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基金信息: 国家社科基金 展开


第一节 科学发展观:催生一个新的研究命题












第二节 科学发展观:与时俱进的重大战略思想


一 科学发展视阈的渐次拓展








二 科学发展理念的渐次强化










第三节 科学发展观:凸显兼容性与深刻性的科学理论体系


一 科学发展观的开放性和兼容性












二 科学发展观的务实性和深刻性
























第四节 科学发展观:发达地区与欠发达地区共同遵循又要差别化实施的核心理念








第五节 本课题成果的逻辑框架和努力体现的若干特点

一 逻辑框架










二 努力体现的若干特点















Section 1 Scientific Outlook on Development: Giving birth to a new research proposition In today's world, with the rapid growth of the economy, the imbalance between economic and social development has become increasingly prominent, the contradiction between man and nature has become more acute, and the issue of scientific development has become more and more a major and serious topic. The first influential international research work on population, resources, environment and economic development, Boulding's "Spacecraft Economic Theory" came out in 1966, which gradually attracted widespread attention to this issue. Since the Third Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee in 2003, the leading collective of the CPC Central Committee with Hu Jintao as general secretary put forward the Scientific Outlook on Development and the major strategic thinking of using the Scientific Outlook on Development to lead the overall economic and social development, people have formed an increasingly extensive consensus on scientific development. However, the implementation of the Scientific Outlook on Development faces a variety of different regions, especially the two most typical different types of regions, namely developed regions and underdeveloped regions. The stage of economic development of developed and underdeveloped regions is different, the requirements for scientific development and the difficulties to be solved are different, and the degree of implementation of the scientific outlook on development and the choice of path are also different. Through such comparative research, recognize and deeply understand the commonalities and differences between the implementation of the Scientific Outlook on Development in developed and underdeveloped regions, and strive to achieve differences in implementation, which is necessary for developed and underdeveloped regions to unswervingly implement the Scientific Outlook on Development and implement the Scientific Outlook on Development in a scientific spirit, and to prevent falling into the misunderstanding of "walking in unison" regardless of the objective reality of the region. It is essential to ensure that the good results of scientific development are received. As a result, an important new research proposition - "Scientific Outlook on Development in Differentiated Implementation Research in Developed and Underdeveloped Regions" came into being. From the perspective of research status, the scientific concept of development has been a hot spot in China's academic research since it was proposed. Perspectives include economics, sociology, philosophy, ethics, history, political science, anthropology, and many other disciplines. The research of relevant academic papers generally focuses on the basis for the emergence of the scientific outlook on development, the connotation of the scientific outlook on development, the innovation of the scientific outlook on development, the definition of the scientific nature of the scientific outlook on development, and how to implement the scientific outlook on development. In terms of how to implement the scientific outlook, it mainly focuses on: the scientific outlook on development and the construction of a harmonious society; Change concepts and establish a correct view of political performance; Removing institutional barriers and improving institutional design; Establish a reasonable evaluation system. 2539762 most of these studies are from the perspective of macro and overall and have certain universality. From the literature retrieval situation, the research mainly focuses on underdeveloped areas, and there are also studies on a certain area of developed areas and underdeveloped areas (such as southern Jiangsu in the developed region and northern Jiangsu in the underdeveloped region Jiangsu). It is broadly divided into the following four categories. The first category is to determine whether the underdeveloped areas should implement the scientific outlook on development. It seems that there is no doubt that both developed and underdeveloped areas need to implement the scientific outlook on development, but Mu Hong, proceeding from the ideological reality of cadres in underdeveloped areas, pointed out that although the scientific connotation of the scientific outlook on development is clear and comprehensive, in practical work, in economically underdeveloped areas with great development pressure, some people still have doubts about the applicability of the requirements of the scientific outlook on development in the local area, believing that scientific development is a luxury for underdeveloped areas, scientific development is only suitable for developed areas, and underdeveloped areas should adhere to "development is the last word." ”。 Mu Hong believes that the scientific outlook on development is consistent with "development is the last word", and economically underdeveloped areas also need the scientific outlook on development. Only by organically combining the basic requirements of implementing the scientific outlook on development with the conditions of the country, province, and market, and choosing a correct and distinctive development model, can we achieve a leapfrog development 2539763. Gao Jinhao also believes that in order to achieve sustained, rapid, coordinated and healthy economic and social development, underdeveloped regions must give play to their comparative advantages and create new advantages in accordance with the requirements of the scientific outlook on development. The scientific outlook on development is a major opportunity 2539764 for underdeveloped regions to achieve leapfrog development. The second category is to study the general idea of implementing the scientific outlook on development in underdeveloped areas in a general sense. Hu Zhongming believes that the realization of scientific development in underdeveloped areas must be guided by emancipating the mind. He pointed out that the lack of ideological emancipation is the deep-seated cause of the backwardness of development in underdeveloped areas, and emancipation of the mind is a sharp tool to solve the problems existing in scientific development. To achieve scientific development in underdeveloped areas, it is necessary to gradually make emancipation of the mind a normal way of thinking; We must take the degree of realization of scientific development as the test criterion for emancipating the mind, and establish and improve the dynamic mechanism, implementation mechanism and guarantee mechanism for emancipating the mind; We must strive to build a political ecology that emancipates the mind and form a political atmosphere that is upright, united and harmonious, and stimulates innovation 2539765. Fan Chunde stressed that economically underdeveloped areas must clarify the main direction of attack to adhere to the scientific outlook on development. At present, the main direction of attack in underdeveloped regions should be how to transform the resource advantages of underdeveloped areas into economic advantages, and implement the 2539766 of "sustainable resource economy". From the lessons learned from the development of developed regions, Dong Heqing concluded that underdeveloped regions must correctly handle five relationships in the process of practicing the scientific outlook on development: economic growth and social development; economic construction and environmental protection; speed of development and economic efficiency; Attracting investment and talents; Material civilization and spiritual civilization. Only by correctly handling these five relationships can we truly achieve comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable scientific development and achieve people-oriented 2539767. Chen Huijuan believes that the development of underdeveloped areas should focus on solving the problem of "whether it will develop, whether it is good at innovation, and whether it dares to explore". First of all, economically underdeveloped areas should have the courage to position themselves at a high point and leapfrog development; Second, we should seek greater development with less space, adhere to the path of incremental absorption development, and seek sustainable economic and social development at the minimum cost of resources and environment. Finally, we must be good at innovation in working methods, have the courage and courage to use emerging things, and take a new path of development and efficient breakthrough 2539768. The third category is to study how to use the scientific outlook on development to guide the development of a certain aspect of underdeveloped areas. For example, Huang Jinhong studied the relationship between the scientific outlook on development and the urbanization process in underdeveloped areas. It is believed that urbanization is the "booster" for underdeveloped areas to achieve leapfrog economic and social development, and it is also the main theme in the process of modernization in underdeveloped areas. The key to accelerating the urbanization process in underdeveloped areas lies in the formation of scientific urbanization concepts. Due to the high proportion of agriculture in underdeveloped areas, urbanization should first implement the strategy of small and medium-sized towns, and at the same time, it is necessary to rely on the development of county economy to promote urbanization in underdeveloped areas. Agricultural industrialization is a shortcut 2539769 industrialization and urbanization in underdeveloped areas. Science and technology are the primary productive forces, and Xia Deyan pointed out that only by achieving leapfrog development in science and technology in underdeveloped areas can 2539770 economic leapfrog development by analyzing the current development status of science and technology in underdeveloped areas. The fourth category is the empirical analysis of the implementation of a specific regional scientific development concept in a developed or underdeveloped region. For example, in the research on the implementation of the Scientific Outlook on Development in Jiangsu Southern Jiangsu in the developed region, Chen Jihong summarized the evolution process from the "Southern Jiangsu Model" to the "New Southern Jiangsu Model" in light