Southern Min dialect is one of the chinese dialects which is trans-regional,across provincial boundary and cross-border.Verb predicate sentence is not only one of the most complex sentences,but also one of the most characteristic sentences in Southern Min.This dissertation chooses Hui'an dialect which is one of Southern Min dialects and discusses it's verb predicate sentences not only comprehensively and systematicly,but also deeply and meticulously.
The book is divided into ten chapters.Firstly,chapter 1 introduces the humanistic geography,historical development of Hui'an county and its dialect.And then,it expounds the current situation of the studies on verb predicate sentence of Southern Min dialect.At last,it addresses the purpose、the significances、the methodology and the related aspects of this paper research.
Chapter 2 combs the researches on how to classify the chinese verb predicate sentence since Mashi Wentong.Based on these researches,this dissertation clearly defined verb predicate sentence of Hui'an dialect,clarifies theoretical basis of verb predicate sentence pattern system in Hui'an dialect,and builds a hierarchical system of verb predicate sentences for Hui'an dialect.
Based on a lot of first-hand natural language data investigated and obtained by author,chapter 3-9 gives a multi-angle and systematic research at the first time from the aspects of syntax,semantics and pragmatics on the single-acting predicate sentences,verb-complement sentences with no object,verb predicate sentences with both object and complement,svo sentence,verb predicate sentences with special telescopic form,multi-verb predicate sentences,and verbal subject-predicate predicate sentence of Hui'an dialect by using such methods as combining Inductive and deductive,combining description and interpretation,combining syntax and pronunciation,which reveals a lot of grammars and syntax rules that had never been touched before.
Chapter 10 is the conclusion which is divided into two parts.First part shows the “face” and the value of the verb predicate sentence in Hui'an dialect more clearly and more stereoscopic through the comparison of horizontal and vertical; The other part explores theoretically some problems on the chinese dialect grammar's research.