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基金信息: 厦门大学繁荣哲学社会科学计划项目“ 中国发展道路的理论与实践研究”资助 展开










Marxism is "the truth and conscience of our time", which indicates the destiny and future of mankind and is therefore a glorious and dreamy cause. Marxism is an insurmountable theoretical vision of this era. Capitalism and its fundamental principles, which emerged with the Industrial Revolution, the French Revolution and the Enlightenment, and achieved domination and dominance over the entire world, have shown miraculous power on the one hand, bringing unimaginable material wealth, and on the other, a scene of decline and materialization. Romanticism and positivism cannot dialectically deal with the symptoms and contradictions of capitalism and go to the extreme of complete denial or complete affirmation. Marxism has a profound insight into the historical inevitability and limitations of capitalism and strives to achieve human liberation through practical change. The history of mankind in the 20th century is the history of the theoretical development and practical exploration of Marxism. It can be said that without understanding Marxism, we cannot understand mankind's twentieth century. Today, with the prominence of globalization, the popularization of information technology, aerospace technology, ecological environmental protection, cultural conflicts and many other problems, the appearance and theme of our era are very different from Marx's era, but from the perspective of material production methods, we have not fundamentally exceeded Marx's field of vision, have not got rid of the shackles of Marx's criticism, Marxism still has inexhaustible vitality and is still our banner and guide. Marxism has the theoretical quality of advancing with the times. It is not a study in a book, but a doctrine of revolutionary struggle, not a fossil theory that solidifies once formed, not a cold dogma, not a closed system, but a living theory of openness. Practicality is the soul of Marxism. From a practical point of view, theory is not an independent kingdom of abstract existence, not a self-contained existence, but deeply rooted in real life, with the change of life practice, the content and form of theory must also change quickly or slowly. The history of the development of Marxism is the history of continuous innovation of Marxist theory in accordance with the new changes and new requirements of revolutionary practice. Under the conditions of the new century and the new era, truly upholding Marxism means continuously developing Marxism. Here we must guard against and guard against the two erroneous attitudes of dogmatism and pragmatism. Dogmatists, ignoring the specific conditions under which Marxism arose, regarded Marxism as a universally applicable prescription and formula; Disregarding the basic positions and principles of Marxism, pragmatists often arbitrarily modify Marxist scientific thesis that do not meet their subjective needs in the name of development and innovation, resulting in the softening of the theoretical hardcore of Marxism and the blurring of the boundary between Marxist and non-Marxist principles. Both of these attitudes run counter to the fundamental spirit and practical principles of Marxism. Marxism is of special importance to China. It is the truth of salvation and survival that China has only found through all kinds of difficult explorations and baptism of suffering in modern times. Under the guidance of Marxism, after 28 years of bloody struggle, the sons and daughters of China have a brand-new China, and after nearly 30 years of groping for socialist construction, they have finally embarked on the broad road of reform and opening up. The pioneering and great achievements of the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics are inseparable from the guidance of Marxism. At present, the international situation is complex and changeable, and various domestic contradictions are prominent, how China can still hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics under the light of Marxist truth and smoothly realize the magnificent cause of socialist modernization and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is a difficult problem facing intellectuals with a sense of social responsibility and historical mission. The key to solving the difficult problem lies in proceeding from China's national conditions, striving to integrate Marxism with China's reality, and continuously promoting the Sinicization of Marxism. Xiamen University was born in the same year as the Communist Party of China, has a glorious history and fine tradition of Marxist research, and is one of the important positions for the early study and dissemination of Marxism in China Chinese. Adhering to the historical tradition and spiritual pursuit of Marxist theoretical research at Xiamen University, we have drawn up a plan for the publication of Marxist Series. According to the plan, the School of Marxism and the Institute of Marxism and China Development will host or undertake a national or international academic seminar on Marxist theory once a year, after which the proceedings of the conference will be included in the "Analects" for publication. The purpose of the "Analects" is to build a platform for exchanges, promote the theoretical innovation of Marxism in the new historical period, highlight the contemporary significance of Marxism, and then help the smooth progress of the great cause of reform and opening up and socialism with Chinese characteristics. Editor: April 2013(AI翻译)





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