of the development of Wuxi, pointing out that the most basic connotation of the "New Southern Jiangsu Model" is the first development under scientific development and harmonious development, which is essentially the mass practice of the Scientific Outlook on Development in Jiangsu. In the face of new opportunities and challenges, combined with the actual situation in Wuxi, she believes that to continue to practice the scientific outlook on development, it is necessary to break through the "one shackle" (GDP shackles) and highlight the orientation of "three commitments", that is, committed to seeking breakthroughs in optimizing the structure, committed to seeking breakthroughs in promoting scientific and technological innovation and entrepreneurship, and committed to seeking breakthroughs in protecting resources and the environment 2539771. According to the core of the scientific outlook on development, Jiang Jiancheng put forward the view that "Jiangsu should continue to practice the scientific outlook on development depends on the social transformation of the southern Jiangsu people". First, conceptual change is a necessary prerequisite for the social transformation of the Sunan people. Second, quality improvement is the essence of the social transformation of the Sunan people. Third, capacity building is the key to the social transformation of the Southern Jiangsu people. Fourth, behavioral consciousness is the intrinsic choice 2539772 of the social transformation of the Sunan people. In the study of the implementation of the scientific outlook on development in northern Jiangsu, Song Zhou and others summarized the reform method of Suqian in economic and social development as the "Suqian model", and analyzed the basic connotation of the "Suqian model": "emancipating the mind" is the soul of the "Suqian model"; "Seeking truth from facts" is the premise of the "Suqian Model"; "People-oriented" is the core of the "Suqian Model"; "Comprehensive coordination" is the principle of the "Suqian model". The reform practice of Suqian shows that economic and social system innovation is the fundamental way for underdeveloped areas to achieve greater breakthroughs. Lower administrative costs, stronger sense of cadre responsibility, and better government environment are competitive advantages in the soft environment of underdeveloped areas, and are powerful driving forces to attract the rapid gathering of various production factors 2539773. Weng Sijie believes that in northern Jiangsu, people-oriented should first take human survival as the foundation, accelerate economic construction, and at the same time provide conditions for all-round human development; Reform and innovation are sustainable choices for the revitalization of northern Jiangsu, and micro enterprises and meso governments need reform and innovation 2539774. It can be seen from the above literature review that the domestic academic community has some preliminary results in the research of the scientific outlook on development in underdeveloped regions and developed regions, laying a certain foundation for future research, but these achievements either focus on the research of underdeveloped regions, or focus on the research of developed regions, combine the comparative research of developed regions and underdeveloped regions, and explore the results of the differentiated implementation of the scientific outlook on development between these two different types of regions, except for Zhou Mingsheng, Zhou Mingsheng, of this research group. In addition to the articles published by Wu Zhenglin, 2539775 has not yet seen other results in this regard. Therefore, it is urgent to carry out research in this area, and the theoretical and practical significance of this research project is obvious. As everyone knows, there is an east-west problem in the whole country, and there is a north-south problem in Jiangsu. It can be said that southern Jiangsu and northern Jiangsu are the epitome 2539776 of developed and underdeveloped areas in the country. Therefore, this project takes southern Jiangsu and northern Jiangsu as examples to study the differentiated implementation of the scientific outlook on development in developed regions and underdeveloped regions. There is no doubt that in order to study the differentiated implementation of the Scientific Outlook on Development in developed and underdeveloped regions, we first need to have a clear understanding and a deeper understanding of the Scientific Outlook on Development. Section 2 Scientific Outlook on Development: General Secretary Hu Jintao, a major strategic thought that keeps pace with the times, pointed out in his report to the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China: "The Scientific Outlook on Development is the inheritance and development of the important thinking on development of the party's three generations of central leading collectives, a concentrated embodiment of the Marxist world outlook and methodology on development, and is the same as Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory and the Communist Party of China. The scientific theory that the important thinking of the three represents is in the same vein and advances with the times, which is an important guiding principle for China's economic and social development and a major strategic idea that must be adhered to and implemented in the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics. 2539777 scientific outlook on development, which is this major strategic idea, has been developed step by step through several generations of central leading collectives, especially thanks to the gradual foreshadowing made by Deng Xiaoping and Jiang Zemin since the reform and opening up and the strong innovative spirit of the CPC Central Committee with Hu Jintao as general secretary. This can be seen in the following two ways. 2539778 I. The gradual expansion of the horizon of scientific development has undergone the development and evolution of the new concept of all-round development from a new path of economic construction, a new mode of economic growth, and a new concept of all-round development. First of all, the party's second-generation central leading collective with Deng Xiaoping as the core proposed a new path of economic construction. Not long after the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee was convened in 1978, in the face of the grim economic situation at that time, under the unified arrangements of the central authorities, and through the comprehensive implementation of the principle of "adjustment, reform, rectification, and improvement," the entire economic situation underwent gratifying changes. However, the potential dangers have not been eliminated, in particular the serious imbalance in the proportional relations of the national economy has not been effectively changed. This requires the party and the people to seriously explore the deep-seated causes of these problems and embark on a new path of economic construction that truly proceeds from China's reality. It was precisely in accordance with this requirement that, after study at the enlarged meeting of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held in November 1981, the government work report of the Fourth Session of the Fifth National People's Congress clearly put forward that China should embark on a new road of economic construction with relatively solid speed, better economic returns, and more benefits for the people, and put forward 10 principles for national economic construction on the basis of this new road. It should be noted that the new path and 10 principles for economic construction put forward at that time are a major progress, and to a certain extent contain the core ideas of the scientific outlook on development put forward after the 16th National Congress. The new path of economic construction focuses on striving to make the people get more benefits, and the ten guidelines clearly require "starting from the idea of doing everything for the people, making overall arrangements for production and construction and people's lives", which to a certain extent embodies the concept of people-oriented and all-round consideration. The key to the new path of economic construction lies in properly handling the relationship between proportion, speed and efficiency, and to a certain extent, it contains the requirements of comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development. However, after all, the new path directly involves only the economic outlook on development, and there is still a clear distance from the new outlook on development based on all-round economic, social and human development put forward by the Third Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee. Second, the party's third-generation central leading collective with Jiang Zemin as the core proposed a new way of economic growth. After the party and government put forward a new path of economic construction, China's economic construction has made great progress. However, on the whole, due to the influence of many factors, China is still following an extensive economic development path for a long period of time. The extensive growth mode has become the crux of many contradictions and problems in China's economic and social life, and this situation is closely related to the failure of the traditional planned economic system to fundamentally transform the track. In view of this situation, the Fifth Plenary Session of the 14th CPC Central Committee held in 1995 clearly proposed to accelerate the realization of "two fundamental changes": first, accelerate the transformation of the traditional planned economic system to the market economic system; The second is to accelerate the transformation from extensive growth mode to intensive growth mode. Therefore, our party has proposed a new way of economic growth, that is, the intensive economic growth mode, which refers to economic growth mainly by improving the efficiency of production factors. This new mode of economic growth not only further clarifies the key way to take the new path of economic construction that "speed is more realistic, economic returns are better, and the people can get more benefits", but also contains to a greater extent the "comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable new development concept" put forward by the Third Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee. However, this "new way" is only a new way of economic growth, and it has not yet clearly put forward a new concept of comprehensive economic, social and human development. Finally, the leading collective of the CPC