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丛书名:《Yu Yuanshi Mianduimian》













中央国家机关工委副书记 姚志平

The Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee adopted the Decision of the CPC Central Committee on Several Major Issues Concerning Comprehensively Deepening Reform, which pointed out the way forward for building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, and then building a prosperous, strong, democratic, civilized, and harmonious modern socialist country, and realizing the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and put forward new and higher requirements for the whole party's ability to learn and create. The central state organs shoulder the function of managing the country's political, economic, cultural and social affairs at the macro level, and play a key role in implementing the measures of the central government to comprehensively deepen reform. Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chinese Academy of Engineering, member of the Faculty of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, has extremely deep attainments in professional fields, has unique insights in life perception, and his profound and solid theoretical foundation, rigorous and honest academic attitude, and dedication to the ladder after rewarding are the precious spiritual wealth of the whole society, and are also examples for young cadres of central and state organs. Since 2013, the Youth League Working Committee of the Central State Organs and relevant departments have jointly carried out the "Face to Face with Academicians" activity, allowing the young people of the organs to enter the spiritual world of the master, admire the virtue of the master, follow the master's journey, learn the master's learning, and form the inheritance and consensus of the "Chinese Dream" under the influence of the personality charm of academicians and faculty members. The experts were either humble and elegant, or sharp and wise, and carried heavy weights lightly, so that the young cadres felt the charm of knowledge, truth and wisdom in the silence of moisturizing things. After a period of time, in order to expand the influence of the activity and benefit more young cadres, the Youth League Working Committee of the Central State Organs compiled the contents of the first 11 expert seminars into a book. What do young cadres learn from academicians and faculty members? How to learn? As the book is about to go to press, I would like to make a few brief observations. From their determination to serve the country, young cadres should learn the word "loyalty." Academicians and members of the two academies have experienced the historical period of new China's construction and reform and opening up under the leadership of the Party, and some of them were born in the war-torn revolutionary war years, and the contrast between the old and new societies is particularly strong. Between the lines, they all reveal their incomparable loyalty to the party, their incomparable love for the new socialist China, and their incomparable identification with socialism with Chinese characteristics. In the process of growing up and studying, they have always regarded studying the country under the leadership of the Party as their unremitting pursuit, and many of them have given up the superior conditions abroad to return to China to start a business. Young cadres should conscientiously understand this belief in incomparable loyalty to the party, the country and the people, integrate their own aspirations with the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, integrate their personal ideals and pursuits into the cause of the party and the people, and into the overall situation of national social development, and realize their own values while practicing the purpose of serving the people. From their educational experience in overcoming difficulties, young cadres should learn the word "tenacity." Academicians and members of the two academies have made great achievements in their respective fields. Throughout their education journey, they have all been accompanied by hard work and sweat, endured loneliness and loneliness, and have had a difficult journey. Without perseverance, unwillingness to make arduous efforts, without relying on the accumulation of little by little, trickling into a stream, gathering sand into a tower, it is impossible to make a career. The ancients said: "The wonders of the world, the strangeness, and the extraordinary view are often dangerous, and what people are rare to do, so those who do not have aspirations cannot reach it." Listening to their study process can enable young cadres to get rid of their arrogance, devote themselves to work, do their careers in a down-to-earth manner, and make contributions based on their posts. From their low-key and peaceful attitude to life, young cadres should learn the word "humble." The academicians and members of the Faculty of the two academies are highly respected and very busy in scientific research and management, but they all readily agreed to participate in the youth activities, and they really could not take the time to attend, and they repeatedly apologized. In my communication with young cadres, I always communicate with everyone on an equal footing with a humble and peaceful attitude. For some immature views and opinions put forward by young people, we always affirm the merits in them, and then patiently answer them, and never easily deny them. Face to face with them, like drinking alcohol, like a spring breeze, let people indulge in the demeanor of the master. The young cadres of the central government organs have a high degree of education, strong overall quality, and lofty aspirations, but they are not deeply involved in the world, lack tempering, and lack experience, and often produce a sense of arrogance that "everyone sleeps in the world and wakes up alone." Young cadres should follow the example of academicians and members of the Faculty to be humble and low-key, calm down, calm down, condense their minds, grasp the basics, and take every step of life in a down-to-earth manner. Young people become talented. Today's era is an era of information games, knowledge is updated rapidly, the world is changing with each passing day, only by constantly learning to enrich the mind can we keep up with the pace of social development. For young cadres, their knowledge level and ability to continuously learn new knowledge are important criteria for evaluating whether a person is suitable for the needs of the post. I sincerely hope that the young cadres of the central government organs will continue to improve themselves face-to-face with academicians and faculty members, and better shoulder the historical responsibilities entrusted by the times. Finally, I wish the "Face to Face with Academicians" activity to be better and better. Yao Zhiping, deputy secretary of the Work Committee for Central State Organs(AI翻译)





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