Is learning a pain or a joy? Different people have different answers. Shakespeare once said, "A man in love goes to his lover's date, like a child returning from school; But when he parted with his lover, his face was as sad as going to school. "2806385 from this point of view, reading books and doing research is painful. Chinese sages once said: "There is a road to the mountain of books, and there is no end to learning the sea." "In ancient times, there were even reading stories of hanging beams and thorny strands. All this shows that reading is extremely painful. But there are also opposing views. Yang Xiong once said: "Women are colored, and books are also colored" 2806386. In Yangxiong's view, the appeal of books can even be compared with beauty. Plato also discusses the joy of learning in Phileb. He proposed that there are three states of the human body: "a happy life, a painful life, a life that is neither painful nor happy." "2806387 For example, thirst is painful, while drinking water is happy, and when enough water is drunk, it is not painful, but it is also not happy, in the third state. It can be seen that the happiness of the flesh is mixed with pain, and when the pain is eliminated, happiness does not exist, and can only achieve the state of non-bitterness and non-happiness. The average person mistakenly sees this condition as happiness, but in fact does not enter the realm of true happiness. Unlike physical activity is the pursuit of knowledge based on reason. People learn knowledge differently from thirst, not out of pain, even if knowledge is forgotten, it will not bring obvious pain. Plato thus said: "So we must conclude that these pleasures of learning are not mixed with suffering, and that this pleasure does not belong to the general man, but to only a very few." 2806388 in his view, the pursuit of learning is the purest pleasure, a blessing that only a philosopher possesses. As far as the author is concerned, I tend to think that reading is joyful. This is not to say that I have no troubles in the process of reading and can enter Plato's pure happy kingdom, but that the author is more suitable for reading and writing in the book fast, and does not like to work in society. Theatre is an important part of literature and culture. Shakespeare once said that actors are "a microcosm and a brief history of our time" and 2806389 "the purpose of acting... It's like looking in a mirror to nature." 2806390 Schopenhauer put this sentence in reverse: "Never going to the theater is like not looking in the mirror and dressing." "2806391 with the mirror of drama, we can deeply understand the hearts and society of foreigners. Since the founding of New China, the translation and research of foreign dramas have made gratifying achievements, but unfortunately, no one has yet erected a mirror of academic history specifically for this, combing through this history, telling everyone how much we have achieved and what problems have been left. Although the author is only a shallow student, he is still quite hard, and after 4 years of hard work, he finally completed this work. The publication of this monograph does not mean that all the academic issues of this history have been clearly studied. Dreher once said, "Truth is a woman, so it is a mystery." "2806392 author's book just presents this mystery, and as for how to solve the mystery, it still takes continuous efforts from fandom. The British politician novelist Disraeli once pointed out: "It is very bad for an author to talk about her own writings as much as a mother to talk about her children." "2806393 mothers talking about their children must be exaggerating and gushing. Thanks to Disraeli's reminder, I have to stop boasting before I drive readers away.(AI翻译)
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