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一 马克思主义政治经济学是揭示经济社会发展客观规律的真理,是工人阶级政党领导革命、建设和改革的理论指南








二 马克思主义政治经济学没有过时,它依然闪烁着真理的光辉,仍然是我们今天观察和解决问题最锐利的思想武器











三 立足我国国情和发展实践,构建当代中国的马克思主义政治经济学,即中国特色社会主义政治经济学










四 坚持和发展马克思主义政治经济学,坚定不移地把马克思主义政治经济学和当代中国马克思主义政治经济学作为经济工作与经济研究的指导思想











Wang Weiguang 2995659 Today, the party group of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences held a training course on Marxist political economy, inviting leading cadres at and above the department level of the eight research institutes of the Ministry of Economics and the Institute of Horse Studies to study the basic principles of Marxist political economy and the important speech made by General Secretary Xi Jinping when presiding over the 28th collective study of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee. Studying Marxist political economy and learning General Secretary Xi Jinping's thought on socialist political economy with Chinese characteristics is just the beginning. To truly learn and understand, I am afraid that it will take a lot of effort and a long time to truly believe and really use. Here, on behalf of the party group, I will make a study mobilization. On November 23, 2015, the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held the 28th collective study on the basic principles and methodology of Marxist political economy, and General Secretary Xi Jinping delivered an important speech. He stressed: "Marxist political economy is an important part of Marxism and a compulsory course for us to adhere to and develop Marxism. "We must conscientiously study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on adhering to and developing Marxist political economy, learn to apply the positions, viewpoints and methods of Marxist political economy, and truly study, understand, believe and apply Marxist political economy." Through studying Marxist political economy, we should deepen our understanding and grasp of the law governing the development of China's socialist economy and enhance our ability and level of leading the development of the socialist economy with Chinese characteristics. Through studying Marxist political economy, we should correctly understand the inherent contradictions of contemporary capitalism and its development trend, scientifically understand the law governing the development of human society, the inevitable trend of social and historical development, and the development pattern of the contemporary world and its international situation, so as to enhance our ability and level of handling international issues. Through studying Marxist political economy, we should sum up the fresh experience of the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics, answer the new stage, new situation and new problems facing China's economic and social development, build a socialist political economy with Chinese characteristics, and realize the innovative development of Marxist political economy. For our comrades engaged in economic research at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, it is mainly through studying the basic principles of Marxist political economy, studying the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech, mastering the positions, viewpoints and methods of Marxist political economy, mastering the scientific world outlook and methodology, and applying it to the study of China's economic development, the study of major theoretical and practical issues of the party and the state, and the study of the political economy of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Next, I turn to four issues. A Marxist political economy is the truth that reveals the objective laws of economic and social development, and is the theoretical guide for the working class party to lead revolution, construction and reform, Engels evaluated Marx's life and believed that Marx had two great discoveries: one was the materialist view of history, and the other was the theory of surplus value. He pointed out: "Just as Darwin discovered the law of development of the organic world, Marx discovered the law of development of human history... Not only that. Marx also discovered the modern capitalist mode of production and the peculiar laws of movement of the bourgeois society it produced. The discovery of surplus value has opened up here, and all previous research, whether by bourgeois economists or socialist critics, has only been groped in the dark. "It should be enough to make two discoveries like this in my life." 2995660 before Marx, mankind's understanding of its own society and its history was dominated by the idealistic view of history. Without Marx's materialist view of history and the theory of surplus value, mankind's understanding of the laws of history and capitalist society would still be groping forward in the dark. It can be said that so far no view of history has been able to surpass the scientific revelation of Marx's view of history on human society and its historical laws. Marx used a scientific view of history to analyze the economic phenomenon of capitalist society and created the theory of surplus value, thus revealing the inherent contradictions of capitalism, predicting the inevitable demise of capitalism, and replacing capitalism, an objective law of historical development, by a higher social form, so that socialism changed from utopia to science and created the theory of scientific socialism. The founding of scientific socialism provided all the theoretical basis and ideological weapons for the proletarian party to lead the proletariat and its working masses to overthrow the system of exploitation and establish a new social form without exploitation and oppression. Marxist political economy is a scientific theoretical system based on the theory of surplus value, and it is a truth that has been tested by time and practice. The most basic representative work of Marxist political economy is "Capital", which Marx spent forty years to write. The length of time, the richness of its content, and the depth of truth of Capital are unmatched by any social science work of our time. Marx wrote "Capital" in London, mainly relying on the materials of the British Museum, and paid extremely hard labor from morning to night to create a scientific masterpiece. Starting from the analysis of the duality of commodities and the duality of labor, Capital reveals the inherent contradictions of the entire capitalism, the rigor of logic and the exquisite theoretical argumentation, which cannot be understood by any theoretical thinking without many in-depth studies. Capital was praised as "the most powerful cannonball fired at the bourgeoisie", a "bible" dedicated to the working class, and an "encyclopedia" of Marxism. Engels believed that "the entire theoretical content of the proletarian party comes from the study of political economy." 2995661 Lenin called it "the most profound, comprehensive and detailed proof and application" of Marxist theory. 