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The transformation between urban and rural areas is the largest scale social change in the world.In this transformation process,the Eighteenth National Congress of the CPC has proposed that it is prior to other work to solve the problems of agriculture,countryside and peasants and the integration between urban and rural areas is the fundamental way to settle the problem.This fact determines the urban and rural integration become the fundamental and basic spirit of China's work of agriculture,countryside and peasants.In academic circles,integration of urban and rural has gradually evolved into an academic hotspot issues.

It is not much from the perspective of peasants' rights to study the integration of urban and rural,or from Combination between urban⁃rural integration and t peasants' rights together.Many scholars study the urban⁃rural integration from the layout of urban and rural areas,factor mobility,information construction and so on.The perspective to put farmers' rights on the center for research,still needs to be strengthened.The dissertation would take the rights of peasants on the integration of urban and rural areas as the perspective,be guided by Marx theory,research their present status and analyze the cause of farmers' rights to be damaged,and construct the macro system to protect their rights in the urban⁃rural integration process.

This dissertation is divided into the introduction and the five chapters.

The introduction part mainly deals with related concepts and mades the literature review both on the integration of urban⁃rural areas and on the protection on their rights.It has showed the research significance and research method.

The first chapter is to explore the theoretical origin of protecting the rights of the peasants during integration of urban and rural areas in China.The theory to guide Chinese socialist construction is the Marxism and the theory to protect peasants' rights during the integration of urban and rural in China is still the Marxism.The main contents of this chapter is to studie the thought of Marxist classic writers including Marx,Engels and Lenin to protect the rights of peasants,and to explore the development of Chinese Communist Party thought to protect the rights of the peasants with Mao Zedong,Deng Xiaoping,Jiang Zemin,Hu Jintao and Xi Jinping as its representatives.

The second chapter analyzes the internal logicbetween the urban⁃rural integration and peasants' rights protection.The urban⁃rural integration should be close together with peasants'rights protection.On the one hand,the substantive issue of urban⁃rural integration is to solve the right problems of urban and rural residents,especially peasants' rights.The integration provides an opportunity to solve the problem of peasants' rights and to create equal and favorable legal,social and cultural environment.On the other hand,protection on the peasants' rights can effectively promote the development of urban⁃rural integration.The protection of peasant rights is the basic tool to measure the gain and loss of urban⁃rural integration.To achieve the development goals of urban⁃rural integration,protection issues of peasants' rights need to be solved.We must solve the problem of peasants'rights protection in order to break the development bottleneck of urban⁃rural integration.Chinese material and ideological condition have been met to promote peasants' rights protection during the urban⁃rural integration vigorously.

The third chapter discusses the peasants' protection problems during the Chinese urban⁃rural integration from political,economic,cultural and social rights.

The political rights defect of the peasants in the urban⁃rural integration includes The right to self⁃determine rural social public affairs,take the national public posts,supervise the state power and act jointly.The main problems of the peasants' economic rights have included deficiency of working right.Especially,lack of the peasants'land property rights is prominent.The hollow position of the subject of land property rights appeared.They have land but no right,or no interests or little interests.They pay attention to the survival right but ignore the right to development.

Thepeasants' investment rights problems of agricultural field include ones of fiscal income right and financial right for peasants.They are facing high interest rate,loan conditions harsh,cumbersome procedure,less loan amount and short duration.The main problems of cultural rights existing in the urban⁃rural integration is the lack of peasants cultural life right,shortage to use the cultural infrastructure and service releasing,and the peasants' right defect of cultural participation and management.The social security right problems of the peasants is,although the demand of social endowment insurance demand is exuberant,security level of innovation is not enough,security right legalization is backward.The potency of new rural cooperative medical insurance is not enough and the scope of claim settlement range is narrow.The content is not comprehensive.The problems of the peasants' environmental right include the right to know the environment is losing,deficient environmental participation right,affected right to use environment and farmers'environmental rights cannot be guaranteed.The right problems to be educated include teaching facilities is not perfect and teaching staff weak.Their occupational education right cannot be guaranteed.As for Left⁃behind children education rights defects,the education right of children of migrant workers in town,the right problem of migrant workers to be educated and trained,these are all the performance of peasants' education rights defects.

The fourth chapter has an analysis on the reason of the peasants' rights defect in the urban⁃rural integration.The dual economic⁃social structure between urban⁃rural areas has a profound side effect on the peasants'rights.This chapter reviews the mechanisms of formation and operation of the dual economic⁃social structure between urban⁃rural areas,discussed the influence of the structure on the peasants' rights.It cause the scarcity of the peasants' upward mobility opportunity,non⁃equilibrium of horizontal flow and the rights differences between residents of urban⁃rural areas.The defect reasons of peasants'rights are also connected with economic factors.The level of their rights to achieve is closely related with the level of economic development.The rapid development of the economy brings the increase of material living standard and greatly enhances their desire for more rights.At the same time it also has led to the rapid development of transportation and communication technology network,which provides more convenient conditions for their protection of the rights.It is connected with unclear definition and unreasonable distribution of public interests.International conventions on the public interest are strictly defined by list or generalization in order to put an end to infringement in the name of public interest.Chinese public interests are not clearly defined and the unreasonable distribution of interests finally affected the peasants' rights and national prestige.Political factors of the peasants' rights defect in the urban⁃rural integration include the rural grassroots government self⁃interest excitement and existing political communication mechanism problems.Such a self⁃excitement causes prominence of township government staff's personal interest and expansion of local and departmental interests,and trigger interest extension of the township government institutions.The defect of the political communication mechanism mainly lies in unreasonable representative structure in the people' s congress system.The deficient strength of the structure to protect the interests of the peasants and the lack of effective link between representatives and voters restricts the expression and the transmission of their rights.The problem of the communication mechanism is also reflected in the defect of the petition.The defect of the peasants' rights in urban⁃rural integration have Chinese cultural causes.The negative influence of traditional culture includes the sense of obedience to the monarchical power,the negative impact of a culture of honest and upright official,and adverse infiltration of grade difference pattern concept.Moreover,the low overall quality of the peasants and low right efficacy is an important cause of culture.

The fifth chapter is to construct the macro system to protect the peasants' rights in the urban⁃rural integration.The core principles to protect peasants' rights should include of the Party leadership,political stability,the principle of fairness and justice,the principle of the top⁃level design and the principle of gradual and orderly development.To protect the peasants' rights in the urban⁃rural integration,we must respect their subject status and admit they are the subject of rights.This is to cultivate the awareness of their rights,to establish an effective mechanism for expressing their interests.In the integration,the main responsibility subject must be made clear and both should correctly handle the relationship between the power subject and the responsibility subject.Specifically,in the relationship between state power and the rights of farmers,we must emphasize the peasants' rights as the standard,give priority to protect and realize the peasants' rights.In dealing with the conflict between the economic development and the peasants' rights,we should take the protection and realization of their rights as the bottom line to coordination between the two,and take essential equality as the purpose to realize responsibility and obligation to protect.If the realization of their rights would depend on the nation,national power should create and provide protection conditions for them.The state responsibility subject status should play mainly through financial support of the public goods,agricultural market financial regulation and establishment of law.In addition we should provide financial support to the minimum life guarantee system,public health and compulsory education,strengthen the regulation and control of agricultural credit market,and establish agricultural insurance and subsidies.The law construction is mainly to improve the relevant legislation of their rights,establish judicial review and constitutional litigation system,regulate the rural administrative law enforcement,improve the judicial relief system,increase legal aid funds through multiple channels,improve the quality and quantity of legal aid workers.We should choose the road of collectivization in the future and develop collective economy.





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