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第二,本书研究方法前沿,具有很强的创新性。比如,虽然国内外有很多文献研究公有部门和私有部门之间的工资差距,但几乎都忽略未就业状态的劳动者群体引起的选择性偏差问题。本书利用Meng and Schimidt(1985)提供的双重选择思路来分析大学毕业生公私部门的工资差异,具有较强的方法创新性,所得结论令人更为信服。再如,Appleton分解虽然复杂,但能够解决指数基准和样本选择问题;边际处理效应不仅更一致地估计高等教育质量回报,还能刻画教育回报的异质性,相对于平均处理效应具有明显的优势。本书尝试分别用来分析大学毕业生性别工资差异和211院校毕业生的工资溢价。


关键词:大学毕业生 工资结构 均值分解 能力 双重选择 边际处理效应


In the contexts of both college expansion and financial crisis,college graduates employment issues have become pressing;however,there is little deep and systematic analysis at a micro level in this academic field.In the meanwhile,current labor market of graduates is promising,but researchers have paid not enough attention to its mechanism.Classic human capital theory cannot explain why wage differentials between groups with homogenous human capital still exist.New theories such as Segmented Labor Markets Theory or discrimination arguments provide several answers to this phenomenon.My thesis investigates initial wage structures for the graduates with almost same human capital investments in order to find out more reasons for difficulty of college graduates’employments.The study includes 8 chapters,and the main idea of each chapter is listed as follows:

Chapter 1 illustrates the research background and influence,introduces the thoughts and contributions,and gives a brief idea about data sources,data processing,and the descriptive characteristics so as to provide the research motivation intuitively.

The second chapter reviews the relevant literatures at both home and abroad,and gives some comments.It first introduces the theories such as human capital and segmented labor market and common methods for the wage structure research.Then,the chapter takes a systematic review about wage structure from gender,industry,sector,and city size view,respectively.It finally concludes and makes some comments so that I can find out the research empties and caveats and also further highlight the creation and contribution of the whole thesis.

Chapter 3 is the research about the gender wage differentials for graduates.Firstly,it builds up an analysis framework for gender wage gaps,and proposes several hypotheses.For example,gender wage gap stems from discrimination and ability issues,and industries with more women usually have lower wages and larger gender wage differentials.Then,I testify above arguments using a survey data of Placement and Ability of Chinese College Graduates graduated in 2008.In addition,we conduct a comparison about gender wage gaps and discriminations across the world,and it turns out that the gender wage gap in current Chinese graduate labor market is relatively lower than that in the developed countries and districts while the gender discrimination is the highest among them.Finally,I provide relevant discussions and expansions in an econometric method view,and confirm that intra-industry wage differential and gender discrimination is very serious.The results infer that,it is quite necessary for female graduates to lift up working abilities and to crowd into male-dominated industries in order to earn more wages.

Chapter 4 analyzes the determinants of employment choice and wages in different income industries,and estimates the magnitude and composition of wage differentials.Based on the same survey data,I find that,those who are male,from 211 universities or having good family backgrounds seem easier to enter high-paying industries,and individual ability plays an important role in industrial choice and wage in come.Industry wage differential is as high as 41%,over 80% of which can be attributable to industrial segmentation while geographic factors dominate the rest portion.High-low paying wage differential and segmentation portion will go down while ability explainable portion will rise if getting rid of several monopoly industry subsamples.These empirical evidences indicate that the labor market of graduates also has traits of unequal opportunity and severe segmentation,and the nonmarket factors such as state monopoly affect the industry segmentation directly and heavily.

Adjusting double selection biases from both working participation and sectoral choice,the fifth chapter investigates the magnitude and composition of wage differentials between public and private sectors based on the microdata for graduates employment.The results show that those who once graduated from 211 universities,having good family backgrounds or from the middle or western areas of China seem more easily to enter public sector while those who majored in law or science or from the poor areas in the middle or western of China are less likely to be employed in the labor market.Selection terms seem not significant to the public sector while have a significantly positive impact on wages of the private.The sectoral wage differential is merely 18%,61% of which can be attributable to segmentation effect,with performance varying by gender.These show that the new labor market has traits of unequal opportunity and segmentation as well,though the public-private sector wage gap for graduates seems small,which may partially explain the phenomenon of“civil servant fever”.