2995662 Marx's Capital provides us with the basic stand, viewpoint and method for studying the law of human historical development, China's socialist economy and the world economy today. The first is the position. What position? It is to stand from the standpoint of the working class and the working people. Marxist political economy, the first two words are called "politics", what is politics? In a class society, when talking about politics, we first talk about what class position we stand on, that is, the fundamental question of politics is from whose standpoint we stand on. Although Marx and Engels were not from working-class families, they viewed capitalist economic phenomena from the standpoint of the working class. The question of position is very important and comes first. We have repeatedly said that today, under socialist conditions, the study of philosophy and social science must first solve the question of who is who, that is, why to study the problem, and from what standpoint and for whom to speak. Marxist political economy is the basic position of political economy. The second is the point of view. Marxist political economy provides us with the basic principles and important viewpoints for understanding problems. The most basic principles of Marxist political economy, one is the labor theory of value and the other is the theory of surplus value, and Marx solved both problems. Marx's labor theory of value inevitably led to the theory of surplus value, and Marxist political economy surpassed British classical economics. British classical economics put forward the labor theory of value, which believes that labor creates value, and labor is the source of value. However, because British classical economics does not understand the duality of labor, does not understand that concrete labor creates use value, abstract labor creates value, and confuses labor and labor force, its labor theory of value is incomplete, and it is impossible to draw the correct conclusion of surplus value. Marx broke through the labor theory of value of British classical economics and created a thorough labor theory of value, answering questions that British classical economics could not answer. Marx told us that only by combining people's living labor and the means of production can we add value, that is, can we produce new value. No other factor of production by itself can bring about the value added on the basis of the original value. Another is the theory of surplus value. In Marxist political economy, there is a distinction between labor and labor. In the capitalist market economy, labor power becomes a commodity, workers sell their labor power, and capitalists buy workers' labor power. Workers pay their own living labor in the production process, combined with the means of production, to create new value. However, the wages that capitalists pay workers are only the value of labor power as a commodity, not the full value created by workers' labor. In this way, the value created by the labor of the worker minus the value of the labor force is the surplus value, which is the secret of capitalist exploitation. Starting from the labor theory of value and surplus value, Marx created a series of categories, viewpoints and principles, such as the duality of commodities and commodities, the duality of labor and labor, value and value law, capital and labor, production and reproduction, periodic economic crises, etc., thus revealing the internal contradictions of capitalism, the laws of economic operation and the historical trend of inevitable demise. The third is the method. Materialist dialectics is the methodology of Marx's Capital. Capital is a masterpiece of political economy and a masterpiece of Marxist philosophy, and it is precisely by using materialist dialectics and materialist view of history that Marx has brilliantly revealed the law of capitalist economic development and its inherent contradictions. Understanding capitalism from the perspective of basic economic facts is the materialist method of analysis. Starting from the duality analysis of commodities, it leads to the duality of labor, and from the analysis of the duality of labor, it leads to the insurmountable internal contradictions of capitalism, leads to the paroxysmal economic crisis of capitalism, and reveals the historical inevitability of capitalism constantly going to the grave in the periodic economic crisis. At the same time, it is pointed out that in the process of capitalist development, it has created its opposite, created its gravedigger, and will inevitably give birth to new social factors, and eventually be replaced by a new social form, which is the inevitable logic of history. This is the use of dialectics and contradiction analysis. Under the materialist dialectical analysis of "Capital", capitalism is such an inevitable process of historical development, of course, this process will have a long, long historical period, it is the scientific analysis of historical necessity, Marx came to a conclusion: capitalism as a social form must perish, communism, as a new social form to replace it, is bound to replace capitalism, which is an inevitable historical inevitable trend. We communists must have the highest ideal, that is, communism. Of course, there must also be a minimum program, that is, to realize the common ideal of socialism with Chinese characteristics. This has a scientific basis and conforms to the law of historical development, and this scientific basis is precisely derived from Marxist political economy. We Communists, especially the Chinese Communists who have won the victory of China's revolution, construction and reform, have always attached importance to the study, research, and application of Marxist political economy, and have always taken Marxist political economy as the theoretical basis for leading the Chinese people in their continuous struggle. "The October Revolution sent us Marxism-Leninism with the sound of a cannon." China's advanced elements began to use the Marxist cosmology to observe the fate of the country and consider their own problems. In 1926, Comrade Mao Zedong applied the principles of Marxist political economy in "Analysis of the Classes in Chinese Society," starting from the relations of production, analyzing the economic status of different classes and the economic relations between them, and analyzing their class positions and political attitudes determined by this, so as to distinguish who is our enemy and who is our friend, and draw the correct line, principles, policies, tactics and strategies of the Chinese revolution, and guide the Chinese revolution to victory. During the period of the New Democratic Revolution, he successfully led the economic construction of the base areas and creatively put forward the New Democratic Economic Program. During the period of socialist construction, in the process of exploring the road of socialist construction, Comrade Mao Zedong always adhered to the basic principles of Marxist political economy, used the positions, viewpoints and methods of Marxist political economy to understand the laws of China's socialist construction, solved the theoretical and practical problems of China's socialist construction, put forward many original viewpoints, developed Marxist political economy, and achieved great achievements in China's socialist construction. It has laid the theoretical and material foundation for today's socialism with Chinese characteristics. Since the reform and opening up, we have also relied on the guidance of Marxist political economy to put forward an innovative theory for the establishment of a socialist market economy, and have embarked on a successful path for the prosperity and development of the socialist market economy with Chinese characteristics. The Chinese Communists have always regarded Marxist political economy as their guiding theory, which is the truth, the guide, and the weapon. Of course, we should grasp the positions, viewpoints, and methods of Marxist political economy, rather than rigidly copying some individual conclusions. 