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一 研究背景与缘起












二 公民意识理论研究综述







“公民身份”(Citizenship)作为一种古老而源远流长的政治制度实践,在漫长的历史变迁中,其内涵和外延几经演变,日渐成为一个复杂的、多维度的包容性概念。我国学界对citizenship的关注最近逐渐成为热点,对其内涵的研究主要在于如何准确地翻译citizenship一词,并把它表述为公民性、公民权、公民权利、公民责任等,而近来较多地表述为公民身份、公民资格等语词。郭台辉在检视了citizenship的内涵后,认为citizenship是一套涉及个体与共同体关系的价值体系及其制度规范,应该翻译为公民身份和公民资格两个汉语词汇来对应,但在具体语境中要考虑两者在汉语言中的差异。对目前西方英语学界对citizenship 的内涵界定进行了整合,认为主要有三种:①从现代民族国家的视野出发,把citizenship理解为国家成员的法律地位以及相应的权利义务关系。公民身份被认为是在现代民主实践中一个制度化了的过程2500948,是一组政治、经济和文化上的实践2500949。②从制度史和观念史的视野出发,把citizenship看成是使一个组织良好的社会得以延续的一套行为规范、价值体系以及随之而来的制度结构2500950。③进入20世纪90年代之后,其视角超越了个体与共同体的关系,出现了与社会性别、文化、生态、族群关系、世界主义等内容的关联,相应地新的表述environmental citizenship、cultural citizenship、global citizen-ship 等概念出现,丰富了自由主义、公民共和主义、参与共和主义传统以及拉克劳、墨菲的后现代多元主义传统的公民理解,并形成了多元化趋势2500951。著名学者T.H.马歇尔、R.本迪克思、L.达伦多夫、托马斯·雅诺斯基都是第一种观点的代表者。马歇尔写作的《公民身份与社会阶级》一书更是成为公民身份理论的标准教科书和学术经典,是占据主流地位的观点,马歇尔关于公民权利发展的思想不断地被学界发展,形成丰富成果。但此一视角更多关注在民族国家中,公民身份是怎样获得的,其权利和义务是如何发展的。所以要让公民身份理论与公民意识联结,还须引入雅诺斯基关于公民身份的三种定义。





一些学者试图综合公民品性所涉及的所有道德内容,较有代表性的是威尔·凯姆利卡(Will Kymlicka)总结出的公民四种美德:“公共精神,包括评价政府工作人员表现的能力以及参与公共讨论的愿望;公正意识以及辨别并尊重他人权利从而缓和自我要求的能力;礼貌与宽容;团结与忠诚的共享意识。”2500959威廉·盖尔斯敦则从公民德行所涉及的范围,将公民德行分为四种:①一般德行:勇气、遵纪守法、忠诚;②社会德行:独立性、开放精神;③经济德行:职业伦理,暂缓自我满足的能力,对经济与技术变革的适应性;④政治德行:辨明并尊重他人权利的能力,评价公职人员表现的能力,从事公共讨论的意愿。并认为政治德行中质疑权威的能力及从事公共讨论的意愿,构成了自由主义德行理论最重要的特点2500960。盖尔斯敦强调,参与公共对话的德行是最重要的德行,莫西度将这一德行称为“公共合理性”,也就是说,公民的政治要求必须提出“理由”,不能只是陈述偏好或运用要挟的手段,并且这些理由是“公共的理由”,必须能说服不同的族裔或宗教团体。金里卡也认为这种公共合理性观念完全是当代独特的观念,而且也是当前最受瞩目的一个公民德行2500961



要了解特定政治共同体现实公民意识状况,仅靠理性思辨或观察无法科学评定,需调查公民个体的态度、行为倾向,并依据相关调查指标评定公民意识状况。正因如此,西方学界存在问卷调查考察公民意识和政治态度的实证研究传统。阿尔蒙德、维巴等将抽样调查技术方法引入了比较政治文化的研究,而其研究成果《公民文化——五个国家的政治态度和民主制》堪称公民文化研究的经典之作。然而,由于他们对公民政治认知、情感、评价的项目设计主要是公民政治态度而非公民意识,且所有项目并没有建立在心理测量学基础上进行信度和效度检验,因而他们的调查项目并非公民意识的测量量表2500968。随着问卷调查在政治行为和态度中的应用,基于心理测量学原理对问卷项目进行信度、效度检验然后再运用于实证调研成为一种趋势。至今为止,西方已开发出了测量政治意识形态、经济价值观与不平等、民主价值观与政治容忍度、种族态度、党派行为以及政治参与的工具2500969。但这些测量工具都不是总体的公民意识结构量表,而是对公民意识中某一维度,例如政治效能感等的测量工具,主要有Campbell等人提出2500970,经Balch发展的测量政治效能感的量表2500971; Nie等对美国公民能力的调查和测量2500972等。西方国家用以测量公民政治效能感、公民参与、公民认同感、政治信任感等公民意识的指标对我们编制公民意识测量指标具有借鉴意义。然而,这些测量指标主要是针对西方个人主义文化和资本主义民主政治而设定的,中西方公民身份制度实践的差异使我们无法直接引用其测量项目,必须基于中国政治制度实践和传统文化,编制具有中国特色的测量指标。












三 研究方法的选择和研究数据的收集与处理



















(1)第一批调查数据的整体人口学特征。男性占48.6%,女性占51.1%;农业户口占46.7%,非农业户口占51.6%;接受大专以上正规教育者占40.7%,接受中等教育者占55.5%,接受小学以下教育者占3.8%; 30岁以下占20.3%,31—40岁占54.6%,41—50岁占22.7%,50岁以上占1.9%;国家管理者阶层占7.7%,私营企业主占12.3%,经理人员与专业技术人员占21%,个体工商户占6.8%,办事人员占8.7%,产业工人占3.3%,服务业员工占19.7%,农业劳动者占10.1%,其他职业者占7.1%。(以上数据比例不足100%的为缺省值)

(2)第二批调查对象的整体人口学特征。男性占61.3%,女性占38.5%;农业户口占56.7%,非农业户口占43.3%;接受大专以上高等教育者占22.7%,接受中等教育者占67.2%,接受小学以下教育者占9.4%; 30岁以下占15.9%,31—40岁占13.1%,41—50岁占45.9%,50岁以上占11.1%;国家管理者占6.8%,私营企业主占10.3%,经理人员与专业技术人员占13.1%,个体工商户占9.4%,办事人员占7.7%,产业工人占11.4%,服务业员工占3.4%,农业劳动者占14.8%,其他职业者占15.7%,失业和半失业人员占5.4%。(以上数据比例不足100%的为缺省值)


从以上数据看,根据我国统计年鉴2007年人口普查的结果2501004,浙江省(6—64岁)男女比例分别为男50.95%,女49.05%,城镇人口与乡村人口的比例分别为57.2%、42.8%,与本书的样本结构较为接近。从年龄看,依据统计年鉴2007年普查结果,20—29岁的人口占20—65岁的人口比例为20.28%,30—39岁占26.38%,40—49岁占25.05%,50—59岁占21.63%,60—65岁占6.66%,虽然30以下和50岁以上的比率偏低,但能接受。但从受教育程度看,浙江省2007年人口普查(6—64岁)的数据显示,高中以上受教育程度为12.66%,大专以上受教育程度为8.5%,由此可见,本样本的受教育程度偏高,这主要是因为问卷调查要求被试具备一定的理解能力所致,也是本研究数据的缺陷所在。正如Melanie Manion正确地指出,“多变量关系研究的可靠性通常要高于描述性的单变量研究”2501005。虽然样本的受教育程度偏高,年龄结构不能代表总体的平均受教育程度和平均年龄。然而,只要是受教育程度变量和年龄变量呈现出从低到高的变化,它仍然可以用来测量受教育程度对公民意识的影响程度。


将有效问卷的原始数据录入电脑,分析方法包括描述性统计、方差分析、聚类分析、因子分析、相关分析、回归分析和结构方程分析。分析时交替使用SPSS 12.0和 LISREL 8.70两种分析软件。


I. Research Background and Origin (1) Political democratization and rule of law: The values of political civilization construction guide After the Second World War, the wave of democratization swept most countries in the world more rapidly, and today, more than 100 countries have chosen democracy. Political democratization and rule of law, and people's freedom and equality, as beautiful and noble ideals, are breaking through obstacles at every moment, showing an irresistible historical trend. Sooner or later, any country, any nation, will merge into this historical trend. It is precisely in line with this historical trend that the Communist Party of China has led the Chinese people to carry out the great reform of political democratization and rule of law guided by the values of democracy, rule of law, freedom and equality. Political democratization is people's democracy, the realization of people's autonomy, the people themselves rule themselves, manage themselves, and be masters of their own affairs in political life. Despotism confers the supreme power of society on the basis of inheritance or conquest, and the ruler's authority can wield his supreme power at will in disregard of the will of the governed, subjecting the members of society to their power and spiritual slavery, and the members of society can only act as subjects, without any personal freedom and equality. Democracy, on the other hand, clearly states that the supreme power in society belongs to the people, that the legitimacy of rule is based on the consent of the people, and that the government and its officials are merely agents authorized by the people and must perform their duties and exercise power in accordance with the common will of the people. And the general term of the people, as all members of society, is an abstract concept, in the concrete social life, the people manifest themselves as citizens, that is, formal members of society accepted in a given society according to the law. Since the degree of democracy is determined by participation - the degree to which members of society affected by policies participate in decision-making. Thus, the people's ownership is in fact embodied in the participation of citizens as members of society in social and political life by virtue of their citizenship. Citizens participate in the political life of the country, express their opinions and opinions, discuss and consult with other citizens on public affairs related to their own interests, gather into a social consensus, condense into the common goal of members of society, and rise to the goal of the state. In this process, because the national goal is formulated by the citizens themselves with the participation of discussion, consultation and consensus, it is an article of faith from the hearts of citizens, which not only provides a solid foundation for citizens' loyalty and unity, but also provides a guarantee for political and social unity, stability and development. Moreover, for individuals, since social goals are the result of their own personal participation, in this process, citizens' subjectivity is respected, freedom is guaranteed, intelligence is exercised, and personality equality becomes a consensus, thereby greatly stimulating their creativity and vitality and promoting people's self-development and perfection. It is for this reason that political democratization has become a universal value of political civilization. But the rule of law is required for the sound functioning of democratic institutions. The practice of democratic institutions shows that democracy without the rule of law will become disorderly democracy and lead to social unrest. Direct democracy in ancient Greece was criticized for its so-called "tyranny of the majority." Because Greek democracy is based on the will of the masses, the masses, when they are emotional and unregulated, tend to make stupid decisions and make decisions that harm society. It is in this sense that Rousseau profoundly pointed out that "public will" is not "public will". Studies on group judgment also show that group judgment is generally better than that of individuals, but that the judgment of the best members of the group tends to match or outperform the performance of the group 2500924. Moreover, pure democracy is always incompatible with "individual security or property rights", "they are generally short in life and die tragically"2500925, so democracy needs rational regulation. Law embodies the rationality of society, and it establishes a series of procedures and rules to protect the rights and freedoms of individuals and minorities, so that democracy is fruitful, and the rule of law has become the rational choice of modern democratic countries. Modern democracies establish the rules and procedures for citizen participation by establishing the limits of civil rights and state power. Citizens participate in the political life of the country, in elections, in management, in supervision and in decision-making in accordance with legal procedures. Once the democratic participation of the masses and the "public opinion" of the majority threaten the rights of individuals, threaten social stability and harmony, and affect the long-term interests of the country, the social elite corrects them in accordance with the law. Once power erodes rights, citizens can defend their rights in accordance with the law. The rule of law normalizes and makes democracy orderly. Therefore, establishing the concept of rule of law and improving the construction of the rule of law are the basic requirements of democratic politics, and the rule of law has become a value guide for the construction of social and political civilization. (2) Civic awareness: The internal driving force of political democratization and rule of law Any great social change needs the support of spiritual strength behind it, otherwise, legal rules and social systems will be illusory, and vigorous changes will also be bankrupt due to the lack of social psychological support. The success of political democratization and rule of law reform also requires the support of spiritual strength, and civic consciousness or citizens' mental habits is the spiritual condition for the success of democratic rule of law reform. "From Aristotle to Bryce, democratic theorists have emphasized that maintaining democracy requires active citizen participation in national affairs, a high level of intelligence in public affairs, and a broad sense of civic responsibility." 