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基金信息: 河北经贸大学学术著作出版基金;河北经贸大学产业经济学学科建设项目基金 展开













Farmer specialized cooperative in China have entered a phase of growth by leaps and bounds,since the law of People's Republic of China on specialized farmer cooperative was enacted and took effect.But at the same time,the development of farmer specialized cooperative is confronted with many problems,such as small production scales,low competitiveness and weak driving force.The internal institutional arrangements of farmer specialized cooperative in China also show the full ecological diversity.Especially in some farmer specialized cooperative,there is a strong sense of demutualization and these organizations are usually controlled by few large shareholders.In these cooperatives,fewer ordinary farmers benefits,leaving the farmer specialized cooperative an obvious heterogeneous organization.So is there any vitality for the growth of farmer specialized cooperative under the existing constraints in China?Is it the product that economists called for and government encouraged enthusiastically for a long time or a real new competitive economic organization?In which conditions will the farmer specialized cooperative emerge and develop?And how much growth room will it have?What exactly the way to organize and operate the farmer specialized cooperative at the moment?What problems are they facing with?For farmers,how should they understand the farmer specialized cooperative and who has the will and finally join the farmer specialized cooperative?What should government do to guide and regulate the development of farmer specialized cooperative?

Western scholars usually consider the surroundings,(agricultural industrialization,small agricultural population,large-scale agricultural production)on which Cooperatives of Europe and America are indispensable to the survival and development,as established preconditions and rarely pay enough attention.Farmer specialized cooperative in these countries have entered the mature stage.While in China,farmers only have small scale of production,sideline activities are quite common among farmers,the specialization of agricultural production are in a low degree and the differentiation between farm households give rise to an obvious heterogeneity,all the facts described above makes the generation,development and the internal institutional arrangement of farmer specialized cooperative with distinctive Chinese characteristics.In addition,since the process of farmer specialized cooperative in China has just started,We shouldn't totally copy Western Agricultural Cooperative Theories.Draw on the international research on the basis of the reality of China,systematic analysis on various problems encountered in the development process of farmer specialized cooperative are necessary to promote the healthy development of farmer specialized cooperative in China.

The book identifies that a well-organized farmer specialized cooperative should include the following:1)the development patterns should adapted to the restrictions of environment and stage of development in China thus to have a solid survival foundation and broad development space.2)clarify Poverty Rights and perfect the governance mechanism to make farmer specialized cooperative have more vigor and vitality.3)Beneficiaries of the farmer specialized cooperative are the majority of farmers,and will attract other farmers to join.4)farmer specialized co operative should connect with other kinds of rural organizations effectively to meet the rural economic and social development.

The book uses the theoretical framework of New Institutional Economics to illustrate the general theory.By making two levels of investigations,both from farmer specialized cooperative and its members,using the firsthand information and adopting statistics analysis and econometric analysis measures,the author identifies problems,sums up the law,reflects the development of farmer specialized cooperative in China and finally provides ideas and suggestions to promote the sound development of farmer specialized cooperative.

Chapter 1 introduces the general theory of farmer specialized cooperative,providing theoretical support and frame of reference for future research.The author analyzes the reasonable appearance of farmer specialized cooperative on perspective of Mainstream Economy and New Institutional Economy and discussed Property Right definition and institutional changes.The book's view is the core of the farmer specialized cooperative is to achieve“jointly owned,democratically controlled and benefits farmer members”.However the system evolvement,we should make judgments and recognitions according to the above principle.At the end of this chapter,the supporting policies from governments all over the world and the scholars' doubts about the policy of supporting are given to provide reference for the formulation support policy of farmer specialized cooperative in China.

Chapter 2 is on‘the development history and the background of farmer specialized cooperative in China.Review the test of farmer specialized cooperative that were advocated by patriotic intellectuals,the promotion of the development of farmer specialized cooperative during the National Government as well as‘Cooperative’movement after the founding of PRC.In the New Period,farmer specialized cooperative are the products of system innovation.Farmers are driven by profits under the market economy environment sets up farmer specialized cooperative,which is also a return to traditional farmer specialized cooperative.The small scale of production,the commonly exists in sideline activities and the low degree of specialization in agricultural production significantly influence the development space and system arrangement of farmer specialized cooperative.In addition,the tortuous history of“Cooperation”movement results in many kinds of economic and social organizations that are related to“cooperation”in practice.This chapter analyzes related concept thoroughly and clarify some common misunderstand concepts.

Chapter 3 investigates the basic conditions of situation on the basis of questionnaires.The study founds that:1)the farmer specialized cooperative have experienced the stage of explosive growth since the law of People's Republic of china on specialized farmer cooperative enacted.Currently,the development of farmer specialized cooperative just entered the adjust period,minority strong forces are coexistence with majority small and medium ones.In most farmer specialized cooperative,business activities are limited to initial phase of industrial chains.2)heterogeneities are so obvious that the system arrangement of some farmer specialized cooperative have deviated from the essence.Core members who pass some of the voting and surplus distribution rights over to the peripheral members,but can still control the farmer specialized cooperative by taking control of the council and become main beneficiaries.Although such system arrangements fit with the efficiency principle of allocation of corporate property,they don't meet the expectations of government and society.Also the arrangements are conflict with the foundation of the various preferential policies.3)at present,the operation of farmer specialized cooperative are faced with difficulties such as insufficient capital,shortage of talents and inappropriate implementation of policy,etc.

Chapter 4 Based on questionnaires of both members and nonmembers from 13 farmer specialized cooperative that covered within space,The author learned the farmer specialized cooperative from farmers’points of view,analyzed the farmers’willingness,behavior and influential factors to join the farmer specialized cooperative,and pay particular attention to the comparison between members and nonmembers and the obstacle that turn the farmers’willingness into behavior.The study results show that:vulnerable farmers,who have lower level education and show obvious feature of sideline activities are more willing to join farmer specialized cooperative.Nevertheless,their behaviors are not totally based on their needs and willingness,that is,they are more influenced by other factors(external environment).These farmers,who finally joined the farmer specialized cooperative,are at the average age of 50.And farmers show a preference for intensive farmer specialized cooperative,however they have no choice.Strengthen the promotion of farmer specialized cooperative knowledge will have positive relationship to farmers’willingness and behaviors.

Chapter 5 firstly makes the basic judgments of the development of farmer specialized cooperative and then put forward principle and ideas that we should use to promote the development of farmer specialized cooperative,according to theoretical analysis and empirical research.The book proposes that,in order to boost the healthy development of farmer specialized cooperative,the first thing to do is to have a clear understanding of development space and encourage the development of farmer specialized cooperative which is conform to the nature of farmer specialized cooperative.Besides further improvement on the legislation of farm er specialized cooperative,to establish and improve the accounting system is the precondition of the standard development of farmer specialized cooperative.To explore efficient and systematic support measures are quite necessary.The promotion of development of local or even national organizations,enhancement of the combination between farmer specialized cooperatives,support of the research and training institutions of farmer specialized cooperative and the attention to the spread of knowledge of farmer specialized cooperative may not have instant results,but can lay the foundation for longterm sound development of farmer specialized cooperative.

Key words:Farmer specialized cooperative;Healthy development;Institutional Analysis;Empirical analysis





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