2. Marxist political economy is not outdated; it still shines with the brilliance of truth, and it is still the sharpest ideological weapon for us to observe and solve problems today. Far from mentioning, judging from the international financial crisis, the economy of many capitalist countries has continued to be sluggish, unemployment is serious, polarization has intensified, and social contradictions have deepened. Facts show that the basic contradiction of capitalist society revealed by Capital, that is, the contradiction between the socialization of production inherent in capitalism and the private ownership of the means of production, still exists, but the manifestation and characteristics of existence are different. This shows that Marxist political economy is not outdated and still works. Comrade Xi Jinping's important speeches at the National Party School Work Conference and the Sixth Plenary Session of the 18th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection have repeatedly stressed that leading cadres should establish a sense of alignment. Every morning when the troops go out to exercise, they repeatedly emphasize alignment, looking to the right, to the left, and to the front. There is always an inconsistency, which must be repeatedly required. General Secretary Xi Jinping's emphasis on the consciousness of alignment, first of all, is to talk about ideological and theoretical alignment, ideological and theoretical inconsistency, words and deeds will go out of tune, and even run to the opposite side. The theoretical basis guiding our thinking is Marxism-Leninism. Marxism-Leninism is the guiding ideology of the Party in ideology and the common theoretical basis of the whole Party and the whole army. The entire theoretical basis of our communists is Marxism, which is the common language of our communists. The cause we are engaged in is the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and the fundamental task is to take economic construction as the center. To develop the socialist productive forces and do a good job in socialist economic construction, we will deviate from the direction without the guidance of Marxist political economy. Today, we must align ourselves with Marxism, with contemporary Marxism, with the Central Committee, and with General Secretary Xi Jinping. We must study and master the basic principles of Marxist political economy, study the political economy of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and study the series of important speeches of General Secretary Xi Jinping. Today, the world situation has undergone fundamental changes, new characteristics, new situations, and new problems have emerged that have not appeared in the past, and the times have undergone phased changes. However, we must soberly realize that although the themes and characteristics of the current era have changed in stages, the essence of the times has not changed, the fundamental nature of the times has not changed, and Marxist political economy, as a summary and reflection of the essence of the times, still shines with the brilliance of truth. At present, we are still in the era of world history of capitalism revealed by Marx. From 1879 to 1882, in his later years, Marx successfully used the materialist view of history to turn his research focus and attention to Russian and even Eastern societies, which formed the famous theory of world history. The Marxist materialist view of history and its theory of world history reveal the evolution law of human social history from primitive society to slave society, feudal society, capitalist society, and finally through the development of socialist society to communist society, pointing out that since capitalism replaced feudalism, human history has entered a new era, which is the world historical process of capitalism revealed by Marx. Since human history entered the stage of capitalist development, the material force that buried capitalism has been bred, new social formation factors have been brewed, and the development of world history has shown a series of overall changes of the times. Its characteristics: First, the development of capitalist socialized large-scale production has broken the old division and isolation of human society, and the capitalist market economy has united human society and formed an inseparable and unified world whole, and no one can do without anyone. Second, while capitalism is developing, the socialist factor has emerged and is developing, and world history has always run through the contest between the two futures, two destinies, two roads, and two major forces of capitalism and socialism. Third, the two prospects and forces of capitalism and socialism are in a cross-progressive trend. Although capitalism is strong, it still stubbornly expresses itself and cannot easily withdraw from the historical stage, but on the whole it is from prosperity to decline. Socialism has moved from the nascent stage of the nascent stage to the tortuous period of the growth stage, from small to large, developing and advancing strongly in twists and turns; although socialism is weak, it represents a new future in human history. Fourth, the capitalist world historical process will inevitably be replaced by the communist world historical process, which is an irresistible trend of historical development. Fifth, realizing modernization is the core issue of the historical development of the world today. There are two paths to modernization: one is the road of capitalist modernization and the other is the road of socialist modernization. Capitalist modernization will inevitably be replaced by socialist modernization. The process of world history determines that economically backward countries choose the road of socialist modernization, which can avoid the suffering of the road of capitalist modernization. Sixth, the process of capitalist world history judged by Marx has gone through three stages, namely: the stage of free competition capitalism when Marxism was born, which was the accumulation of bourgeois wealth on the one hand, and the accumulation of poverty of the working class on the other, and polarization and the rise of the socialist movement of the working class were the main themes of this stage; The stage of monopoly capitalism judged by Lenin, the theme of this stage is war and revolution, the intensification of the basic contradictions of capitalist society leads to world wars, and wars give rise to a series of socialist revolutions, such as the October Revolution, the revolutions of China and other Eastern countries; Deng Xiaoping's judgment that peace and development after the end of the "cold war" between the two superpowers of the United States and the Soviet Union have become a new stage of the two major world problems; the general epochal nature of capitalist world history has not changed; the basic contradictions of capitalist society still exist, but peace and development have become two major world issues. Although the general nature of the times revealed by the classic writers of Marxism has not changed, the general historical trend of socialism inevitably replacing capitalism is still irreversible, and the internal contradictions of capitalism are still irreconcilable, but the phased transformation of the theme of the times provides a strategic opportunity for the peaceful development of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Capitalism was progressive at the beginning, replacing feudal society and bringing about the great development of productive forces and human society. Marx pointed out in the Communist Manifesto that capitalism has brought tremendous development to the productive forces of human society, and the productive forces of capitalist society have achieved tremendous development that cannot be matched by feudal society in a thousand years in a hundred years. A great feature of capitalist development is that marketization has opened up the whole world, connected the whole world, and broken the isolation and isolation between countries, regions and nations. Whoever closes off the country will die, and the gate will be opened by others and become a vassal of others. The only way to survive is to consciously open the door and integrate into the world. Therefore, Marx said that the development of capitalism has made human history a world history, which is called "cosmopolitanism". Today, it is called "globalization". Globalization is a "double-edged sword" that, on the one hand, has promoted the progress and development of the world, especially in recent decades. On the other hand, the internal contradictions