2500926 Tocqueville's investigation of American democracy found that it is precisely the American people's sentiments, that is, the experience and habits of democratic management systems, religious freedom ideas and customs, and such a strong social foundation are the conditions for democracy to take root 2500927. Lipset also inherited this line of thinking, endorsing that the identification with democracy and the existence of civil society organizations and informal networks among the population, as well as the customs and values that were based on and expressed in this way, provided the methods and foundations for democracy 2500928. Through an empirical study of social capital (the importance of social networks and social trust) in urban communities in southern and northern Italy, Patnam points out that social capital has a positive effect on democratic development, 2500929 thus revealing the relationship between civic quality and democratic institutions. Almond et al., through a comparative study of civic political attitudes and behaviors in five democracies—the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, and Mexico—found that "civic culture is particularly suited to democratic political systems, and it is not the only form of democratic political culture, but it seems to be the form most harmonious with stable, democratic systems." It is therefore useful to consider how civic culture can be passed on from generation to generation"2500930. Civic culture is a culture of loyal participants, the most striking feature of which is a mixed nature, that is, a mixture of loyalty to government authority and participation, the enthusiasm of participation does not undermine the authority of government, there are involvement and beliefs, but they are restrained, there are political differences, but it is a 2500931 that is checked. The empirical research of many scholars has shown that political democratization and rule of law are not obtained naturally by relying only on the setting of institutions, and can only operate benignly by relying on the following qualities of citizens: citizens should identify with the authority of the government, have a sense of political obligation and public responsibility, and at the same time should maintain moderate participation in public political life, uphold public rational self-restraint when participating, and rational consultation on the premise of respecting the equal rights and freedoms of others, which is an effective way to avoid public decision-making and policy making from suffering from the "tyranny of the majority". In other words, the construction of democracy and rule of law system urgently requires citizens' awareness of participation and rights, public responsibility, and recognition and obedience to political authority, which as the spiritual foundation of successful democratization and rule of law, can effectively drive the historical process of democratization and rule of law. (3) China's political democratization and rule of law call for citizen consciousness that the socialist state is the people's own political power, all power belongs to the people, people's democracy is the life of socialism, and the people's mastery is the essence and core of socialist democratic politics. It is under the guidance of this value that the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China clearly pointed out that expanding socialist democracy, better protecting the rights and interests of the people and social fairness and justice are new requirements for achieving the goal of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way. Expanding the orderly participation of citizens, increasing the transparency of decision-making, formulating laws, regulations and public policies closely related to the interests of the masses, and in principle, openly listening to opinions, so that the people can realize citizens' rights at the grassroots level are important contents of China's current political system reform. However, it is undeniable that when political democratization and rule of law, as Western institutional experiences, are transplanted to China, which has a completely different history and culture, how to avoid encountering the fate of "orange and cloud", is a practical problem that must be faced in the process of China's democratization and rule of law. One of the key issues is that, once the institutional goal is established, there is an urgent need for the spiritual strength that underpins the achievement of that goal—a mature sense of citizenship. However, have the concepts of democracy, rule of law, freedom, equality, fairness and justice become the universal beliefs of members of our society? When we think about this issue, we will find that the thinking of many people of insight about the weak sense of citizenship of Chinese is indeed to the point. Since civic consciousness is not only obtained naturally through the setting of the system, but is closely related to the historical and economic situation and cultural background of society, China's feudal autocracy and its political culture for more than 2,000 years have shaped the Chinese's "submissive people" consciousness and "subject" consciousness, which is reflected in the political personality manifested as servile, ignorant, hypocritical, self-serving, cowardly and other "subject" characteristics, so the task of enlightenment is to cultivate "citizens" in the modern sense. Although with the development of the socialist market economy, China is experiencing the transformation from an "identity society" to a "contract society", contract is constantly replacing identity as the dominant mode of social relations, and the awareness of rights and equality accompanying contracts is constantly increasing. After the promulgation of the Property Law in 2007, several subsequent incidents of private rights protection that caused a sensation throughout the country showed the growing 2500932 awareness of Chinese citizens' rights with private rights protection as the core. The active participation in public affairs using the Internet as a platform also reflects the enhancement of Chinese citizens' subjectivity and participation awareness, and facts show that new ideological traits have been continuously germinating and developing in the Chinese concept. However, it is undeniable that civic consciousness is a multi-dimensional concept, not only refers to the consciousness of private rights maintenance, when we cut the perspective of exploration into the dimensions of civic virtue, civic duty, and civil rights awareness, we will find that China's civic consciousness is not mature. The study of village-level democratic operation in China shows that due to the lack of awareness of citizens' rights, the weakening of the sense of public responsibility, and their lack of enthusiasm for participating in democratic elections and decision-making on village affairs, patriarchal relations and the law of human favor often invade and undermine villagers' self-government, which makes the operation of the villagers' self-government system encounter many difficulties and 2500933. Behaviors that lack public health and public welfare concepts, such as spitting everywhere, trampling on public lawns, and lacking environmental protection concepts, can be seen everywhere; The protection of private rights is mainly based on the protection of citizens' rights based on personal selfish desires, rather than the protection of public welfare rights based on public virtues. The lack of civic awareness hinders the process of democratization and rule of law in China. In view of this, the report of the 17th National Congress emphasized that "strengthen civic awareness education and establish the concepts of socialist democracy and rule of law, freedom and equality, fairness and justice", and the process of political democratization and rule of law calls for civic awareness. In short, in order to change the weak state of Chinese civic awareness, it is necessary to cultivate the civic awareness of Chinese. But how can citizenship be fostered? To answer this question, we must first theoretically analyze what is the essence of civic consciousness and what are the internal dimensions that make up its concept. After the introduction of a Western political