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关键词:文学人类学 三重证据法 神话学 文化人类学 跨学科研究


It was after 1980s that Literary Anthropology was formally established in China.However,as a research methodology,Literary Anthropology may be tracked back to the early 20thCentury in view of its practical implications.Hence,the main research object of this study is Literary Anthropology as a“methodology”and its development in early 20thCentury China.

This dissertation consists of three sections,namely introduction,text and conclusion.The introduction defines some basic concepts involved,such as“Chinese Literature”and“Literary Anthropology”.The text falls into two parts:Part I(theoretical part)and Part II(case study).Part I includes four chapters:

Chapter I casts back the theoretical origins of Literary Anthropology in China.During the early 20thCentury,The Classical Evolutionism School had a significant influence on literary anthropological studies in China.Theories of the School,such as“cultural survival”,shamanism,rituals and totemism,appeared in early researchers' writings with extremely high frequency.They serve as handy tools for Chinese intellectuals at that time to explore the cultural and literary phenomenon in China.

Moreover,it should be pointed out that“jin shi zheng shi”(the traditional uses of inscriptions on ancient bronzes and stone tablets as historical evidence)and“li shi er qiu zhu ye”(the philosophy that“Li has been lost at the place where it originated,but still remains in remote areas.In order to restore Li,we need to set out for those remote and desolate places),which were deeply rooted in China,became another important theoretical resource for Chinese Literary Anthropology.

Chapter II studies the introduction of the western concept“myth”into China as well as the rise of the anthropological approach of mythology.At the beginning of 20thCentury,with the input of“myth”,major mythological theories of the west also spread to China in quick succession,among which the most widely admired one in Chinese academia should be the anthropological approach of mythology represented by Andrew Lang.Scholars like Zhou Zuoren and Mao Dun introduced this approach into China and applied it into their own studies,hence becoming forerunners of Chinese Literary Anthropology in early 20thCentury.

Chapter III focuses on the history of the early practice of Literary Anthropology in China.As an interdisciplinary academic practice that breaks the bounds of literature and anthropology,Chinese Literary Anthropology can be traced back to early years of the Republic of China(1912-1949).Zhou Zuoren took the lead in applying the anthropological theory of Classical Evolutionism to fairy tale studies,and put forward early practice of Chinese Literary Anthropology for the first time.Since the late 1920s,research of Literary Anthropology has prospered in China.At that time,we not only had scholars like Mao Dun engaged in the study of Chinese classical mythology,but also Zheng Zhenduo and Guo Moruo that introduced anthropological theories into the field of ancient historical study.Since mid 1930s,with the domestic development of Cultural Anthropology,two major groups have arisen within the field of Chinese Literary Anthropology,one group is litterateurs and historians,and the other group is anthropologists.With the joint efforts of those scholars,new prospects have been opened up in this field.

Chapter IV mainly discusses the advocacy of“Triple Evidence Methodology”in early 20thCentury in Chinese academia.The successful practice of“Double Evidence Methodology”initiated by Wang Guowei has struck a responsive chord with the whole academia of that time.However,the unearthed evi dence is always limited in number after all,and it is even harder to make the unearthed literature and inherited literature confirm each other.Therefore,many scholars have tried to find new evidence in addition to archaeology.Under this background,the practice of taking anthropological evidence as corroboration of ancient historical research has become another academic trend in early 20thCentury in China.Scholars like Liang Qichao,Hu Shi,Gu Jiegang,Fu Sinian and Zhong Jingwen have successively made elaborations of anthropological evidence as“the Third-layer Evidence”.During the 1940s,Sun Zuoyun formally put forward“Three-layered Proof Methodology”,which laid the foundation for what is now called“Triple Evidence Methodology”of emerging Literary Anthropology in China.

Part II of the text mainly deals with case study ofseveral principal exponents in the history of Chinese Literary Anthropology in early 20thcentury.It is composed of five chapters:

Chapter V is a case study of Zhou Zuoren.In the early Republic of China,Zhou Zuoren was the first to adopt anthropological theories in his fairy tale interpretations,publishing such articles as Studies of Fairy Tales(tong hua yan jiu)and A Brief study of Fairy Tales(tong hua lue lun).He made a systematic and profound elaboration of fairy tales recorded in ancient Chinese books from perspective of anthropology,thereupon started the research of Literary Anthropology in China.In addition,he also studied on the origins of literature and art from an anthropological perspective,which has also become an important part of literary anthropological practice in early 20thcentury in China.

