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一 国内外研究现状评述、选题意义和价值





二 相关概念阐释


“腹地”一词既是一个地理学上的概念,也是一个经济学上的概念。《辞海》给予了较为全面的解释:“腹地是指与某一城市或港口保持有密切经济联系的内地或背后地。港口或城市腹地的大小,通常受背后地的山脉位置、走向和高度,以及河流的长度、流域面积等条件的影响,并随着铁路、公路、运河的修建,天然河流航运的改善,工农业生产的发展,产销区域的移动所引起的经济联系的改变而改变。”2433343《中国大百科全书·地理卷》的解释是:“位于城市背后,为港口提供出口货物和销售进口商品的内陆地区。”2433344《不列颠百科全书》解释道,奇肖卡姆在1988年版《商业地理手册》中,将德语hinterl and 解释为“腹地”,指港口或沿海居民点背后的地区。其后“腹地”的范畴不断扩大,“也称‘郊地’(umland),指经济上与附近城镇或城市有密切联系的附属地区,既有乡村,也有城镇,或两者皆有。至20世纪初,一个港口的背后或附属地区通常被称为其腹地。”2433345



三 研究的主要内容和重点、难点






四 研究方法、创新、价值




I. Review of the current status of research at home and abroad, the significance and value of topic selection, and the research on Lingnan Port in the past mainly focused on: (1) the history of Guangzhou, Macao and other ports: "History of Guangzhou Port" (1985), "History of Whampoa Port" (1989), "Compilation of Historical Materials of Macao and Hong Kong (1553-1986)" (1991), etc.; (2) Research on the Opening of Modern Ports and Economic and Social Data: Jin Yingxi et al. "On the Historical Process of Hong Kong's Economic Development" (1985), Yu Zhengwu et al. "Hong Kong in the Nineteenth Century" (1994), "Economic and Social Overview of Modern Guangzhou Port-A Collection of Guangdong Customs Reports" (1995), Deng Kaisong "History of Modern Relations between Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao" (1996), "Compilation of Modern Gongbei Customs Report" (1998), Zhang Xiaohui "Hong Kong and Modern China's Foreign Trade" (2000), etc. Previous treatises on the history of overseas transportation in Lingnan have been covered by all the works on the history of transportation in China and abroad. Chen Gaohua, Overseas Trade in the Song and Yuan Dynasties (1981), Maritime Silk Road (1991), History of China's Overseas Transportation (1997); Li Jinming, "Overseas Trade in the Ming Dynasty" (1990) and "History of Overseas Trade in Ancient China" (1995), etc. His books on the history of overseas transportation and trade in Lingnan include: Liang Jiabin's "Thirteen Journeys in Guangdong" (1937), Guan Zhiquan's "Overseas Trade in Guangzhou in the Song Dynasty" (1994), Xu Dezhi et al. "Guangdong's History of Foreign Economic and Trade" (1994), Cai Hongsheng's "Guangzhou and Marine Civilization" (1997), Huang Qichen et al.'s "History of the Guangdong Maritime Silk Road" (2003), Taiwan Normal University Fan Yijun's "Foreign Trade and the Changes of Handicrafts in the Hanjiang River Basin" (1981), etc. Most of the achievements of Hong Kong and Macao scholars are based on the history of Hong Kong and Macao, and [Japanese] Kuwabara Kuwabara, Fujita Toyohachi and others have also studied the overseas trade of ancient China; Louis Delmini's China and the West: Foreign Trade in Guangzhou's 18th Century (1964) provides an in-depth study of 18th-century Guangzhou foreign trade. The above research mainly studies Lingnan Port from the aspects of port history and modern ports, and overseas transportation also discusses Sino-foreign relations from the perspective of Sino-foreign commercial exchanges. There is a lack of research on small and medium-sized ports in Lingnan and on commercial and trade ties between China and foreign countries; Domestic commerce and foreign trade links are relatively weak; Little attention is paid to the relationship between Lingnan port and the hinterland; The relationship between domestic trade routes and sea lines of communication has been poorly studied; The relationship between hinterland-port-overseas transportation countries is difficult to mention; In particular, during the transformation of Lingnan Port from an ancient commercial port to a modern commercial port, the relationship between China's natural economy and the world market economy is weak. This study aims to supplement the above weak links, investigate the original fragmented domestic commercial and trade network with foreign maritime commercial network, pay attention to the change of port functions in Sino-foreign commercial exchanges, and pay attention to the interaction between the traditional hinterland and Lingnan open port. The port is a bridge of Sino-foreign commercial and trade links, Lingnan port has always been developed for domestic and foreign trade, the development of the hinterland economy of each port is closely related to the port, and Guangzhou, Macao, Hong Kong and other Lingnan ports are the hubs of ancient and even modern foreign trade in China, the study of foreign trade exchanges is not only in the number and types of Sino-foreign trade exchanges, but should be more in-depth to investigate the flow and impact of import and export materials, the relationship between the hinterland and the port and maritime traffic countries; The proximity and proximity of ancient