence,natural and history.Chapter five inspects communism ontological significance (both history of ideas and religion origins) and gives an interpretation to “Communist Manifesto”,then comes to conclusion:Marx's communism is ontologically human eventual realization of its ancient and deep dream of “Utopia”,is a historic movement infinitely approaching. However,the entity and subject approaching toward the target is the essential power objectification of mankind in his practice. Communism no matter as an ideal,as a political program,or as a political system,is the finest social blueprint human-designed. It must resort through the essential power in practice. This is typical practice ontology,future-orientated,generative,creative,developing process. Parmenides said everything is what it is,Aristotle said,everything tends to be a “perfection”.They are all the same ontological schema. Marx's communism has a close relation with Plato's “Utopia” philosophy,with Christian Gospels,and the Acts of the Apostles preached ethics,with Mohr,Campanella,Mo Laili,Owen,Saint-Simon,Fourieret all followed one after another-critique of private ownership and experiment of harmony utopian. Kant,Fichte,Hegel emphasized ontological philosophy of self-consciousness,free will,is also closely related. This communism is a bland of Plato's “Utopia”,Christian ethics,Darwin's theory of evolution,materialist concept of history,Hegel's ration and negative dialectics. It revels the law of history development and gives an ontological proof of communism inevitability. That Marx launched the modern Communist movement is a critique to capitalist civilization,which effectively promoted history development. History consists with logic. History is that things inherent contradictions fight each other,so they break original order to achieve a new higher-level unified,a spiral development process. The reasonable existence of capitalism in advance has irrational factors included. Things from reasonable to unreasonable are that internally new reasonable factor will break the original unification,and rise to a new form — this is the development of things,an insurmountable law of negation of negation. Marx's Communism refers tocommunity,a harmony living mode,a common means of production,people work together to create social wealth,to be supplies according to need. Its purpose is to eliminate the private ownership in means of production,where labor's products turn to opposite and rule labor,the alienation of workers. So that let workers take back their private property- the essence of his strength and its products,then reverted to human nature,free personality development. Therefore,communism is to give everyone an equal opportunity to create their own wealth,without requiring equally share property belongs to individual labor income. Communism is a historical process determined by the essential power of object-oriented practice,this process present as natural power increasingly transforms to human forces,and becomes a powerful tool for social transformation,prepares for human freedom and liberation,although it must first go through the process of dehumanization history. Communism as sublation of private property is inalienable property of the people of the real life is the generation of humanitarian practice. Marx used ontological argument here to testify each person's right to life is equal,positive sublation of private property is the inalienable right to life of property. Ontology requirements based on the natural law,historical necessity vesting is determined by the productivity of a highly developed stage of human society toward the “Promised land”,an unlimited Approaching movement. Communism is not an established system or state,but a social materialized movement,a long tern human essential power objectification. Only by instrumental rationality—the power of knowledge,with large industrial and automated production of capitalism,can human-being achieves real possession of its own essential power,I.e. free personality development.Keywords:Practical Materialism;Practical Ontology;Dialectics;subjectivity;Marxist Philosophy Revolution.





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