of capitalism are insurmountable, capitalism is moving more and more towards its opposite, bringing war, bloodshed and suffering to mankind, "World War I", "World War II", until today, war is endless, the world is seriously polarized, the poor are poorer, the rich are getting richer, capitalism has caused globalization, and plundered the world through globalization. The scientific argument of Marx's Capital tells us that while capitalism develops, it creates its opposites and gravediggers, namely the new elements of socialism and the working class. Socialism with Chinese characteristics is a successful case of Capital. Marxist political economy explains the historical law and inevitable development of this world historical era, and the basic theory of Marxist political economy is not outdated. This is the first reason why Marxist political economy still works. The second reason is that we are now engaged in a socialist market economy, and we also need the guidance of Marxist political economy. How can backward countries engage in socialism? Marx and Engels did not elaborate. Capital tells us that public ownership must replace private ownership, and communist social form must replace capitalist social form. Marx said in the Critique of the Gotha Programme: "Between capitalist society and communist society, there is a period of revolutionary transformation from the former to the latter. Corresponding to this period was also a period of political transition, in which the state could only be the revolutionary dictatorship of the proletariat. 2995663 capitalism to communism there must be a transitional stage, which is the "first stage of communist society", that is, the stage of socialist society, and the difference between socialist society and communist society is distribution according to work. Marx's important judgment was only a theoretical summary based on the general trend of historical development. What socialism really looks like, what communism really looks like, how socialism should be built, how communism should be built, he only put forward a principle, planned a general blueprint, and did not put it into practice, and he could not be so specific. Marx only believed that in a capitalist society with highly developed productive forces, social contradictions intensified to a certain extent, capitalist production relations could no longer accommodate its productive forces, the socialist revolution came, the revolution succeeded, and a socialist society under the dictatorship of the proletariat was established. In socialist society, that is, in the first stage of communist society, the public ownership of the whole society is practiced, there is no private ownership, laborers are directly distributed according to their work, there is no commodity or currency, and a planned economy is implemented. In fact, today's socialist revolutions are taking place in backward countries, such as Russia and China, and not in the developed capitalist countries of Europe and the United States. After Lenin led the success of the October Revolution, he initially envisaged socialism with a pure planned economy, and designed the whole of Russia to be a big "syndicate", that is, Russia was a large factory with all public ownership, and laborers received labor vouchers according to the working hours paid, and distributed them directly according to their work. However, before his vision could be implemented, he caught up with the civil war waged by the union of fourteen imperialist countries and the white bandits in Russia, in a vain attempt to strangle the Soviets in the cradle. Lenin led the war of Soviet defense for several years, implemented distribution according to needs, engaged in military communism, defeated imperialism and white bandits, and consolidated Soviet power. However, the concrete practice after the war prompted Lenin to ponder deeply what socialism really looked like and how socialism should be carried out. What exactly should be done to carry out socialism in backward countries? Marx did not speak. Lenin began to consider that in the backward countries to carry out socialism, to develop a commodity economy, to have commodities, value, and the law of value, not to completely engage in public ownership, to have part of private ownership, or other ownership, to have the development of state capitalism, and to bring in foreign capital. Lenin published a series of articles, eight in his later years, putting forward the idea of the New Economic Policy, which is Lenin's theoretical thinking on what kind of socialism to pursue in backward Russia and how to carry out socialism, and it can also be said that he began to consider the use of Marxist political economy to guide the construction of socialism in a backward country like Russia. Applying Marxist political economy to the practice of socialist construction in Russia, Lenin began to innovate and develop Marxist political economy. Of course, Lenin died before he could fully launch the NEP. Stalin succeeded Lenin, and our party's evaluation of him was "three and seven open", the achievements were the main thing, and of course serious mistakes were made. On the whole, he presided over the socialist construction of the Soviet Union, realized socialist industrialization and collectivization of agriculture, defeated German fascism, and built the Soviet Union into a great power that could compete with the United States. In terms of economic construction, Stalin broke through some conclusions of Marx's classic works and was also limited by some conclusions of Marx's classic works, and the Soviet Union finally formed a rigid planned economic system, which made the institutional superiority of socialism not fully brought into play, and seriously constrained the development of the socialist productive forces in the Soviet Union. However, Stalin did not completely copy the conclusion that socialism cannot engage in commodities and markets, but affirmed the commodity economy and the law of value within a certain scope, and played the role of the law of value, which was reflected in his book "Economic Problems of Socialism in the Soviet Union". After the victory of the October Revolution, the idea that "there is no political economy under socialism" became popular in Russia, and it was not until 1929 that Lenin's "Evaluation of Bukharin's Economy in the Transitional Period" was published. Stalin attached great importance to the theoretical construction of socialist political economy. In October 1952, he published Economic Problems of Soviet Socialism. "Economic Problems of Socialism in the Soviet Union" is Stalin's last important work and a masterpiece of his economic thought, he tries to use Marxist political economy to summarize the experience of socialist economic construction in the Soviet Union for more than 30 years, and tries to expound the Marxist socialist political economy. This book should be evaluated from a historical perspective, and despite its insurmountable historical limitations, it still puts forward valuable ideas in the interpretation of socialist political economy. First, in response to the view that economic laws under the socialist system are objective laws that are not transferred by human will, it is proposed that whether people want to or not, or admit or not, economic laws always exist objectively and play a role, and people cannot eliminate these laws or create new laws. People can recognize economic laws and use them to serve human society. In class society, different classes have different understandings of the discovery and use of economic laws. Second, although socialism has abolished private ownership, socialist commodity production exists because socialist public ownership exists under the ownership of the whole people and collective ownership. Third, socialist commodity production and capitalist commodity production are fundamentally