hinterland and maritime communication countries, and the different relationships between the two and Lingnan ports. How ports radiated and spread to the hinterland in the process of China's modernization; how the hinterland interacted with the port in the process of modernization; With the expansion of the world trade market, Britain, France and the United States have replaced Southeast Asia and East Asia as the main trading countries, and with the construction of railways and roads, the hinterland has been further expanded, and the modern hinterland and overseas trading countries have expanded, and this pattern has continued until now. During this period, it is worth exploring how foreign trade under the traditional economy and tributary system has changed in the modern transformation, and how the port can continue to play its role of internal and external connection. Therefore, the research of this book not only reveals the connection between China and foreign commerce and the role of ports, but also discusses how Lingnan Port completed the transition to modernization in the transition from feudal traditional economy to modern economy. To a certain extent, it provides a reference for today's Pan-Pearl River Delta (9+2) regional connection and Guangdong's foreign trade development, so the topic selection has certain academic value and practical significance. Second, the interpretation of relevant concepts is more complex in the theory of port-hinterland, and the definition of basic concepts in this book is based on the current common standards in academia and limited according to the research content. Lingnan Port mainly refers to Guangzhou Port, and all ports in Lingnan, including Macao, Hong Kong, Chaozhou, Haikou, Leizhou, Hepu, Qinzhou and Foshan. The term "hinterland" is both a geographical and an economic concept. The "Ci Hai" gives a more comprehensive explanation: "The hinterland refers to the inland area or the land behind which it maintains close economic ties with a city or port. The size of the port or urban hinterland is usually affected by the location, direction and height of the mountain range behind it, as well as the length of the river, the area of the basin and other conditions, and changes with the construction of railways, highways, canals, the improvement of natural river navigation, the development of industrial and agricultural production, and the movement of production and marketing areas. 2433343 the Encyclopedia of China explains: "Located behind the city, it provides inland areas for the port to export goods and sell imported goods." 2433344 the Encyclopedia Britannica explains, Chishokam, in the 1988 edition of the Handbook of Commercial Geography, interpreted the German hinterl and as "hinterland," referring to the area behind a port or coastal settlement. Later, the scope of the "hinterland" expanded, "also known as 'suburbs', which refers to ancillary areas that are economically closely linked to nearby towns or cities, either villages, towns, or both. By the early 20th century, the area behind or attached to a port was often referred to as its hinterland. 2433345 At present, the domestic academic community has conducted a lot of useful discussions on the division standard of "hinterland", and the views tend to be the same. Wu defines it as "the area behind a port city that handles cargo and passengers." Under normal circumstances, passengers and goods in and out of this range through the port are more economical and convenient in transportation"2433346. Wang Wen believes that the port has a relatively stable area that can be radiated and covered by transportation geographically, and in terms of route and convenience, if the transportation of trade goods involving this area is basically completed directly or indirectly by the port, then the area is the "hinterland of the port economy". 2433347 Fan Rusen defined "economic hinterland" in his doctoral dissertation "Tianjin Port Trade and Export-oriented Economic Development of the Hinterland: 1860-1937". 2433348 the division of hinterland types, there are mainly the following ways: (1) export hinterland and imported hinterland. The export hinterland refers to the inner area where the goods are shipped out through the port, and the imported hinterland refers to the inner area to which the arriving goods are transported. Both the export hinterland and the import hinterland have complementary fronts, located on the sea-facing side of the port. 2433349 (2) Core hinterland, transitional hinterland, marginal hinterland. The core hinterland refers to the area that is decisive for the central city in the import and export trade, and the marginal hinterland refers to the area with little impact on the import and export trade, and the core hinterland and the marginal hinterland are called the transitional hinterland. 