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Crossing the Seven "Traps": Views on China's Development and Our Reflections















或许有的学者对这类关于“陷阱”的概括不以为然,认为是一些研究者在造概念,甚至有哗众取宠之嫌。然而,概念作为思维体系中一个最基本的构筑单位,是理论家把所观察到的事物进行抽象,意图最终概括成理论的一个工具。因而,造概念也就是进行研究的一个必不可少的中间过程。经济学家在形成相对成熟或成体系的理论之前,常常把现实中的观察结果提炼为一些特征化事实(stylized facts),就是依据的这个道理。至于哗众取宠之说,如果提出的问题的确有意义,抛砖引玉而启发更多同行参与讨论,应该是有益无害的。


Cai Fang entered a new era with the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and after 40 years of reform and opening up and rapid economic growth, China's economy and society have also entered a new stage of development. In this new phase, nature faces a new set of challenges and many new choices need to be made. In particular, under the basic judgment that our country is still in the primary stage of socialism and will remain for a long time in the primary stage of socialism, and our international status as the world's largest developing country has not changed, the main contradiction in our society has been transformed into a contradiction between the people's growing need for a better life and unbalanced and inadequate development. To solve the main constraints reflected in the main contradictions, their specific manifestations in different fields, and to deal with various challenges from economic, social, political, cultural, ecological, international, national defense and other aspects, the academic community should have sufficient awareness of danger and think more deeply. For the description of China's development stage and the challenges it faces, the academic community can explore a variety of methodologies and methods, of which two methods are often adopted to put forward some propositions worthy of discussion. One way is to judge and describe the development stage according to the empirical tradition, and seek its historical reference and corresponding reference from the horizontal and vertical dimensions. For example, economists have objectively described some turning points in economic and social development, and scholars generally echo them with more empirical research. As American rocker Bob Dylan asked in the lyrics: "How many roads do you need to travel before a person can grow up and mature?" "Economic and social development always has to climb over mountains, climb ditches and hurdles, and another village is bright. According to relevant historical experience, it reveals which thresholds of economic and social development cannot be avoided and which turning points must be crossed, which undoubtedly has certain reference value for policy formulation. For example, in response to how a dualistic economic development has entered a new stage and thus shifted to a growth stage with neoclassical characteristics, I have made a judgment many years ago that China's economy has crossed the Lewis turning point, based on the experience of other economies and the new situation of China's economic development, especially the new stage reached by the demographic transition, which means that the type of China's economic growth has undergone a fundamental change. This judgment was once widely debated, and is now accepted by the vast majority of scholars and policy researchers. Perhaps it was the divergent and inconsistent debate that prepared people with some theory and experience for understanding the new normal of economic development that was later confirmed. Another way is to follow a relatively normative tradition and make alarming predictions to society and policymakers. Researchers and discussants generally participate in normative research. Wang Linggui and Zhang Zhongyuan's book "Crossing the Seven "Traps": Perspectives on China's Development and Our Thoughts" addresses this kind of research. This book introduces many concepts known as "traps" circulating in society or academia, including the "middle-income trap", "Mezzogiono trap", "deindustrialization trap", "comparative advantage trap", "Tacitus trap", "Thucydides trap" and "Kindleberger trap", and makes the author's own reflections. Although these "traps" also include empirical propositions discussed by several economists, most of them belong to the normative academic tradition. Perhaps some scholars disagree with this kind of generalization about "traps", believing that some researchers are creating concepts, and even sensationalism. However, concept, as one of the most basic building blocks of the system of thought, is a tool for theorists to abstract what they observe with the intention of eventually generalizing it into a theory. Therefore, conceptualization is an indispensable intermediate process for research. Economists, before forming relatively mature or systematic theories, often distill their observations in reality into stylized facts, which is based on this truth. As for grandstanding, if the questions raised are indeed meaningful, it should be beneficial and harmless to inspire more peers to participate in the discussion. Of course, I am by no means saying that China will inevitably or have a high probability of falling into one, two, several, or all of the above "traps." Moreover, the "trap" concepts listed and considered together in the author's book span different fields such as economics, society, politics, and international relations, and each generalization varies greatly in terms of cognitive maturity. However, they have something in common on one issue, which makes this study valuable. That is the "trap" that this kind of "trap" has a greater or lesser degree of relevance to the problems facing China at its current stage of development, and thus has enlightenment. That is to say, if you have never planned for a rainy day or predetermined and not predetermined, this book is worth reading, especially worth provoking the reader's thinking.(AI翻译)





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