Chapter VI is a case study of Mao Dun.Being interested in European literature,Mao Dun began his research of mythology at a very early age.Like Zhou Zuoren,he was also deeply influenced by the western anthropological approach of mythology.On the basis of theories and methods of this school,Mao Dun finally accomplished the reconstruction of Chinese ancient myths.His main idea might be illustrated as follows:the commonality of primitive mind—the universality of world myths—the summary of mythical patterns from other nations—the reconstruction of Chinese myths.

Chapter VII is a case study of Zheng Zhenduo.As a subversion of the Gushi Bian School,Zheng Zhenduo strongly advocated“Gushi Xinbian”,which means a multidimensional explanation of the history through integrative application of anthropological evidence,folk customs and written literature.His thesis of Tang Dao Pian serves as a perfect embodiment of the above idea.Inspired by Fraser's Golden Bough,this paper makes a restoration of the Chinese“Tang Dao”legend recorded in ancient books.While the Gushi Bian School was still in its full flush of influence,Zheng Zhenduo paved a new way of“Gushi Xinbian”by the aid of anthropological theories and methods.This has set a new example for Chinese modern academic studies.

Chapter VIII is a case study of Wen Yiduo.Since the beginning of 1930s,Wen Yiduo has gradually withdrawn from the poetic world and turned to academic research.What is particularly noteworthy is that there are a large number of writings about ancient myths and customs in his publications.With reference to knowledge of emerging,they have become creative with abundant original ideas.After Wen Yiduo was assassinated,Zhu Ziqing and other scholars set their hands to the job of collecting and publishing his literary remains.His treatises mentioned above finally passed into The Complete Works of Wen Yiduo (Vol.1)entitled Myth and Poetry.Some of his treatises collected into Myth and Poetry are for today undoubtedly important cases of early literary anthropological explorations in China,and clues could be found even today to bear out their great power.

Chapter IX is a case study of Sun Zuoyun.As a direct descendant of Wen Yiduo,Sun Zuoyun also relates his research to fields of The Book of Songs(Shi Jing),The Songs of Chu(Chu Ci),ancient Chinese myths and legends,folk cultures,etc.So far as the research methods are concerned,he has elaborated the above-mentioned objects in the light of Cultural Anthropology and Folklore besides word annotation and phonological exegesis.The only difference between them is that Sun Zuoyun has further generalized the totemic theory in Anthropol ogy,with an attempt to reconstruct the ancient Chinese totemic society.Moreover,it was Sun Zuoyun who for the first time officially put forward the“Threelayered Proof Methodology”on the basis of“Double Evidence Methodology”by Wang Guowei.This methodology is not only a summary of previous studies,but also a result of Sun Zuoyun's own voluntary academic pursuit,which is of profound significance to the development of Chinese Literary Anthropology.

The section of Conclusion evaluates the practical activities of Literary Anthropology initiated by Chinese scholars in the early 20thCentury.

Key words: Literary Anthropology Triple Evidence Methodology Mythology Cultural anthropology Interdisciplinary research