Central Committee with Hu Jintao as general secretary put forward a new concept of all-round development. Since the Fifth Plenary Session of the 14th CPC Central Committee in 1995 put forward a new way of economic growth, our Party and the people have gone through several years of development. In response to the call of practice, General Secretary Hu Jintao put forward a new development concept of comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development on the basis of in-depth investigation of enterprises, villages and cities. This new concept of all-round development clearly leads development from the economic field to a broader social field for the first time, and clearly highlights the people-oriented approach and emphasizes coordinated economic and social development, thus further developing and major innovation of "a new path of economic construction" and a "new mode of economic growth". Second, the gradual strengthening of the scientific development concept, this process of keeping pace with the times, has also undergone the development and evolution from focusing on comprehensive development, emphasizing comprehensive development, and forming a system theory of comprehensive and coordinated sustainable development. The new concept of all-round development clearly put forward by General Secretary Hu Jintao has also taken shape gradually. In the course of putting forward the ideas that "development is the last word" and "development is the number one priority," Deng Xiaoping and Jiang Zemin have gradually formed the idea of all-round development, and this thinking has been gradually strengthened. The scientific outlook on development is precisely the inheritance, development, and innovation of Deng Xiaoping and Jiang Zemin's thinking on all-round development. Deng Xiaoping: Pay attention to all-round development. Deng Xiaoping emphasized "economic construction as the center," but he did not neglect all-round development. For example, he proposed that only socialism with Chinese characteristics can be achieved well in both civilizations, and that "grasping both hands should be firm," "science and technology are the primary productive forces," and "education is the most fundamental cause of a nation." He put forward the idea of "two overall situations" for coastal and inland development. In his later years, he particularly stressed the need to rationally regulate social distribution relations, avoid polarization, narrow regional differences, and promote common prosperity and progress between regions, between urban and rural areas, and among all ethnic groups. He is also an advocate of voluntary tree planting in our country and has taken the lead in participating in voluntary tree planting activities. There are only two inscriptions included in the "Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping", one is about the "three aspects" of education ("education should be oriented to modernization, the world, and the future") and the other is about afforestation ("planting trees, greening the motherland, and benefiting future generations"), both of which are related to the strategic issue of comprehensive and coordinated sustainable development. Deng Xiaoping talked about the characteristics of the six aspects of a "moderately prosperous society," including the problem of guaranteeing people's food, clothing, and use, housing, employment, education and other public welfare undertakings, and spiritual outlook. 2539779 these are all about all-round development. It can be seen that Deng Xiaoping emphasized economic construction as the center, but also paid attention to all-round development. The "development" in "development is the last word" he emphasized does not only refer to economic development, but also includes all-round development. Of course, he emphasized economic development, because at that time our party had just shifted the focus of its work to economic construction, and was in the stage of solving the problem of food and clothing, and the outstanding contradiction and task was to solve the problem of the survival of the common people. Jiang Zemin: Stress all-round development. After the Fourth Plenary Session of the 13th CPC Central Committee, the party's third-generation central leading collective with Jiang Zemin as the core conscientiously absorbed the lesson of "one hand being hard and the other soft" that once appeared in our party's practical work in the 80s of the 20th century, and began to emphasize and pay attention to all-round development. Jiang Zemin's statement that development is the number one priority, and "development" includes all-round development. First, Jiang Zemin emphasized and profoundly expounded the idea of all-round social progress and coordinated development. He put forward that "socialism is a society of all-round development and all-round progress," and 2539780 and successively put forward at the Seventh Plenary Session of the 13th CPC Central Committee and the Fifth Plenary Session of the 14th CPC Central Committee the 12 principles for building socialism with Chinese characteristics and the 12 relations that must be correctly handled, the purpose of which is to "adapt to and promote the continuous development of social productive forces and all-round social progress." This provided a direct theoretical source for the leading collective of the CPC Central Committee with Hu Jintao as general secretary after the 16th National Congress to summarize the basic requirements of the scientific outlook on development and comprehensive coordination of sustainable development. Second, Jiang Zemin emphasized and profoundly expounded the ideas of "taking the masses of the people as the foundation" and "all-round human development." Proceeding from the basic tenets of historical materialism, he profoundly expounded and clearly demanded that "the interests of the party and the people be given priority everywhere and the masses of the people should be the foundation 2539781." He has always believed that "man is the most decisive force in the productive forces" 2539782. When celebrating the 80th anniversary of the founding of the CPC, he comprehensively expounded the Marxist scientific proposition on the all-round development of man in light of the new historical conditions, holding that this is "the essential requirement of Marxism on building a new socialist society," and that all the work we carry out in the cause of building socialism with Chinese characteristics is "to focus on promoting the improvement of the people's quality, that is, to strive to promote the all-round development of the people 2539783." All these provide an important theoretical source for the core concept of "people-oriented" of the scientific outlook on development for people and relying on people. Hu Jintao: Form a systematic theory of comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development. After the 16th CPC National Congress, the leading collective of the CPC Central Committee with Hu Jintao as general secretary conscientiously summed up and drew lessons from international and domestic development, judged the hour and sized up the situation, continued to advance on the basis of Deng Xiaoping and Jiang Zemin's thinking on all-round development, put forward the people-oriented, comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable scientific outlook on development, and achieved major theoretical innovations. These major innovations lie in the fact that for the first time our party's systematic Marxist theory on development has been formed, which has achieved a leap in our party's understanding on the issue of development and enriched the theoretical treasury of Marxism. In fact, every generation of Marxist leaders, including Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin, and Mao Zedong, put forward relatively rich important ideas on scientific development, but have not yet formed a systematic theory of scientific development. With the general scope and concept of the Scientific Outlook on Development, some scattered understandings of predecessors have been systematized and a complete theoretical system on scientific development has been formed. It is the product of the combination of Marxism and the reality and characteristics of the times in contemporary China, a symbol of our party's leap in understanding of the development issue, and also a symbol of the formation of Marxist theory on socialist development. It is precisely because of the major innovation of the scientific outlook on development that the scientific outlook on development has become "an important guiding principle for China's economic and social development" and "a major strategic thought that must be adhered to and implemented in the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics". Section 3 Scientific Outlook on Development: As the latest content of the socialist theoretical system with Chinese characteristics, the Scientific Outlook on Development leads people to achieve scientific development with its distinctive compatibility and profoundness. I. The Openness and Compatibility of the Scientific Outlook on Development The Scientific Outlook on Development is not only the inheritance, development and innovation of the scientific development concept of our party's central leadership collective for several generations, but also a reference and sublimation of the foreign development concept, and an effective integration and transcendence of various development concepts in the contemporary West. From a vertical point of view, the scientific outlook on development is a reference and sublimation of the three generations of development outlook in the continuous evolution of foreign countries. In foreign countries, after the Second World War, people's understanding of the nature of development has undergone a transformation process from an economic perspective to a social perspective to a human perspective, and three different views on development have been put forward accordingly. First, in the 50s and 60s of the 20th century, the traditional development concept with economic growth as the core, that is, the first generation of development concept. Its basic model is: development = economic growth; Economic growth = industrialization. Although this concept of development has played a positive role in promoting economic growth and rapidly accumulating wealth, it has not brought more well-being to people, and there have been unfair distribution, polarization, social unrest, environmental pollution and ecological damage under high growth. The second is the second-generation development concept in the 70s and 80s