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Actively coping with population aging is a product of economic and social development and progress, and it is also a common problem facing the world in the 21st century. The party and the state attach great importance to the work of the elderly. The 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the 3rd, 4th and 5th Plenary Sessions of the 18th CPC Central Committee, and the national "13th Five-Year Plan" all put forward the strategic task of actively coping with the aging of the population. China entered an aging society in 1999, and the aging of the population has developed rapidly. At the end of 2015, there were 222 million elderly people over the age of 60, accounting for about 16.1% of the total population. It is predicted that by the end of the 21st century, the aging of the population will be running at a high level. Population aging has not only brought about problems in the maintenance, medical treatment, nursing and spiritual life of the elderly, but also brought about political, economic, social, cultural and ecological problems in the whole society. Therefore, the effectiveness of coping with the aging of the population "has a bearing on the overall development of the country and the well-being of the people." The "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" period is not only a decisive stage for building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, but also an important strategic opportunity period to promote the reform and development of the cause of the elderly. At present and for some time to come, in order to cope with the aging of the population, we must closely focus on the central tasks of the party and the state and earnestly grasp the following aspects of work. First, establish new ideas and new thinking. First, the whole society establishes the awareness of the whole life cycle of old-age preparation. From an individual point of view, the health, economy, network, fertility and other pension resources accumulated in the pre-old age period are the most important personal and social resources for the elderly to cope with the problems of old age, and are the pension capital of the elderly. From a society perspective, the whole life cycle process covers all age groups and prepares for ageing based on intergenerational equity and a whole-population perspective. For example, pension preparation is carried out by increasing the labor productivity of young people and the economic participation rate of the elderly, and health care spending by the elderly is improved by investing in the health of the entire population. The second is to establish the concept of healthy aging in the whole society. Healthy aging not only refers to physical health, but also has richer connotations, including the life and health of the organic combination of physical, psychological and moral aspects, as well as the ecological health of the organic combination of living environment, genetics and lifestyle, and the national health of the entire population. Health is the foundation of self-care and self-reliance, which is of great significance, which can not only reduce the cost of economic and social operation under the condition of population aging, but also guarantee the effective development of human resources. The third is to establish the idea of actively responding to aging. It is necessary to take a positive view of the aging society, the elderly and the life of the elderly, and strive to tap the vitality and opportunities brought by the aging population to the development of the country. Actively coping with aging, for the individual elderly, is to achieve old age, old age, and old age; For society, it is to accumulate the human capital of the elderly, develop the human resources of the elderly, and harvest the lip dividends of the elderly. Actively responding to aging expresses a new view of ageing, and the elderly with positive attitudes, physical and mental health, and certain knowledge, skills and experience are always valuable assets for society and families, and the elderly population cannot be regarded as a burden, burden and problem. Second, persist in unifying basing ourselves on national conditions with drawing on foreign experience. Population ageing is a worldwide problem. According to a 2011 United Nations report, there are 76 countries with more than 7% of the elderly population aged 65 and over, and it may exceed 150 by 2050, and human society will fully enter the stage of aging. China is in the stage of rapid population aging, and many existing problems are only the "tip of the iceberg" of the contradictions in the aging society. Developed countries such as Europe, the United States and Japan have entered the aging society early and also face many problems. It can be said that so far, there is no beautiful and ideal model for coping with aging society in the world, and it still needs the joint efforts of all mankind to explore. In response to the aging of the population, China must unify basing itself on national conditions and learning from foreign experience. First, we must correctly grasp the national conditions of China's population. Among them, four aspects are particularly worthy of attention: (1) the absolute number. It is estimated that by 2053, the total number of elderly people in China will be 100 million more than the total elderly population of developed countries. (2) Fast development speed. It takes about 41 years for China's population aging to increase from 10% to 30%, completing the process of population aging that developed countries in Europe and the United States have completed for hundreds of years. (3) Traditional pension culture. The cultural traditions of loving and respecting the elderly, raising children and preventing aging are very different from Western culture, and have become a cultural force to