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一 整理前的準備工作







同步查檢古今目録文獻對舊志原作的著録情况,將著録內容與通讀舊志時了解的情况相對照,一方面,可以加深對舊志基本情况的了解,使得對舊志的了解更具條理性。另一方面,可以驗證著録是否準確,糾正存在的問題,以求對舊志基本信息的了解更符合實際。如朱 編修的《寧夏志》,明朝周弘祖編《古今書刻》上編中就有著録,這是目録學著作中最早著録《寧夏志》的。張維1932年編《隴右方志録》時,據(乾隆)《寧夏府志》所載內容著録《寧夏志》,由於他未經眼《寧夏志》,以為該書已佚,故著録其為佚書,且將書名誤著録為《永樂寧夏志》,《寧夏地方志存佚目録》《稀見地方志提要》等,都沿襲了張維的錯誤。較早披露日藏《寧夏志》信息的是《日本主要圖書館研究所所藏中國地方志總合目録》,但將“朱 ”誤作“朱 ”。《中國地方志聯合目録》《寧夏地方文獻聯合目録》《甘肅省圖書館藏地方志目録》《中國地方志總目提要》《寧夏志》重刻時間定其書名為《萬曆寧夏志》,巴兆祥《中國地方志流等對《寧夏志》也作了著録或提要。其中《中國地方志聯合目録》以播日本研究》下編《東傳方志總目》沿襲此說。













另外,出土文獻和檔案材料也是重要的他校資料,過去的研究者均未予重視。如慶靖王朱 之名,文獻中還出現過“朱栴”“朱旃”等兩種寫法,筆者據出土於寧夏同心縣的《慶王壙志》,結合明清傳世文獻,考證認為,慶王之名當為“朱 ”而非“朱栴”,更非“朱旃”。再如,《寧夏府志》卷十三《人物》載,寧夏鄉賢謝王寵“壽七十三卒”,而據寧夏靈武出土的《清通義大夫謝觀齋墓志銘》載,謝王寵生於康熙十年(1671),卒於雍正十一年(1733),享年六十三(虚歲),故可據以改正《寧夏府志》記載的錯誤。



二 整理的具體環節及方法




不同的字形,若有其特殊的用途或意義,就不能隨意地合并統改。特别是地名用字,一定不能以今律古。如寧夏平羅縣之“平羅”係清朝開始使用的地名用字,(萬曆)《朔方新志》卷一《地理》中作“平虜”,(康熙)《陝西通志》卷二《疆域·寧夏衛》避清朝諱改作“平羅”。整理時不能將《朔方新志》的“平虜”改為“平羅”,因為明朝原本就叫“平虜”,清朝因避諱而改,因此不能因其今名而改動明朝舊志的地名用字。同樣,整理清朝舊志,就需要把明朝的地名回改為當時的用字。如《乾隆寧夏府志》卷二《地里·疆域·邊界》 “北長城”條“雖有平虜城”“以故於平虜城北十里許”兩句,“平虜”原均作“平羅”,當據《朔方新志》卷二《外威·邊防》回改為“平虜”。






1.史料出處的注釋。舊志於行文中有時會注明史料出處,但無定制,如朱 《寧夏志》卷上《河渠》所引史料出處包括:“酈道元水經”“周禮”“西羌傳”“唐吐蕃傳”“李聽傳”“地理志”“會要”“元和志”“元世祖紀”“張文謙傳”“郭守敬傳”等,考諸其文,分别指酈道元《水經注》、《周禮·地官司徒·遂人》、《後漢書》卷八七《西羌傳》、《新唐書》卷二一六下《吐蕃傳》、《新唐書》卷一五四《李晟傳附李聽傳》、《新唐書》卷三七《地理志》、《唐會要》、《元和郡縣圖志》、《元史》卷五《世祖本紀》、《元史》卷一五七《張文謙傳》、《元史》卷一六四《郭守敬傳》,如果整理者不對其引文細加考究並給予注明,讀者恐怕很難判斷引文的具體出處。




以往寧夏舊志的整理本中,有價值的校勘成果非常少見,由此更說明,舊志整理一定要加強校勘工作。校勘的方法,常用的是校勘四法,即對校、本校、他校、理校,此四法往往需要综合运用,不能只是简单地运用其中的某一种方法。筆者校勘《寧夏志》卷上《祥異》“永樂甲戌歲金波湖產合歡蓮一”句,查明成祖“永樂”年號紀年干支名(自癸未至甲辰,1403—1424)中無“甲戌”。《寧夏志》卷下《題詠》録有凝真(朱 之號)七律《戊戌歲金波湖合歡蓮》一首,所詠即為永樂年間金波湖出“祥瑞”合歡蓮一事。故知“永樂甲戌歲金波湖產合歡蓮一”句中“甲戌”當作“戊戌”,永樂戊戌歲即永樂十六年(1418)。

古籍整理要充分吸收已有研究成果,以最大限度地减少原始文本中存在的錯誤,避免利用者以訛傳訛。朱 編修《寧夏志》卷下録有兩篇重要的西夏文獻,其中《大夏國葬舍利碣銘》有“大夏天慶三年八月十日建”句,朱 考證後認為,葬舍利時間“乃夏桓宗純佑天慶三年、宋寧宗慶元二年丙辰也”。寧夏舊志編者甚至許多當代學者都認同這一結論。據牛達生《〈嘉靖寧夏新志〉中的兩篇西夏佚文》考證,“天慶三年”句當作“大慶三年”,故朱 的考證結論當改作“乃夏景宗元昊大慶三年、宋仁宗景祐五年戊寅也”。


三 整理研究舊志規範









此次全面整理寧夏地方舊志,主要由我策劃並組織實施。舊志整理的每一個環節,由我提出具體建議,各舊志底本的選擇、《總序》《前言》《校注說明》的撰寫等也皆由我完成。具體整理過程中,各團隊成員所取得的注釋或校勘等學術成果大家互享,這也體現了我們團隊合作的特色。宋朝沈括在《夢溪筆談》卷二五《雜志二》記載:“宋宣獻博學,喜藏異書,皆手自校讎,常謂 ‘校書如掃塵,一面掃,一面生。故有一書每三四校猶有脫謬。’”宋绶(謚曰“宣獻”)家藏萬卷,博校經史,猶有“校書如掃塵”的感概,我輩於整理寧夏地方舊志而言,只能說:“盡心而已!”更如《诗經·小雅·小旻》所詠:“战战兢兢,如临深渊,如履薄冰。”我們從主觀上力求圓滿,但因學識水平所限,成果中訛誤之處肯定在所難免,敬請學界同仁批評指正。


Hu Yubing's local old history belongs to the category of geography of the history department in the traditional Chinese ancient book "Tetrachotomy", but the content it records is far beyond the scope of history and geography, and there are many references to politics, economics, language, literature, etc., so the old history is often called the complete history of a place, and its academic research value is self-evident. Standardizing and studying the old journals not only helps to accurately understand their content, but also helps to objectively analyze their value, so as to achieve the purpose of using the past for the present and pushing out the new. The collation of the old chronicles of the norms will provide great convenience for the study of today's people, otherwise there will be discredit for the ancients and mistrust for future generations. Carrying out the work of sorting out and researching old local chronicles of Shaanxi, Gansu and Ningxia provinces is an academic direction that the academic team with this writer as the academic leader has adhered to for a long time. In 2012, the author's book "Research on Local Chronicles in Ningxia" was officially published by China Social Sciences Press. For the first time, the book conducted a systematic and comprehensive study of Ningxia Old Zhi, basically found out the family background of Ningxia Old Zhi, especially sorted out the version of Ningxia Old Zhi. In the same year, the "Ningxia Local Literature Collation and Research" presided over by the author was approved as a key project of the National Social Science Foundation. Taking this as an opportunity, the author put forward the scientific research idea of comprehensively sorting out the old Ningxia Zhi, and planned to use about three years (2015-2018) to standardize all the inherited Ningxia Old Zhi, publish the results in batches, and compile them into a book "Ningxia Rare Fangzhi Journal". Since the Yuan Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty, there have been 38 kinds of Ningxia Old Zhi in the strict sense, and there are 33 kinds of Ningxia Old Zhi that have been handed down 2444797, 2444798 9 of them are unique inheritances. In the old records of Ningxia, the Yuan Dynasty's "Kaichengzhi" was written at the earliest, but it has died, and the complete inheritors were first edited in the Ming Dynasty, and the Qing Dynasty compilers had the largest number of inheritors. In the old chronicles, there are 6 kinds of those who became in the Ming Dynasty, 20 kinds who became in the Qing Dynasty, and 7 kinds who became in the Republic of China. Judging from the types of compilation of old chronicles, there are 7 kinds of general chronicles and 26 sub-chronicles (prefecture chronicles and county chronicles). In addition to China, Japan, the United States, and other countries also have old Ningxia aspirations. Eight collection institutions have a total of 13 original old records, two of which are unique copies, which are mainly imported into Ningxia old records through commercial activities and military plunder. The research work of collating old records of Ningxia mainly began in the 80s of the 20th century, and certain achievements were made in the aspects of literature collection, comprehensive or special topic research, text collation and publication, etc., which 2444799 laid a data foundation for the study of Ningxia literature and history. However, it is also necessary to realistically realize that with the continuous discovery of various new data related to Ningxia, especially the continuous innovation of multidisciplinary research perspectives, the many deficiencies in the existing achievements are becoming more and more obvious. For example, when writing the document, because some of the old books cannot be visually examined, or the academic views are different, there are differences or even errors in the content of the papers. The research results are mostly generalized and synopsis, and the results of multi-angle and multi-disciplinary in-depth analysis are lacking. The results