different, and the two cannot be confused. Socialist commodity production does not create the conditions for the emergence of capitalism and does not lead to capitalism. Fourth, under the socialist system, due to the existence of commodity production, the law of value will inevitably exist and play a role, which is not transferred by human will; under the socialist system, the law of value serves the socialist economy. The law of value is a good practice school, and the use of the role of the law of value is of great significance to the socialist economy. Stalin demonstrated for the first time the objective inevitability of commodity production, commodity exchange and the law of value under socialist conditions, and emphasized the fundamental difference between the socialist commodity economy and the capitalist commodity economy. These understandings are of reference significance for us to understand the objectivity of economic laws, consciously act in accordance with the requirements of economic laws, fully understand the inevitability of the socialist market economy, develop and improve the socialist market economy, attach importance to the inevitability of the existence of the law of value under socialist conditions, and give full play to the role of the law of value under socialist conditions. Of course, Stalin's theoretical understanding also has historical limitations, but this does not negate some of Stalin's contributions to Marxist political economy. After the founding of New China, Mao Zedong advocated a socialist political economy. Mao Zedong advocated the study of Capital, Stalin's "Economic Problems of Soviet Socialism" and the "Political Economy Textbook" (socialist part) compiled by the Soviet Economic Research Institute. From the end of 1959 to the beginning of 1960, Mao Zedong led several party experts to concentrate for 25 days to read the "Political Economy Textbook" (socialist part), studying how socialism actually carried out economic construction. Mao Zedong believed that in order to promote China's socialist economic construction, it is necessary not only to adhere to the basic principles of Marxist political economy, but also to base ourselves on China's national conditions, sum up China's experience, continuously promote Marxist theoretical innovation, produce its own theorists, create its own economic theory, and form a political economy theory with China's own characteristics. When reading the Soviet "Textbook of Political Economy", he emphasized: "The books of Marx, these ancestors, must be read, and their basic principles must be observed. However, the Communist Party of any country, the ideological circles of any country, must create new theories, write new works, and produce their own theorists to serve the current politics. 2995664 Mao Zedong summed up the lessons and lessons of socialist construction in the Soviet Union, carried out creative theoretical explorations on socialist political economy, put forward a series of important theoretical theories in commodity economy, economic system, opening up to the outside world, and took the lead in proposing that socialism should vigorously develop commodity production and commodity exchange. These understandings constitute an important prerequisite for the theory of socialist market economy. Mao Zedong believed that commodity production itself is not institutional, it is only a tool, looking at the institutional characteristics of a commodity economy, "it depends on what economic system it is linked to, and its connection with the capitalist system is capitalist commodity production, and its connection with the socialist system is socialist commodity production." 2995665 the socialist period, we must make full use of the commodity economy as a tool to make it serve socialist construction; China's commodity economy is very underdeveloped, and it is necessary to "greatly develop socialist commodity production in a planned manner"2995666; blindly denying the view of commodity economy "is wrong and contrary to objective laws." He clearly pointed out that the law of values plays a role in the construction of socialism in our country. "This law is a great school, and only by using it will it be possible to teach our tens of millions of cadres and tens of millions of people, and to build our socialism and communism." Otherwise everything is impossible. "2995667 it is necessary to educate cadres so that they understand the law of value and equivalent exchange, and if they violate it, they will be hit with blood. Proceeding from China's actual national conditions, he clearly pointed out that based on the reality of China's economic development, we should neither dogmatically nor Westernize the issue of capitalism and the private economy; we can engage in private ownership on the basis of state-run enterprises and capitalism on the premise of adhering to socialism; "we can engage in state-run or private-sector enterprises," and we can eliminate capitalism and engage in capitalism, because "it is a supplement to the socialist economy." In terms of the economic system and ownership structure, he questioned the traditional planned economy and clearly put forward the idea of mobilizing two enthusiasms. "We cannot be like the Soviet Union, where we concentrate everything in the central government and stuck the localities to death, and there is no mobility at all." On the issue of opening up to the outside world, he put forward the slogan of "learning from foreign countries" and that opening up to the outside world should be carried out in two points rather than one point. "The strengths of all nations and all nations must be learned, and all really good things in politics, economics, science, technology, literature, and art must be learned. However, there must be analysis and critical learning, not blind learning, not copying everything and applying it mechanically. 2995668 he put forward the basic principles and methods of economic construction: We must oppose both conservatism and rash advances, advance steadily in a comprehensive balance, take agriculture as the foundation, take industry as the lead, arrange the national economic plan in the order of agricultural importance, proceed from China's specific conditions, do a good job in comprehensive balance, take into account the overall situation, make appropriate arrangements, and work thriftily. He also raised the issue of distribution according to work and the fight against egalitarianism and excessive disparities. These important theories have made important theoretical reserves for our party to put forward the reform of the socialist market economic system and opening up to the outside world during the period of reform and opening up. In the new period of reform and opening up, Deng Xiaoping proposed that socialism can develop a market economy. After more than 30 years of reform and opening up, we have initially built a socialist market economic system, achieved great achievements in socialism with Chinese characteristics, embarked on a Chinese road, adhered to the Chinese system, and created Chinese theory. This is an innovation and development of Marxist political economy, as well as an innovation and development of Capital. Today, we are engaged in a new great struggle at a new historical starting point in the new stage of development of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The socialist market economy is linked to the market economy of the whole world, and to engage in the socialist market economy in the market environment of the capitalist world, it is all the more necessary to study and master "Capital" and to adhere to and develop Marxist political economy, because Marxist political economy has comprehensively revealed the laws of market economy, made a profound analysis of the capitalist market economy, and fully demonstrated how to give play to the role of value and the