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The key point of public administration is performance.Western countries' administrative reform since twenty centuries 70-80 age which takes UK and US as representatives,held government performance as most important target.And then government performance evaluation spreads out flourishingly being a significant politics.While governmental performance evaluation become one kind of international reform trend,the theory of performance management also introduce in our country,and became the guiding ideology of government reform.The government performance appraisal have being put into practice in so many local government of our country that naturally the performance appraisal of civil service has being paid close attention to fully.

The civil service' performance appraisal system occupies core position in government human resources management system.It is one kind of mechanism which improving government performance,one kind of effective incentive mechanism,one kind of competent employee choosing mechanism,and also one kind of important mechanism which can develop civil service'ability.The performance appraisal in enterprise has already developed maturely and perfect,relatively civil service' performance appraisal is still a field needed to discuss.

In our country,civil service'performance appraisal has always being a difficult problem.Even though appraisal the official has existed since ancient times and system has been build comparatively completed in reality,but as a whole,the effect of civil service'performance appraisal is not good.It not only fail to incentive civil service to bring their enthusiasm and conscious activity into play,but also fail to achieve the goal of improve individual's ability and organization's performance through performance appraisal.

The purpose of this study was to examine the shortcomings of civil service'performance appraisal system in our country,and establish our country's civil service performance appraisal system with performance management theory and modern Human Resource Management theory and method.The effort was not only useful to provide scientific measurement standard for civil service's job behavior and build competitive and incentive mechanism for government human resource development,but also has essential meaning for deepening governmental official personnel system reform and marching toward modern Human Resource Management for our government Human Resource Management.

The dissertation's train of thought is as follows:first,define the inherent structure of civil service performance,appraisal my deceased the boundary,comb fundamental theory of civil service performance appraisal system and build the theoretical frame of civil service performance appraisal system including indicator system,main body and method.Second,analyze western counties' civil service performance appraisal system in order to find out a few universal laws and experiences.Third,analyze several primal problems existing in our country current civil service performance appraisal system on the bases of questionnaire investigation and the interview.Fourth,discuss systematical reform of the current civil service performance appraisal system.Finally,using Delphi and AHP method to build a two-layer indicator system and weight system of civil service performance appraisal,and then put it into practice at one department of Wu Chang District Wu Han City to test the level of the system.This study utilized a mixedmethods approach of literature analysis,comparative analysis,qualitative,as well as quantitative questionnaire.

The dissertation is composed of seven parts.Part I“Introduction”summarizes the main research questions.It analyzes the background that the research questions put forward,gives definitions to the relevant concepts include civil service,performance and performance appraisal etc,reviews related literature of current research situations of home and abroad,draws out the structure of the dissertation,as well as defines research methods and points out new ideas.

Part Ⅱ is the theories foundation civil service performance appraisal system builds on.The theories are divided into three major types,that is economic an-gel,management angel and“New Public Management”.The main theory of eco-nomic angel is the principal-agent theory.Management angel mainly includes MBO theory,Expectation theory and Impartial theory.The study combs these theories under the thesis of performance appraisal in order to provide theoretical support to our country's civil service performance appraisal system reformation

Part Ⅲ is about the construction of theoretical frame of the civil service performance appraisal system.The author mainly analyzes the system model,civil service performance appraisal indicator system,methods and subject system of civil service performance appraisal,which can be foundations of the discussion of our country's civil service performance appraisal system reforming.

Part Ⅳ is about comparative analysis of foreign countries' civil service performance system and its inspirations.This part has detailed studied characteristics of the content,indicator system,progress and method of civil service performance appraisal system in foreign countries such as USA,United Kingdom,Japan and Korea.Further more,this part carries out a transverse comparison and analysis of civil service performance appraisal system between these foreign countries in order to provide a salutary lesson,general experiences and the enlightenment to our country's reform.

Part Ⅴ mainly analyses current situations and problems which exist in current civil service performance appraisal system in our country.First,it elaborates the institutions of our country's civil service performance appraisal system and its development in practice.And next,further analyzes the primal problems existing in our country's civil service performance appraisal system and indicator system based on the statistics of questionnaire inquires and field investigation and interviews.