science concept into China, how can citizens effectively connect and integrate with China's traditional political culture, and how to evaluate the current Chinese its civic awareness? How to cultivate Chinese civic awareness and civic virtues in a period of social transition? These are all key issues of great theoretical and practical significance that have a bearing on the success or failure of China's democratization, rule of law, and modernization. This book attempts to answer the above questions, and on this basis, find a realistic path of civic education, and provide spiritual impetus for the construction of democratization and rule of law. II. Citizen Consciousness Theory Research Review Civic consciousness is the internal driving force of democracy and rule of law society, which is why the topic of civic consciousness has always attracted the attention of political science, law, ethics and other disciplines, and its results can be said to be full of sweat. A systematic review of these achievements can contribute to the in-depth study of civic awareness. (1) The connotation of civic consciousness, citizenship and citizenship Citizen awareness is an interdisciplinary and complex concept, and the understanding of the connotation of civic consciousness in Chinese academic circles has undergone a development process. The initial understanding of civic consciousness mainly starts from the perspective of legal or ethical disciplines, starting from citizens' legal awareness or civic moral awareness. For example, understanding civic awareness as an integral part of legal awareness 2500934 closely related to the requirements of China's rule of law construction for the quality of citizens. Since the promulgation of the Implementation Outline for the Construction of Civic Morality, the connotation of civic consciousness has been equated with civic moral awareness, such as "civic consciousness is actually a civic quality cultivated in good public life and public order in society, and this civic quality is the morality of individual citizens"2500935. It can be seen that civic consciousness, as an academic category, has been closely related to China's economic and social development from the beginning, with traces of the times. However, with the in-depth analysis of theories such as citizenship, citizenship, and constitutionalism, China's academic circles have a more comprehensive and in-depth understanding of civic consciousness. The multidisciplinary understanding of civic consciousness, especially the analysis of the connotation of civic consciousness from the perspective of citizenship, broadens the connotation and extension of civic awareness. However, so far, the connotation of civic consciousness has not been unanimously recognized, and to sum up, there are mainly the following three definition models: First, it is defined from the perspective of the relationship between citizens and the state. Zhu Xueqin explained in "The Revolution in Shuzhai": "Civic consciousness is a product of modern constitutionalism, which has two meanings, when the people directly face the operation of government power, it is the public's recognition and supervision of the public nature of this power; When the people face the public sphere sideways, it is self-sustaining and actively participating in the public interest. "2500936 such definitions emphasize two points, one is citizens' subjective perception of the rights and obligations of state members under the law; The second is the actual feelings and due understanding of individual citizens about their political status in the country and society 2500937. This kind of definition integrates the perspectives of legal discipline and political discipline, and is currently the mainstream understanding of Chinese academic circles. Second, starting from the development of human subjectivity and the core distinction between civic consciousness and subject consciousness, it is believed that civic consciousness is a conscious reflection and requirement of the inner spirit of human free and autonomous activities, which is mainly composed of "rationality awareness", "legitimacy awareness" and "active law-abiding spirit" composed of 2500938. The third is to define the connotation of civic consciousness from the internal structure of civic consciousness, and regard civic consciousness as a complex conceptual form system, with its own internal relationship logical hierarchy, its core connotation, specific connotation and extended connotation, and citizenship consciousness is its core connotation 2500939. It can be seen that the consensus formed on the connotation of civic consciousness is that civic consciousness is citizens' subjective identification with the rights and obligations involved in citizenship. Since civic consciousness is closely related to the words citizenship and citizenship, in order to clarify the connotation of civic consciousness, it is necessary to sort out the connotations of citizenship and citizenship. According to Ignatieff's analysis, there are two main conceptions of citizenship in the Western tradition, one is the ideal of classical citizenship, which can be called republican civic concept; The other is the liberal concept of citizenship. The former defines people from a political point of view, while the latter defines people from an economic 2500940 point of view. The republican view of citizenship can be traced back to Aristotle, whose citizens are people who are fit to rule others and at the same time 2500941 ruled by others. The liberal view of citizenship, according to Pocock's analysis, is derived from the Roman Empire, and citizenship refers to the position occupied by individuals in the community, so "citizenship is redefined as a legal existence rather than a political existence"2500942. Brian Turner etymological examination of the meaning of the word citizen, arguing that the word citizen originated from the ancient "civitas", and evolved into "civitatus" in the Roman period, originally referring to members who can enter the city-state, and has the same root as governance, meaning the ruler of the city-state. Etymological origins eventually led to the evolution of the French cite into citoyen, a citoyen as a "dweller of the city, dweller of the city, resident of the free country, and patriot" 2500943. With the development of the Italian urban republic, in the English-speaking world, citizen was understood as a citizen of the republic with civil rights. Moreover, in 16th-century England, the idea of limiting citizens to city dwellers was very common, and citizens were free people in the city. Rousseau critically examined this prevailing understanding in the Middle Ages, arguing that it was a mistake to confuse citizens with burghers. He started from the perspective of the relationship between the individual and the community, pointing out that the participants in the sovereign authority are citizens, which embody rights; As a subject of the laws of the state, it is a subject, and it embodies an obligation; As a citizen, the union is the people, and the people are the collective concept. Thus, the three concepts of citizen, subject and people can be 2500944 interchangeably. In Rousseau's understanding, citizens and subjects are overlapping and two-in-one concepts, which are not only the subjects of rights in political life, but also the subjects of obligations to obey the laws of the state, thus conforming to the connotation of citizenship of the modern nation-state. In the modern nation-state, the meaning of citizenship has acquired a clear norm and has become a legal concept, which refers to the 2500945 of persons who have the nationality of a certain country and enjoy rights and obligations under the laws of that country. Although the term citizen has changed several times, it is fundamentally about answering the question "who I am" and "what should I do" in the public sphere 2500946 Citizenship is nothing more than his title, citizenship is his essential 2500947. As an ancient and long-standing political system practice, "citizenship" has evolved its connotation and extension several times in the long historical changes, and has increasingly become a complex and multi-dimensional inclusive concept. The focus on citizenship in China's academic circles has gradually become a hot spot, and the research on its connotation mainly lies in how to accurately translate the word citizenship, and express it as citizenship, citizenship, civil rights, civic responsibility, etc., and recently more expressed as terms such as citizenship and citizenship. After examining the connotation of citizenship, Gou Taihui believes that citizenship is a set of value systems and institutional norms involving the relationship between individuals and communities, which should be translated into the two Chinese words of citizenship and citizenship, but the differences between the two in the Chinese language should be considered in the specific context. The current definition of citizenship in Western English-speaking scholars is integrated, and it is believed that there are three