law of value. Marxist political economy is not outdated, and if we do not adhere to or develop Marxist political economy, we will not be able to guide the construction of the socialist market economy and the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics. 3. Based on China's national conditions and development practice, build a Marxist political economy in contemporary China, that is, the political economy of socialism with Chinese characteristics, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "In the face of extremely complex domestic and foreign economic situations and diverse economic phenomena, studying the basic principles and methodologies of Marxist political economy will help us master scientific economic analysis methods, understand the process of economic movement, grasp the laws of social and economic development, and improve our ability to control the socialist market economy." We should better answer the theoretical and practical questions of China's economic development and improve our ability and level of leading China's economic development. "Adhering to the basic principles of Marxist political economy and building a socialist political economy with Chinese characteristics is a great historical task entrusted to us by the times. Our party has always attached importance to the study, research, application and development of Marxist political economy. As early as October 1984, after the adoption of the "Decision of the CPC Central Committee on Economic Structural Reform," Comrade Deng Xiaoping spoke highly of it, saying that "the first draft of a political economy has been written, which is a political economy that combines the basic principles of Marxism with the practice of socialism in China." Since the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee, our party has integrated the basic tenets of Marxist political economy with the new practice of reform and opening up, continuously enriched and developed Marxist political economy, and formed a series of important theoretical achievements. For example, theories on the nature of socialism, theories on the basic economic system in the initial stage of socialism, theories on socialist market economy, theories on the participation of production factors in income distribution, theories on the reform of state-owned enterprises and the transformation of the shareholding system, theories on economic globalization and opening up to the outside world, theories on independent innovation and the establishment of an innovative country... These theoretical viewpoints have deepened our understanding of the law of socialist economic development, creatively constructed the political economy of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and effectively guided the practice of China's economic development. Since the 18th National Congress, General Secretary Xi Jinping has adhered to and developed Marxist political economy, put forward many new ideas and views on some major socialist economic issues, developed Marxist political economy in contemporary China, and opened up a new realm of Marxist political economy. First, it puts forward the major principles of the political economy of socialism with Chinese characteristics. He put forward: "We must adhere to the people-centered development thinking, adhere to the new development concept, adhere to and improve the basic socialist economic system, adhere to and improve the socialist basic distribution system, adhere to the direction of socialist market economic reform, and adhere to the basic national policy of opening up." This is a major principle that should be followed in the development of socialist political economy with Chinese characteristics. These six principles are of clear epochal significance and far-reaching theoretical significance. Second, it puts forward the idea of adhering to the people-centered development concept. Adhering to the people-centered development thinking is a distinctive feature of the Party Central Committee's thinking on economic development with Xi Jinping as general secretary, which fully embodies the Marxist materialist view of history, fully reflects the essential requirements of socialism, and fully expresses the principled position of Marxist political economy. As scholars of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, we should firmly establish the idea of learning for the people, take seeking interests for the broadest masses of the people as the starting point and end point of scientific research, regard the great practice of the masses as the highest criterion for testing the results of scientific research, and regard the masses of the people as the highest arbiters of the value of scientific research. Go deep into practice, go deep into the grassroots level, go deep among the masses, draw nourishment and inspiration from the fiery social practice and the great creation of the people, and provide inexhaustible ideological power and spiritual source for the realization of national prosperity and strength, national rejuvenation and people's happiness. Third, it puts forward the theory that China's economic development has entered a new normal. China's economic development has entered a new normal, which is a major strategic judgment made by the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as general secretary since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China on the basis of scientific analysis of the economic development situation at home and abroad and accurate grasp of China's basic national conditions, and is a theoretical guide for China to move towards a higher stage of development. At present, China's economy is evolving to a stage with a more advanced form, a more complex division of labor and a more reasonable structure, and is shifting from high-speed growth to medium-high growth, the mode of economic development is shifting from extensive growth of scale and speed to intensive growth of quality and efficiency, the economic structure is shifting from incremental capacity expansion to deep adjustment of adjusting stock and optimizing incremental coexistence, and the driving force of economic development is shifting from traditional growth points to new growth points, and supply-side structural reform is being promoted. Understanding the new normal, adapting to the new normal, and leading the new normal is the great logic of China's economic development in the current and future period, and it is also the basic compliance of us to use Marx's political economy analysis method to grasp the law of economic movement. We should conscientiously sum up experience, analyze problems in depth, and provide intellectual and theoretical support for realizing China's economic development to a higher stage of development. Fourth, it put forward the need to adhere to the new development concept. As economic development enters a new normal, we must have new ideas, new ideas and new measures. The five major development concepts of innovation, coordination, green, openness and sharing are important theoretical innovations to coordinate and promote the "four comprehensive" strategic layout, adapt to and lead the new normal of economic development, and are a major sublimation of the party's development theory. Innovation is the first driving force to lead development, coordination is the inherent requirement of sustainable and healthy development, green is a necessary condition for sustainable development and an important embodiment of the people's pursuit of a better life, openness is the only way for the country to prosper and develop, and sharing is the essential requirement of socialism with Chinese characteristics. We must persist in using new development concepts, in-depth study of the new characteristics of China's economic speed change, structural optimization and power conversion under the new normal, constantly solve