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一 利益视野下的转型规律与途径研究






二 矛盾视野下的转型规律与途径研究






三 主体性视野下的转型规律与途径研究



四 发展方式转型的客观过程与前景分析







The transformation of the development mode in contemporary China refers to the shift from traditional development mode to scientific development mode. Specifically, the transformation of development mode is the transformation or transformation of the type of development mode, the qualitative change of development mode, and the leap from one development mode to another. For example, from extensive development to intensive development, from extension development to connotative development, from factor input development to innovation-driven development, from government-led development to market-led development, from investment-led development to consumption-led development, from external demand-driven development to domestic demand-driven development, from "black development" to green development, from high-carbon development to low-carbon development, from one-way development to comprehensive development, from efficiency-oriented development to efficiency-oriented and fair win-win development. Taken together, the transformation of contemporary China's development mode is the transformation and leap from traditional development mode to scientific development mode. This book adopts the method of combining philosophy and specific disciplines, and deeply and specifically discusses the laws and ways of development mode transformation, so as to help enhance the scientificity, regularity and effectiveness of China's development mode transformation. Specifically, this book reveals the law of development mode transformation from the three perspectives of interests, contradictions and subjectivity, and discusses the transformation path, which is determined by the systematization and complexity of development mode transformation, and avoids the limitations of a single vision. At the same time, this book provides an in-depth analysis of the process and prospects of China's development mode transformation. Moreover, through the study of the transformation of development mode, this book enriches, deepens, and concretizes the relevant theories of materialist dialectics and the social development theory of materialist historical view. I. Research on the Law and Approach of Transformation from the Perspective of Interests 1. Using the materialist view of history, it deeply reveals the intrinsic relationship between the transformation of development mode and the adjustment of interest pattern. There is an intrinsic and essential relationship between the transformation of development mode and the adjustment of interest pattern, therefore, to change the development mode must adjust and optimize the interest pattern, specifically, the transformation of development mode is to break and change the existing interest pattern that is compatible with the traditional development mode and build a new interest pattern that is compatible with the scientific development mode. It is necessary to understand and follow the law of adjusting the pattern of interests and explore effective ways to adjust the pattern of interests. 2. The essence and philosophical implications of game theory and its important enlightenment to deeply reveal the law of human social development are analyzed, and the game theory is used to specifically and deeply analyze how to effectively realize the adjustment of the interest pattern, and strive to create and use win-win games to promote the transformation of the interest pattern; In order to solve the problem of poor practical results of transformation measures, it is necessary to actively promote the formation of a Nash equilibrium that is conducive to the transformation of development methods. 3. It deeply reveals the connection between the market, capital and the transformation of development mode, and puts forward measures to use capital and market to promote the transformation of development mode. The logic of the market and capital is essentially the logic of interests, and the essence of the market mechanism is the interest mechanism, that is, the market mechanism, market logic and capital logic are all the behavioral logic and behavior orientation of the main body of economic activities to pursue the maximization of interests, and promote social and economic development according to the situation, thereby providing an endless source and driving force for social and economic development. Similarly, the transformation of development mode also needs to be guided by the situation, make full use of market logic and capital logic, provide strong impetus for transformation, and promote the realization of transformation. This book specifically studies how to use market logic to promote the transformation of development mode, and proposes to use supply and demand mechanism, price mechanism, competition mechanism, clear property rights, and environmental property rights to promote the transformation of development mode. Economic growth is inseparable from the driving force of capital, but if the traditional development method can be used to make profits, or even more profit, then capital will definitely adopt the traditional development method to achieve expansion and amplify its negative effects; On the contrary, if the institutional arrangement and cultural environment make it difficult for the traditional development mode to make profits and make it easy for the scientific development mode to make profits, capital will create social wealth and develop the economy in accordance with the requirements of the scientific development mode, and amplify the positive effect of the scientific development mode. Therefore, the key is to build and improve the institutional and cultural environment that allows capital to profit through scientific methods such as resource conservation, environmental protection, and innovation-driven. This book specifically studies how to use the logic of capital to promote the transformation of development mode, and puts forward measures to promote the transformation of development mode, such as promoting the capitalization of resources, maintaining the healthy development of financial capital, promoting the development of human capital, and promoting the commercialization and capitalization of knowledge. 