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本人自2004年起作为中国大陆的唯一代表参加了由20个国家和地区合作进行了十多年的“学术职业国际调查与研究”及后续项目(Changing Academic Profession,CAP,2004—2014;Academic Profession in Knowledge Society,AP-KS,2014—)。本人曾在《北京大学教育评论》上发表的《论学术职业的独特性》一文(2011年第3期,第18—28页)中给出了“学术职业”在中文语境下的定义。“广义指的是所有的分布在不同机构中的学者和他们所从事的学术工作,狭义指的是将四年制本科院校作为其职业发展场所的学者和他们从事的学术工作。”本人将本团队的主要研究限定在“狭义”的范畴。在这历经了12年的对“学术职业”的研究中,“大学教师及其发展”是我们团队研究的“当然的首要对象”(本团队研究中的“大学”指代中国的四年制本科院校)。我们的多本博士学位论文和硕士学位论文、多个来自国家自然科学基金和国际基金组织支持的项目、多篇发表的学术期刊论文,都是研究大学教师的。我当然非常感谢这十多年来跟随我一同进行学术职业和大学教师发展研究的博士和博士生们!正是因为你们的出类拔萃、勤奋刻苦、质疑创新,才给了我学术研究上无穷的压力和动力,促使我永不停步且不能停步!因为我们的学术沙龙、我们的写作发表、我们的项目进行、我们的争辩议论,都需要作为导师的我的引领和新的贡献!是你们推着我前进!



A few years ago, Huazhong University of Science and Technology Press published two series of books that I edited, namely "Higher Education Management Research Series in the 21st Century" and "Education Economics Research Series in the 21st Century - Special Topics in Student Loans". From the whole process of writing, editing, publishing, and distributing these two series, I have learned that there are at least the following advantages of bringing together multiple doctoral dissertations in the same research field (such as "academic career research") and even the same research topic (such as "university teacher development") and supervised by the same supervisor and publishing them in high-level academic presses. First, in the process of selecting the research direction and dissertation topic for subsequent doctoral students, in addition to paying attention to the research interests of the doctoral students and the scientific research projects of the supervisor, they will also attach importance to the continuous effect of team research. Second, the "Xinke" PhD will have a good but hard academic career start-up period, and the doctoral "students" after passing the dissertation defense cannot slack off at all, and immediately enter the stage of rewriting and upgrading the thesis to a monograph, and take the monograph as the "stepping stone" of the academic career, so that the first step is stable and practical. Third, the academic influence of the team as a whole and individual PhDs has rapidly increased. As a complete series, in terms of the academic prestige of the publishing house, the publication quality of the book and the influence of the distribution market, the weight of the "series" is heavier than the "single book". I myself have interdisciplinary experience at Huazhong University of Science and Technology. The undergraduate major is "Level 77" in mechanical manufacturing process and equipment automation, and he obtained a bachelor's degree in engineering; The master's degree is higher education management, and he obtained a master's degree in education; The doctoral degree is management science and engineering, and he received a doctorate in engineering ("management" in 1997 has not yet been separated from "engineering"). I was promoted to professor in 1999, and in 2000 I began to recruit doctoral students independently as a doctoral supervisor, and today in 2016, it has been 17 years, and a total of 54 doctors of various types have been trained: from the classification of academic degrees and professional degrees, there are 52 doctors of philosophy and 2 professional doctors; From the perspective of degrees and academic qualifications, there are 40 double doctorates and 14 single doctors; From the perspective of country sources, there are 52 Chinese doctors and 2 African doctors. Since my own knowledge structure and teaching and research positions span two disciplines, I recruit doctoral students in higher education and educational economics and management, and these 54 doctoral degrees are divided into education and management, about half of each. Straddling the two majors of "Higher Education" and "Educational Economics and Management" is "Higher Education Economics and Management". All the current doctoral students (13 academic, 10 professional, and 3 doctoral students studying in China) and 54 doctoral graduates under the author's supervision are studying "Higher Education Economics and Finance" and "Higher Education and Higher Education Management". In the field of "Higher Education Economics and Finance", we study the issues of tuition fees and standards and payment of colleges and universities, tuition elasticity, the determination and funding of poor students in colleges and universities, academic progress, the problems of higher education student loans and loans and recycling, and the financial, social, policy and educational effects of college student financial aid. We also study the matching between local governments' expenditure responsibilities and financial guarantees in higher education, the adaptation of per student training cost to the average size of colleges and universities, the direct and indirect costs of university research, the expenditure and consumption of college students in contemporary China, the diploma effect and "over-education" in contemporary China, and the employment of college students. In the field of "Higher Education and Higher Education Management", we study the internal logic and external competitiveness of academic career development, the academic achievements of contemporary academic professionals and the training of the next generation of academic career successors (such as doctoral training and doctoral student funding), and the multi-country comparison of academic career development; We also looked at the onboarding, mobility, promotion, compensation, evaluation, and development goals of university faculty; The theoretical, practical and classification methods of the development of classification of higher education institutions were studied. The relationship between teaching and scientific research, the relationship between management and governance, and the participation of teachers and students in university governance in colleges and universities are studied. We are fortunate to have the strong support of China Social Sciences Press. The series of books on higher education finance that I edited is basically complete. The Higher Education Management Research Series is in the process of being published. The "Higher Education Governance Research Series" is still in full swing. What is presented to a wide range of readers today is one of the University Teacher Development Research Series that I edited. This series of books is mainly composed of monographs adapted from the doctoral dissertations I supervise, all the authors of the monographs are academic doctoral students I have supervised, and all the monographs are derived from the original research of the doctoral dissertations of the respective authors. Since 2004, as the only representative of the Chinese mainland, I have participated in the "International Investigation and Research on Academic Careers" and follow-up projects (Changing Academic Profession, CAP, 2004-2014) that have been cooperated by 20 countries and regions for more than ten years; Academic Profession in Knowledge Society,AP-KS,2014—)。 I have given the definition of "academic career" in Chinese context in my article "On the Uniqueness of Academic Career" (No. 3, 2011, pp. 18-28) published in Peking University Education Review. "In a broad sense, it refers to all scholars distributed in different institutions and the academic work they do, and narrowly refers to scholars and their academic work that use four-year undergraduate institutions as their career development venues." I limit my team's main research to a "narrow" scope. In this 12-year study of "academic careers", "university teachers and their development" is the "first object of course" of our team's research (the "university" in this team's study refers to China's four-year undergraduate colleges). Many of our doctoral and master's theses, several projects supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the International Foundation, and many published academic journal papers are all written by research university faculty. I am certainly very grateful to the PhDs and PhD students who have been with me for more than ten years in academic career and university teacher development research! It is precisely because of your excellence, diligence, and questioning and innovation that I have given me endless pressure and motivation in academic research, prompting me to never stop and not stop! Because our academic salons, our writings and publications, our projects, and our debates all need my guidance and new contributions as a mentor! You are pushing me forward! I sincerely thank every author in this series! Thank you to Huazhong University of Science and Technology and Huazhong University of Science and Technology Institute of Education Sciences, which provide excellent academic environment and working conditions for our research! Thank you to China Social Sciences Press for your strong support and the hard work of each responsible editor! Finally, thank you to every reader who reads our results and understands our pursuits! June 6, 2016(AI翻译)





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