of sorting out only partially solved the problems of writing or content existing in the old journal, and the phenomenon of irregular sorting methods and low quality is more prominent. The needs of academic development require that the sorting out of old aspirations be more standardized and the overall quality should be further improved. Sorting out and studying the old history of Ningxia requires scientific theories and methods to guide. On the basis of fully absorbing the academic experience of others, through the collation of research practice, we have also formed some of our own understanding, which I would like to summarize and discuss with you. First, in the early stage, it is necessary to comprehensively understand the objects of sorting out, and in-depth study of its editors, edited scriptures, main content, the language style of the text, and the inheritance of versions. The standard sorting of old journals should be based on solid research results, so as to select the best base, prepare suitable reference literature, and formulate standardized sorting methods. (1) Determining the objects of sorting out the old journals is to ensure the smooth development of the work of sorting out the old journals and improve work efficiency, and determining that the objects of sorting out the old journals are the first and necessary work to be done before officially starting the sorting out of the old records. When determining the object, it is necessary to comprehensively analyze its academic value, historical value, inheritance situation, and the difficulty of reading and understanding the object today; on the one hand, it is necessary to carefully read the original work, and on the other hand, it is necessary to simultaneously check the original work by ancient and modern documents. Reading through the original work will help to fully understand the content of the chronicle, its historical sources, its structure and its linguistic characteristics. An understanding of the content and its historical sources can help us determine whether the journal needs to be organized. For example, in the 14th year of the Republic of China (1925), Zhu Enzhao revised the 6-volume "Yuwang County Record", which has always been regarded by scholars as an important local document in Ningxia Tongxin County. In fact, this old journal is a copy, not an independent editor of the editor. The compilers directly copied out the contents related to Zhenrong County, the predecessor of Tongxin County, in the (Republic of China) "Shuofang Daozhi", referred to the style of "Shuofang Daozhi", and then mixed with (guangxi) part of the "Pingyuan County Record", compiled the data into one compilation, and named it "Yuwang County Record". After clarifying the relationship between the "Shuofang Daozhi" and the "Yuwang County Record", we believe that there is no need to sort out the "Yuwang County Record", just sort out the "Shuofang Daozhi". An understanding of the structure of the old will help to restore the old history. For example, the 1988 edition of "Ningxia Dynasty Fang Zhi Compilation" by Tianjin Ancient Books Publishing House, and the 2001 edition of "Rare Books of the Forbidden Palace" by Hainan Publishing House have photocopied and published the (Wanli) "Shuofang Xinzhi" edited by Yang Shou and others in the Ming Dynasty. If these problems are not discovered, the collation of results will lead to content chaos. The language of the old journal is as contemporary as the content, and reading through the old journal, understanding its language characteristics, and mastering its language rules will help to better carry out punctuation and segmentation. All ancient books, words and sentences have certain era styles and characteristics, as long as their content or words are correct, they cannot add, delete, modify, etc. the original text according to contemporary writing habits or understanding, otherwise it is to write books for the ancients. Some of the old Zhi sentences were originally smooth and conformed to the linguistic norms of a specific era, and if the organizer arbitrarily added the words "of", "in" and "to" to the original Zhi sentences, it seems to be in line with the reading habits of contemporary people, but in fact it is a snake. Simultaneously checking the writing of the original works of the old records in ancient and modern Muzi documents, and comparing the content of the papers with the situation understood when reading through the old records, on the one hand, we can deepen the understanding of the basic situation of the old records and make the understanding of the old records more organized. On the other hand, it is possible to verify whether the zizi is accurate and correct the existing problems, so that the understanding of the basic information of the old journal is more realistic. Such as Zhu The edited "Ningxia Zhi" was compiled by Zhou Hongzu in the Ming Dynasty, and there was a zi in the compilation of the "Ancient and Modern Book Carvings", which is the earliest "Ningxia Zhi" in the works of Mingzi. When Zhang Wei compiled the "Ningxia Zhizhi" in 1932, according to the contents of (Qianlong) "Ningxia Fuzhi", because he did not look at the "Ningxia Zhi" and thought that the book was gone, he wrote it as a non-book, and mistakenly wrote the title of the book as "Yongle Ningxia Zhi", "Ningxia Local Records Cun Anonymous Zhi", "Synopsis of Rare Local Records", etc., all of which followed Zhang Wei's mistakes. The earliest to disclose the information of the Ningxia Chronicles of the Japanese Collection was the "General Compilation of Chinese Local Chronicles Collected by Major Japanese Libraries and Research Institutes", but the "Zhu." "Misplaced" Zhu ”。 The "Joint Catalogue of Local Chronicles of China," "Joint Catalogue of Local Literature of Ningxia," "Compilation of Local Chronicles of Gansu Province," "Synopsis of General Chronicles of Local Chronicles of China," and "Chronicles of Ningxia" were re-engraved and named as "Wanli Ningxia Zhi." Among them, the "Joint Catalogue of Chinese Local Chronicles" is based on the "General Catalogue of the Eastern Transmission Fangzhi" under the "General Catalogue of Japanese Studies," which follows this theory. (2) After understanding the research status of the object of sorting out, determining the object of sorting out, and having a basic understanding and understanding of it, it is also necessary to sort out and analyze the current situation of academic research of the object, mainly including information in three aspects: the eye, the research papers, and the results of the collation. 