4. It reveals the role of individual rationality and collective rationality in the adjustment of interest patterns and the transformation of development methods. The dialectic draws on the rational factors of the rational view of Western economics, that is, the rational view of profit maximization, discards its irrational factors, and deeply reveals the intrinsic relationship between the two rationalities and the transformation of development methods from the unique perspective of the relationship between individual rationality and collective rationality. In essence, the mainstream tendency of international and domestic theory and practice is to use individual rational logic to promote the adjustment of interest pattern and the transformation of development mode, while the logic of collective rationality is often excluded. We have corrected this bias, on the one hand, we affirm the role of individual rationality, and use the logic of individual rationality to promote the optimization of the pattern of interests and the transformation of the development mode; On the other hand, it reveals the shortcomings of individual rationality, and puts forward the insights of using collective rationality to make up for and surpass the shortcomings of individual rationality to promote the transformation of development mode. We believe that the micro foundation of the market economy is to fully affirm and give play to the role of individual rationality; Socialism has the advantage of collective rationality, and it is necessary to understand the great significance of the public ownership economy and maintaining and carrying forward the purpose and fine traditions of the Communist Party of China from the perspective of giving play to the role of collective rationality to overcome the shortcomings of individual rationality. II. Research on the Law and Approach of Transformation from the Perspective of Contradiction 1. From the perspective of the relationship between "breaking" and "standing", the transformation of development mode is the "breaking" of traditional development mode and the "establishment" of scientific development mode; However, it is necessary to get rid of the traditional misunderstanding of the relationship between "breaking" and "standing": absolutize "breaking", only emphasizing "standing in the break" and "not breaking and not standing", while ignoring "breaking in the standing" and "not standing and not breaking". The transformation of development mode should adopt the combination of "breaking" and "standing", focusing on "standing" and promoting "breaking" with "standing". This kind of transformation ideas and approaches can help reduce the shock caused by the transformation of development mode, reduce the friction between the old and new development modes, reduce the resistance of development mode transformation, and reduce the cost of development mode transformation, so as to promote the smooth progress of development mode transformation and enhance the effectiveness of development mode transformation. 2. Absorb the reasonable factors of Toynbee's "challenge-response theory", enrich and deepen the materialist dialectic "contradiction-development theory" and the materialist historical view of human social development theory: the challenge-response contradictory movement is the driving force of human social development; Although contradiction is the fundamental driving force for the development of things, there is no development without contradiction, but if the contradiction is not solved or cannot be solved, development cannot be achieved, only by solving the contradiction can we promote the development of things, and promoting the development of things is to solve contradictions; For human society, if the challenge is excessive, it will stifle the ability of human beings to fight, thereby losing the ability to solve contradictions, and if contradictions cannot be resolved, things will stagnate or even decline. The same is true of the transformation of development methods, without challenges, there is no motivation for transformation, but too many challenges will not help transformation. This book specifically analyzes how to use the "challenge-response theory" to promote the transformation of development methods. 3. There are obvious differences between the two development and transformation practice modes of "crossing the river by feeling the stones" and "top-level design", or even the opposite, and the opposition between them is obvious. But if they are rigidly opposed, it will not help optimize the practice model. The correct approach is to "cross the river by feeling the stones" and "top-level design" not to deny or replace each other, but to always maintain the tension between the two, and actively seek to unify the two under this premise. This is an effective way to develop transformation. 4. Put forward a new view of contradiction. Firstly, a new method of classification of contradictions is proposed, which divides contradictions into contradictions dominated by identity and contradictions dominated by opposites; The way to resolve conflicts of different nature is also different; Development is the resolution of contradictions, so that different ways of resolving contradictions form different development methods - harmonious development mode and confrontational development mode. The former is in line with the trend of contemporary human development, that is, giving full play to the role of contradiction and identity and promoting development through win-win cooperation. 