Chinese sports are developing under very complex and unique political economic,and cultural circumstances in the global age.This study aims to investigate the process of globalization in basketball through an examination of its multidimersional manifestations.The study aligns itself with George Ritzer's conceptualization of dichotonmizing the process of globalization into grobalization and gloclization.On that basis,the trajectory of basketball globalization in China is identified as the result of a contextual and competing interplay between the penetration of the NBA and the consequent engagement of Chinese basketball.
A quahtative methodolgical approach was conducted to achieve the research aim Data were collected from a number of sources,including offical docnments and semi-structured interviews with relevant basketball participants.The study reveals that globalization and basketball in china,in the political and institional dimension,is a conflicting process.The universalization of the NBA's governance model could not be fully assimilated dne to the centralization of power in the Chinese government,which is hidering the further professionalization and marketization of basketball.In the economic dimension,the globalization process is seen to interplay with the local basketball market,which is growing thanks to the adaption of the NBA's marketing strategies.In the cultural dimension,the study demonstrates that the NBA has to some extent cosmopolitanized and consumerized Chinese basketball culture,while resistance from both the state and the Chinese pepople has risen,creolizing the globalization of basketball culture in China.
Chinese sports are developing under very complex and unique political economic,and cultural circumstances in the global age. This study aims to investigate the process of globalization in basketball through an examination of its multidimersional manifestations. The study aligns itself with George Ritzer's conceptualization of dichotonmizing the process of globalization into grobalization and gloclization. On that basis,the trajectory of basketball globalization in China is identified as the result of a contextual and competing interplay between the penetration of the NBA and the consequent engagement of Chinese basketball. A quahtative methodolgical approach was conducted to achieve the research aim Data were collected from a number of sources,including offical docnments and semi-structured interviews with relevant basketball participants. The study reveals that globalization and basketball in China,in the political and institional dimension,is a conflicting process. The universalization of the NBA's governance model could not be fully assimilated dne to the centralization of power in the Chinese government,which is hidering the further professionalization and marketization of basketball. In the economic dimension,the globalization process is seen to interplay with the local basketball market,which is growing thanks to the adaption of the NBA's marketing strategies. In the cultural dimension,the study demonstrates that the NBA has to some extent cosmopolitanized and consumerized Chinese basketball culture,while resistance from both the state and the Chinese pepople has risen,creolizing the globalization of basketball culture in China.(AI翻译)
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