1. By examining the contents of ancient and modern books, you can have a basic understanding of the old chronicle revisionists, volumes, circulation, content, collections, editions, etc. Every piece of information in the face of Zizi must be checked in conjunction with the original will, and when problems are discovered, we must conduct in-depth research. For example, "China Local Chronicles Joint Muzi" and "Gansu Provincial Library Collection Local Chronicles Muzi" both authored a (Qianlong) "Pingliang Fu Zhi", which is "Qianlong Repair in the Qing Dynasty, Guangxuan Addition, Codex". 2444800 This book is a unique copy handed down, the original copy is stored in the Nanjing Library, there is a copy in the Gansu Provincial Library, the author when carrying out the work of the Shaanxi-Gansu Old Records of Zhongningxia Historical Materials, the author originally conceived of this journal as an important reference document. The 15th and 16th volumes of the 2012 edition of the Nanjing Library Collection of the Rare Fangzhi Volley of the National Library Publishing House are the Pingliang Fuzhi. Through research, the author found that the "Pingliang Fuzhi" edited during the Qianlong period was not published in the ancient books, and the compilers of the old Pingliang records after Qianlong did not mention the editing of the "Pingliang Fuzhi" in the Qianlong period. 2. Research papers fully sort out and analyze the research results of others on sorting out objects, on the one hand, we can clearly see the angle and depth of academic research on sorting objects, and avoid duplication of labor. On the other hand, find the problems existing in the existing results, combine their own research to correct these problems, and improve the level of research on the objects of sorting. For example, the only domestic and foreign book (Guangxuan) "Ningling Hall Zhicao" now in the Japanese Toyo Bunko is a first-hand material for the study of Ningling Hall, Zhang Jingsheng was the first to write and study, 2444801 Ba Zhaoxiang studied the most detailed, 2444802 Hu Jiandong and Zhang Jingsheng provided the text for collation. 2444803 each collation research has its own advantages, and some collation research results are also debatable. Through our research, we concluded that this is the compiler's manuscript with 67 pages of text. It is the same as the "Gansu Tongzhi" in the setting of the book category, and the writing method and content are mostly the same as (Jiaqing) "Lingzhou Zhizhi". Because it is not a final draft, the editing style, content, text and other aspects still need to be further improved, substantiated and revised, but its value in studying the history, geography, economy, education, language and other aspects of the Ningling Hall should still be recognized. 3. Finishing results Pay full attention to the study of existing finishing results, which can help us understand the level achieved by the current organization and clearly reorganize the goals to be achieved. For example, "Ningling Hall Zhicao" has published two collated versions, and through comparative research, we found that the two collated books have shortcomings in sorting out styles, sorting methods, and collating conclusions. The two books have many punctuation errors, misunderstanding the text of the original codex, arbitrarily editing the content of the original book, confusing the original book style, rough proofreading, many errors in the original manuscript that cannot be calibrated, imprecise explanations, and many misannotations, and so on. In light of this, although Shikusa has published two collations, we decided to reorganize it. (3) Determine the original text, select the reference school book and other reference literature, conduct on-site exhibition collection investigation, analyze and compare the visual books, sort out the version system of the old journal, and finally determine one as the working base. In principle, the quality of the engraving or copying of the base book is better, and the content is the most complete. After the base book is determined, it is also necessary to determine a batch of reference books and other school materials. Generally speaking, if the old version system is not complicated, it is recommended to list all the heirloom books as reference books to maximize the discovery of problems in the original books and sort out the best texts. The selection of materials for his school began when reading through the old books. On the basis of reading through the original, the collator can sort out the other books explicitly mentioned in the old journal as basic reference literature, and continue to enrich and improve it in the subsequent collation practice. The determination of other school information can be selected according to the information provided by the old journal itself. For example, the "Hongzhi Ningxia Xinzhi Fan Case" said: "The eunuchs in the previous generation are based on the correct history, and those in the dynasty are in the order of the time without leaving other people, and they are also prepared for reference." This reminds us that when proofreading the "Character History" and "Eunuch" of the "Hongzhi Ningxia New Record", we must use the official history such as the "Shiji" and "Hanshu" as the materials of other schools. The "Ordinary Cases" also says: "The three "examinations of history, Helian, and Tuoba" are compiled according to the history of the scriptures and the excerpts of Zhuzi's "General Outline of Reference" and the "Continuation of the Outline of the Dynasty." This reminds us that the content of the three-volume examination of the "Hongzhi Ningxia New Record" must be based on the "Outline of the General Examination of Zizhi" written by Zhu Xi and Zhao Shichun of the Song Dynasty, and the "Outline of the General Examination of Continuing the Governance of Resources" written by the Ming Dynasty Shangshu as the basic proofreading materials. The Bibliography of Citations after the "Ordinary Cases" lists 42 kinds of documents cited in the editing of the "Hongzhi Ningxia New