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If the policy mobilization model is examined from the two dimensions of "coercion-inducement" and "high responsiveness-low responsiveness", it can be divided into four types: "forced indoctrination", "policy promotion", "response release" and "policy marketing". "Policy marketing" is a special "policy mobilization model" and "policy management tool", which is the method and process of the government and other public departments in order to promote a certain policy agenda or ensure the smooth implementation of established policies, using concepts and technologies similar to corporate marketing to understand and respond to the demands of policy objects, and using persuasive and inducing policy tools with low mandatory force as much as possible to obtain people's recognition and support for policies, and ultimately realize the mutual matching of the needs of public sectors and policy objects and improve the overall welfare of society. After the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the policy mobilization model of the Chinese government has undergone transformation: the traditional "forced indoctrination" model has begun to weaken, and the "policy marketing" model has begun to become a new trend; Especially since the Third Plenary Session of the 16th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China proposed the construction of a "service-oriented government", governments at all levels have increasingly applied "marketing" in the practice of policy mobilization, and have shown the characteristics of a transition period. However, it is regrettable that in the current practice of "policy marketing" in China, the phenomenon of "marketing failure" is very prominent. "Policy marketing failure" means that the needs of policy makers and policy targets should not be matched through the "value exchange" method of "marketing". "Policy marketing" failures can occur when: governments and the public sector fail to initiate "policy marketing" at the right time in policy mobilization; or failing to successfully increase the buy-in and support of policy targets as expected despite initiating "policy marketing"; Or even if it effectively enhances the recognition and support of the policy target, this recognition and support is not lasting, and it does not generate enough resources to ensure the success of the next "policy marketing" within the policy system. These "policy marketing" failures can be divided into: "initiation failure" ("policy marketing" not started, "policy marketing" lagging start), "output failure" (integrated output failure, discriminating output failure), and "feedback failure" (path dependence failure, spillover effect failure). Why have policy promoters failed to use more mature marketing management concepts to avoid the failure of "policy marketing"? The answer to this question is the main task of this book. On the basis of summarizing the early research results of domestic and foreign scholars, this book argues that whether "policy marketing" as a policy mobilization mode is used and how effective it is is closely related to the structural relationship of policy networks. The application process of "policy marketing" is also a gradual process of learning from policy network members, and the learning of "policy marketing" and the structural relationship of policy network are mutually constructed. Based on this judgment, this book proposes an integrated analysis model of "network structure-policy learning" for the failure of "policy marketing", and tries to explain the mechanism of "policy marketing" failure. Specifically, it can be expressed as follows. The structural relationship characteristics of policy networks can be examined from two dimensions: one is the "competitive" ability of policy advocacy alliances, including the amount of resources owned by policy network members, and the power comparison and status of policy advocacy alliances in the policy process determined by this; The second is the level of interaction between members of the policy network and the advocacy alliance, and the degree of openness of the policy network determined by this. Whether "policy marketing" can be applied and how effective it is applied are closely related to these two dimensions, because the former determines whether the two parties of "policy marketing" have the ability and demand to exchange equally, and the latter determines whether the two parties of "policy marketing" have the opportunity and channels for equal exchange. When the policy mobilizer in the policy network monopolizes the policy resources and the policy network is highly closed, the "policy marketing" will not start at all; When the competitive strength of the policy mobilization parties is relatively balanced, the policy network is highly open, and the members of the policy network have both the ability and demand for equal exchange, and there are sufficient opportunities and channels for equal exchange, "policy marketing" will be successful. However, when the policy mobilizer objectively cannot monopolize policy resources, the competitiveness of the policy audience begins to increase, but the policy network is still relatively closed, and the value appeal and exchange expectations of both parties to "policy marketing" and the respective game strategies determined by this often cannot be agreed, and "policy marketing" will fail. The concept and technology of "policy marketing" can be divided into "secondary level", "near-core layer" and "fundamental core layer". The application process of "policy marketing" itself is also the process of learning the "policy marketing" model by the members of the policy network, and the learning is gradual. For policy mobilizers, their application strategies of "policy marketing" often experience "application at the technical-operational level" (borrowing the specific techniques of "policy marketing", but not deliberately considering the "integration" of various technologies), "application at the management-tactical level" (fully considering the echo and cooperation of various elements such as "product", "price", "channel" and "promotion", and considering the integration between various departments of "policy marketing" in order to achieve the best "policy marketing" effect), and "applying at the value-strategic level" (focusing on building a strong and trusting cooperative relationship and consultation mechanism between the subject and object of "policy marketing") several stages; For policy audiences, their coping strategies often have several changes: "indifferent treatment", "resistance to resistance" and "cooperative participation". Although in practice, due to the complexity of the policy network environment, the coping strategies of the two sides may not necessarily correspond one-to-one, nor may they be reflected in a strict linear evolution, but they will present an overall pattern from shallow to deep and gradually move closer to the core level. The learning process of "policy marketing" is also gradually changing the competitiveness of policy initiative alliances and the openness of policy networks, thereby constructing the structural relationship of policy networks. This book compares the cases of "policy marketing" in Taipei City's "garbage with bag" policy, the Xiamen Haicang PX project incident, and the Shenzhen garbage classification and reduction policy to prove the correlation between the policy network structure and the "policy marketing" strategy. This book also analyzes the changes in the use of "policy marketing" in the construction policy process of Shenzhen waste incineration plant from 1988 to 2014, describes the gradual learning process of the policy mobilization model between the two sides of "policy marketing", and the mutual construction effect between the strategic choices of the two sides and the policy network relationship between the two sides of "policy marketing". Improving the participation capacity and participation opportunities of policy network members, improving the openness of policy networks through institutionalized means, and ultimately promoting structural changes in policy networks are the keys to solving the failure of "policy marketing". Specifically, improvements should be made from the technical level, value reshaping ("dual balance of publicity and craftsmanship", "establishment of customer-oriented concepts", "prudent democratic experience"), and institutional norms ("performance evaluation reform", "partnership establishment", and "administrative process reengineering").(AI翻译)





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