new problems in economic development, and provide intellectual support for creating a new situation of economic development. General Secretary Xi Jinping also put forward the idea of recognizing the essential difference between Marxist political economy and Western economics, consolidating the guiding position of Marxist political economy, in-depth study of the socialist political economy with Chinese characteristics, promoting social fairness and justice, gradually realizing common prosperity for all people, promoting the coordination of new industrialization, informationization, urbanization and agricultural modernization, giving play to the decisive role of the market in resource allocation and better playing the role of the government, implementing mixed ownership reform, and promoting supply-side structural reform Make good use of a series of important viewpoints such as two markets and two kinds of resources at home and abroad. General Secretary Xi Jinping's creative development of Marxist political economy has opened up a new realm of Marxist political economy in contemporary China, and set a model for us to use Marxist political economy positions, viewpoints and methods to solve problems. Marxist political economy is a science that is constantly evolving and keeps pace with the times. At present, the world economy and China's economy are facing many new major issues, which require scientific theoretical answers, and it is even more necessary to form a socialist political economy with Chinese characteristics under new historical conditions to guide great practice. We should base ourselves on China's national conditions and development practice, reveal new characteristics and new laws, refine and sum up the regular achievements of China's economic development practice, upgrade practical experience into systematic economic theory, and contribute wisdom and strength to efforts to promote the innovation and development of Marxist political economy. 4. Adhering to and developing Marxist political economy, unswervingly taking Marxist political economy and contemporary Chinese Marxist political economy as the guiding ideology for economic work and economic research, adhering to and developing Marxist political economy, and systematically constructing and developing Marxist political economy in contemporary China is an important theoretical task of our institute, especially the economic discipline, and it is also a political task. As early as 2007, the Party Central Committee clearly put forward the strategic requirements of "three positioning" for the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. The research and propaganda of the basic theory of Marxist political economy and the innovative research of socialist political economy with Chinese characteristics are the proper meaning of the "three positioning" requirements of our institute, and it is the duty that our institute must fulfill. The institutes of the Faculty of Economics, as well as the Institute of Marxism and the Institute of World Economics and Politics, have a complete range of disciplines and talents, which not only have irreplaceable theoretical and academic advantages, but also have unshirkable responsibility and self-awareness. Comrade Xi Jinping asked us: "We should deeply study the new situation and new problems facing the world economy and China's economy, and contribute Chinese wisdom to the innovative development of Marxist political economy." "The party group hopes that comrades will adhere to and develop Marxist political economy in accordance with the requirements of General Secretary Xi Jinping, deeply and systematically study the new situations and new problems facing the world economy and China's economy, and contribute our minds to the research and publicity of Marxist political economy and the innovative development of socialist political economy with Chinese characteristics." First, always adhere to the guidance of Marxist political economy. Marxism is composed of three parts: Marxist philosophy, Marxist political economy and scientific socialism, and Marxism is the ideological foundation and theoretical guide of our party, which also includes Marxist political economy. We must firmly consolidate the guiding position of Marxist political economy in China's mainstream ideological and economic research, be good at applying the basic stands, viewpoints and methods of Marxist political economy, analyze various economic phenomena and economic trends of the domestic socialist market economy and the international capitalist world economy, enhance political sensitivity and political discernment, and always maintain a firm stand and a sober mind. It is necessary to permeate the guiding role of Marxist political economy in the discipline construction, scientific research work, academic activities and personnel training of economics, carry out scientific research work in a down-to-earth manner in accordance with the basic principles and methodology of Marxist political economy, and strive to build a theoretical system of contemporary Marxist political economy. Second, in-depth study of major theoretical and practical issues in socialist economic activities with Chinese characteristics. From the perspective of the domestic situation, although the long-term economic fundamentals have not changed, the problems of unbalanced, uncoordinated and unsustainable development are still prominent, there is a certain inertia in the extensive development model, the overcapacity of some industries is serious, the development of urban and rural areas is unbalanced, resource constraints are tight, the ecological environment is deteriorating, the innovation ability is not strong, the efficiency of enterprises has declined, the supply of basic public services is insufficient, and the task of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way is still arduous. In the face of complex domestic situations, it is necessary to maintain the firmness and judgment of Marxist political economy. It is necessary to give full play to the advantages of our institute's high-end think tank for economic theory research and applied countermeasure research, focus on the new practice and new development of the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and take the research and interpretation of major economic theories and practical issues of socialism with Chinese characteristics as the main direction of attack; The conscientious study of General Secretary Xi Jinping's new ideas, new concepts and new strategies on contemporary Marxist political economy is the central topic, and the in-depth study of the "four comprehensive" strategic layout, five major development concepts, the new normal of economic development, and supply-side structural reform are required topics, and more research results achieved under the guidance of Marxist political economy provide valuable decision-making reference for the central government. Third, comprehensively study and judge the new trends and new situations in the world economy and the development of world capitalism. From the perspective of the international situation, the deep-seated impact of the international financial crisis has existed for a long time, the global economic and trade growth is weak, protectionism is on the rise, geopolitical relations are complex changes, traditional and non-traditional security threats are intertwined, and the external environment is unstable and uncertain factors are increasing. The current situation, development trends and emerging problems of the world economy are consistent with the development and changes of world capitalism. The inherent contradictions of capitalism revealed by Marxist political economy still play a role, which is the fundamental reason for us to observe world economic problems and trends and make scientific judgments. The judgment of the world economy is