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关键词:三民主义 马克思主义 中国化 批判吸收 现代价值


Marxism has the tendency of producing quite a lot of connections with various main ideological trends in the thought world of China in the 20th century while it is combined with the Chinese traditional culture and puts forward the solution to Chinese Question.The connection between them not only shows the mutual absorption and influence,but also the mutual fierce fighting and debate,which hence carries out the wonderful picture scroll of the Chinese thought world together with the splendid and complex scene of the politics world of the 20th.It is in the exchanging and fighting with these main ideological trends that Marxism gradually has enriched its own thought and become an organic part of the Chinese thought world engendering the far-reaching and gigantic influence on the Chinese thought world,not just because of the political victory of Chinese Marxists but also because of its own creativity,rationality and vitality shown in the exchanging and fighting with the others.The study of the relation between Marxism and the other main ideological trends is the important content of Marxist Chinese Reshaping.

Since the May 4th Movement in 1919,China's political history has been actually opened chiefly at the centre of the relationship between Kuomintang and the Communist Party of China,in which the road of the solution to Chinese Question has been explored independently by KMT and CPC.Coherently the most important ideological trends in the thought world of China in the 20th century are the Three People's Principles held by KMT and Marxism by CPC.Just like the exchanges of the union and cracking of the relation between KMT and CPC in the past 80 years,the relation between the Three People's Principles and Marxism is unexpected and complicated,which forms a vital respect of Marxist Chinese Reshaping and which deeply influences the thought world of China and even all the life world.Why?Because the two theories produce the different political forces led by KMT and by CPC in the search of the solution to Chinese Question,the nation nature and class quality of which decides the two chances between the cooperation and the fighting.Therefore,seeking for the common benefits of the two parties and strengthening itself by absorbing the rich nutrient from the other party,not only is closely connected with the future and destiny of China,but also that of a party as well as one's theory.To a certain degree,the course of Marxist Chinese Reshaping and the formation of Chinese Reshaped Marxism have both encountered the problem of the understanding afresh and judgment afresh of Sun Yatsen's Three People's Principles and all sorts of explanations.Generally speaking,the understanding of the Three People's Principles by CPC accords with the original thought of Sun Yatsen and also the common interests of Chinese nationality.If the relationship is overlooked between Marxism and the other main ideological trends esp.of Sun Yatsen's theory,it is difficult to exhibit the real historical picture of the rapid development of Marxist Chinese Reshaping.Only by making further study of the Three People's Principles is the inevitable trend that Marxism takes the place of the Three People's Principles able to open totally and vividly.

The Three People's Principles was founded by Sun Yat-sen,the pioneer of Chinese democratic revolution,which was promoted twice after the 1911's revolution by Sun Yat-sen.One was the book the Scheme of Establishing a State written by Sun Yat-sen between 1917-1919.One was the leap of the Three People's Principles from the old stage to the new stage.The Three People's Principles became one of the main ideological trends of Chinese thought world in the 20th century because it was close to the revolutionary course of Sun Yat-sen.Concerning the ideological origin of the Three People's Principles.In Dr.Sun's opinion,it was founded by the reflection on Chinese Question,merging the valuable thoughts,ancient and modern,national and foreign.In the absorption of the western thought resources,Dr.Sun realized the basic change from learning the western capitalist thought to learning the western socialist thought,tending to get in touch with Marxism.In the utilization of Chinese traditional culture resources,Dr.Sun finally brought about the combination of the western socialist thoughts with Chinese traditional culture through the course from separation to return.The Three People's Principles neither copied the European and American thoughts nor revived Chinese traditional thought It was a kind of thought exploration and theoretical creativity that Dr.Sun made in the search of the solution to Chinese actual questions.It played an essential part in the formation and development of the Three People's Principles for Dr.Sun to absorb the western socialist thoughts,Marxism included.According to the class quality,Dr.Sun'socialist thought belongs to bourgeoisie,so it never is the scientific socialism.Its historical progress lies in that the Three People's Principles is the one that Dr.Sun as a Chinese national bourgeoisie revolutionary made in the effort to solve Chinese Question with the western socialist thoughts.Its springing up gave impetus to the initial propaganda of Marxism in China while the propaganda of Marxism in China deeply influenced the development of the Three People's Principles.Although they were not Marxists,yet Dr.Sun and some KMTs were pioneers who propagated Marxism unconsciously in China,which constituted a special link of Marxist Chinese Reshaping.