of the 20th century, with comprehensive development and sustainable development as the core. Its basic model is: development = economic growth + social progress. At this stage, on the basis of affirming growth, more attention is paid to the quality of development and to the fact that development is a process of social progress based on economic growth. It also recognizes that only such integrated development can be sustainable. In 1983, the United Nations launched the book "New View of Development", which put forward a "holistic", "integrated" and "endogenous" comprehensive concept of development. In 1987, the United Nations World Commission on Environment and Development further proposed the concept of sustainable development. The adoption of the Rio de Janeiro Declaration and Agenda 21 in 1992 marked the recognition of the concept of sustainable development by countries with different development concepts around the world. Third, since the 90s of the 20th century, the contemporary development concept with human development as the core, that is, the third-generation development concept. Its basic model is: development = people-centred + multidimensional development + sustainable development. In 1990, the United Nations Development Programme published its first Human Development Report (HDR), which clearly stated that the purpose of development is to improve the lives of all, that development should be people-centred, and that economic growth is only a means to this end, not an end in itself. At the same time, the organization has designed the Human Development Index (HDI), which reflects economic growth, social progress, environmental harmony and the state of human development, to assess the average achievement of human development in countries and to rank them by country. This approach has attracted widespread attention and influence from policymakers, academia and the general public. The above-mentioned experiences and lessons in foreign development theories and development practices have given us profound inspiration, and the scientific outlook on development put forward by our party is precisely the reference and sublimation of these achievements of world civilization. From a horizontal point of view, the scientific outlook on development is a comprehensive reflection of several new development trends and new development concepts in the contemporary world, and effectively integrates and transcends. With the development of industrial society towards knowledge society, many new trends have emerged in the world's development practice, and in line with these new trends, the contemporary development concept has presented various new trends of thought. First, the trend of humanization and the people-oriented outlook on development. Of course, man is the main body of development, but in different historical stages of human social development, the status and role of man are very different. Although the status and role of human beings in industrial society have been greatly improved compared with agricultural society, on the whole, this status and role are still very limited. As the industrial society moves towards the knowledge society, the main position and leading role of man become increasingly prominent, the voice of human liberation and development, human modernization continues to increase, and humanistic reason gradually occupies a dominant position, thus forming a people-oriented concept of development. Second, the trend of integration and the concept of comprehensive and coordinated development. In industrial society, people are generally concerned about the development of industrial civilization and economy, and relatively speaking, social development is neglected. With the continuous exposure of social problems, the overall development of economy and society has become a universal requirement, and the traditional concept of industrial civilization has gradually been replaced by a comprehensive and coordinated concept of development. Third, the trend of ecology and the concept of environment-friendly development. Since traditional industries are mainly extensive economies, with the depletion of natural resources, serious pollution of the ecological environment, and the increasing crisis of traditional industries, new industries and information and knowledge industries characterized by ecological civilization have become increasingly prosperous, and the environmentally friendly concept of development has begun to sweep the world. Fourth, the trend of internationalization and the outlook on global development. Due to the rapid development of transnational corporations and the continuous expansion of international economic organizations, especially the global extension of information networks, the trend of internationalization is increasing. Based on the thinking of global development, people have put forward various global development concepts. The people-oriented, comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development concept put forward by our party at the beginning of the 21st century, as an effective integration and transcendence of the above-mentioned new development trends and contemporary development concepts in the contemporary world, reflects the common requirements of post-industrialization, post-modernization, industrialization and modernization. At the same time, it also fully reflects the openness and inclusiveness of the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, including the scientific outlook on development, created by our party, and fully reflects the broad-mindedness and theoretical character of contemporary Chinese communists who are open to all rivers and keep pace with the times. This important exposition in the report of the 17th CPC National Congress clearly embodies the pragmatic and profound nature of the scientific outlook on development, and it is in line with Deng Xiaoping and Jiang Zemin's thinking on development and keeps pace with the times. 1. "First truth" (hard truth) → "first priority" → "first meaning". From Deng Xiaoping's "hard truth", that is, the "first truth" (the author believes that the "hard truth" is the biggest truth, that is, the "first truth") to Jiang Zemin's "first priority" to Hu Jintao's "first important meaning", such an evolution process coincides with the strategic goal of "going in three steps" put forward by our party, and has also experienced a "trilogy": the first step: after the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, it is compatible with the implementation of the first strategic goal of the first step, that is, the goal of achieving food and clothing. The party's second-generation central leading collective with Deng Xiaoping as the core put forward the important idea that "development is the last word." Deng Xiaoping profoundly summed up the lessons and lessons learned over the past 20 years since the founding of New China, broke through the ideological confinement of taking class struggle as the keynote, and decisively shifted the focus of the work of the party and the state to socialist modernization. He stressed that economic construction is the center, and "development is the last word." He pointed out that the key to solving all problems in China lies in its own development, "ultimately convincing those who do not believe in socialism to rely on our development", 2539784 to engage in socialism, the center is to develop social productive forces, poverty is not socialism. He repeatedly admonished the whole party to "seize the opportunity and develop itself, the key is to develop the economy," and to hold on to this issue and be stubborn. It was precisely under the guidance of Deng Xiaoping's thinking on development that the whole party and the whole country were full of high enthusiasm for seizing opportunities and seeking development; regardless of the east, west, south, and north winds, they firmly determined that development would not be relaxed, and in a short period of time they quickly achieved initial success in development, and in 1987 achieved the first strategic goal of doubling the gross national product compared with 1980 three years ahead of schedule. This is a major achievement of the idea that "development is the last word". Step 2: After the Fourth Plenary Session of the 13th CPC Central Committee, in line with the implementation of the second-step strategic goal, that is, the goal of achieving overall moderate prosperity, the party's third-generation central leading collective with Jiang Zemin as the core put forward the important idea that "development is the most important task for the party to govern and rejuvenate the country." From the "first truth" (hard truth) to the "first priority" is Jiang Zemin's deepening of Deng Xiaoping's thinking on development. This can be viewed from two aspects: First, the thinking of "first priority" closely links development with the implementation of the important thinking of "three represents" and gives development a more profound meaning. Jiang Zemin clearly pointed out in his "Several Opinions on the Draft Report of the 16th CPC National Congress": "It is very important to regard development as the top priority for the party to govern and rejuvenate the country." Only by firmly grasping this article can the requirements of the 'three represents' be truly implemented. "2539785 this makes the intention of development higher and can highlight the profound significance of development." Second, the "first priority" ideology links development with the party's ruling and rejuvenating the country, giving development a deeper source of strength and a more solid foundation for our party's governance. Jiang Zemin profoundly pointed out: "Whether or not we can properly resolve the issue of development has a direct bearing on the will of the people and the rise or fall of our cause," and 2539786 firmly grasp development, which is the most important task, "if we fundamentally grasp the people's aspirations and the essence of socialist modernization, we will be able to continuously implement the important thinking of the 'three represents,' continuously consolidate the party's ruling position, and continuously realize the requirements of strengthening the country and enriching the people 2539787." In this way, the development of China's socialist cause and the ruling and rejuvenation of the country by our party will be able to gain a broader and more reliable mass base and a deeper source of strength. Under the guidance of Deng Xiaoping and Jiang Zemin's thinking on development, the whole party and the people of the whole country continued to seize opportunities to seek development, worked