Record", basically in order of the era when the books were cited. These documents, as long as they are handed down, must be included in the reference literature, because they are the most direct sources of historical materials of the Hongzhi Ningxia New Record. When choosing materials from other schools, we must not draw a fixed ground and focus only on a certain area, but should expand the scope of data collection of other schools in combination with the geographical development of a place. Historically, the geographical relations between Shaanxi, Gansu and Ningxia in the northwest were very close to politics and culture. Ningxia was under the jurisdiction of the Shaanxi Bu Government Envoy in the Ming Dynasty, and under the jurisdiction of Gansu Province in the Qing Dynasty, and there are very rich and important historical materials of Ningxia in the local documents of Shaanxi and Gansu in the Ming and Qing dynasties, especially in the old local chronicles. (Jiajing) "Shaanxi Tongzhi", (Wanli) "Shaanxi Tongzhi", (Kangxi) "Shaanxi Tongzhi" and other three zhi are the richest historical materials of Ningxia in the old Shaanxi Tongzhi. (Jiajing) The historical materials of Guyuan Prefecture and Lund County in the Ming Dynasty are very systematic and rich. (Qianlong) "Gansu Tongzhi" and (Xuantong) "Gansu Xintongzhi" are the richest historical materials of Ningxia in the old Gansu Tongzhi. The above-mentioned six kinds of Ningxia historical materials in the Shaanxian and Gansu Old Chronicles provide the richest and most systematic basic historical materials for the compilation of the Ningxia Old Chronicles of the Ming and Qing Dynasties. The old Zhi of the Ming and Qing dynasties were mostly due to the materials and compilation of the Shaanxi and Gansu Tongzhi. For example, Ningxia (Wanli) "Shuofang Xinzhi" is taken from (Jiajing) "Shaanxi Tongzhi", Jiajing and Wan Li's "Guyuan Prefecture Zhi" is taken from (Jiajing) "Pingliang Fuzhi", (Guangxuan) "Huamachi Zhizhi" is taken from (Jiajing) "Dingbian County Zhi", (Qianlong) "Ningxia Fuzhi" and (Republic of China) "Shuofang Daozhi" are influenced by (Qianlong) "Gansu Tongzhi" and (Xuantong) "Gansu Xintongzhi" from style to content, and so on. At the same time, the Ningxia Old Records of the Ming and Qing dynasties are also important materials for studying the cultural history of Shaanxi and Gansu and sorting out the old records of Shaanxi and Gansu, such as the Zhengde, Hongzhi and Jiajing dynasties of the Ming Dynasty, all of which were written earlier than the (Jiajing) Shaanxi Tongzhi, which can provide important reference materials for sorting out the latter. Therefore, it is necessary to sort out the old records of any province of Shaanxi, Gansu and Ningxia, especially the old records of Tongzhi and neighboring areas, and make sure that the data of other schools must pay attention to the old records of the other two provinces at the same time. In addition, the unearthed documents and archival materials are also important materials of other schools, which have not been paid attention to by previous researchers. Such as Qingjing Wang Zhu According to the "Qing Wang Zhi" unearthed in Tongxin County, Ningxia, combined with the Ming and Qing dynasty documents, the author believes that the name of King Qing should be "Zhu." "Not "Zhu Li", let alone "Zhu Xuan". For another example, the "Ningxia Fu Zhi" volume 13 "People" contains that Ningxia Xiang Xie Wang Xiao "died seventy-three deaths", and according to the "Epitaph of Xie Guanzhai of the Great Doctor of Qing Tong Yi" unearthed by Ningxia Lingwu, Xie Wang Lian was born in the tenth year of the Kangxi Dynasty (1671) and died in the eleventh year of the Yongzheng Dynasty (1733) at the age of sixty-three (imaginary age), so it can be used to correct the errors recorded in the "Ningxia Fu Zhi". (4) Writing Proofreading Instructions The main functions of proofreading explanations are twofold: one is to standardize the methods of collation, and the other is to facilitate the use of collation results. The proofreading instructions should be concise and accurate, and the method should be easy to operate and avoid cumbersome. A standard proofreading statement needs to be refined. Before the formal sorting of old records, the basic proofreading requirements for punctuation, annotation, proofreading and other work can be drafted according to the conventional norms for sorting out ancient books, and some of the contents of the old journals can be selected to carry out preparatory sorting work first. Combined with the specific problems encountered, the explanation of the proofreading is constantly improved. These steps of perfection are especially important when multiple people collaborate on the work of organizing old journals, or when organizing multiple old journals at a relatively fixed time. When necessary, typical issues can be selected and discussed collectively to form a unified opinion. After the finishing method is standardized and easy to operate, the final proofreading explains that it becomes a principle requirement that everyone must abide by and cannot be easily changed. 2. After the preliminary preparatory work for sorting out the specific links and methods of sorting out, it is time to enter the specific finishing links. The following mainly talks about the specific sorting methods from the aspects of "ziwen", "punctuation", "proofreading", and "annotation". (1) The first link in sorting out the old history in Chinese script and punctuation is the Chinese text. High-quality conversion of the text of the manuscript into an editable document can effectively reduce the errors caused by the publisher re-arranging the original manuscript. Generally speaking, the content is required to remain in the original form (including volumes, volumes, text, segments, etc.), and not to be adapted, so as to maintain the originality, integrity and independence of the content, so as to facilitate the collator and the proofreading of the original text. The old chronicles that will be published in traditional characters need to pay special attention to the phenomenon of using characters such as variants, vulgar characters, common characters, ancient and modern characters, etc. in the original scripts. If some organizers change "dim" to "marriage", "fowl" to "capture", "field" to "geography", etc., it is obvious that they have made mistakes. 