main types: (1) From the perspective of modern nation-states, citizenship is understood as the legal status of state members and the corresponding rights and obligations relationship. Citizenship is considered to be an institutionalized process 2500948 modern democratic practice, a set of political, economic, and cultural 2500949. (2) From the perspective of institutional history and conceptual history, citizenship is seen as a set of behavioral norms, value systems, and consequent institutional structures that perpetuate a well-organized society 2500950. (3) After entering the 90s of the 20th century, its perspective transcended the relationship between the individual and the community, and the relationship with gender, culture, ecology, ethnic relations, cosmopolitanism and other contents appeared, and correspondingly new expressions of environmental citizenship, cultural citizenship, global citizen-ship and other concepts emerged, enriching the liberalism, civic republicanism, participatory republicanism tradition, and Laclau, Murphy's postmodern pluralism tradition is a civic understanding and has formed a pluralism trend 2500951. Famous scholars T. H. Marshall, R. Bendix, L. Dahrendorff, and Thomas Janowski are all representatives of the first view. Marshall's book "Citizenship and Social Class" has become a standard textbook and academic classic of citizenship theory, and it is a mainstream viewpoint, and Marshall's ideas on the development of civil rights have been continuously developed by the academic circles and formed rich results. But this perspective focuses more on how citizenship is obtained and how its rights and obligations develop in a nation-state. Therefore, in order to connect the theory of citizenship with civic consciousness, it is necessary to introduce Janosky's three definitions of citizenship. Thomas Janowski synthesized the interpretation of the definition of citizenship by different disciplines and extracted three definition models: (1) Social science definition, from the perspective of the general structure of rights and obligations within the nation-state and the relationship between citizens and the state between individuals and groups, citizenship is, as Galston said, "a package of benefits and burdens shared and accepted by everyone", political science and sociology apply this definition more often, including both political democracy and social rights, as well as rights prescribed by law. (2) The legal definition, i.e. the rights and duties of citizens under law, is typically defined as Prano's "an individual who is a national or naturalized member of a State and shall be loyal to that State and entitled to the protection and privileges of the law". Janowski argues that legal citizenship only preserves the passive rights of citizens, without extending to active rights in political democracy and social democracy, and is a narrow theory of citizenship that focuses mainly on immigrants and their naturalization. (3) The definition of morality focuses on the attitudes and behaviors that individual citizens should have, and focuses on how to cultivate good citizens and play a role in basic groups 2500952. This book will use the meaning of citizenship in social science to analyze the essence of civic consciousness, start from the attitudes and behaviors of individual citizens, and use the definition of moral norms to explore how to cultivate "good citizens" in a democratic society ruled by law. It can be seen from the academic expression of civic consciousness, citizenship and citizenship connotations, the word citizen defines the membership status of individuals in the political community, focuses on individuals, and emphasizes the difference between citizens and natural persons. The term citizenship focuses on the practice of political system, the behavioral norms and value systems that change according to the changes in the relationship between individuals and communities, and it is a management tool for a specific society and has institutional implications. Of course, the membership and rights and obligations of citizens are regulated by the citizenship system, so the two are closely linked. Citizenship consciousness is considered to be the subjective embodiment of the citizenship system, and the consciousness of citizenship, including the rights that citizens should enjoy and the subjective concept that the state should fulfill their obligations, is also the core connotation involved in various definitions. But in general, in the grasp of the connotation of civic consciousness, the connotation of civic consciousness is generally understood from the perspective of the modern nation-state citizenship system. However, since the citizenship and citizenship system is not a concept in modern society, but a historical category, the historicity of the category of civic consciousness can be logically derived. Therefore, in order to accurately and deeply understand the connotation of civic consciousness, it is necessary to return to the historical changes of the citizenship system, and logically summarize the historicity and commonality of civic consciousness through the changes of the citizenship system, so as to grasp the essence of civic consciousness. (2) What qualities does civic consciousness constitute, and what are its core characteristics? In Western academic circles, liberals, republicans, and communitarians naturally have different opinions on civic character, especially core character, due to their divergent positions in political philosophy. Liberals hold a negative view of citizenship, emphasize the priority of individual rights, advocate the maintenance of democracy and governance through a just system, and do not support the active participation of citizens, and correspondingly the requirements for citizen qualities are more inclined to maintain social justice and individual rights and maintain the civic virtues required for a free and competitive market economy, including courtesy, tolerance, moderation (moderation), fairness and 2500953. Rawls emphasized that the virtues that citizens should possess are courtesy, tolerance, reasonableness, and a sense of fairness 2500954. It can be seen that under the philosophy of liberalism, tolerance is the core trait of civic consciousness. Rights are mainly embodied in Marshall's analysis of the three dimensions of civil rights, and Yang's exposition of differential rights develops Marshall's idea of equal rights. In contrast, republicanism advocates that participation is the core quality of civic responsibility, and since Aristotle, participation in public affairs has been regarded as the only criterion for defining citizenship 2500955 Rousseau emphasized the formation and maintenance of public 2500956 will through participation, Arendt emphasized that participation in politics itself has great value, is the embodiment of the good life of citizens, and is the 2500957 of human responsibility. Communitarianism criticizes liberalism's excessive emphasis on individual rights and individual freedoms, which leads to the minimization of obligations, and the functioning of society depends on mutual support and group efforts, thus putting forward a more rounded view, under the premise of respecting individual rights and freedoms, it is necessary to realize the promise and obligation of the public good, and for the rights and interests of the community, society and the whole people, it is necessary to have the virtue of self-control, and at the same time participate in public political life and assume the responsibility 2500958 other civil liberties. Some scholars have attempted to synthesize all the moral aspects of civic character, most notably Will Kymlicka's summary of the four virtues of citizenship: "Public spirit, including the ability to evaluate the performance of government workers and the desire to participate in public discussion; a sense of impartiality and the ability to discern and respect the rights of others and thus ease self-demands; courtesy and tolerance; A shared sense of unity and loyalty. 