together to engage in construction, and on the basis of achieving the first-step strategic goal three years ahead of schedule, in 1995 achieved the second-step strategic goal of quadrupling the gross national product compared with 1980 five years ahead of schedule. This is not only Deng Xiaoping, but also a major achievement of Jiang Zemin's thinking on development. Step 3: After the 16th CPC National Congress, in line with the beginning of the implementation of the third-step strategic goal of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way at the new stage of the new century, the leading collective of the CPC Central Committee with Hu Jintao as general secretary put forward the important idea that development is the "first meaning" of the scientific outlook on development. The idea of "first priority" is another step forward as opposed to the idea that development is the "first priority". This is because emphasizing development as the "first meaning" of the scientific outlook on development raises development to the height of scientific development, demands that development is development in the scientific sense, and at the same time regards development as the most important purpose in implementing the scientific outlook on development. In his report to the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Hu Jintao emphatically pointed out: "Development is of decisive significance for building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way and accelerating socialist modernization. It is necessary to firmly grasp economic construction as the center, persist in concentrating on construction, wholeheartedly seek development, and constantly liberate and develop the social productive forces. 2539788 in his speech marking the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, Hu Jintao further pointed out: "Taking economic construction as the center is the key to rejuvenating the country, and is the fundamental requirement for the prosperity and long-term stability of our party and our country... In the future, we must continue to firmly adhere to the strategic thinking that development is the last word, firmly grasp economic construction as the center, and never waver in the slightest. The meaning of these statements is extremely profound. 2. A profound understanding of the basic national condition that "our country will be in the primary stage of socialism for a long time." From Deng Xiaoping to Jiang Zemin to Hu Jintao, why did they always firmly adhere to development and never waver in grasping the central task of economic construction? In the final analysis, it is determined by a sober and profound understanding of the basic national conditions that our country will remain in the initial stage of socialism for a long time. The report of the 17th CPC National Congress pointed out that although "through unremitting efforts since the founding of New China, especially since the reform and opening up, China has made development achievements that have attracted worldwide attention, and far-reaching and major changes have taken place from the productive forces to the relations of production, from the economic base to the superstructure, the basic national conditions of our country that are still in the initial stage of socialism and will remain for a long time have not changed, and the contradiction between the people's growing material and cultural needs and backward social production, which is the main contradiction in society, has not changed." 2539789 in his speech at the celebration of the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, Hu Jintao, while reiterating the above-mentioned "two unchanged" in contemporary China, added a "unchanged", that is, "China's international status as the largest developing country in the world has not changed", and further emphasized: "Development remains the key to solving all problems in our country." These "two have not changed" and "three have not changed" fundamentally determine that we must unswervingly adhere to the party's basic line for 100 years, unwavering in adhering to economic construction as the central task for 100 years, and unwavering in adhering to the "first truth," "first priority," and "first important meaning" of development for 100 years. The scientific outlook on development adheres to the "first meaning" of development and conforms to the greatest reality that China will remain in the primary stage of socialism for a long time, so it fundamentally determines that it is a scientific theory. (2) Four "must be adhered to": The profound connotation of the scientific outlook on development The rich and profound connotation of the scientific outlook on development is embodied in the four "must be adhered to" put forward in the report of the 17th National Congress: First, we must persist in taking development as the first priority for the party to govern and rejuvenate the country. This is the first meaning of adhering to the scientific outlook on development; Second, we must adhere to the people-oriented approach. This is to adhere to the core of the scientific outlook on development; Third, we must adhere to comprehensive and coordinated sustainable development. This is the basic requirement for adhering to the scientific outlook on development; Fourth, we must persist in taking into account the overall situation. This is a fundamental method for adhering to the scientific outlook on development. In the rich and profound connotation of the scientific outlook on development, the core is people-oriented, and other connotations are developed and derived around this core. People-oriented is the soul of our party's theoretical innovation achievements, the full display of the ruling party's value orientation, and the essence of Chinese traditional culture. As the saying goes, "the beginning of the husband's hegemony is also people-oriented, the original principle is the country's solidity, and the inherent danger is the country's chaos." It can be seen 2539790 that our ancestors took people-oriented as an important concept and strategy for governing the country as early as 2300 years ago. Of course, the "people-oriented" we are talking about today has undoubtedly been given a new era significance. For the deep connotation of people-oriented, it can be analyzed from the following five levels: First, who is the "person" who is people-oriented? "The people are precious, the society is second, and the king is light." 2539791 "The people of heaven are not kings; The king of heaven is born to think that the people are also. It can be seen 2539792 that people-oriented is actually "people-oriented". In today's China, the people-oriented "people" refers to the broadest masses of the people, not to a few. Second, what does "fundamental" mean by people-oriented? The "fundamental" of people-oriented means "fundamental," and people-oriented means taking people as the foundation and the broad masses of the people as the foundation. The third is people-oriented, what is people-oriented? People-oriented is based on the all-round development of people and the fundamental interests of the masses of the people. All efforts to promote economic and social development are fundamentally aimed at satisfying the interests and needs of the broadest masses of the people. It is therefore important that the fruits of development reach all people. Fourth, people-oriented, who is people-oriented? That is, who is the human-oriented subject? Today, this main body should be the party organizations at all levels, the people's governments at all levels, and the leading bodies at all levels. Party organizations and governments represent the interests of the people, so people-oriented is fundamentally based on their own fundamental interests. In this sense, everyone in the masses of the people needs to have a people-oriented concept, and they all need to care for others, love others, and not harm the interests of others. Fifth, what is the counterpart of people-oriented? The counterpart of people-oriented is object-oriented. The people-oriented concept of development is a scientific concept of development, and the material-oriented concept of development is a traditional concept of development, which sees things without seeing people and takes economic growth as the fundamental purpose of development, which will inevitably pay a high social price, especially the cost of resources and the environment. (3) Achieving Good and Rapid Development: The Essence of the Scientific Outlook on Development The essence of the Scientific Outlook on Development is to achieve good and rapid development. There are two levels of questions here that deserve deep consideration. First, our country originally mainly pursued "fast", now it is mainly pursuing "good", now it is not to "fast and good", but to "good and fast", why? This is because our main pursuit of "fast" in the past has encountered three major contradictions: First, the contradiction between high-speed economic growth and the carrying capacity of resources and the environment. The first is serious resource consumption, and the second is serious environmental damage. The second is the contradiction between high-speed economic growth and the international community's ability to bear it. The international community faces the problem of affordability in two aspects of China's rapid economic growth. On the one hand, there is a series of concerns about a series of problems brought about by China's rapid growth, and on the other hand, there is a fear of China's rapid economic growth and growing strength. The third is the contradiction between the uneven distribution of wealth and the psychological endurance of the domestic people in the process of rapid economic growth and rapid expansion of total wealth. The first and second contradictions mentioned above require us to develop rationally and scientifically, and the third contradiction requires us to develop harmoniously. The combination of the three major contradictions requires us to mainly pursue "good" development, not to be fast and good, but to be good and fast. Because "good" development should include scientific development and harmonious development. Second, now the main pursuit of "good", but still as "fast" as possible, not only "good", but also "fast", why? First, because our wealth cake is still small compared to developed countries. Although China's total GDP has surpassed the United Kingdom and France in 2006, it has leapt to the fourth place in the world; In 2007, it surpassed Germany and ranked third in the world; In 2010, it surpassed Japan to rank second in the world, but the