利用軟件進行繁簡字轉換時,要注意其識別率。 For some simplified characters, the software cannot convert them into traditional characters, and some even make mistakes, such as the verb "cloud" is mistakenly converted into "cloud", the earth branch "ugly" is mistakenly changed to "ugly", the official name "御史" is mistakenly changed to "禦史", and the "li" indicating distance is mistakenly converted into "inside". Due to publication requirements, attention should also be paid to the problem of new and old glyphs, such as "household", "Lu", "Wu", "yellow" and "Yan" as old glyphs, and the corresponding new glyphs are "household", "Lü", "Wu", "yellow" and "Yan". For example, "strong, qi, strong", "sign, trace, trace", "敕, 勅, 勑", "for, for" and other groups of characters may appear alternately in the same old history, and the glyph unity of such characters should be cautious. In principle, follow the character habits of the original version of the old zhi, and try to use the original glyph (vulgar character or variant characters). Multiple glyphs are mixed, and can be unified into glyphs that appear more frequently. However, some collators have changed the three groups of characters "merge, and, 竝, and merge," "pick, color, and pick," and "rise, fall, and rise" into "and," "pick," and "rise," and it is very debatable. Different glyphs, if they have their own special uses or meanings, cannot be arbitrarily merged and changed. In particular, the use of words for place names must not be based on modern laws. For example, "Pingluo" in Pingluo County in Ningxia is a place name word that began to be used in the Qing Dynasty, and it was changed to "Pingluo" in volume 1 "Geography" of the Shuofang New Zhi, and "Territory, Ningxiawei" in volume 2 of the Shaanxi Tongzhi (Kangxi) to avoid the Qing dynasty and changed it to "Pingluo". When sorting out, the "Pingyu" in the "Shuofang Xinzhi" cannot be changed to "Pingluo", because the Ming Dynasty was originally called "Pingyu", and the Qing Dynasty changed it for avoidance, so it cannot change the place name of the old Ming Dynasty because of its current name. Similarly, to sort out the old records of the Qing Dynasty, it is necessary to change the place names of the Ming Dynasty back to the words used at that time. For example, in the second volume of the "Qianlong Ningxia Fu Zhi", "Dili, Territory, and Border", the "Northern Great Wall" article "Although there is a Pingyu City" and "so that it is in the north of Pingyu City, Shili Xu" is two sentences, and "Pingyu" was originally written as "Pingluo", but when it was changed back to "Pingyu" according to the second volume of the "Shuofang Xinzhi" "Waiwei Border Defense". When sorting out the text, the organizer should do a certain amount of document editing work on the manuscript, carefully read the original will, reasonably distinguish the content level and subordinate relationship, and standardize and label the headings at all levels. Old Zhi often used different typography styles and sizes of fonts to distinguish different types of content, which should be given full consideration when writing in Ziwen. The Old Chronicles often use different types of symbols to indicate hierarchical affiliations of content, and this is fully understood, which helps to segment the content when writing it. In the original version of the old journal, there are many double-line small prints, some double-line small print is supplementary and descriptive text, and some double-line small print is explanatory text. If the font and font number are the same as the text of the text, it may make the reader unable to correctly judge the affiliation relationship of the content of the original journal, and some may also cause confusion in punctuation marks and affect the understanding of the meaning of the text. Therefore, when writing in Zi, it is best to distinguish the original double-line small print of the old journal from the main text with different fonts and font sizes. When dealing with maps and other image documents in the old journal, it should be noted that the old journal often does not use a whole page to present a complete image, but is presented in two and a half pages, and it is best to combine them into one when organizing them today. The synthesized image document should be kept as clear as possible, and if necessary, the blurred words, lines, etc. in the original version can be repaired clearly so that others can use it correctly, but there is a principle, that is, it cannot be changed inadvertently. Do not change the original font, can not change the direction of the original line, etc., try to keep the original appearance. Some finishers will ask professional drafters to draw new drawings from the old drawings, and the above principles should also be followed. When revising the ambiguous text in the original version, try to combine the corresponding content in the text, such as "Territory" and "City", to avoid mistakes. The punctuation of the old history can be standardized according to the current use of punctuation marks, combined with the general practice of ancient book collation, and specifically refer to the "Interpretation of Ancient Books School Point (First Draft)" compiled by the China Book Company (originally published in "Books" No. 4, 1991). In order to unify the punctuation work of the old journal, certain requirements can be refined. For example, when sorting out the old records of Ningxia, it is stipulated that all the "Tongzhi", "Fuzhi", "County Zhi", "Xinzhi", "Old Zhi" and so on used in the original book to indicate the specific sources of historical materials, and those who can verify and determine the documents referred to, add the title of the book to the main text, punctuate them as "Tongzhi", "Fuzhi", "County Zhi", "County Zhi", "Xinzhi", and "Old Zhi", and note the specific documents referential. For example: "Fuzhi: refers to (Qianlong) "Ningxia Fuzhi". "Where it is uncertain what is specifically referred to, the title of the book is not added, and the footnote is given. For example: "County History: The specific documents referred to are not detailed." "(2) Annotating the collation of old chronicles in the past, paying more attention to the annotation of difficult words, allusions, personal names, geographical names, etc., and