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Since the reform and opening up, China's economy has achieved rapid growth and the income of urban residents has continued to rise, but it is undeniable that with the deepening of market economic reform, the employment problem of urban residents has gradually emerged. The difficulty of re-employment of redundant labor released by the reform of state-owned enterprises, the irregular employment of surplus labor in rural areas transferred to cities and towns, and the unsatisfactory employment quality of college graduates have all become prominent problems in economic development. Employment is the result of the combined effect of labor demand and supply. For a long time, China's rapid economic growth has created sufficient space for labor demand, which has always been the dominant factor in employment. Although abundant labor supply is a comparative advantage of China's economic development, it is this abundant feature that makes labor supply secondary to employment. With the decline of the working-age population, China's "demographic dividend" is gradually disappearing, although there is still some controversy about whether the "Lewis inflection point" has arrived, but it is an indisputable fact that labor factors have increasingly become a factor restricting China's economic development. One labor market feature accompanying the decline in the working-age population is the gradual decline in the labor force participation rate, which further amplifies the impact of labor factors on China's economic development. In this context, the significance of labor supply research has become more and more prominent. Through the study of the labor supply of Chinese residents, we can grasp the general characteristics of labor supply, so as to design and implement public policies that fully tap the "demographic dividend" and provide support for China's economic development. Labor supply has always been a mainstream issue in the study of labor economics. Since the 60s of the 20th century, the theory of labor supply has developed considerably. Static labor supply theory, life cycle labor supply theory and retained wage theory lay the theoretical foundation for labor supply behavior analysis. With the development of labor supply theory, empirical studies of labor supply behavior have also appeared in large numbers. In the 70s of the 20th century, McFadden (1973) and Heckman (1979) successively proposed a binary discrete selection model and a two-stage method to correct sample selection bias, which made breakthroughs in the empirical study of labor supply behavior and led to a new branch of econometrics - microeconometrics. On the one hand, economists began to use the binary discrete choice model to estimate the labor participation equation and estimate the wage elasticity and income elasticity of labor participation. On the other hand, microeconometric methods that correct sample selection bias have been used to estimate the working time equation and estimate the wage elasticity and income elasticity of working hours. With the development of microeconometric methods and computer technology, some new methods have emerged in recent years to analyze labor supply behavior, such as: using multiple discrete selection models to estimate utility equations, and using simulation methods to analyze individual labor supply behavior; The simultaneous maximum likelihood estimation method was used to jointly estimate the labor participation equation and the wage equation to analyze the labor participation behavior of individuals. The labor participation equation was estimated by semiparametric method to analyze the labor participation behavior of individuals. Wait a minute. In evaluating the impact of public policies on individual labor supply behavior, micro-simulation methods and "natural experiment" methods of labor supply behavior have emerged. With the progress of theory and method, foreign empirical research on labor supply behavior has been widely carried out. Although the datasets used in different studies usually come from different regions and different periods, and the methods used are different, foreign economists have reached an empirical consensus that labor participation is more sensitive than working hours, and that women's labor supply behavior is more sensitive than men's labor supply behavior. Due to the late start of China's labor market reform, the labor market micro-survey data is relatively scarce, and there are relatively few research results on the labor supply behavior of Chinese residents. At present, the empirical research on labor supply behavior in China mainly focuses on the analysis of the influencing factors of labor participation and working hours, such as the influencing factors of urban residents' labor participation and working hours, and the influencing factors of rural migrant labor in the urban labor market and working hours. Most of the methods used in empirical analysis are parametric binary selection models and Heckman two-stage methods that correct sample selection bias. In the existing literature, there are relatively few empirical studies to quantitatively estimate the response of labor participation and working hours to wage rates and non-labor income, and empirical studies to analyze the impact of public policies on individual labor supply behavior are relatively rare. If we cannot clearly grasp the characteristics of Chinese residents' labor supply behavior, we cannot deeply understand the operation law of the labor market and accurately measure the impact of public policies on residents' labor supply behavior. Based on this, based on the micro-survey data of China's urban labor market, this book analyzes the labor supply behavior of residents in China during the transition period under the framework of labor supply theory, and further analyzes the labor supply effect caused by the employment support policy for poor groups and the labor supply effect of the improvement of the personal income tax deduction standard after having a clear understanding of the characteristics of the labor supply behavior of residents. The first chapter reviews labor supply theory and empirical research methods, including static labor supply theory, life cycle labor supply theory, retention wage theory, the setting form of empirical research models corresponding to various theories, and behavioral microsimulation methods and "natural experiment" methods to analyze the effects of labor supply in public policies. Chapter 2 reviews the empirical research on labor supply behavior, including empirical research on static labor supply behavior, empirical research on life cycle labor supply behavior, empirical research on labor participation behavior, empirical research on the application of micro-simulation methods of labor supply behavior and "natural experiment" methods to analyze the effects of public policies, and progress in empirical research on domestic labor supply. Chapter 3 analyzes the labor participation behavior and working time selection behavior of urban household registration residents, estimates the wage elasticity and income elasticity of labor participation, compares the differences in labor participation behavior between women and men and between different income groups, further analyzes the differences between women and men in employment, and judges the degree of employment discrimination against women in the labor market. Chapter 4 analyzes the labor participation behavior and working time selection behavior of migrant workers, another group that occupies an important position in the urban labor market. In addition to labor participation and working time selection, migrant workers' employment is more informal and unstable, so another issue in this chapter is the influencing factors of migrant workers' employment stability, and attempts to find countermeasures to improve the employment stability of migrant workers. Chapters 5 and 6 shift the focus of analysis to policy responses to labor supply. Chapter 5 applies the "natural experiment" method to analyze the labor supply effect of employment support policies for poor groups, and evaluates the effects of employment support policies. Chapter 6 uses micro-simulation methods to analyze the impact of the improvement of the individual income tax deduction standard on the labor supply behavior of urban residents, gives the changes in the income distribution pattern after the change of the labor supply behavior of urban residents, and evaluates the effect of the improvement of the cost reduction standard. Due to the author's own limited ability, it is inevitable that there will be omissions and deficiencies in the research, and experts, scholars and fans are kindly requested to criticize and correct, which will become the driving force for the author to continue to move forward on the future academic path.(AI翻译)





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