关键词:信息化 区域创新能力 测评 空间差异
The level of informanization and regional innovation capability measurement had been one of the main contents of the current economics research,which is the hot issues of common concern in academic and industry.Based on the analysis of relevant research results at home and abroad,this book discussed and analyzed informanization and regional innovation capability's connotations,elements and characteristics,whose goals was to promote the development of regional innovation capacity in efforts to solve the problem of economic development by indepth exploration of informanization.That means to promote the transformation of the mode of economic growth and economic development and carry out exploratory and pioneering thinking.Main conclusions of the work were as follows:
(1)Informanization factors and regional innovation capacity factors had been extracted through the factor analysis and the effective measurement indicators had been got.Informanization and regional innovation capacity measurement have been the focus of the international academic and management and have been accumulated a wealth of relevant literature.Since the differences among the body and purpose of measurement,the perspective and formulation of conceptual measurement are quite different in the informanization and the ability of innovation.Based on the previous studies,by the use of factor analysis,informanization and regional innovation capability measurement indicators were extracted from a large number of measurement indicators.The study found that the informanization included the three factors: information technology infrastructure,in formation technology facilities utilization levels and information technology environment; regional innovation capability factors included innovation resource factor and innovation output factor.Evaluation of China's 31 provinces and cities in the level of information and regional capacity had been done respectively,and the spatial differences of 31 provinces and cities had been analyzed.
(2)From the input-output system perspective,we confirmed the positive effects of innovation input and innovation environment on the output of innovation.Therefore,if to improve the innovative capacity of a country or region,the environment of innovation and input of innovation should be actively increased.In addition,in our conclusion,it was also found that the improvement of innovation environment will contribute to innovation input.
(3)It had been found that the level of informanization was a significant contribution to regional innovation capability by the empirical test.With the staff inputs and capital investment variables under control,we used the fixed effects model to test the panel data of 31 provinces and cities in 2009,results showed that the level of informanization actively promoted reginal innovation capability.This brings us to the revelation: in the era of economic globalization and informanization,informanization level of a country not only reflected the comprehensive competitive strength of a country's economic development,but also reginal innovation capacity.We had got the important independent innovation achievements in the critical field of information technology in the future of informanization development process,that can not only promote other independent innovation of technology,but also achieve the strategical goal of innovative country.China's informanization strategy's forwarding will undoubtedly become a strong driving force for building an innovative country in the future.
(4)The study also found differences among the provinces and cities in the effects of informanization on innovation capability.Panel data fixed effects model test and Wald test results showed that the coefficients of the provinces and cities in the effects of informanization on innovation capability were significantly different.
This book can be a reference for the government to formulate informanization and innovative strategy,and can be contribute to innovation management science and information economics theory research,as well a wealth of informanization on regional innovation capacity.Dissertation contents help us to understand the role in supporting and promoting of information technology on building an innovative country.It will show the very important practical and longterm significance on further using information technology to promote the development of China's regional economic,as strategies to promote sound and rapid economic development.
Keywords: informanization regional innovation capacity evaluation spatial difference
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