actual gap is still large compared to Japan. From the per capita GDP index that better reflects a country's economic development level, China's per capita GDP is only one-tenth of Japan's, less than half of the world average, and even lower than some poor African countries. Not only was the per capita GDP in 2010 less than one-tenth of the United States, but 2539793 total GDP was only 40.2% of the United States 2539794, not to mention that the United States has been hit hard by the international financial crisis in recent years, and the economy is at a trough, once its vitality recovers, the gap may be even greater. The existence of such an obvious gap shows that our growth rate cannot be slowed down, and only by maintaining relatively rapid growth can we narrow the distance with developed countries as soon as possible. Second, the fastest possible development is also the need to solve various social contradictions and improve people's livelihood. From the prosperity of the country and the nation, to solving various livelihood problems and resolving various social contradictions, we all need a rich material foundation as a guarantee. The extent to which each region adopts policies to benefit the people is always related to the size of the region's material and financial resources. As the saying goes, "big development is a small difficulty, small development is a big difficulty, and it is even more difficult if it is not developed." Therefore, we want to emphasize that the good is fast, and the good is fast. In a word, it is necessary to achieve rapid scientific development. The "Proposal of the CPC Central Committee on Formulating the Twelfth Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development," which was deliberated and adopted by the Fifth Plenary Session of the 17th CPC Central Committee, defines "scientific development as the main theme and accelerating the transformation of the economic development mode as the main line" as the core guiding ideology of the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan." Taking scientific development as the theme is the requirement of the times and the expectation of the people. In contemporary China, adhering to development is the essential requirement of the last word, that is, adhering to scientific development, and accelerating the transformation of economic development mode as the main line is the only way to deeply implement the scientific outlook on development and promote scientific development. The key here is to persist in promoting transformation in the course of development, seeking development in the midst of transformation, and truly promoting good and rapid economic and social development. This is precisely a major issue that is common to developed and underdeveloped regions and needs to be implemented differently. Section 4 Scientific Outlook on Development: The Core Concept of Jointly Followed and Differentiated Implementation by Developed Regions and Underdeveloped Regions We say that the Scientific Outlook on Development is the core concept that developed regions and underdeveloped regions need to follow together and implement differently, and the fundamental reason is that the scientific nature of the Scientific Outlook on Development determines the commonality and difference between the implementation of developed regions and underdeveloped regions. As a scientific thought on development, the essence of the Scientific Outlook on Development lies in emphasizing the scientific nature of development and advocating promoting development with scientific thinking, scientific attitude, scientific spirit, scientific methods and paths. It reveals the universal law of development and requires development in accordance with scientific laws, that is, development is achieved by effectively following and effectively controlling objective laws. This fundamentally determines that the scientific outlook on development has common and universal guiding significance for developed regions and underdeveloped regions. Specific investigation shows that the scientific outlook on development emphasizes internal economic development and the comprehensive and coordinated development of economic and social development, especially adhering to the core concept of people-oriented, emphasizing that economic growth is only a means to achieve comprehensive human development, and the premise of comprehensive human development is the comprehensive development of society, and the comprehensive development of society needs to be reflected through comprehensive human development. Comprehensive human development does not refer to the development of a few, but to the equitable development of all peoples; It does not only refer to meeting people's material needs, but also satisfying people's value needs in social life, spiritual life, political life, ecological life and other aspects, so that people's physical and intellectual potentials can be fully developed. And these are the requirements of sustainable development. Because people-oriented development can maintain sustainable development through comprehensive and coordinated development, any so-called development that only focuses on immediate benefits and does not care about future damage should not be regarded as scientific and rational development. In other words, an important feature of scientific development is that current production activities and lifestyles should not harm the future prospects of society. These profound implications of the scientific outlook on development are undoubtedly deeply understood by both developed and underdeveloped regions and effectively used to guide action. Since the reform and opening up, both developed and underdeveloped regions have adhered to economic construction as the center and made efforts to promote rapid economic development. After entering the comprehensive construction of a moderately prosperous society, various constraints to the development of developed and underdeveloped regions have become increasingly prominent, and the contradictions and problems encountered in the process of progress have become more complex and challenging. The many contradictions and severe challenges faced by each of them in the process of development have put forward urgent requirements for the implementation of the scientific outlook on development in both developed and underdeveloped regions. Only by complying with this requirement can developed and underdeveloped regions scientifically cope with the new situation and new challenges of development, keep a sober mind in the complicated economic life and social contradictions, and find the correct strategies, ideas and countermeasures for development. Further, in the past period, there were indeed many common cognitive problems in the realization of scientific development in developed and underdeveloped regions. For example: the awareness of integrated economic and social development is not strong enough; The view of maintaining a good ecological environment and achieving sustainable development is relatively weak; The idea of putting people first did not take root; There are obvious differences in the degree of understanding of the scientific outlook on development between the high, middle and grassroots levels, and to a certain extent, there is a phenomenon of "hot at both ends and cool in the middle"; Wait a minute. As a result, the economic development mode of both developed and underdeveloped areas has failed to undergo rapid changes, which to a considerable extent restricts the healthy development of economic and social undertakings. Recently, some developed and underdeveloped areas have seen new biases, such as not looking at reality and changing the mode of economic development as quickly as possible, which has affected the scientific transformation of the development mode and the scientific nature of development. This further shows that both developed and underdeveloped regions need to establish a brand-new understanding of development from the height of the concept of development, earnestly use the scientific outlook on development to dominate the overall situation of economic and social development, and earnestly and effectively implement it. Firmly establishing and comprehensively and effectively implementing the scientific outlook on development is a common requirement of both developed and underdeveloped regions. In addition, due to the different foundations and conditions of their development, the problems arising in the development process are also obviously different between developed and less developed regions. For example, at the beginning of the scientific outlook on development, in terms of development goals, developed regions have gradually attached importance to social development and improvement of people's livelihood, but only the bias of GDP is still manifested from time to time; Less developed regions are more eager to achieve results, blindly pursuing growth speed. In the introduction of foreign capital, developed areas are often "big radishes with a little mud"; In less developed areas, "all the dishes that are picked up in the basket". In terms of technology introduction, developed regions often only pay attention to the level of technology introduction, and do not digest, absorb and innovate the imported technology enough; Underdeveloped regions lack attention to the level of technology introduction, and it is even more difficult to talk about the digestion, absorption and innovation of imported technology. In terms of industrial distribution, developed regions do not pay enough attention to the optimization of industrial clusters and agglomerations; Underdeveloped areas still repeat the old path of "villages lighting fires and smoke everywhere" in developed areas. In terms of ecological environmental protection, developed areas tend to be less important than governance and heavy on transfer; Underdeveloped areas think that they have a large environmental capacity, and it doesn't matter if they are a little polluted, and they still repeat the old path of polluting first and then treating in developed areas. However, after several years of implementing the Scientific Outlook on Development, there are still many obvious differences between developed and underdeveloped regions. For example, in terms of development goals, the bias of GDP in developed regions can be said to have been eliminated, but there is still a subconscious that the tasks of social development and improvement of people's livelihood are not as "hard" as GDP growth. Although the situation of underdeveloped regions rushing to achieve results and blindly pursuing growth