In the course of Marxist Chinese Reshaping,CPC was in the condition of the touch,either the cooperation or the fighting with KMT in politics,in which CPC very frequently encountered the Three People's Principles.Hence,the understanding of Dr Sun'theory made up an important aspect of Marxist Chinese Reshaping,which penetrated all the process of the exploration of the new-democratic revolution of China from the agreement to its own explanation,to almost the elementary denial,finally to the basic approval of Mao Ze-Dong.At the base of summing up the Chinese revolutionary experiences during the Anti-Japanese Imperialism War,Mao Ze-Dong made the understanding afresh and judgment afresh of Sun Yat-sen'Three People's Principles,the key of which lay in the finding out of the link point between the Three People's Principles and Marxism that the guiding principle of the new-democratic revolution or the minimum guiding principle was basically in concordance with The New Three People's Principles of Dr.Sun.The understanding afresh and judgment afresh of the Three People's Principles displayed that Chinese Reshaped Marxism was growing more and more mature and embodied the process of Marxist Chinese Reshaping.The determination of the link point between the Three People's Principles and Marxism made Marxism a kind of Chinese revolutionary theory,which had the internal relations with the 20th political thought culture created by Dr.Sun.In fact,the new-democratic revolution theory system by Mao Ze-Dong had a close relationship with this understanding afresh and judgment afresh of Sun Yat-sen'Three People's Principles.

Since the foundation of New China in 1949,CPC and KMT Have been in the long-term hostile state and hence there have been two ideological systems in the understanding of Sun Yat-sen'Three People's Principles.In Taiwan,KMT adds the content of modernization and nationality,at the same time changes it into a thought tool which is used to struggle against the Marxism and CPC.It was in 1956 that Mao Ze-Dong put forward the appeal and theme that we should absorb the valuable things from Dr.Sun'thought.In the new times,CPC leaders have highly appraised Dr.Sun and his thought with regards to the Chinese construction reality and the replenishing course of Chinese nationality and called on the people all over the country to enlarge and develop Dr Sun'revo-lutionary spirit.Deng Xiao-Ping at first reinstated the correct outpoint of Dr.Sun by CPC,deeming that Dr.Sun'spirit was a strong moral tie which connected China mainland with Taiwan.Jiang Ze-Min regards Dr Sun as the first great man in the 20th century and pushes the understanding of Dr.Sun and his thought to a new stage by putting forward the Important Thought of the Three Represents and laying down the great object of the socialist modernization in order to replenish Chinese nationality.Under the guide of Deng Xiao-Ping'Theory and the important thought of Three Represents,and along the basic clue suggested by CPC leaders in the understanding of Dr.Sun,the theoretician workers make further study of Dr.Sun'thoughts about modernization,socialism and replenishing of Chinese nationality which are close to the China'socialist construction practice so that Dr.Sun'thought takes on an entirely new look and shows its great value in the new times.The striking character in the research of Dr.Sun'thoughts exists in the four changes:the first change from the political exposition by CPC leaders in the revolutionary period to the combination between the political exposition by CPC leaders and academic research by the theoretician workers in the socialist construction;the second from the study of his revolutionary thought to that of his peace construction;the third from the study of the party history of CPC to that of China'modern history;the last from the unilateral research of Dr.Sun'socialist thought to the mutual relation between it and Marxist Chinese Reshaping.