solve the problems of aging society. (4) Grow old before getting rich, and grow old before you prepare. These special population conditions are not only what China must fully consider in coping with the aging of the population, but also the "shining light" for studying and drawing on foreign experience. The second is to make full use of the latecomer advantage and strengthen dialogue with the international community. Pay close attention to the situation of aging risks faced by developed countries in the era of global aging; Comprehensively analyze the process of population aging in developed countries, and correctly assess the key response measures in each period to learn from their experience and lessons. Explore effective countermeasures to reasonably disperse the risks of aging in China around the world. Third, grasp the key work in the overall layout of the "five-in-one" construction. Socialism with Chinese characteristics is a socialism with all-round development, and it is necessary to promote the coordinated development of all aspects of modernization. The aging of the population means that the main structure of China's modernization will undergo fundamental changes, which will have a profound impact on all aspects of modernization. Therefore, grasping the key work in the overall layout of the "five-in-one" construction is the only way to promote China's sustainable development under the condition of population aging. In the field of political construction, the increasing number of elderly people forming a large group based on age will have a non-negligible impact on state functions, party system, political participation, and political power pattern. Therefore, we must do a good job in three key tasks: First, we must establish an authoritative normal coordinating body. Integrate the relevant functions and resources of population and family planning, civil affairs, public security, health, human resources and social security, provide important system, organization and financial guarantee for the overall response to population aging, and effectively improve the top-level design level and overall planning force. Second, it is necessary to improve the working mechanism for the elderly under the leadership of the party committee, led by the government, with social participation and action by the whole people. Clarify the responsibility boundaries of the party committee, government, society, market, family, and the elderly, the most important of which is to give play to the leading role of the government, and at the same time all subjects participate in and cohesion. Third, it is necessary to strengthen the construction of the rule of law for the elderly. Pay attention to and be good at using rule of law thinking and methods to promote the work of the elderly; Further enrich and enrich the relevant content of actively responding to the aging of the population, and further strengthen the legal protection of the basic rights of senior citizens; Conscientiously implement the Law on the Protection of the Rights and Interests of the Elderly, accelerate the formulation and implementation of supporting laws and regulations, and establish a relatively complete legal system for the elderly. In the field of economic construction, the aging of the population will have an impact on China's economic growth potential and vitality, economic operating costs, macroeconomic security, etc. Therefore, first, it is necessary to deeply study the comprehensive and dynamic impact of population aging on economic development; Explore the path of economic structure optimization and sustainable economic development under the condition of population aging. Second, we should vigorously develop the aging industry. China's aging industry market has great potential, but the foundation is weak. It is necessary to focus on the development of health, livability, finance, culture and other main industries; Attach great importance to the research and development of core aging technology to seize the market share of the global aging industry; Improve the ability of the elderly to pay, improve the development environment of the aging industry, accurately support key industries, optimize the structure of the aging industry, and promote the healthy and rapid development of the aging industry. Third, it is necessary to develop human resources for the elderly and the elderly, and incorporate the development of human resources for the young and healthy elderly into the strategy of strengthening the country with talents. Elderly human resources are an important resource for the development of an aging society. By strengthening education and continuing education for the elderly, create a good policy environment and social atmosphere, build a broad platform for the social participation of the elderly, help them realize their self-worth, release the lip dividends of the elderly, and promote healthy economic and social development. In the field of social construction, population aging brings about the imbalance between the elderly population structure and the young social structure, which has an impact on the family structure, cultural and educational structure, social governance structure, etc., and will also weaken family functions, aggravate intergenerational conflicts, and increase the burden of social security and public services. Therefore, first, we must improve the old-age and medical security systems, focusing on the establishment of a long-term care social security system to cope with the risk of poverty, disease and disability in individual old age. Make full use of the strategic opportunity period before 2025 to establish and improve the three systems of old-age, medical care and long-term care to ensure that they meet the requirements of a moderately severe aging society. Second, it is necessary to build an old-age service system based on home, relying