2433350 (3) Divide of the hinterland under simple hinterland and other conditions (overlapping hinterland). Direct hinterland refers to the unique hinterland of a port, and all the goods required for water transportation in the area pass through Hong Kong; Mixed hinterland refers to the hinterland jointly owned by two or more ports, that is, the part of the attraction range of several ports that overlaps. According to different division standards, the hinterland division of the same port will vary greatly. In the actual research process, there will be many types of hinterland in a port, and there are no strict boundaries. In the process of writing, based on the research results of predecessors, this book mainly studies the export hinterland of Guangzhou Port, that is, the area where goods are most convenient to transport out through Guangzhou Port, the distance is relatively close, and the export scale is large. In short, it is the main source of goods exported from Lingnan ports such as Guangzhou Port. 3. The main content, key points and difficulties of the research This book mainly discusses and summarizes the two-way economic connection, interaction and dynamic mechanism between the port and the hinterland and overseas transportation, puts the relationship between the three in the context of Sino-foreign commercial activities and market systems, reveals the interdependence between the three points, areas and lines, and applies the methods of historical economic geography to study the two-way economic connection, interaction and dynamic mechanism between the port and the hinterland; This paper studies the relationship between the two-way transportation and economic interaction between the port and overseas countries, takes Lingnan Port as the hub connecting the international and domestic sectors, comprehensively and systematically grasps the process and characteristics of the change of Lingnan's Sino-foreign commercial network from ancient times to modern times, and highlights the role of Lingnan Port in Sino-foreign commerce and trade. The main contents of the research include: (1) the environment of the development of Lingnan ports and the changes of internal and external traffic routes; (2) the types of agricultural and sideline products exported from the hinterland of each port and the transportation channels between ports in historical periods; (3) the type of export cargo and maritime traffic country of Lingnan Port; (4) Imported goods, consumption and transportation channels of Lingnan Port; (5) the evolution of relations between Lingnan port area, hinterland and overseas transportation countries in the historical period; (6) the relationship between hinterland, ports, foreign trade and traditional Chinese markets; (7) the characteristics of two-way communication between the hinterland and the port in modern times; (8) the characteristics of modern ports and extraterritorial countries, commercial and trade traffic; (9) the impact of Chinese and foreign economic development models on hinterland-port-overseas transportation; (10) Merchant network and structure of hinterland-port-overseas transportation. Viewpoint: (1) The port-hinterland relationship under China's traditional economic system mainly depends on the circulation route of agricultural and sideline products; (2) The overseas traffic (import and export types, quantities, etc.) of Lingnan ports under the tributary system is greatly affected by policies, and Southeast Asia and East Asia are the main trading areas of China; (3) Ancient ports and hinterlands and overseas transportation were affected by the traditional economy and tributary system, and in modern times affected by the world market, the scope of overseas transportation expanded, and the hinterland expanded and extended farther with railways and highways; (4) The modern port and the hinterland circulation channel are two-way, that is, imported industrial products penetrate inland through the port and minerals, agricultural and sideline products are exported overseas from the inland hinterland through the port; (5) Modern port - hinterland forms a transportation and commercial system with ports, roads, towns, and commercial exports as the basic content; (6) The hinterland and overseas traffic of Macao and Hong Kong have a close or even overlapping relationship with the hinterland and overseas traffic of Lingnan's ports; (7) The means of transportation have a close relationship with ports, internal and external transportation routes, and trade items. Focus: The process and law of the evolution of overseas traffic in the hinterland of ports in ancient to modern Lingnan, as well as the factors