A study on the evolution of syntactic types in wu language in the past 100 years: based on the literature of wu dialect of western Confucianism
At first, Su'e thought that she wanted to publish a manuscript based on her doctoral dissertation, but after reading it, she found that the content was rich and dizzying, and the depth of research was far from comparable to the doctoral dissertation of that year. I remember that Su'e graduated in the year of the 100th anniversary of Fudan University, and in the past ten years, she has tirelessly pursued knowledge, especially the search and research of missionary dialect literature, and it is natural that she can have today's achievements. Su'e's manuscript studies the historical evolution of Wu syntactic types over the past hundred years, and is a masterpiece of Wu historical syntactic and Wu syntactic typology. An important feature of this work is that it is based on modern Western Confucian-Wu texts. The importance of the dialectological works of Western missionaries to the study of Chinese dialects has long been noted, for example, Luo Changpei published a paper in 1932 entitled "The Achievements of Westerners in the Study of Chinese Dialects and Their Disadvantages" (World Journal, Chinese Weekly No. 72). However, it seems that it has always been poorly evaluated and ignored by the academic community. It was not until the 80s of the 20th century that the dialectology community regained its pearls, and it has gradually formed a research climax. But researchers and onlookers alike have a common question: Are these documented dialects accurate. Are there many written language components? This issue could be discussed on a thematic basis. Here is only a brief analysis of three examples from the Roman text "The Gospel of Wenzhou Tubai Matthew" cited in the manuscript. Example 1, "Lying down with fever in my mother-in-law." Case: The "lying" Wenzhou colloquial word in this example is not used, and the corresponding colloquial word is "turn". Example 2, "Sending people to sit with each other, you have to do something to get a result." "Case: "Hope to get" the meaning of "want", Wenzhou colloquial pronunciation is [i5], the original word is "love". Writing as "want" means writing the written word. "Want" is the precept word. The word "lying" in Example 1 is also a premonitive word. Use Chinese characters to record dialect words, sometimes not using the original or original character of the word, but borrowing a synonym or synonym to record, this borrowed character is the Xun reading character, the pronunciation of this character is still pronounced according to the pronunciation of the original character or the original character, called Xun Yin Yin. Wenzhou dialect borrows the word "want" to record the word "love". "Love" is the word, and "want" is the word for reading. Its pronunciation is still pronounced i5 (the transliteration of e5) according to the original word, and it is not pronounced iɛ5 according to the original pronunciation of "want". It is common to record dialect words and read them with admonitions. From this point of view, the above two examples cannot be considered errors. Example 3, "Everyone turns pale." Case: The usual phrase for this sentence should be "everyone (people) turn pale." Because Wenzhou dialect is a topic-first dialect, "complexion" is usually preceded by a verb. The translator adopts the verb-object order, which should be copied from the word order of the original text, that is, the result of "dead translation" (the so-called alienated translation method in translation). Such corpus may be circumvented. In short, the use of missionary literature to study the grammar of dialects should be fine. The so-called missionary dialect literature roughly includes three categories: dialectological works, dialect Bibles, and dialect miscellaneous books. The first type of literature is more widely used. The second type of "dialect Bible" used as a comparative study of dialect syntax has the great advantage of having a high degree of consistency and comparability of the corpus. That is, different sayings in various dialects can be traced back to the same sentence in the Bible. The manuscript of this book studies the typology of Wu syntax, and makes extensive use of dialect biblical corpus, which is very insightful. The dialect Bible is divided into two subcategories: romaji and Chinese characters, among which romaji have to be transcribed into Chinese characters, and it takes more effort to adopt them, so there are fewer adopters. However, the manuscript of this book uses a large number of Romaji corpus, which shows that the author's diligence is above the average. However, domestic linguists have not paid sufficient attention to and used the dialect Bible, which is not without regret. As for the third type of "dialect miscellaneous books", such as "Three Ladies", "The Method of Making Foreign Rice" and "Youla Eight Kingdoms" written in Shanghainese, which are hardly used so far, even these documents themselves are very rare, and such documents are of great value to the study of historical syntax and vocabulary. You Rujie in Shanghai Jingming Garden, January 2015(AI翻译)
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