speed has been reversed to a certain extent, the tendency to blindly pursue speed is still obvious. In terms of project introduction, the original phenomenon of "radish with a little mud" in the choice of traditional projects in developed regions no longer exists, but there is a certain degree of performance in the selection of high-tech industries, especially strategic emerging industry projects, reflecting that the negative effects such as pollution of traditional industries are more important, but the negative effects such as pollution of emerging industries are ignored; The introduction of general traditional projects in underdeveloped areas can still achieve "investment and capital selection", but the introduction of high-tech industries, especially strategic emerging industry projects, is still "picking up baskets and vegetables" as in the past. In terms of industrial transformation and upgrading, developed regions attach great importance to this, but there is a new misunderstanding that the development of emerging industries is completely equivalent to industrial transformation and upgrading, on the one hand, ignoring the upgrading and transformation of traditional industries, on the other hand, mistakenly believing that emerging industries are high-end industries, blindly developing emerging industries to achieve the purpose of industrial transformation and upgrading; Underdeveloped regions believe that their own industrial scale is still relatively small, the industrial foundation is still weak, and transformation and upgrading can be slow. All this also tells us that in the process of establishing and implementing the scientific outlook on development, developed and underdeveloped regions should fully consider the development gap between regions and the differences in the problems they have problems, persist in proceeding from reality in everything, take measures in a focused and targeted manner, and cannot impose uniformity, step by step, and one-size-fits-all. It is necessary to implement the scientific outlook on development in a scientific spirit, and both common adherence and differentiated implementation are a vivid embodiment of the scientific outlook on development implemented by developed and underdeveloped regions in the spirit of science. Section V: Logical Framework of the Outcome of the Project and Some Features of the Effort I. Logical Framework The Outcome of the Project consists of an introduction and six chapters. The introduction part first explains the background of the research of this topic, the formulation of the problem and the purpose of the research, the logical framework of the results of this topic and some characteristics reflected in the effort. At the same time, efforts are made to conduct more in-depth discussions and general elaborations of the scientific outlook on development, because this topic studies the implementation of the scientific outlook on development, and the discussion of the scientific outlook on development itself should become the most important research premise of this topic. The first chapter compares the development stages of developed and underdeveloped regions, including scientific definition of their specific stages of development and specific discussions on their respective phased characteristics, so as to lay the most important objective foundation for the differentiated implementation of the scientific outlook on development in developed and underdeveloped regions. Chapter 2 compares and studies the requirements of scientific development in the respective stages of development of developed and underdeveloped regions and the difficulties to be solved, and discusses the differences in scientific development from the aspects of industrial layout, industrial development mode, economic and ecological relationship, improvement of people's livelihood and economic development mode, so as to provide a solid understanding base for the implementation of the differentiated implementation of the scientific outlook on development in developed and underdeveloped regions. Chapter 3 further thinks dialectically on the differentiated implementation of the scientific outlook on development in developed and underdeveloped regions, mainly comparing and analyzing the dual factors of their respective implementation of the scientific outlook on development, and concludes that both developed and underdeveloped regions should pursue advantages and avoid disadvantages, and show their strengths, so that the scientific outlook on development can be fully and effectively implemented in their respective regions. Chapter 4 compares and studies the paths of implementing the scientific outlook on development in developed and underdeveloped regions on the basis of the analysis of the previous chapters, not only studying their different paths, but also studying the interconnection and coordination between their different paths, so as to provide guidance for developed and underdeveloped regions to give full play to their own advantages and cooperate for win-win results. Chapter 5 further expands the research horizon and discusses the practice of implementing the Scientific Outlook on Development in multiple regions, aiming to conduct multi-sample verification of the different focus points and paths of implementing the Scientific Outlook on Development in developed and underdeveloped regions revealed by taking Southern Jiangsu and Northern Jiangsu as examples, so as to show the applicability and universal significance of these different focus points and paths in a larger range. Finally, Chapter 6 discusses the common path of "differentiation" in the implementation of the scientific outlook on development in developed and underdeveloped regions. This is because there are different paths for the implementation of the scientific outlook on development between developed and underdeveloped regions, and there should also be a common path. Therefore, after a more systematic and detailed study of "differentiation", that is, personality, in the above chapters, the last chapter 6 logically explores the commonality in the implementation of the scientific outlook on development in developed and underdeveloped regions, that is, the common path, so as to find the "common ground" in the implementation of the scientific outlook on development in developed and underdeveloped regions. As a result, the results of this project form a relatively rigorous logical framework and a more rigorous research system. Second, some characteristics of the effort to embody the first, the uniqueness of the research perspective. In the past, the research results on the implementation of the Scientific Outlook on Development were studied in a general sense, and even if they involved different developed and underdeveloped regions, they were basically limited to the study of the implementation of the Scientific Outlook on Development in developed areas or the study of the implementation of the Scientific Outlook on Development in the underdeveloped areas. However, the implementation of the scientific outlook on development in developed regions and underdeveloped regions should have common requirements and be different; It should be promoted together and implemented differently, otherwise it will be difficult to achieve good results. Starting from the investigation of the different stages and their respective phased characteristics of developed and underdeveloped regions, this project reveals the hierarchical and sequential advancement of the realization of the scientific outlook on development in the two different regions, and discusses the different requirements and path choices of scientific development, which not only reflects the distinctness of the theme, but also shows the uniqueness of the research perspective. It is precisely because of this unique research perspective that the results of this project have a relatively distinctive characteristic. Second, the scientific nature of research methods. First, pay attention to the use of dialectical research. Highlight the dialectical nature of research methods, strive to carry out dialectical thinking and in-depth discussion on the relationship between scientific development in developed areas and scientific development in underdeveloped areas, and closely focus on this general relationship, and specifically analyze the four pairs of relationships. (1) The relationship between scientific development and development stage. The stage of development is the objective basis of scientific development, and scientific development is the common orientation of the stage of development. (2) The relationship between the requirements of scientific development and the focus of scientific development. Developed regions and underdeveloped regions are at different stages of development, and scientific development has different requirements and different points of focus. (3) The relationship between favorable factors and unfavorable factors in scientific development. Whether it is a developed region or an underdeveloped region, there are often unfavorable factors hidden behind the favorable factors of scientific development, and there are often favorable factors in the unfavorable factors. Only by pursuing advantages and avoiding disadvantages and giving full play to strengths and avoiding weaknesses can we better achieve scientific development. (4) The relationship between different paths and common paths of scientific development. Individuality contains commonality, and the different paths of scientific development in developed regions and underdeveloped regions contain common paths, and different paths and common paths are dialectical unity. Through the dialectical analysis and rational thinking of the above pairs, the scientific and academic rationality of the research of this topic is greatly enhanced, and the research can be expanded to depth. The second is to pay attention to the use of comparative research methods. The combination of comparative method, inductive method, abstract method, etc. is also a prominent feature of the research method of this topic. Through the comparative research and analysis of the development stage of developed regions and underdeveloped regions, the objective basis for the differentiated implementation of the scientific outlook on development is clarified; Through the comparative research and analysis of the focus points of scientific development in developed regions and underdeveloped regions, the understanding base point of differentiated implementation of scientific outlook on development is determined; Through the comparative research and analysis of the dual