on the community, supplementing institutions and integrating medical and elderly care; Give full play to the support function of community elderly care services for home care, and establish and improve support policies for home care for the elderly; Old-age services should include a considerable proportion of welfare supply and public welfare services, highlighting the essence of socialism, and also include a certain proportion of market-selected aging industries, "government hands" to support emergency relief, "market hands" to optimize supply, the two form a complementary and win-win pattern. Third, we must improve family old-age support policies. Further consolidate the basic position of family pension; Explore the establishment of a family-centered basic public service system, support family pension through preferential policies such as taxation, subsidies, flexible employment, and housing, and reduce the burden of family pension; Encourage and support the elderly to migrate or move with their children, on the one hand, improve the household registration policy, and appropriately relax the conditions for parents to settle in their children; On the other hand, for the migrant elderly who do not have a migrant household registration, they can be included in the management targets of the community in the place of arrival, and help services for the families of the migrant elderly with special difficulties can be carried out; Strengthen education in family virtues and promote the formation of a family atmosphere of mutual respect, love and mutual assistance. Fourth, it is necessary to promote intergenerational relations and smoothness. Make overall plans to solve the main problems among the three major age groups of minors, adults and the elderly, establish scientific and effective mechanisms for coordinating intergenerational interests, mediating conflicts, and protecting rights and interests, and promote equal sharing of social resources, social rights, and social responsibilities among different age groups. Fifth, we should strengthen the social governance of the elderly group and promote the modernization of the social governance system and governance capacity under the condition of population aging. Sixth, it is necessary to strengthen the construction of a livable environment for the elderly. Carry out age-friendly renovation of the living environment in accordance with the requirements of age-friendly building facilities, and carry out new urban and rural construction planning. In the field of cultural construction, intergenerational cultural conflicts are intensifying under the condition of population aging, and the promotion of old-age culture and filial piety culture is facing many difficulties, and the cultural service system is also facing many pressures. Therefore, the first is to cultivate a positive aging culture that is compatible with the scientific concept of aging. Focus on cultivating a positive social psychology that adapts to the aging society and overcomes the associated risks. The second is to incorporate the promotion of filial piety and respect for the elderly into the propaganda and education of the core socialist values, and build a culture of filial piety and respect for the elderly with national characteristics and the characteristics of the times. The third is to prosper and develop the culture of aging. Focus on providing high-quality and quantitative cultural facilities and cultural products for the elderly, attract the elderly to actively participate in cultural activities, and prosper socialist culture. In the field of ecological construction, the ecological environment has a great impact on human health. The disease risk faced by the entire population in the old age of the entire population that has undergone extensive development and ecological damage will continue to expand under the condition of population aging. Therefore, first, it is necessary to establish a national health monitoring system, and establish a support system for research and development, prevention and treatment of common geriatric diseases mainly caused by ecological problems. Second, we should establish the concept of green development, control environmental pollution, build ecological civilization, and enable the whole population to enjoy a longer period of healthy old age as much as possible. The sunset is infinitely good, and the world is full of evening love. In the face of the opportunities and challenges brought by the aging of the population to the development of the country, it is necessary to focus on the overall situation, plan for the long term, strengthen research, make scientific decisions, gather wisdom and efforts, ensure the sustainable development of China's economy and society under the conditions of population aging, and lay a solid foundation for building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, accelerating socialist modernization, and realizing the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Li Fang paid attention to the research of the left-behind elderly when she was doing postdoctoral research at Beijing Normal University, and continued this research topic after leaving the station, studying the special elderly groups with certain correlation from the perspective of urbanization. As Li Fang's postdoctoral co-supervisor, I am very happy to see the successful publication of this book that condenses her years of research results and painstaking efforts, and hope that she will continue to carry forward the spirit of hard work, conscientious research and innovation during her postdoctoral work, and produce more scientific research results and better scientific research results. On the occasion of the completion of this book, at the invitation of Li Fang, I gladly write these words for the preface. July 2016(AI翻译)





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