restricting the development of the three, are the focus of research. Difficulties: (1) the scope and judgment criteria of the hinterland of the port; (2) the mode of port-hinterland commodity circulation under the traditional agricultural economy and port-hinterland commodity circulation under the modern world market economy; (3) the nature of overseas transportation under the ancient tributary trade system and the trade countries under the modern world market system; (4) The impact of hinterland and overseas traffic in Hong Kong and Macao on Lingnan ports. IV. Outstanding Features of Research Methods, Innovation and Value Research Methods: This book mainly uses the research methods of historical geography and takes Lingnan Port as the starting point for investigation to study the role of Lingnan's internal and external ports in Sino-foreign commercial and trade exchanges; Historical comparative research was used throughout to compare different ports at different times and in the same period and related foreign trade; As far as possible, the impact of overseas trade on Lingnan's social issues is analysed from the perspectives of economics, sociology, law and social psychology. On the basis of referring to the relevant research results of the present-day people, it mainly uses local chronicles, anthologies of Lingnanese people, archaeological materials, modern writings on maritime traffic and certain foreign language materials, in order to fill in the gaps. Since local chronicles are often reproduced and copied, conceal evil and promote good, and add the subjective will and color of the compilers, I try to seek truth from facts and compare before and after when using local chronicles, so that the cited information can be relatively appropriate. Main achievements and innovations: linking the hinterland-port-overseas transportation, and placing it in the context of China's ancient traditional economy and modern world market economy, comprehensively investigate the development process of Lingnan's domestic and foreign trade, avoid the drawbacks of simple domestic trade or overseas trade and port history research in the past, and help grasp the status and role of Lingnan's ports in Sino-foreign commerce and trade. The main innovations are as follows: (1) Under the ancient tributary trade system, the transportation links between Lingnan port and internal and external transportation have been comprehensively sorted out, and the drawbacks of separating internal and external traffic from previous research have been overcome; (2) It overcomes the drawback of previous studies that only focus on large ports in Lingnan, such as Guangzhou, Macao and Hong Kong, and while highlighting large ports, it also discusses small and medium-sized ports such as Chaozhou, Leizhou, Qinzhou, Lianzhou, Hepu and Qiongzhou, taking into account ports in western Guangdong, eastern Guangdong and Hainan; (3) For the first time, a more comprehensive discussion of the hinterland extended and exchanged between Lingnan Port was made, and the types of goods, routes and trade exchanged between the hinterland and the port were clarified; (4) A comprehensive comparison was made between the export of silk goods and tea in the traditional tributary system and the modern world market pattern system, from which the essential reasons for the changes in the export of silk goods and tea were found; (5) A certain analysis of the overseas Chinese merchant groups in Chaozhou and Qiongzhou was made, and they were engaged in so-called "domestic" and in essence engaged in foreign trade; (6) The cultural landscape of Guangzhou and other foreign trade ports was elaborated to a certain extent, revealing the essence of the port as a carrier of Sino-foreign exchanges; (7) The relationship between the cost of silk goods and tea and the thirteen lines is revealed, which makes the research of this book more powerful. Academic Value and Application Value: This research not only reveals the connection between China and foreign commerce and the role of ports, but also discusses how Lingnan Port completed the transition to modernization in the transition from feudal traditional economy to modern economy. To a certain extent, it provides a reference for today's Pan-Pearl River Delta (9+2) regional connection and Guangdong's foreign trade development, so the topic selection has certain academic value and practical significance. At the same time, the ancient Silk Road ports such as Guangzhou, Chaozhou, Macao, Haikou and Beihai that have been declared as UNESCO World Cultural Heritage "Maritime Silk Road Relics (in China)" have been interpreted to a certain extent, which have certain academic and application value.(AI翻译)





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