factors of implementing the scientific outlook on development in developed regions and underdeveloped regions, the dialectical thinking of the differentiated implementation of the scientific outlook on development is deepened; Through the comparative research and analysis of different paths of implementing the Scientific Outlook on Development in developed regions and underdeveloped regions, the realistic choices for the differentiated implementation of the Scientific Outlook on Development are clarified, so as to make the idea of the differentiated implementation of the Scientific Outlook on Development in developed regions and underdeveloped regions clearer, and also promote the improvement of the research level of this topic. The third is to pay attention to the use of quantitative research methods. In the process of qualitative analysis, make full use of data collection, numerical calculation, chart analysis, supplemented by model construction, from which qualitative conclusions are drawn or empirical tests are carried out on qualitative analysis results, so as to realize the complementarity of qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis, and the complementarity of theoretical research and empirical research. Fourth, focus on the use of case study methods. When analyzing the different paths of implementing the scientific outlook on development in developed areas and underdeveloped areas, a number of typical cases are selected to support them, so as to make the analysis of path selection more convincing and strive to give people a vivid and vivid feeling. Especially on the basis of taking southern Jiangsu and northern Jiangsu as examples, through the discussion of the practice of implementing the scientific outlook on development in different regions in Guangdong, Zhejiang and Shandong provinces and representative regions in the east and west, the different paths of scientific development in developed areas and underdeveloped areas revealed by taking southern Jiangsu and northern Jiangsu as the research base point are verified with multiple samples, so as to make the research more objective and scientific. Third, the innovation of research content. First, it puts forward the scientific proposition of the differentiated implementation of the scientific outlook on development in developed areas and underdeveloped regions. In view of the lack of comprehensive comparative research between developed regions and underdeveloped regions in the past research on the implementation of the Scientific Outlook on Development, it is clear that the Scientific Outlook on Development is the guiding ideology that both developed regions and underdeveloped regions need to follow and implement differently, and grasp the distinct theme of the differentiated implementation of the Scientific Outlook on Development in developed and underdeveloped regions to carry out discussions, which fills the gap in this research and has innovative and pioneering significance. The second is to put forward the innovative concept of implementing the scientific outlook on development in the spirit of science, and strive to run this scientific innovative concept throughout the entire research process, especially based on the actual situation of regional development, and systematically put forward and demonstrate the different focus points and different paths of the implementation of the scientific outlook on development in developed and underdeveloped areas. (1) On the issue of industrial restructuring and upgrading, after research, it is believed that the focus of the adjustment and upgrading of southern Jiangsu, as a developed region, is to vigorously develop the modern service industry and accelerate the formation of the industrial structure with the service industry as the mainstay. (2) On the issue of the relationship between new industrialization and urbanization, after research, it is believed that southern Jiangsu should promote urban modernization and urban-rural integration with new industrialization, and the era of urban modernization and urban-rural integration in northern Jiangsu has not yet arrived. (3) On the issue of improving people's livelihood, after research, it is believed that Southern Jiangsu should be based on ensuring human development needs, seeking people's enjoyment needs, upgrading from "pursuing wealth" to "pursuing happiness", and making every effort to build "happy southern Jiangsu", while northern Jiangsu should be based on ensuring people's survival needs, seeking human development needs, upgrading from "pursuing poverty alleviation" to "pursuing prosperity", and making every effort to build "rich northern Jiangsu". (4) On the issue of changing the mode of development, after research, it is believed that the prominent focus of southern Jiangsu should be the pursuit of "good" in development, the "good" word first, the good in the fast, good and fast, while the prominent focus of northern Jiangsu should be the pursuit of development "fast", the "fast" word first, the fast in the good, fast and good. (5) On the issue of path selection for the implementation of the scientific outlook on development, the different path choices of developed regions and underdeveloped regions were proposed from the perspective of development leadership, factor accumulation, resource deepening, economic cycle and development momentum, highlighting their respective path characteristics. In addition, on the issue of scientific development evaluation index system, for the first time, an attempt was made to reflect the common requirements of scientific development in developed regions and underdeveloped regions with unified indicators, reflect the difference between scientific development in developed regions and underdeveloped regions with different weights of various indicators, and changed the usual index setting method, and listed "economic growth" independently from "economic development" as a large category of indicators, so as to highlight the most basic and important position of economic growth in economic and social development. It is also conducive to the differentiation of the weight of this indicator between developed and less developed regions; In addition, on the issue of rural labor supply, in the face of the situation that northern Jiangsu has also encountered "difficulty in recruitment" by enterprises in recent years, it is believed that the current labor supply in northern Jiangsu has exceeded the "Lewis inflection point I.", but has not yet reached the "Lewis inflection point II", so the equilibrium point of labor flow between urban and rural areas has not yet arrived, and the trend of rural labor shifting to urban areas has not changed on the whole. Research such as this seeks to be creative or innovative. Third, it put forward a number of relatively important viewpoints with certain novelties. These views are: (1) the scientific nature of the scientific outlook on development determines the commonality and difference between the implementation of it in developed regions and underdeveloped regions; (2) The phases of development determine the hierarchical and sequential advancement of the degree of realization of the scientific outlook on development in developed and underdeveloped regions; (3) The phased characteristics of developed and underdeveloped regions need to be observed and examined from a multi-dimensional perspective from the aspects of dynamic structure, functional structure, spatial structure and institutional structure of economic development; (4) The general law of economic and social development and the phased characteristics of different regions make the scientific development of developed regions and underdeveloped regions have common requirements and different focus points; (5) There are dual factors (that is, the advantages and disadvantages of the same factor) that affect the implementation of the Scientific Outlook on Development in both developed and underdeveloped regions, and only by facing these factors squarely can we seek advantages and avoid disadvantages from different aspects, give full play to strengths and avoid weaknesses, and seek appropriate paths, so that the Scientific Outlook on Development can be effectively implemented in their respective regions; (6) The different paths of implementing the scientific outlook on development in developed regions and underdeveloped regions are independent and interrelated; (7) Individuality contains commonality, and the "differentiated" path of implementing the scientific outlook on development in developed regions and underdeveloped regions contains a common path, and these common paths, that is, "common points", prominently reflect the universal law of scientific development and the universal requirements for the implementation of the scientific outlook on development. It is also crucial for developed and underdeveloped regions to grasp these universal laws and requirements. Fourth, the academic and practical nature of research results. Achievements of this project: (1) By putting forward the proposition of the differentiated implementation of the Scientific Outlook on Development in developed and underdeveloped regions, we strive to enlighten developed and underdeveloped regions to adhere to the principle of emancipating the mind and seeking truth from facts, proceed from reality in everything, and implement the Scientific Outlook on Development in a scientific spirit. (2) By putting forward a number of important views, arguments, arguments, and differentiated implementation paths and common implementation paths for implementing the scientific outlook on development, we strive to inspire developed and underdeveloped regions to innovate ideas and ideas, and promote scientific development with scientific thinking and methods. (3) By putting forward a number of policy suggestions, it strives to enlighten the government level to do a good job in the classification guidance and overall coordination of scientific development in developed and underdeveloped areas. (4) The "differentiation" of the Scientific Outlook on Development in developed and underdeveloped regions is not only an important practical issue, but also a valuable academic topic, and the research of this topic can also provide some useful references for theoretical academic circles to deepen research on the implementation of the Scientific Outlook on Development and promote scientific development in different regions. Therefore, the results of this project not only have strong practical value, but also have profound academic significance.(AI翻译)





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