If we make a comprehensive study of the process of socialism in China,we can find out that Dr.Sun'socialist thought was only the prelude to China'socialist movement and couldn't avoid being taken place of by the Chinese scientific socialism.Marxist Chinese Reshaping had to have the basic prerequisite that Marxism was introduced into China and the faith of Marxism was established.Chinese Marxists came to understand Marxism by knowing the historical materialism of Marxism and master the thought weapon to realize and change the world.Meanwhile,the oriental society theory of Marx'and esp.Lenin'became the direct theoretical prerequisite.In order to realize the aim of socialism,CPC had to carry on the new democratic revolution,continued to advance the so-cialist revolution shortly after the victory,and enter the socialist society.Mao Ze-Dong led Chinese people to obtain the victory,succeeded in the socialist transform,and made a painstaking and initial effort to probe into the road of Chinese socialist construction.At the base of Mao Ze-Dong'exploration,Deng Xiao-Ping initially and systematically answered the essential questions such as what socialism is and how to build up socialism,raised the understanding of socialism to a new scientific level,realized the grand reap from Dr.Sun'socialism to the socialism with Chinese character by CPC and opened up a new road of the socialist construction to replenish Chinese nationality.

As to how to solve Chinese Question,Dr.Sun and CPC consider revolution,modernization and socialism as a road of the replenishing of Chinese nationality.There are quite a few common points between Dr.Sun and CPC because the trains of thinking and the roads come out according to Chinese basic national conditions.But there is quite a little difference between the two because the understanding of socialism is either at the standpoint of Chinese national bourgeoisie or at the standpoint of Chinese proletariat.Dr.Sun agreed over the bourgeoisie democratic revolution but firmly opposed the proletariat socialist revolution while the two kinds of revolution were approved of by CPC.Dr.Sun and CPC maintained that China took the socialist road to realize replenishing of Chinese nationality while there was much difference in the understanding of socialism.Dr.Sun made the first try to join the western socialism to Chinese national conditions.The understanding of socialism has been deepened by CPC in the rich practice of socialist revolution and socialist construction.Therefore from the angle of the cultural development,between the Three People'Principles and Chinese Reshaped Marxism there is the inner link,which makes it quite possible for CPC to absorb Dr.Sun'socialist thought critically.

It was because the historical viewpoints were quite different that there were quite a lot of common points and much difference between Dr.Sun'socialism and CPC'socialism.The Conception of History of Livelihood was established by Dr.Sun in the course of the criticism and comparison of the historical materialism of Marxism.But the fierce criticism couldn't prevent Dr.Sun from absorbing some viewpoints from Marxism.It was by knowing the historical materialism of Marxism that CPC came to understand and master Marxism.Mao Ze-Dong creatively clarified Marxist philosophy,the core of which was the historical materialism,promoted Marxist philosophy Chinese Reshaping and formed the thought line of seeking the truth from the fact of CPC.Since the reform and open policy,our Party'thought line has been greatly enriched and expanded.In the course of Marxist philosophy Chinese Reshaping,Mao Ze-Dong made the discussion and appraisal of the Conception of History of Livelihood,which should be analyzed historically.It is necessary for us to make the understanding and judgment afresh according to the historical conditions and the social influence.Different understanding of socialism depends on different conception of history.Socialism based on the Conception of History of Livelihood is the socialism that guards against socialist revolution while socialism based on the historical materialism of Marxism is the socialism,the ultimate end of which is communism by way of socialist revolution under the leadership of CPC.

The construction of the harmonious socialist society in accordance with the scientific viewpoint of development and the spring current of the exchange between the parties from the Mainland and Taiwan makes the study of the relation between the Three People'Principles and Marxist Chinese Reshaping of actual significance and modern value.Only by means of identifying and fixing such common points as modernization,socialism and the replenishing of Chinese nationality between the Three People'Principles and Marxist Chinese Reshaping are we able to enlarge and develop the spirit of Sun Yet-sen and develop a new piece of field of Marxism Chinese Reshaping research.

Key words:the Three People'Principles,Marxist Chinese Reshaping,absorption critically,of modern value





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