The formal introduction of literary anthropology in China was after the 80s of the 20th century, but its practice as an academic method can be traced back to the early 20th century. The object of this book is literary anthropology as "method" and its practice in the early 20th century. The introduction section mainly qualifies the basic concepts of "Chinese literature" and "literary anthropology", and the concluding part evaluates the practice of literary anthropology in the early 20th century. In addition, the content is divided into two parts: upper and lower. The first chapter mainly traces the ideological origins of Chinese literary anthropology. For the study of literary anthropology in the early 20th century, the most significant influence was classical evolutionary anthropology, which had a "cultural legacy" theory, witchcraft theory, ritual theory, totem theory, etc., which were frequently written by early researchers, and became a handy tool for intellectuals to dissect Chinese cultural and literary phenomena at that time. It should also be mentioned that the tradition of "Jinshi Evidence" rooted in China and the idea of "seeking the wilderness without courtesy" have become another important ideological resource for literary anthropology. Chapter 2 focuses on the import of the concept of "myth" in China and the rise of anthropological mythology. At the beginning of the 20th century, with the import of the concept of "mythology", the main Western mythological theories also spread to China, the most respected of which was the anthropological school of mythology represented by Andrew Lan. It was the introduction and application of anthropological mythology by Zhou Zuoren and Mao Dun that became the precursor to the practice of literary anthropology in the early 20th century. Chapter 3 focuses on the early practice of anthropology in Chinese literature. As an interdisciplinary academic practice that breaks through the boundaries between literature and anthropology, the development of literary anthropology research in China can be traced back to the early years of the Republic of China. Zhou Zuoren took the lead in using classical evolutionary anthropology to engage in the study of fairy tales, opening the precedent of the early practice of literary anthropology. From about the late 20s of the 20th century, literary anthropological research tended to prosper, at this time, not only Mao Dun and others used anthropological theory to engage in the study of classical Chinese mythology, but also Zheng Zhenduo, Guo Moruo and others introduced anthropological theory into the field of ancient history. Since the mid-30s of the 20th century, driven by the development of domestic cultural anthropology, two main groups of literary anthropologists and anthropologists have emerged in the study of literary anthropology, and they have jointly created a new situation in this field. Chapter 4 focuses on the advocacy of the "three-fold evidence method" in the early 20th century. Wang Guowei's successful practice of the "double evidence method" resonated strongly in the academic circles at that time. However, after all, the underground materials are limited, and it is not easy to confirm the excavated documents with the heirloom documents. As a result, many scholars have tried to find new materials outside of archaeology. Under this trend, the use of anthropological data as a reference for ancient history research has become another trend in the academic community in the early 20th century. Liang Qichao, Hu Shi, Gu Jiegang, Fu Sinian, Zhong Jingwen, etc. have successively elaborated anthropological data as "third evidence" in their speeches or papers. By the 40s of the 20th century, Sun Zuoyun officially proposed the "three-layer proof method", which became the precursor of the "three-layer evidence method" of later literary anthropology. The following is divided into five chapters, mainly analyzing several representative figures in the history of Chinese literary anthropology in the early 20th century: the first chapter discusses Zhou Zuoren. In the early years of the Republic of China, Zhou Zuoren successively wrote articles such as "Research on Fairy Tales" and "Introduction to Fairy Tales", taking the lead in using anthropological theory to systematically explain fairy tales contained in ancient books, thus opening a precedent for literary anthropological research. In addition, Zhou Zuoren's research on the origin of literature and art from an anthropological perspective also became an important part of the practice of Chinese literary anthropology in the early 20th century. The second chapter discusses Mao Dun. Out of interest in European literature, Mao Dun embarked on the path of mythological research at an early age. Like Zhou Zuoren, it was also the mythology of the Western anthropological school that had a profound impact on the study of Mao Dun mythology. With the help of the theories and methods of this school, Mao Dun realized the reconstruction of ancient Chinese mythology. Its main ideas are: the common theory of the minds of the primitive ancestors - the universal theory of world mythology - the mythological patterns of other peoples - the restoration of ancient Chinese mythology. Chapter 3 discusses Zheng Zhenduo. As a refutation of the "ancient history discrimination" school, Zheng Zhenduo advocated "ancient history new discrimination", and its method is mainly to comprehensively use anthropology, folklore and documentary