inseparable from the analysis of the inherent contradictions of capitalism and the guidance of the basic principles of Marxist political economy. We must apply the basic principles of Marxist political economy to the analysis of contemporary capitalism and to the judgment of the world economic situation. Without the basic judgment of Marxist political economy, it is impossible to see clearly and recognize the trend of the world economy. In the face of complex international issues, we must be sober-minded, establish self-confidence and consciousness of Marxist political economy, always persist in using the stance, viewpoint and method of Marxist political economy to understand problems, and enhance the explanatory and guiding power of Marxism on major international economic issues. Fourth, resolutely criticize the errors of principle in Western economics. General Secretary Xi Jinping asked us to recognize the wrong nature of Western economics. We must conscientiously understand and distinguish the fundamental difference between the two theoretical systems of Marxist political economy and Western economics in terms of guiding theory, research object, research method, goal and task. Western economics, as the theoretical embodiment of bourgeois ideology in the economic field, has the fundamental mission of serving the interests of capital, but it deceptive labels itself as a scientific, objective, fair and just doctrine, so as to enlist a large number of believers, and must clearly recognize its bourgeois ideological essence. Of course, it is undeniable that Western capitalist countries have accumulated rich experience in market economy after hundreds of years of development practice. Western economists have continuously refined, summarized and summarized from multiple angles and levels of views that reflect the general laws and characteristics of the operation and development of the modern market economy, and formed a set of analysis paradigms and category systems, which are worth learning and learning from. On the one hand, the practical materials of Western market operation used in Western economics and their rational views can be fully refined and absorbed into the theoretical construction of contemporary Marxist political economy by using Marxist political economy. On the other hand, if Western economic theory is regarded as a god and unthinkingly regarded as a one-size-fits-all doctrine just because it has some references, it is undoubtedly a manifestation of a wrong position and shallow scholarship. We must resolutely criticize the content of Western economic theories that reflect the attributes of the capitalist system, class positions, ideological tendencies and values, and must not be copied; We should pay attention to drawing on the rational aspects of socialized large-scale production and the general laws of the market economy reflected in Western economic theories, and we should not completely deny them. The most important thing in Marxist political economy is to talk about politics. Politics is the concentrated expression of the economy, politics guides the economy, and of course, politics serves the economy. Political economy is not a simple addition of politics and economics, and although economics is the study of economic problems, it cannot be separated from social politics. According to the principle that the economy determines politics, politics reacts to the economy, the economic base determines the superstructure, and the superstructure acts on the economic foundation to understand economic problems, we can not only regard economic problems as pure relations between things, economics actually reflects the economic relations and social relations between people, especially ownership relations, distribution relations, of course, including the relationship between people in all production, circulation and consumption links. The so-called political view means looking at problems from the political standpoint of the working class, Marxism, and socialism. Marxist political economy has always regarded a country's politics and economy as an organic whole, analyzed the problems existing in social and political development from an economic perspective, understood economic problems from a political perspective, and acted on the economy to keep economic development in the correct direction. Marxist political economy mainly looks at problems from the analysis of production relations, and mainly from the analysis of the fundamental issue of ownership of the means of production. Western economics avoids the issue of political principles, abstracts economics into a pure relationship between things, and avoids the study of the relationship between people, and its real purpose is to cover up the essence of capitalist exploitation, and then defend the private ownership of the means of production and the capitalist system. Marxist political economy is not a flower in a greenhouse, but was created and developed in the process of absorbing the nourishment of various ideas and fighting against all kinds of erroneous ideas. In the process of studying Marxist political economy, we must completely abandon traditional dogmatism, not eat foreigners, not marginalize Marxist political economy, nor seek excerpts from Marxist classics and engage in rigidity. It is necessary to truly study Marxist political economy from the standpoint, viewpoint and method, and innovate the political economy of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Marxist political economy cannot be used as a cover to constantly cram into so-called doctrines and viewpoints that are inconsistent with Marxist political economy. In the new historical period, in the face of the rich practice of the vigorous socialist economy with Chinese characteristics, the task of developing and innovating China's political economy and building a political economy theory and academic discourse system with Chinese characteristics, Chinese style and Chinese style is more urgent and important than ever. This is the fundamental guarantee for establishing theoretical self-confidence, road self-confidence and institutional self-confidence in the economic field, and also puts forward major and urgent practical tasks for each of our scientific research workers. Fifth, we must adhere to the study style of integrating Marxist theory with practice. In July 2014, General Secretary Xi Jinping presided over a symposium of experts on the economic situation: "I hope that the vast number of experts and scholars will go deep into reality, the masses, and the grassroots, listen to the voices of the masses, grasp the real situation, conduct extensive research, concentrate on research, and continue to produce insightful results, provide suggestions and suggestions for scientific decision-making by the Party Central Committee, and make more contributions to promoting scientific and democratic decision-making." "Our institute should conscientiously carry out the study activities of implementing the important speech of the general secretary of the internship "three in-depths", truly study, truly understand, truly believe, and truly use Marxist political economy, constantly improve the study style, proceed from reality, improve research methods, refine the materials of contemporary Chinese Marxist political economy research in the practice of socialism with Chinese characteristics, resolutely get rid of the influence of the research paradigm of Western economics divorced from reality, and strive to build a Marxist political economy of socialism with Chinese characteristics. In order to promote the construction of the socialist economy with Chinese characteristics and make more and greater contributions to the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. (Originally published in Economic Research Journal, Issue 3, 2016)(AI翻译)





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