in order to further enhance the use value of the old chronicles, it is also necessary to strengthen the annotation and interpretation of the following aspects: 1. Annotation of historical sources. The old text sometimes indicates the historical source, but it is not customized, such as Zhu The sources of historical materials cited in the "River Channel" in the volume of the "Ningxia Zhi" include: "Yuan Water Classic", "Zhou Li", "Western Qiang Biography", "Tang Tubo Biography", "Li Hearing Biography", "Geographical History", "Huiyi", "Yuan Hezhi", "Yuan Shizuji", "Zhang Wenqian's Biography", "Guo Shoujing's Biography", etc., respectively, referring to Gong Daoyuan's "Notes on the Water Classic", "Zhou Li Di Guan Situ Suiren", "Houhanshu" volume 87 "Western Qiang Biography", "New Book of Tang" volume 216 under "Tubo Biography", "New Book of Tang" volume 154 "Li Shengchuan with Li Hearing Biography", "New Book of Tang" Volume 37 "Geographical History", "Tang Huiyi", "Yuanhe County Chart", "Yuan History" Volume 5 "Shizu Benji", "Yuan History" Volume 157 "Zhang Wenqian's Biography", and Yuan History Volume 164 "Guo Shoujing's Biography", if the collator does not carefully examine and indicate the quotation, I am afraid it will be difficult for readers to judge the specific source of the quotation. 2.本文体例中資料互見者的注解。 When writing old local chronicles, the words "see before", "see "Jinshi", "see "Yiwen", "see "People", "see "Xiangxian", etc.", often appear in the words "see before", "see "Jinshi", "see "see "Xiangxian", etc., and on the one hand, the interpretation of these contents can verify whether the original records are credible, and on the other hand, save the reader's labor of checking. 3.Notes on the year of the dry branch and the default content. The old Zhi era is mostly based on the dry branch, some will inherit the previous omitted the imperial year, and some texts often do not appear the full name of the character, only call a certain duke, or only call his official name, the specific age and character are not explained in the original text, so the organizer should be combined with the context to annotate to help the reader understand correctly. For example, many Ningxia old records contain the article "Lingwu Appointed Palace Chanting and Order" by Yang Yan of the Tang Dynasty, which includes the sentence "Ding Dian, Guangping Wang Li, Taiwei Guangbi, Situ Ziyi, Shangshu Zuo Servant Crown, Bingbu Shangshu Fuguo". It is difficult to figure out when "ding" refers to, and who the king of Guangping refers to, if you are not familiar with the time and historical background of the preface. Through checking the documents, the collators indicated that "Ding Dun" was the fifteenth year of the reign of Emperor Xuanzong of Tang (727), and the characters referred to Li Li the Prince of Guangping, Li Guangbi, Situ Guo Ziyi, Shangshu Zuo Shu Pei Mian, and Shangshu Li Fuguo, which obviously helped to better understand the original text. (3) In the collation of the old Ningxia chronicles in the past, valuable proofreading results are very rare, which further shows that the collation of the old chronicles must strengthen the proofreading work. The method of proofreading is commonly used in the four methods of proofreading, that is, the school, the school, the other school, and the science school, which often need to be used comprehensively, and cannot simply use one of the methods. The author checked the sentence "Yongle Jia Jia Years Jinbo Lake Product Hehuan Lian Yi" in the volume of "Ningxia Zhi", and found that there was no "Jia Jiao" in the name of the "Yongle" year of Chengzu (from 癸未 to Jiachen, 1403-1424). Under the volume of "Ningxia Zhi", the "Inscription" has Ning Zhen (Zhu The song "Jinbo Lake Hehuanlian" by the seven laws is the "auspicious rui" acacia of Jinbo Lake in the year of Yongle. Therefore, it is known that in the sentence "Yongle Jia Jia Years Jinbo Lake Products Hehuan Lian Yi", "Jia Jiao" is regarded as "戊戌", and Yongle Peng Years is the sixteenth year of Yongle (1418). The collation of ancient books should fully absorb the existing research results to minimize the errors in the original texts and avoid the use of users to pass on the teachings. cinnabar There are two important Western Xia texts under the volume of the edited "Ningxia Zhi", of which the "Great Xia National Funeral Relic Jie Ming" has the sentence "Built on August 10 of the third year of the Great Summer Celebration", Zhu After research, it is believed that the time of burial relic "is the third year of Xia Huanzong's pure blessing of Tianqing, and the second year of Song Ningzong's Qingyuan." Ningxia Old Chronicles editors and even many contemporary scholars agree with this conclusion. According to Niu Dasheng's "Two Western Xia Texts in the New Records of Jiajing Ningxia", the sentence "three years of Tianqing" is regarded as "three years of Daqing", so Zhu The conclusion of the examination should be changed to "Nai Xia Jingzong Yuanhao Daqing three years, Song Renzong Jingyu five years Peng Yin Ye". Some well-related other school materials should be used as important other school materials, such as the "Ningxia Fuzhi" A large amount of content comes from (Wanli) "Shuofang Xinzhi" and (Qianlong) "Gansu Tongzhi", we will take these two old records as the most important other school materials in the "Ningxia Fuzhi". This can be understood in conjunction with the reference literature screening work to be carried out before sorting. The expression of proofreading results should be standardized and concise, and the use of terms should be accurate. All changes must be noted during the proofreading, and the changes must have solid evidence, otherwise only foreign texts can be published. III. Sorting Out and Studying the Norms of the Old Records (1) Sorting out the old records should strive to preserve the truth and restore the old records, and should not change the old style, and arbitrarily add text content that was not originally in the original text, and avoid using the modern law of the old. The old records, especially the old records of the Ming and Qing dynasties, have a certain editing style, and they should not be changed arbitrarily. For example, many old records will have the symbol "one" before each article to make the examples clear, but some organizers mistakenly