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In recent years,quality of judges becomes the concerned focus of the court,the legal circle and the society.In the view of all the above parties,they all agree that the competence of Chinese judges is in question.Moreover,this opinion almost becomes a common sense.And the opinion results in the fact that the whole society suspects or even denies the authority of the judge.However,if the judge who arbitrates a dispute has no authority in the society,it will be impossible to accept his judgment.In fact,in the reports about the work of court and other documents of recent years,there is a common point going like that:the poor qualifications of judges in the whole become the bottleneck of the reform of the People's Courts.During the transitional process of the society,the proper resolution to this problem becomes the key to the courts' exercising the function of settling disputes.There are so many questions behind the issue which need to be studied.For example,when did the opinion come into being?Why did people think so?What elements should quality of judges cover?What are the criteria for deciding it?In other countries besides China,does the same problem exist?How to find a way out?

In fact,the problem and its following questions have not been fully examined until recently.In the thesis,my attempts are made to answer these questions.The thesis consists of seven parts:

The first part centers on the issue about the poor competence of judges,discussing the field of research,the frame of the analysis and the methodology in the research.Just as a coin has two sides,around the focus,there are also other questions and other different views.Thus,it is essential to set up simple and distinct concepts concerning with the focus in order to further the research on it.

The thesis defines quality judges as:the judge's capacity and qualifications of the judicature.The researching methodology is as follows:the legal sociology,history and comparative law.As to the research contents,there are two main parts:one is the making of a judge itself and the other is the matters concerning with it,such as the relations between quality of judges and corresponding management system,hearing system,court authority,judicial justice,judge's status,legal education and the rules and so on.Because the first part is the basis of the latter,the main task lays on setting up the simple and distinct concepts and criteria concerning with the making of a judge.Instead of using the single angle,which only helps in a limited way,the thesis uses a new angle of view—Professional Criteria for Judges and the Non-professional one.The dualcriteria make a breakthrough in the present research,which marks one of the innovative theories of this paper.Although some individual judges'calibers are analyzed,it is necessary to point out that the caliber of judges is studied as a whole in the thesis.

The first chapter,“Theories about the Making of a Judge”,discusses the contents、classification and criteria、the internal and external factors which can influence the making of judges.Quality of judges consists of two parts:the professional caliber and moral caliber.The professional caliber refers to the judge's knowledge of the law and his judicial experience,in which there are two parts—life experience and judicial experience.The moral caliber includes individual moral caliber and professional moral caliber.

The dual-criteria,which refer to professional criteria for judges and criteria for assessment by people outside the profession,form the framework of the analysis.Professional criteria for judges are made from the Court's point of view,which are also called the internal standards because the angle is from judge's profession.And the professional criteria observe and check the qualifications of a judge from the angle of the judge's profession.The criteria include two parts:the professional caliber and the moral standard of a judge.Other criteria refer to the ones beyond the judge's profession,which were set up by people outside of the law circle as to the caliber of judges,which are also called external criteria.It is necessary to note that the two kinds of criteria are not entirely separated from each other,as they sometimes conflict,influence and learn from each other.

Quality of judges has different components in different times.The two influencing factors are the changes of society which play a dominating role,and the judge system closely related to the caliber of judges.The history of human being tells us that justice calls for the independent judicature.Therefore the relations between the safeguard system of the judge's status and caliber of judges are complicated and their influence on each other is formidable,which are already proved by many countries' practices.Besides,the safeguarding system of the judge's status is a major premise for the caliber of judges,and it concludes the selection system,the punishment system,the training system and so on.The selection system of judge is the one which chooses the capable judge,inclu-ding granting qualifications and promotion.The punishment system of judges is devised to punish the conduct of dereliction of duty,which has a close relationship with the caliber of judges.The system of judge training gives a judge some judicial experience before he takes up his profession.

The second chapter is“Examining quality of judgesin the Main Western Countries”.In this chapter the thesis changes from analyzing theories to specific practices.In western countries such as Britain,America and France,the situation of the caliber of judges has some distinctive characteristics which help us to analyze the situation in China.Firstly,the number of the professional judges is smaller than the nonprofessional judges.Secondly,the caliber of judges includes professional and moral calibers.Thirdly,the views of people outside the law profession play a great role in improving the caliber of judges.Forth,the quality of the judge of each country is connected with its own organization establishment.Fifth,the good caliber of judges was ensured by the judge system.Sixth,the requirement of a good judge is higher than other law profession.

The third chapter is“the Influencing Elements of the Contemporary Caliber of the Judges in China”.The issue of quality of judgesin China can be traced back to the time of the former Soviet Union.The thesis divides the period into three parts:the first period(1927—1946),the second period(1946—1976),third period(1976—now).There is an embarrassing phenomenon in the first two periods that the criteria for caliber of judges are solely determined by the judges themselves,which is rather unscientific.Because seen from the view point that is outside the law circles,the situation would be different.Therefore,dual-criteria should be upheld.

The forth chapter is“Analysis of the Contemporary making of a Judge in China”,and this chapter analyzes the paradoxical phenomena in the history of China.Since the reform and opening-up of China,the society has undergone a fast-speed transitional period,which causes changes on every side involving politics,economics,culture and so on.The Chinese judges are confronted with problems home and abroad.For example,the number of law cases has increased and legislation developed at an amazing speed.For another,in order to meet the changes,the court has been carrying out all kinds of reforms.Therefore we can learn that the change of the society is the most affecting reason of the problem of low qualifications of judges.The thesis analyzes the systems of the judge in China selection system,punishment system and training system which play an important role in the competence of the judgeship.In comparison with the western countries,there is no specific law that guarantees the judge's status in China.

There are following distinctive characteristics of the making of contemporary judges in China:firstly,the number of professional judges is excessive.Secondly,the judge's professional caliber is rather low:a.the cultural and professional calibers are always not satisfied;b.in legislation,there is no requirement for the judge's judicial experience;c.judges of different ranks have the same caliber requirement in law;d.the professional morals have not been fully developed;e.the political caliber of the judge has been emphasized throughout the history.Thirdly,other criteria for assessment by people outside the profession are far more complicated.Different people have different opinions as to the contents of caliber of judges,and they do not agree with each other.Furthermore,their appraising standards are entirely different.In this circumstance,it is hard to find out the clear standards by which they make the conclusion that the caliber of contemporary judges in China is low.

The fifth chapter is“How to Solve the Problem of the Low Caliber of Jud ges”.Regarding to the problem,the chapter analyzes the opinions and solutions coming from all walks of life,and puts forward the specific solutions of this thesis.According to the opinions,the low caliber of contemporary judges becomes a serious problem and an undoubted truth in China.The paper investigates different views and opinions from all walks of life and gets the conclusion that the disharmony between legislation and the society is a reflection of the low caliber of judges which is directly caused by the lack of efficient laws.The thesis suggests that we should enhance caliber of judges and improve caliber of judges.Currently,there are two ways:the court should mind its own business and people outside the law circles should realize that the problem should be resolved by the whole society.

Key words:the Quality of Judges;Professional Criteria for Judges;Criteria for Assessment by People Outside the Profession





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