5. Under the guidance of the new concept of contradiction, form ideas and countermeasures to break the contradiction between economic growth and environmental protection. Economic development and environmental protection are reasonable, especially the urgent requirements of late-developing regions, but the two often conflict with each other, thus constituting the opposite of the two laws of economic growth and environmental protection. This is a serious dilemma faced by contemporary mankind, especially backward regions. This kind of dichotomy is particularly prominent in northeast Chongqing. The right choice to get out of this dilemma is to achieve a win-win situation between economic growth and environmental protection, which has become the consensus of most people. However, in actual development practice, especially in the development practice of underdeveloped areas, the phenomenon of environmental pollution caused by growth is still relatively serious. One of the sticking points is that there is no scientific idea and feasible way to solve the contradiction between growth and environmental protection and achieve a win-win situation for both. Guided by the new concept of contradiction, this book puts forward scientific and reasonable ideas, takes the northeast Chongqing region as a sample, borrows economic tools, and puts forward the ideas and plans for breaking the contradiction of the two laws and achieving a win-win situation between economic growth and environmental protection in the northeast Chongqing region on the basis of in-depth investigation and research. III. Research on the Law and Approach of Transformation from the Perspective of Subjectivity 1. According to historical materialism, the exertion of the subjectivity of the masses of the people is the source of economic and social development, and the transformation of the development mode should fully mobilize the subjectivity of the broad masses of the people. How to mobilize it? Our research points out that the essence of giving play to the decisive role of the market in the allocation of resources is to give play to the subjective role of the masses of the people in economic and social development, and is a new way to implement the Marxist people's subjectivity theory and the mass line in the new period. How to implement the people's subjectivity theory and the mass line in the transformation of development mode? The approach is to play a decisive role in the transformation process. The necessary role of the government is to provide services for the market or for the people to play the role of subjectivity. The measure of "mass entrepreneurship and innovation" is a development and transformation measure in line with the Marxist people's subjectivity. 2. The issue of the perspective of individual subjectivity from the materialist view of history is proposed, which reveals the intrinsic relationship between the generative development of individual subjects and the development of human society, and highlights the great significance of individual subjectivity to human development, including the transformation of development mode. Its specific logic is: first, inspired by the materialist historical view of individual subjectivity, it reveals the great significance of the exertion of personal subjectivity and the formation of independent personality for innovation-driven development, without personal subjectivity and independent personality, there will be no innovative activities, and it is impossible to form an innovation-driven development mode. Secondly, it mainly reveals the grim reality of suppressing individual subjectivity and independent personality from the aspects of educational culture, educational philosophy and education system, and advocates the innovation of educational culture, educational philosophy and education system, and promotes the development of Chinese individual subjectivity and the formation of independent personality, which is the fundamental policy to transform the development mode and form innovation-driven development. IV. Analysis of the objective process and prospect of the transformation of the development mode provides a profound critique of the non-historicist view of the transformation of the development mode; This paper sorts out the division of economic development stages in economics and the objective corresponding development modes of different stages. The philosophical improvement of the stage theory of economic development and the stage theory of development mode was carried out. According to materialist dialectics, the change and development of things is a process from quantitative change to qualitative change. However, this view needs to be improved, and the actual situation is as follows: there are several partial qualitative changes in the middle of quantitative change and qualitative change, and after the accumulation of multiple partial qualitative changes, things undergo complete qualitative change or fundamental change. Economic research materials prove that there is also a process from quantitative change to qualitative change in the transformation of development mode, but there are several partial qualitative changes during this period, that is, the process of transformation of development mode is: a process of "quantitative change→ partial qualitative change → qualitative change". Under the combination of the above philosophical methods and economic research, a four-stage theory of the transformation process of development mode is proposed: in the first stage, the traditional development mode dominates; In the second stage, the scientific development mode is gradually growing, but the traditional development mode is still in a dominant position; The third stage, the stalemate stage of the transformation of the development mode; In the fourth stage, the scientific development method won a decisive victory. This book gives an optimistic estimate of the prospects for the transformation of China's development approach. Optimism is mainly due to two points: First, in China, the regularity and subjectivity of the transformation of development mode are increasingly organically combined. Our understanding and grasp of the regularity of the transformation of development mode is deepening day by day; The strong leadership and effective organization and mobilization of the ruling party, as well as the strong appeal to realize the Chinese dream, have ensured the optimistic prospects of China's development and transformation. Second, we have full confidence in the adjustment of the pattern of interests that hinder the transformation of the development mode. This confidence is not only due to the great courage and superb wisdom of the Party and the government; More because of our institutional self-confidence, the leadership of the Communist Party of China and other basic socialist systems are conducive to using collective rationality to make up for and surpass the individual rational logic of modernity and market economy, so as to effectively adjust and optimize the pattern of interests more effectively than other countries, and more conducive to building a pattern of interests that is compatible with the scientific development mode.(AI翻译)





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