think it is a serial number, and change it to Arabic numerals or Chinese numerals. In order to facilitate readers' statistics, some old chronicles often add ordinal words before mountain names, river names, personal names, poem titles, article titles, etc., which seems to be clear, but in fact violates the principle of ancient book collation. In fact, when the ancients carved the old history, they often had a set of symbol systems to indicate the hierarchy and subordination, and the arbitrary increase of today's people is really a painting snake. What's more, the order and position of the content of the original book will be adjusted, and the original record will be arbitrarily deleted, which will completely become a local chronicle edited by contemporary organizers. Peng Shuxia of the Song Dynasty recorded in his "Preface to the Dialectic of Wenyuan Yinghua": "Shu Xia heard the words of Mr. Yigong (referring to the Song Dynasty Zhou Bida): 'The law of school writing: Facts are right, and many hears are doubtful. The sorting out of old records should strive to achieve the restoration of the original, and standardize the sorting out of old records in accordance with certain sorting principles. (2) In research, it is necessary to seek truth from facts and evaluate the old records, and we must seek truth from facts, fully understand the characteristics of the times in the compilation of the old records, and must not be harsh on the ancients and seek perfection. To evaluate the value of an old journal, we often start from both the aspects of style and content, and the content is very important. Mr. Tan Qiyu once said: "The main reason why the old Fangzhi have preservation value is that they more or less retain some original historical materials that are not found in other records. "2444804 this actually requires us to look at the value of the content of the old chronicles differently, only the content value of the original chronicles is higher, and the value of those content that attacks other chronicles or is taken from other historical books is a different matter." For example, Ningxia Old Zhi, its imperial examination, taxation, office, school, art and literature and other materials are mostly unique to the writers, and the character data is mostly inherited from other records, when evaluating the value of the content, it is necessary to be cautious about the value of the character data. In addition, when Ningxia Laozhi inherited the historical materials of the previous dynasty, many of them were not identified and examined, resulting in errors in them being also attacked, and even added mistakes. For example, the Sui Dynasty Liu Yu migrated to the "Shuofang Huaiyuan Town", and since the Ming Dynasty's "Hongzhi Ningxia New Record", it has been recorded as a historical celebrity in Ningxia. According to the Ming Dynasty Hu Shi's "True Pearl Ship" "Huaiyuan Town", the "Shuofang Huaiyuan Town" is in Liaodong and has nothing to do with present-day Ningxia. "Hongzhi Ningxia Xinzhi", "Jiajing Ningxia Xinzhi", "Jiajing Shaanxi Tongzhi", "Shuofang Xinzhi" and so on all mistakenly thought that Liu Yu was exiled in the former place of present-day Ningxia, so Liu Yu was carried as a Ningxia exile. (Qianlong) "Gansu Tongzhi" also attacked him. In the past, those who studied the old history of Ningxia were limited to talking about its value themselves, and failed to analyze its value from the historical sources. For example, when evaluating the content and academic value of the "Yinchuan Xiaozhi", some scholars believe that the journal has almost all the poems related to Ningxia in the book, and the water conservancy, schools, customs, and other materials collected are of great research value, and so on, and these views are worthy of further discussion. In fact, a considerable part of the content of the "Yinchuan Xiaozhi" is based on the old Ningxia Zhi compiled by the Ming Dynasty, and is not Wang Xiaochen's original creation. From the point of view of the completeness and comprehensiveness of the content, the zhi cannot be compared with the old Ningxia records compiled by the Ming Dynasty. Some scholars believe that there are three most precious items in the Ningxia Old Chronicles, one of which is the "Notes on Enjiao" in the "Ningxia Fu Zhi". But in fact, this historical material was first published in the "Pacifying Shuo Mo Strategy", and the "Ningxia Fuzhi" also mistakenly copied the left-wing "Shang Zhilong" as "Shang Zhilong". Strengthening the comparative study of old journals will help to improve the research standards of old journals. For example, in the past, researchers engaged in the study of ancient literature and history in Northwest China, especially the ancient literature and history of Ningxia, often used the old records of Ningxia as first-hand data, but from the perspective of historical sources, these materials were actually not "first-hand", but mostly collected from the local chronicles of Shaanxi and Gansu. Judging from the results of the existing compilation of the old Ningxia Fangzhi, most scholars have not used the Shaanxia Fangzhi data as necessary reference materials, resulting in the infallibility of the text errors and content errors inherited from the Shaanxia Fangzhi by the Ningxia Old Zhi, as well as the new text and content errors, so that future generations can pass them on. At the same time, to engage in the study of ancient literature and history of Shaanxi and Gansu and to carry out the collation and research of the old Fangzhi of Shaanxi and Gansu, we should also pay attention to borrowing the results of the collation and research of the old Ningxia Zhi. Identify historical sources from right and wrong to avoid inheritance. (3) The results ensure the complete presentation of a complete work of old history, which must include at least five parts: First, the preface. It mainly introduces the current status of the old journal's collation and research, the beginning and end of editing, the editor, the version, the content, and the value. Second, proofreading explanations. Explain the selection of the base book, school book, etc., and list the principles of punctuation, annotation, proofreading, etc. Third, a new cataloguing of the form. The old journal generally has the original catalog, but it is not convenient for people to use today, so