materials to carry out multi-dimensional interpretation of ancient times. The article "Soup Prayer" is the embodiment of Zheng Zhenduo's above vision. Inspired by Fraser's Golden Bough, this article restores the legend of "soup prayer" contained in ancient Chinese books. At a time when doubts about antiquity were in full swing, Zheng Zhenduo used anthropological theories and methods to explore the road of "new discernment of ancient history", which set a new model for modern Chinese scholarship. Chapter 4 discusses Wen Yiduo. From about the early 30s of the 20th century, Wen Yiduo gradually withdrew from the poetry scene and turned to academic research, and among his works, it is particularly worth paying attention to the study of ancient myths and customs, and the author has drawn on the emerging knowledge of cultural anthropology. After Wen Yiduo was killed, Zhu Ziqing and others sorted out Wen Yiduo's posthumous works, and the above research was included in the first collection of Wen Yiduo under the title "Myths and Poems". Today, some of the chapters included in Myths and Poems are undoubtedly important cases in the history of anthropological studies of early Chinese literature, and their influence is still visible today. Chapter 5 discusses Sun Zuoyun. As a direct successor of Wen Yiduo, Sun Zuoyun's research also involves the "Book of Poetry", "Chu Ci", ancient Chinese myths and legends, folk culture and other fields. In terms of methodology, in addition to the traditional textual examination and phonological instruction, he also interprets the above objects from the perspectives of cultural anthropology and folklore. In contrast, Sun Zuoyun further generalized the totem theory in anthropology in an attempt to reconstruct the ancient Chinese totemic society. In addition, Sun Zuoyun officially proposed the "three-layer proof method" for the first time on the basis of Wang Guowei's "two-fold evidence method". This method is not only a summary of the existing research of predecessors, but also Sun Zuoyun's own conscious academic pursuit, which is of far-reaching significance in the history of the development of Chinese literary anthropology. Keywords: literary anthropology triple evidence mythology cultural anthropology interdisciplinary research AbstractIt was after 1980s that Literary Anthropology was formally established in China.However, as a research methodology, Literary Anthropology may be tracked back to the early 20thCentury in view of its practical implications. Hence,the main research object of this study is Literary Anthropology as a“methodology”and its development in early 20thCentury China.This dissertation consists of three sections,namely introduction,text and conclusion. The introduction defines some basic concepts involved,such as“Chinese Literature”and“Literary Anthropology”. The text falls into two parts:Part I(theoretical part)and Part II(case study). Part I includes four chapters:Chapter I casts back the theoretical origins of Literary Anthropology in China.During the early 20thCentury,The Classical Evolutionism School had a significant influence on literary anthropological studies in China.Theories of the School,such as“cultural survival”,shamanism,rituals and totemism,appeared in early researchers' writings with extremely high frequency. They serve as handy tools for Chinese intellectuals at that time to explore the cultural and literary phenomenon in China.Moreover,it should be pointed out that“jin shi zheng shi”(the traditional uses of inscriptions on ancient bronzes and stone tablets as historical evidence)and“li shi er qiu zhu ye”(the philosophy that“Li has been lost at the place where it originated,but still remains in remote areas. In order to restore Li,we need to set out for those remote and desolate places),which were deeply rooted in China,became another important theoretical resource for Chinese Literary Anthropology.Chapter II studies the introduction of the western concept“myth”into China as well as the rise of the anthropological approach of mythology. At the beginning of 20thCentury,with the input of“myth”,major mythological theories of the west also spread to China in quick succession,among which the most widely admired one in Chinese academia should be the anthropological approach of mythology represented by Andrew Lang.Scholars like Zhou Zuoren and Mao Dun introduced this approach into China and applied it into their own studies,hence becoming forerunners of Chinese Literary Anthropology in early 20thCentury.Chapter III focuses on the history of the early practice of Literary Anthropology in China.As an interdisciplinary academic practice that breaks the bounds of literature and anthropology,Chinese Literary Anthropology can be traced back to early years of the Republic of China(1912-1949).Zhou Zuoren took the lead in applying the anthropological theory of Classical Evolutionism to fairy tale studies,and put forward early practice of Chinese Literary Anthropology for the first time. Since the late 1920s,research of Literary Anthropology has prospered in China.At that time,we not only had scholars like Mao Dun engaged in the study of Chinese classical mythology,but also Zheng Zhenduo and Guo Moruo that introduced anthropological theories into the field of ancient historical study. Since mid 1930s,with the domestic development of Cultural Anthropology,two major groups have arisen within the field of Chinese Literary Anthropology,one group is litterateurs and historians ,and the other group is anthropologists. With the joint efforts of those scholars,new prospects have been opened up in this field. Chapter IV mainly discusses the advocacy of“Triple Evidence Methodology”in early 20thCentury in Chinese academia. The successful practice of“Double Evidence Methodology”initiated by Wang Guowei has struck a responsive chord with the whole academia of that time. However,the unearthed evi dence is always limited in number after all,and it is even harder to make the unearthed literature and inherited literature confirm each other. Therefore,many scholars have tried to find new evidence in addition to archaeology. Under this background,the practice of taking anthropological evidence as corroboration of ancient historical research has become another academic trend in early 20thCentury in China.Scholars like Liang Qichao,Hu Shi,Gu Jiegang,Fu Sinian and Zhong Jingwen have successively made elaborations of anthropological evidence as“the Third-layer Evidence”. During the 1940s,Sun Zuoyun formally put forward“Three-layered Proof Methodology”,which laid the foundation for what is now called“Triple Evidence Methodology”of emerging Literary Anthropology in China.Part II of the text mainly deals with case study ofseveral principal exponents in the history of Chinese Literary Anthropology in early 20thcentury. It is composed of five chapters:Chapter V is a case study of Zhou Zuoren.In the early Republic of China,Zhou Zuoren was the first to adopt anthropological theories in his fairy tale interpretations ,publishing such articles as Studies of Fairy Tales(tong hua yan jiu)and A Brief study of Fairy Tales(tong hua lue lun). He made a systematic and profound elaboration of fairy tales recorded in ancient Chinese books from perspective of anthropology,thereupon started the research of Literary Anthropology in China.In addition,he also studied on the origins of literature and art from an anthropological perspective,which has also become an important part of literary anthropological practice in early 20thcentury in China.Chapter VI is a case study of Mao Dun.Being interested in European literature,Mao Dun began his research of mythology at a very early age. Like Zhou Zuoren,he was also deeply influenced by the western anthropological approach of mythology. On the basis of theories and methods of this school,Mao Dun finally accomplished the reconstruction of Chinese ancient myths. His main idea might be illustrated as follows:the commonality of primitive mind—the universality of world myths—the summary of mythical patterns from other nations—the reconstruction of Chinese myths. Chapter VII is a case study of Zheng Zhenduo.As a subversion of the Gushi Bian School,Zheng Zhenduo strongly advocated“Gushi Xinbian”,which means a multidimensional explanation of the history through integrative application of anthropological evidence,folk customs and written literature. His thesis of Tang Dao Pian serves as a perfect embodiment of the above idea. Inspired by Fraser's Golden Bough,this paper makes a restoration of the Chinese“Tang Dao”legend recorded in ancient books. While the Gushi Bian School was still in its full flush of influence,Zheng Zhenduo paved a new way of“Gushi Xinbian”by the aid of anthropological theories and methods. This has set a new example for Chinese modern academic studies. Chapter VIII is a case study of Wen Yiduo.Since the beginning of 1930s,Wen Yiduo has gradually withdrawn from the poetic world and turned to academic research. What is particularly noteworthy is that there are a large number of writings about ancient myths and customs in his publications. With reference to knowledge of emerging,they have become creative with abundant original ideas. After Wen Yiduo was assassinated,Zhu Ziqing and other scholars set their hands to the job of collecting and publishing his literary remains. His treatises mentioned above finally passed into The Complete Works of Wen Yiduo (Vol.1)entitled Myth and Poetry.Some of his treatises collected into Myth and Poetry are for today undoubtedly important cases of early literary anthropological explorations in China,and clues could be found even today to bear out their great power. Chapter IX is a case study of Sun Zuoyun.As a direct descendant of Wen Yiduo,Sun Zuoyun also relates his research to fields of The Book of Songs(Shi Jing),The Songs of Chu(Chu Ci),ancient Chinese myths and legends,folk cultures,etc. So far as the research methods are concerned,he has elaborated the above-mentioned objects in the light of Cultural Anthropology and Folklore besides word annotation and phonological exegesis. The only difference between them is that Sun Zuoyun has further generalized the totemic theory in Anthropol ogy,with an attempt to reconstruct the ancient Chinese totemic society. Moreover,it was Sun Zuoyun who for the first time officially put forward the“Threelayered Proof Methodology”on the basis of“Double Evidence Methodology”by Wang Guowei.This methodology is not only a summary of previous studies,but also a result of Sun Zuoyun's own voluntary academic pursuit,which is of profound significance to the development of Chinese Literary Anthropology.The section of Conclusion evaluates the practical activities of Literary Anthropology initiated by Chinese scholars in the early 20thCentury.Key words: Literary Anthropology Triple Evidence Methodology Mythology Cultural anthropology Interdisciplinary research(AI翻译)





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