Part Ⅵ are the systematical reform thought discussion.This part concludes some representative Civil service performance appraisal reforming practice in recent years in our country such as Jiangsu,Qingdao and Shenzhen.And then,on the basis of performance management theory,the author brings forward the train of though of reform to our country's civil service performance appraisal system.

Part Ⅶ goes a step further to study establishing a feasible Civil service performance appraisal system in our country.The author adopts literature analysis,Delphi and AHP method to determine a two-layer indicator system,weight sys tem of indicator,as well as weight of subjects,and then builds a mix-up evaluation model include above indicator system,weight of subjects and mix-up evaluation method.Finally,puts the model into practice at one department of Wu Chang District Wu Han City to test the level of the system.

Based on the study,the dissertation concludes some main problems existing in our current civil service performance appraisal system as follows:

(1)Civil service performance appraisal indicators are not concrete as well as the standard are ambiguous.The appraisal dimensions of“moral integrity,ability,diligent and achievement”in“civil service law”are just principle stipulations,which lack second-layer and third-layer indicator,and the degree of quantization is low.So object standards are not clear.

(2)The appraisal subjects are not all-round,and the appraisal pattern is unitary.In civil service performance appraisal,higher authority and workmates are major subjects adopted.The pattern of appraisal is still“from up to bottom”,introducing subjects from outside has not been paid much attention to.

(3)The methods of civil service performance appraisal are over-simplistic.In the investigation,we find out that majority method adopted are still qualitative and performance appraisal based on computer and internet has not built up.

(4)The operating process of performance appraisals are not perfect.One is short of the performance appraisal plan.Two is effective performance appraisal feedback and communication mechanism have not built up.Three is the participation of civil service have been ignored.

(5)The results of civil service performance appraisal are unwisely used.There is a general phenomenon that performance appraisal are disjointed with compensation,promotion and training.It seemed that the result of performance appraisal have unobvious effect on individual.

(6)The performance appraisal is not put in strategy location.

Thus,this study suggests that our county's civil service performance appraisal system should reform as follows:

(1)Establish correct performance value under the guidance of science developing value and“public-oriented”performance appraisal mechanism.

(2)Establish perfect performance appraisal systematical process.Accord ing to performance management theory,the process of civil service performance appraisal should be designed as a circulatory system including four links of planning,monitoring,evaluating and feedback.This process is a performance management system which is designed not only for appraising,but for promoting civil service' work initiative and organization performance.

(3)Set up standardized appraisal indicator system according to different rank and classification.It is necessary to distinguish different rank indicator according to authority and formulate different classification indicator according to character and requirement of position.

(4)Introduce multiple dimensions of appraisers.The appraisal should not only from higher position,colleague and oneself.It is more important to introduce appraisers from outside,that is object of service or public.The satisfaction degree of the public usually reflects civil service' real performance more accurately.

(5)Introduce advanced performance appraisal theories and methods.Along with western countries'“New Public Management campaign”,a lot of advanced performance appraisal theories and methods have been used in public sector effectively,such as MBO,KPI,BSC,etc.In our country there are some successful cases of use advanced method in performance appraisal.For example,Shenzhen use BSC and KPI to design their performance appraisal system successfully which can give us a lot of enlightenment.

(6)Pay much attention to use of performance appraisal result.It is necessary to add to regulations about use of the result of performance appraisal,to link the result with civil service' promotion,award and punishment,training as well as rewards,so as to connect performance appraisal with motivation mechanism.

(7)Build-up performance management information platform.Information platform will be helpful to carry out dynamic management to civil service' performance,be helpful to collect object performance data,as well as be helpful to implement multiple appraisers.

Additionally,the performance appraisal system of civil service set up in this dissertation,integrates the appraisal elements including indicator system,subjects and method in mix-up appraisal model,which can really implement synthetical appraisal to civil service.This model provides a feasible way to make civ il service performance appraisal transiting from qualitative valuation to quantify,which can reduce a lot of effect of subjective factors,and also can make appraisal result more objective and impartial.

Keywords:civil service;performance;performance appraisal;reform





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