Zhou Dengsong's work was revised and enriched by Dr. Zhang Baoqiang on the basis of his doctoral dissertation. Zhang Baoqiang is a 2011 doctoral student jointly trained by Fujian Normal University and Capital Institute of Physical Education, and I serve as his supervisor. His graduation thesis was awarded the excellent doctoral dissertation of Fujian Normal University for its high quality. Physical education is a basic part of China's modern education system, and sports students are a member of the Chinese student community. At present, the academic circles do not pay much attention to the issue of sports study abroad education and sports students, and there are few comprehensive and systematic discussions. Dr. Zhang Baoqiang's research results have high theoretical value and practical significance in expanding the research fields of study abroad history and sports history. On the whole, the book has the following characteristics: First, the topic selection is relatively new and has research value. In theory, the research is a new area that needs to be developed. At the same time, the current tide of studying abroad is in the ascendant, and there are many problems in practice that urgently need to be explored and responded. Second, interdisciplinary research has obvious characteristics. At least the topics involved in the fields of history, education, physical education, communication, and cross-cultural communication, it is at the intersection of these disciplines that new ideas, new perspectives and new achievements are easy to produce. Third, the logic is clear and the analysis is comprehensive. The book has both a vertical historical combing and a horizontal contribution summary; There are both group studies and case studies. In particular, the main part of the research, the many contributions of sports students in the process of sports development in China, are summarized and summarized from three levels: the material layer, the system layer, and the ideological level, so that people can understand the historical role of sports students at a glance. Fourth, there are new insights and new contributions. For example, the author's condensation of the law of "diminishing leading role" in physical education in modern times, the summary of cultural characteristics such as "enjoying outstanding cross-cultural comparative advantages" of sports students, and the historical mission of "safeguarding the diversity of world sports culture" are new views and insights obtained by the author, which have certain uniqueness in this field and have academic value. The compilation of the Directory of Chinese Sports Students (1903-1963) is an important contribution to this field in terms of literature. In addition, the whole book is rich in information, rigorous in citation, concise in writing, fluent in writing, and has a certain degree of thought and readability. The book spans 60 years and spans multiple disciplines, and although it is fruitful, it is also slightly inadequate. For example, in terms of research methods, if oral history research is combined on the basis of literature analysis, the method will be fuller and the argument more convincing; The research objects are mostly concentrated in the field of international students majoring in sports, and in modern history, many non-sports majors have also made important achievements in Chinese sports, such as Zhang Boling (studying abroad to study education), Wang Zhengting (studying law overseas), Chen Jiaqi (studying medicine abroad), etc. Gu Yanwu, a famous scholar at the end of the Ming Dynasty and the early Qing Dynasty, pointed out in "The Difficulty of Writing Books" in volume 19 of the "Records of Daily Knowledge" that all books must be written and said that "what the ancients did not reach, what future generations must do, and then do it." This sentence still has important enlightenment significance for today's books and articles. It is hoped that Dr. Zhang Baoqiang will take the publication of this book as an opportunity to continue to climb and continue to advance on the academic road of sports. Zhou Dengsong in Beijing, March 2015(AI翻译)
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