it is necessary to compile the new catalogue with clear eyebrows, clear levels and easy to use according to the results of the collation. Fourth, the text of the old journal. Fifth, refer to the literature. Among the old journals currently published, some do not list reference documents, and some reference documents are either sorted by the time of publication of the documents, or in the order in which they appear in the text, or by the phonetic order of the title of the book and the first word of the author's name, which does not play a role in guiding academic research. Reference literature should be convenient according to diagrams, and it is best to organize them into categories. Ranking according to the four ku methods is a good choice. For some old journals, you can add indexes, appendices and other content as needed. Indexing can make it easier for users to find relevant special topic data, and the appendix can make up for the shortcomings of the insufficient content of the text of the old journal to a certain extent. For example, the Ningxia area during the Republic of China carried out a more detailed investigation of land, resources, etc., and the investigation report formed was the most original archival data, which is often scattered and cannot be written separately, but they have a good supplementary effect on the relevant old records, so they should be retained in the annex. As the editor-in-chief of Ningxia Rare Fangzhi Journal, I am very grateful to all academic colleagues, school leaders, graduate students, responsible editors and families who have supported the publication of this book. Liu Hongyan, Liu Yuhong, Shao Min, Cai Shumei and other young teachers of the School of Humanities of Ningxia University, as the authors of the first batch of achievements of this book, have done their best, not tired of it, and persevered, ensuring the academic quality of the manuscript and bringing a good head start to the completion of this project. According to the plan, teachers such as Tian Fujun and An Zhengfa will publish and collate their results within the framework of this book project, and expect them to produce high-quality academic results. 2011 is the "Year of Academic Construction" of Ningxia University, thanks to President He Jianguo and Vice President Xie Yingzhong, and to the department leaders Wang Zhengying, Li Jianzhi, Chen Xiaofang and other teachers for their strong support, under their direct promotion, with this author as the academic leader, in cooperation with the pilot work of the reform of the grassroots organizational model carried out by the school, an academic team of "Ningxia Local Ethnic Documents and Arab Islamic Culture Research" was formed. The institutional guarantee and financial support provided by Ningxia University have enabled the academic team to continuously launch new achievements and enter a stage of benign development, and the smooth publication of this book should be the team's best return to the university. Graduate students in the School of Humanities also contributed greatly to the publication of this book. Sun Jia, Han Chao, Sun Yu, Cao Yang, etc. are the authors of the first batch of achievements of this book, Zhang Yukun, He Meimei, Ma Lingling, Wei Shujing, Mu Xuan, Xu Yuanchao, Sun Xiaoqian, Li Tian, Li Rong, Zhang Qian, Qu Xu, Zhang Nana, Liu Hong, Pu Jing, Wang Min and other students also paid hard labor in the process of sorting out the old records and proofreading the manuscripts. Some of these students have graduated and left school, and some will continue their studies. No matter where they are in the future or what kind of work they will do, the experience of pursuing academic together should be unforgettable. The youthful vigor of my graduate students made me more convinced that the torch is passed on and the academic is always new. The careful review of the publisher Zhang Lin and other responsible editors has also improved the academic quality of this book. I would also like to thank the authors' families for their understanding and support for the smooth publication of this book—your silent dedication has been transformed into thousands of words and shines brightly in the author's work. Academic achievements have never been water without a source or a tree without roots. With the shoulders of giants, we will see higher and further. In Ningxia, there is a group of scholars engaged in the collation and research of local literature, and their exploration and efforts have laid a solid foundation for our achievements today, and scholars of the older generation such as Wu Zhongli, Chen Mingyou, and Gao Shuyu have set an example for us to govern. Due to space limitations, I will not list all colleagues in the academic field one by one. This comprehensive sorting out of the old local history of Ningxia was mainly planned and organized by me. I put forward specific suggestions for each link of the old chronicle collation, and I also completed the selection of the manuscripts of the old chronicles, the writing of the "General Preface", the "Preface" and the "Annotation Notes". In the process of specific collation, the academic achievements such as annotation or proofreading obtained by each team member are shared by each other, which also reflects the characteristics of our teamwork. Song Dynasty Shen Kuo recorded in "Mengxi Pen Talks" volume 25 "Miscellaneous Records II": "Song Xuan devoted erudition, liked to collect foreign books, and all of them were self-schooled, often called 'school books are like sweeping dust, while sweeping, while living.'" Therefore, there is a book every three or four schools that is apologetic. Song Shou (謚蛰 "Xuanxiang") has a collection of tens of thousands of volumes, a history of the school scriptures, and a sense of "school books are like sweeping dust", and I can only say when it comes to sorting out the old records of Ningxia: "Dedication!" More like "Shijing Xiaoya Xiaomin": "Trembling, like approaching the abyss, like walking on thin ice." "We strive for fulfillment from the subjective point of view, but due to the limitation of the level of knowledge, errors in the results are inevitable, and we invite colleagues in the academic community to criticize and correct." July 23, 2015 in Yinchuan, Ningxia(AI翻译)





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