2500959 William Galestown divides civic virtue into four types from the scope of civic virtue: (1) general virtue: courage, law-abiding, loyalty; (2) Social virtues: independence, openness; (3) Economic virtue: professional ethics, the ability to suspend self-satisfaction, adaptability to economic and technological changes; (4) Political virtues: the ability to identify and respect the rights of others, the ability to evaluate the performance of public officials, and the willingness to engage in public discussion. He also argues that the ability to question authority and the willingness to engage in public discussion in political virtue constitute 2500960 most important features of liberal virtue theory. Galestown emphasized that the virtue of engaging in public dialogue is the most important virtue, which Mosidu calls "public rationality," meaning that citizens' political demands must be "justified," not merely stated preferences or blackmailed, and these reasons must be "public reasons" that persuade different ethnic or religious groups. Gingrika also believes that this concept of public rationality is completely unique to the times, and it is also one of the most high-profile civic virtue 2500961 today. Chinese academic circles analyze the structure of civic consciousness from the two perspectives of psychology and content. Zhang Jijia et al. analyzed the psychological structure of civic consciousness in detail from the perspective of system theory, and believed that the structure of civic consciousness is a multi-level, multi-faceted and multi-dimensional whole, and civic consciousness has both static structure and dynamic characteristic 2500962. From the content analysis of the structure of civic consciousness, there is a "three-dimensional structure", that is, the awareness of rights, obligations and equality 2500963; The "four-dimensional structure" says, that is, citizens' sense of ownership (embodied in the consciousness of rights), the sense of obligations, the awareness of equality, and the concept of the legal system 2500964; The "five-dimensional structure" says that citizens' patriotism and national self-respect, self-confidence and self-improvement awareness, freedom, equality, sovereignty and fairness, constitution-abiding awareness, rights and obligations, and the psychological quality of modern culture 2500965. Jiang Chuanguang believes that in addition to the above, civic consciousness should also include rule awareness, that is, citizens actively and consciously abide by and obey legal rules on the basis of their belief in and identification with the law 2500966 and so on. At present, the consensus is that civic consciousness is a conceptual system with its own inherent special structure, and the plurality of its composition determines the complexity of the structure of civic consciousness. However, there is a tendency to generalize the study of the structural dimension of civic consciousness, that is, to try to include all the qualities that must be possessed by people, such as modern scientific and cultural qual 2500967 ities. The generalization of concepts is not conducive to scientifically defining the boundaries of civic consciousness and the practice of civic awareness education, so it is necessary to scientifically define the content composition and core elements of civic awareness. However, these studies mainly rely on academic analysis and lack empirical data support, especially quantitative research on the structure of civic consciousness. (3) The compilation of indicators for assessing civic awareness and the investigation of the current situation should understand the actual state of civic awareness of a specific political community, and cannot be scientifically assessed by rational reasoning or observation alone, and it is necessary to investigate the attitudes and behavioral tendencies of individual citizens, and assess the status of civic awareness based on relevant survey indicators. For this reason, there is an empirical research tradition in Western academia that examines civic consciousness and political attitudes. Almond, Wiba and others introduced the sampling survey technique into the study of comparative political culture, and their research result "Civic Culture - Political Attitudes and Democracy in Five Countries" can be called a classic work of citizen culture research. However, because their programs designed for civic political cognition, emotion, and evaluation were mainly civic political attitudes rather than civic consciousness, and all programs were not based on psychometrics for reliability and validity testing, their survey items were not 2500968 of the citizenship measurement scale. With the application of questionnaire surveys in political behavior and attitudes, it has become a trend to test the reliability and validity of questionnaire items based on psychometric principles and then apply them to empirical research. To date, the West has developed tools 2500969 to measure political ideology, economic values and inequality, democratic values and political tolerance, racial attitudes, partisan behavior, and political participation. However, these measurement tools are not the overall civic consciousness structure scale, but the measurement tools for a certain dimension of civic consciousness, such as political efficacy, mainly 2500970 proposed by Campbell and others, and the scale developed by Balch to measure political efficacy 2500971; NIE et al. Survey and measurement 2500972 of American civic capacity, etc. The indicators used by Western countries to measure citizens' political efficacy, citizen participation, civic identity, political trust and other civic awareness indicators have reference significance for us to compile citizen awareness measurement indicators. However, these measurement indicators are mainly set for Western individualist culture and capitalist democratic politics, and the differences between the practice of Chinese and Western citizenship systems make it impossible for us to directly cite their measurement items, and we must compile measurement indicators with Chinese characteristics based on the practice of Chinese political system and traditional culture. In China's academic circles, with the advancement of China's democratization and rule of law, the study of the current situation of Chinese civic awareness has continuously become a hot issue in academic circles. With the transformation and development of society, some scholars believe that China's civic consciousness is moving from awakening to rising 2500973, which is manifested in the significant enhancement of taxpayers' awareness, the calm acceptance of private rights and rational recognition and firm defense, the reasonable return of the sense of ownership and the continuous enhancement of legal awareness, especially the Internet has awakened the awareness of Chinese citizens' rights with the protection of private rights as the core. However, a basic view is that scholars generally believe that Chinese lacks a mature sense of citizenship, especially the awareness of citizenship, participation and 2500974 citizenship. In addition to relying on speculation and observation methods to study the state of civic consciousness in China, some scholars have drawn on foreign empirical research methods to investigate the situation of citizenship awareness in China. Zhang Mingshu, who conducted research on the political values, political knowledge, political emotions, political participation and electoral behavior of Chinese citizens, and compared the political consciousness 2500975 of Chinese politicians with different education levels, occupations, ages, and political identities. In recent years, scholars have conducted extensive social investigation and research on civic consciousness using self-compiled questionnaires in combination with China's actual conditions, and have formed rich research results: Shi Yajun made an in-depth overall description and objective evaluation of the current situation of the humanistic quality of Chinese citizens on the basis of extensive and in-depth research, and carried out qualitative and quantitative analysis and 2500976 in a targeted manner. Wu Qiantao investigated the moral situation of contemporary Chinese citizens, including the reasons for the overall progress of citizens' morality, and the 2500977 citizens' understanding of the core morality and basic principles of socialism. Through a national probability sampling survey, Yan Jie et al. investigated the public's sense of national identity, civic responsibility, democracy and freedom, the evaluation and expectation of government work, and the public's political and social participation 2500978. The 2008 book "China Citizenship Awareness Survey Data Report" is undeniably authoritative based on a national sample, but the nature of the data report determines that it does not have an in-depth analysis of civic awareness 2500979. Tang, W.F. uses social survey data from different periods to study the political attitudes of urban Chinese residents from a historical perspective 2500980. However, the research is limited to support for reform, life satisfaction, and political efficacy. Analyzing the results of these empirical studies, it can be found that it is impossible to use a simple comprehensive indicator to refer to the status of civic awareness, but it is necessary to analyze the citizenship of the respondents in different dimensions, but because these studies are conducted with self-compiled questionnaires, the reliability and validity of the measurement are not tested, and it is impossible to scientifically compare them horizontally. Therefore, empirical investigation urgently needs a measurement tool that has been tested for reliability and validity. (4) Analysis of the reasons for the weakness of Chinese civic awareness", "a thousand gaps, ten thousand gaps, lack of civic awareness is the biggest gap between China and advanced countries", Mr. Li Shenzhi's classic summary of the current situation of Chinese civic awareness accurately describes the level of Chinese civic awareness, and some empirical studies in recent