Chapter 6 empirically analyzes the wage differentials between differ ent levels of cities,and tests the reasons for that,such as ability sorting,living cost differences,or urban agglomeration economy.I find that,the above hypotheses can,to different degrees,explain the wage premia in municipalities and sub-provincial cities compared to prefec tures,especially the agglomeration economy and living cost hypotheses,which is different from the facts that ability sorting and urban agglomeration effects are important in developed counties.The robustness checks substituting category variable to urban population measure further support the above results.

Chapter 7 investigates the magnitude of education quality from the view of labor market outcome of college graduates.Using a part of above survey data,I empirically analyze the sources of wage premium for 211 university graduates from various methods such as OLS,IV and MTE.I find that,controlling working ability and family background,education quality return is 47.3% when numbers of 211 universities in each province is acted as instruments of dummy variable for type of graduated university.The return is as high as 39.4%—94.1% using ATE method.The conclusion is valuable for the direction and measurement of fiscal flow for hither education.

The last chapter draws out the conclusions,gives relevant implications,and points out caveats and directions for further study.

The main conclusion of the thesis can further come into the following 2 points:

First,under the condition of almost homogenous human capital in a narrow sense,wage structure issues in gender,industry,sector,city size or education quality aspects still exist,and can attribute more to the nonmarket factors such as discrimination,segmentation,or fiscal funds.This is,of course,providing more challenge and requirement to the classic economic theory and explanation.

Second,the employment of graduates is closely related to their abilities and the whole environment of current labor market.Therefore,it is quite necessary for all graduates,universities,and governments to solve this issue.

The contributions of the thesis are reflected in such three aspects as research angle,methodology,and dataset.

Firstly,from the research angle,I select the employment of graduates as study topic,and investigate the mechanism and characteristics of the new labor market in view of initial wage structure in order to find out the answer to difficulty of graduates’employment.This has important value for both the government guide and the academic field.On the one hand,college expansion policy and financial crisis shock have a heavily negative impact on the employment of graduates,and thus systematically studying the reasons for their employments has strong reality value and policy implication.On the other hand,previous studies on the wage structure cannot get rid of the influence of issues such as education attainments,working experiences,and family responsibility on the wage incomes,thus the conclusions can be questioned in a strict sense.Taking the wage structures of graduates graduated after half a year as study object,this paper can,to a great degree,avoid the above contamination to find out the factors and reasons except human capital,which is apparent in the innovative view.

Secondly,the methodology is advanced and creative.For example,although there are many literatures both in home and abroad about the wage differentials between public and private sectors,they almost ignore the selection bias arising from the non-participants.The paper uses the double selection framework proposed by Meng and Schimidt(1985)to analyze the wage gap between sectors for graduates,which is more convincing to us.For another example,Appleton decomposition is compli cated,but it can deal with the index number problem and sample selection issues.Marginal treatment effect is not only more consistent to estimate higher education quality return,but also describe its heterogeneity,which is advantageous to the traditional method such as average treatment effect.Hence,I try to use the above two methods to investigate the gender wage gap for graduates and wage premium of 211 graduates in the thesis,respectively.

Last but not the least,the dataset is unique and has good statistic properties.Most previous literatures stay the level of macro phenomenon description and data analysis.As is known,the aggregated data cannot notice the micro mechanism of economic phenomena,which may often draw out misunderstanding or even wrong conclusions.Although the microdata are also employed by several studies,they are often restricted to certain districts or periods,which cannot infer more and thus have not enough policy implications.In contrast,2009 survey data of Placement and Ability of Chinese College Graduates is used in the thesis,which goes across nearly the whole provinces in China and the survey date is after leaving school for half a year and basically in the severe stage of economic crisis.It is worthwhile to point out that advanced questionnaire for ability measurement at international standard is constructed and more accurate results can be drawn out,which,to a great extent,broaden the depth and breadth of literatures on the employment of graduates.

Key Words:College Graduate;Wage Structure;Mean Decomposition;Ability;Double Selection;Marginal Treatment Effect





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