years have successively verified that Chinese citizens are relatively weak in the dimensions of legal awareness, public responsibility, rights awareness and participation awareness. The ensuing question is: Why is civic awareness weak in Chinese? Chinese academic circles mainly discuss the reasons for the weak sense of citizenship in Chinese from the following aspects: First, the influence of feudal cultural traditions on the civic consciousness of the Chinese people. It is precisely the traditional "official culture", "the ideology of rule by man" and the ideological tradition of emphasizing human ethics over law that lead to the weak awareness of civil rights 2500981, and the lack of a relaxed political environment and a good civic cultural atmosphere is 2500982 important reason for the weak sense of citizenship. Second, starting from the shortcomings of the modern new cultural movement and the enlightenment movement, it is believed that the scope of modern enlightenment is narrow, the enlightenment thought is superficial, 2500983 and the influence of traditional morality, the task of national independence, and the one-sided understanding of Marxism have made intellectuals deviate from the spiritual 2500984 of freedom and independence. The third is to discuss from the institutional level. This is the imperfection of the market economy, the weakness of the public sphere, the imperfection of all fields of social life, the lack of a perfect legal system for the protection of citizens' rights, the lack of sufficient channels for citizens to express their will, the lack of an adjudication mechanism to effectively resolve disputes, conflicts and contradictions, 2500985 and the imperfection of the system has led to the degree of development of various rights in the citizenship system, which in turn is reflected in various problems in the current civic consciousness. The fourth is to look for reasons in terms of civic education. When surveying college students' civic awareness, some scholars pointed out that the neglect of civic education in school curricula is an important reason for the weak civic awareness of college students 2500986. The American philosopher Gaylstown believes that the purpose of civic education is to cultivate the personality of members of society, so that they can effectively realize their life ideals in the political community to which they belong, and thus strengthen and support the community, so civic education is not opposed to their political community. The effective basis of civic education is a shared set of political systems and the principles on which they are based 2500987. Goodman argues that "conscious social reconstruction" is the least controversial educational goal, so civic education is about educating children with the ability to participate in shaping their societies together 2500988. It can be seen that the purpose of civic awareness education is clearly to cultivate the sense of citizenship and citizenship of members of society, so that they can not only adapt to the needs of the political community, but also promote their own effective development. How can a sense of citizenship be fostered? Since Rousseau, participatory democratic theorists such as Mill and Carol Pettman have believed that citizen participation in public life fosters responsible and tolerant civic 2500989. Barber, a strong American democracy theorist, also believes that civic participation fosters citizenship, and Barber has also developed education-based community service projects to practice the ideological 2500990 that participation fosters citizenship. Civil society theorists argue that trust and cooperation can only be learned in voluntary associations of civil society, including churches, families, trade unions, racial associations, cooperatives, environmental organizations, neighborhood associations, aid groups, charitable organizations, and other 2500991. Kemlika argues that civic virtues cannot be taught by the market, family, or community in civil society alone, but that only schools can assume this responsibility. Schools are not the only, or even the most important, places where citizens are trained, but they are indispensable. Other institutions can only supplement, not replace, schools to provide educational 2500992 for citizens. It can be seen that participation in public life, community life, and civic education in schools are effective ways to cultivate civic awareness, which has been recognized by Western academic circles. When Chinese scholars explore the path of cultivating civic awareness, they mainly discuss from the following aspects: (1) System construction. Improve and develop the market field, correctly position the national field, and vigorously promote the rule of law and political democratization. (2) strive to foster the public sphere and promote the formation of civil society 2500993; Among them, the construction of rural communities plays a certain role in the cultivation of civic awareness, and villagers embody the spirit of citizen subjects and the public spirit of paying attention to public affairs in the construction of rural communities 2500994. (3) Cultural construction. Feng Liujian analyzed the inherent cultural model in which the cultural blockade of Chinese civic education lies in the deep structure of traditional daily life, which is manifested as the cultural model characterized by naturalness, experience and humanization under the cultivation of agricultural civilization, and breaking through this cultural barrier is a long-term and arduous historical task facing the revival of Chinese civic education. To break through this cultural model, it is inevitable that the state leads, social promotion, family participation, personal awakening, etc. work together to achieve results. However, as to how to proceed, there is no specific discussion 2500995. Shao Longbao also believes that the construction of civic personality should be guided by Marxism, strengthen the construction of the soul of citizen personality - ideals, beliefs and meaning world, attach importance to and develop excellent cultural traditions, and fully explore and utilize the resources of Chinese and Western personality theories 2500996. (4) Online public opinion is an important way to cultivate civic awareness. The openness of the Internet provides ordinary citizens with the right to speak, but the Internet also has the characteristics of pluralism, emotion, and weakening of gatekeeping. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the management of online public opinion to guide citizens' self-discipline awareness to form 2500997. (5) Some scholars discussed the content and specific measures of civic education. Li Zhide systematically constructed the theoretical framework and 2500998 of civic education content by taking the content scope of the concept of citizenship, the positioning level of citizens in civil society and the content category of civic education as the coordinates. Zhao Liming discussed the requirements and 2500999 of civic education from four aspects: the development process of civic education, the implementation agency of education, the educational approach and the educational effect. On the basis of drawing on the experience of foreign civic education, Qin Shuli proposed the establishment of a "civic education committee" to coordinate and guide national civic education in a unified manner; Integrate educational resources and build a civic education platform 2501000. Dai Jianlin discussed the social psychological basis of youth civic education, and proposed that the appropriate method of civic education is to let individuals obtain corresponding civic education knowledge 2501001 according to the stage characteristics of their cognitive development. Of course, civic awareness education is a systematic social engineering, and how to effectively coordinate between various cultivation methods is an important issue that cannot be ignored. In response to this problem, Dong Minzhi believes that the cultivation of civic spirit needs to start from the following three aspects: first, ideological enlightenment and social system reform are carried out simultaneously; The second is the promotion of mass demand and elite-led interaction; The third is the logical order of construction among the elements of civic spirit. It is necessary to start from the growth of the awareness of rights to promote the growth of the awareness of rules, and then lead to the awakening of the sense of responsibility, which is not only in line with the internal logic of the relationship between the three, but also in line with the value concept 2501002 of modern civic spirit. To sum up, the preliminary research results of civic awareness have been very rich, which provides useful reference for further in-depth research. However, from the perspective of research content, first, the understanding of civic consciousness in Chinese academic circles is mainly explained from the perspective of modern national citizenship system, and there is a lack of investigation of the diachronic and synchronic nature of civic consciousness, which affects the richness of the concept of civic consciousness and its grasp of its basic provisions. Second, although there is consensus that citizenship is a multi-dimensional concept, there is not much in-depth discussion of each dimension, and only stays on a relatively superficial analysis. Third, in the empirical research on the current situation of civic awareness in China, it is mainly limited to descriptive research, and the analysis of the reasons for the weakness of civic awareness still stays at the level of speculation, and lacks the investigation of multivariate causal relationships, especially the empirical investigation of the influencing factors of citizenship consciousness that reflect the characteristics of Chinese culture and system. Fourth, whether civic awareness is high or low needs to be verified by using certain measurement indicators, but there are few research results on the measurement indicators of civic awareness in China. Fifth, in the research on the path of civic awareness cultivation, although there have been some achievements in the academic circles, they are relatively scattered, and there is a lack of systematic analysis that integrates macro and micro perspectives. From the perspective of research methods, it is either only a normative theoretical analysis of civic consciousness, or an empirical investigation and research, and it is rare to combine the two thinking about the current situation of civic consciousness in China, its reasons and cultivation path. To this end, this book combines normative research and empirical research methods, attempts to take citizenship theory as the perspective to analyze the essence and composition of civic consciousness, and uses psychometric principles to compile contemporary Chinese citizenship awareness assessment indicators, according to which the status of Chinese civic consciousness is evaluated, and the factors affecting the status of civic consciousness in China are analyzed by the data and materials obtained from empirical investigation, and finally the cultivation path of civic consciousness in China is proposed. The selection of research methods and the collection and processing of research data Civic awareness is a huge and complex research topic, and for a long time, in social science research, innovation in methods and perspectives often leads to innovation in results. From the perspective of the research topic of civic awareness, there have always been two complementary research paths, namely normative research and empirical research. Although the normative research results are rich, it only stays at the level of academic analysis, and the research on the current situation of civic consciousness in China still needs to be verified by empirical science. Of course, there are many empirical research results on civic awareness using questionnaire surveys, especially in the past two years, the results of large-scale social surveys on China's civic awareness have continued to emerge, but in general, most of the questionnaire survey projects of civic awareness lack reliability and validity tests, especially a set of citizenship awareness evaluation index system. Most of the analysis of the influencing factors of civic awareness is based on quantitative research on personal background factors, such as gender, age, education level, household registration, etc., and it is rare to systematically analyze the cultivation of civic awareness by combining quantitative and qualitative methods. To this end, this book strives to integrate the advantages of normative research and empirical research, innovate research methods, base on interdisciplinary disciplines, use psychometric measurement technology, and discuss the measurement, evaluation and cultivation mechanism of civic consciousness based on the theories of citizenship and civil rights and duties in political science and law, so as to make a modest contribution to promoting the research topic of civic awareness. (1) Research method 1. Text reading method The text reading method of this book mainly examines and summarizes the evolution of civic consciousness in the historical process through the reading of representative historical documents related to the citizenship system in ancient Greece, Rome, the Middle Ages and modern times, and summarizes the historical development stages and characteristics of civic consciousness. On this basis, by reading the classic texts of political philosophy and jurisprudence on citizenship and civic consciousness, we will think about the masters' interpretations of citizenship and civic consciousness, and draw wisdom from the classics, so as to analyze and summarize the essence of civic consciousness. Secondly, by using rich network resources, the relevant literature on citizenship, citizenship assessment, influence mechanism, and cultivation method is collected, and through sorting and analyzing relevant literature, it provides a theoretical basis for the research on civic awareness and measurement indicators, influencing factors and cultivation methods of various dimensions in this book. 2. Interview methodThe interview method in this book is mainly used in the study of the structure of civic consciousness, and the questionnaire for preliminarily determining civic awareness is preliminarily determined through small-scale structural interviews. The interview follows an orderly step, that is, the interview outline is prepared in advance, the appropriate audience is selected, and the interview process is completely recorded and organized. 3. Questionnaire methodQuestionnaire survey method is the main method for obtaining research data such as "citizen awareness assessment and status" in this book. It is mainly divided into the steps of questionnaire design, distribution and collection, and questionnaire data entry and analysis. (2) Collection and processing of research data 1. Collection of research data: The data in this book mainly comes from the following three social surveys: The first social survey was from November 2008 to December 2008. The sample of the survey came from Wucheng District, Jindong District, Yiwu Small Commodity Market and Lanjiang Town, Lanxi City, Zhejiang Province, and 500 questionnaires were distributed, 423 were recovered, and the questionnaire recovery rate was 84.6%. This questionnaire is scored by Likert five points. In order to ensure the authenticity and credibility of the answers, positive and reverse questions are arranged in the project settings, and the collected questionnaire will be treated as waste if it has the following two questions: first, the answer selection shows regularity, and the answers to the positive and reverse questions contradict themselves; Second, if there are more than 6 blank answers (there are many questions in this questionnaire, there are 147 questions), it is regarded as not answering seriously and is invalid. After deleting all these questionnaires that did not answer carefully, 366 valid questionnaires were obtained. This part of the data is mainly used for the analysis of exploratory factors in the structure of civic awareness, legal awareness, rights awareness structure and public responsibility structure. The second social survey was conducted from December 2008 to January 2009. The questionnaire was still the original undeleted questionnaire, the participants selected 450 people from Bailongqiao Town, Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province, Nanma Town, Dongyang City, Pujiang City, Puyang Town, a total of 450 questionnaires were distributed, 402 were recovered, the questionnaire recovery rate was 89.3%, and the questionnaires that were not answered carefully were deleted according to the principles mentioned above, and finally 351 valid questionnaires were obtained. This part of the data is mainly used for confirmatory factor analysis. In the first and second questionnaires, although the default values of the overall questionnaire were small, most of the default values were concentrated in the items that answered the sense of political efficacy, such as "principles and policies are set from above, there is no need to discuss them, even if they are discussed, it is useless", "all political issues are complex, open discussion has no benefit, it is easy to cause ideological confusion", "even the central leadership must accept the supervision of the masses", "the law is only used to deal with the people, and has little effect on officials", and so on. In particular, among the 200 questionnaires from Dongyang, 2501003 there were more gaps related to political efficacy, rule of law and human relations, and relationships. Moreover, in the collected questionnaire, from the sample characteristics of the valid data, there were fewer people over the age of 50 and with an education level of primary school or less. The reason may be that the first and second surveys are entrusted to relevant personnel in the streets and communities, allowing the respondents to fill in by themselves, because there are more items in this survey, there are more than 140 questions, the arrangement is tight, the words are small, which makes it difficult for older people to read and fill in; Secondly, in the design of the project, although it is as easy to understand as possible, in any case, for people with low education level (people with primary school education level and below), it is difficult to understand by themselves; Finally, because the less educated and older the more cautious they are in answering questions about political efficacy, they choose not to answer in order to avoid trouble. In order to make the sample more representative, especially to make up for the sample over 50 years old, as well as the sample of people with lower levels of education, a third survey was conducted. The third social survey ran from January 2009 to February 2009. The questionnaire of this survey was revised on the basis of exploratory factor analysis, and the items with low validity in exploratory factor analysis were deleted, and the questionnaire items were reduced to 107 questions. The survey organized students from the School of Law and Public Administration of Zhejiang Normal University, conducted survey training for students in advance, let students go home and use the holidays to conduct household surveys, and orally explained to the participants who had difficulty understanding, selected by the participants, and filled in by the investigators. In the selection of samples, the proportion of people over 50 years old and those with low educational level was increased, and occupation, gender, age, and urban-rural ratio were taken into account to make the sample more representative. In this survey, 500 questionnaires were distributed, and together with the data of the first and second surveys, a total of 1202 questionnaires were recovered, with a recovery rate of 82.9%, and invalid questionnaires were eliminated, leaving 1076 valid questionnaires. This part of the data is mainly used for the study of civic participation awareness and political effectiveness. Not 1076 data were used in each study in this study, because the same data could not be used for exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis when studying consciousness structures and measurement tools according to psychometric principles, otherwise the measurement items would not have reliability and validity. Moreover, in the third social survey, because some items were deleted, the deletion of these items was based on the analysis of exploratory factors, and no project analysis was carried out in advance, so in the later analysis, in order to make the measurement of items such as civic awareness, legal awareness, and political effectiveness awareness more reliable, further exploratory factor analysis after project analysis is different from the items left after direct exploratory factor analysis, and only the first and second batches of data can be used, and the third batch of data cannot be used. 2. Demographic distribution and descriptive statistics of the study subjects (1) Overall demographic characteristics of the first survey data. 48.6% were males and 51.1% were females; Agricultural hukou accounted for 46.7% and non-agricultural hukou accounted for 51.6%; 40.7 per cent received formal education at or above the tertiary level, 55.5 per cent received secondary education and 3.8 per cent received education below primary school. 20.3% were under 30 years old, 54.6% were 31-40 years old, 22.7% were 41-50 years old, and 1.9% were over 50 years old. The class of State managers accounted for 7.7 per cent, private entrepreneurs 12.3 per cent, managers and professional technicians 21 per cent, individual businesses 6.8 per cent, clerical workers 8.7 per cent, industrial workers 3.3 per cent, service workers 19.7 per cent, agricultural workers 10.1 per cent and other occupations 7.1 per cent. (The default value is for less than 100% of the above data) (2) The overall demographic characteristics of the second group of respondents. 61.3% were men and 38.5% were women; Agricultural hukou accounted for 56.7% and non-agricultural hukou accounted for 43.3%; 22.7% of those received tertiary education, 67.2% received secondary education, and 9.4% received education below primary school. 15.9% were under 30 years old, 13.1% were 31-40 years old, 45.9% were 41-50 years old, and 11.1% were over 50 years old. State managers accounted for 6.8 per cent, private entrepreneurs 10.3 per cent, managers and professional technicians 13.1 per cent, individual businesses 9.4 per cent, clerical workers 7.7 per cent, industrial workers 11.4 per cent, service workers 3.4 per cent, agricultural workers 14.8 per cent, other occupations 15.7 per cent and unemployed and semi-unemployed 5.4 per cent. (The default value is for less than 100% of the above data) (3) The demographic characteristics of the respondents obtained in total, the first, second, and third batches. The overall demographic characteristics of the study subjects were: 605 males, accounting for 56.2%, and 467 females, accounting for 43.4%; There were 527 people with agricultural hukou, accounting for 49.5%, and 538 people (50.4%) in non-agricultural hukou; There were 319 people with higher education at or above the junior college level, accounting for 29.7%, 306 (technical secondary school and vocational high school) education, accounting for 28.4%, and 447 (41.5%) receiving junior high school or lower education. 137 (12.7%) were under 30 years old, 407 (37.8%) were aged 31-40, 306 (28.4%) were aged 41-50, 133 (12.3%) were aged 51-60, and 87 were over 60 years old, accounting for 8.1%; There are 83 responsible persons of state organs, party and mass organizations, enterprises and institutions, accounting for 7.7%, 114 private business owners, accounting for 10.6%, 34 managers, 3.2%, 157 professional and technical personnel, accounting for 14.6%, 82 individual industrial and commercial enterprises, accounting for 7.6%, 90 clerical personnel and related personnel, accounting for 8.3%, 91 industrial workers, accounting for 8.4%, 124 employees in the service industry, accounting for 11.5%, 140 agricultural workers, accounting for 13%, and 86 people in other occupations. accounted for 8%, 45 unemployed and semi-unemployed, accounting for 4.2%, 26 unanswered, accounting for 2.4%; There are 195 people with an average annual income of less than 10,000 yuan, accounting for 18.1%, 260 people with 10,000-20,000 yuan, accounting for 24.3%, 190 people with 20,000-30,000 yuan, accounting for 17.8%, 178 people with 30,000-50,000 yuan, accounting for 16.5%, 86 people with 50,000-80,000 yuan, accounting for 8.1%, and 93 people with more than 80,000 yuan. From the above data, according to the results of the 2007 census in China's Statistical Yearbook, 2501004 the proportion of men and women in Zhejiang Province (6-64 years old) was 50.95% male and 49.05% female, and the proportion of urban population and rural population was 57.2% and 42.8% respectively, which is relatively close to the sample structure of this book. In terms of age, according to the results of the 2007 census in the Statistical Yearbook, the proportion of the population aged 20-29 to the population aged 20-65 is 20.28%, 26.38% is 30-39 years old, 25.05% is 40-49 years old, 21.63% is 50-59 years old, and 6.66% is 6.66% aged 60-65. However, from the perspective of education level, the data of the 2007 population census of Zhejiang Province (6-64 years old) shows that the education level of high school or above is 12.66%, and the education level of college or above is 8.5%, which shows that the education level of this sample is high, which is mainly because the questionnaire requires participants to have certain understanding ability, which is also the defect of this research data. As Melanie Manion rightly points out, "multivariate relationship studies are generally more reliable than descriptive univariate studies" 2501005. Although the educational attainment of the sample is high, the age structure is not representative of the average educational attainment and average age of the population. However, as long as the educational attainment variable and the age variable show a change from low to high, it can still be used to measure the extent to which educational attainment affects civic awareness. 3. Data analysis and processing The original data of the valid questionnaire is entered into the computer, and the analysis methods include descriptive statistics, analysis of variance, cluster analysis, factor analysis, correlation analysis, regression analysis and structural equation analysis. The analysis was performed alternately using SPSS 12.0 and LISREL 8.70 analysis software. In short, in the writing of this book, we adopt an interdisciplinary and multi-angle approach, use the method of normative research to analyze and summarize the essence of civic awareness, and use empirical methods to investigate and study the survey indicators, influencing factors and current situation of civic awareness, and propose a path for cultivating modern civic consciousness on this basis.(AI翻译)





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