在借鉴前人研究成果的基础上,本书就高管胜任力对企业社会责任的作用机理进行深入的理论探讨和实证研究。首先,资料收集与整理。在文献梳理、问卷调查和企业访谈等工作的基础上,运用实证分析与规范分析相结合、定性分析与定量研究相结合的方法,就企业社会责任、责任管理及高管胜任力的相关理论进行评述,以期找出潜变量之间的内在联系。其次,概念模型与研究假设。以系统论作为方法论基础,以利益相关者理论、资源基础理论、企业伦理理论、企业公民理论、人—职匹配理论以及隐性知识理论等经典理论作为理论依据,总结出研究概念模型——“EC→CSR”模型;并提出研究假设——“思想→结果”路径、“思想→行为”路径和“行为→结果”路径。再次,实证研究准备。通过科学、规范的问卷设计与严格的数据收集,获得了实证研究的样本数据,并进行统计分析,为后续的实证分析做好准备。最后,实证研究。在对样本数据进行描述性统计和量表的信度、效度检验的基础上,运用 AMOS 17.0软件分析了实证模型的拟合指标,采用结构方程模型进行实证检验,并结合案例进一步论证了高管胜任力的完善有助于提升企业社会责任的履行这一研究假设。
关键词:高管胜任力 责任管理 价值观管理 隐性知识 企业社会责任
In recent years,corporate social responsibility has attracted much attention.Practice has proved that the allocation of social resources should be a wider range effects when economy has entered a mature stage of development.It requires more comprehensive attention to development needs faced by stakeholders.Currently,most studies on corporate social responsibility are in the macro-level mechanism,but studies in micro-level are rather lacking.So,it will be an actual problem to Chinese enterprises that how to consider social responsibility on the strategic level and merge it with business to enhance the performance effectively and meet the expectations of the multi-dimensional interest groups.The book takes executive competency and corporate social responsibility as the object of study,and focuses on the mechanism of executive competency to corporate social responsibility.
Based on the previous research,this book studies the mechanism on executive competency and corporate social responsibility by theoretical discussion and empirical research.The followings are main research contents.Firstly,information collected and collated.In order to identify the intrinsic link between the latent variables,the book reviews theories of corporate social responsibility,responsibility management and executive competency by literature combing,interviews and questionnaires.Main research methods are as follows,empirical analysis and normative analysis,qualitative analysis and quantitative research.Secondly,a conceptual model and hypotheses are put forward.“EC → CSR”model is summarized as a conceptual model.Then,“Ideology → Result”path,“Ideology → Behavior”path and“Behavior → Result”path are put forward as hypothesis.All the above studies are based on the systems theory as research methodology.Some classical theories mentioned are in the followings: stakeholder theory,RBV(Resource-Based View)the theory of business ethics,corporate citizenship theory,people-post match theory and the theory of tacit knowledge.Thirdly,empirical research prepared.Through scientific questionnaire design and data collection,sample data are received and analyzed,which provides the foundation for future empirical research.Fourthly,empirical research is made.The book analyses the fit index of empirical model by AMOS 17.0 based on reliability and validity testing etc.Then structural equation model is used for empirical analysis,and the hypotheses are further proved by two cases.
The conclusion of this book can be drawn in the followings: Firstly,according to the degree of its development,executive competency can be described as“crustal model”,namely,“crust”—management knowledge,“mantle”—management skills,and“core”—management quality.There is an exploratory significance of Chinese executive competency assessment.Secondly,with theoretical analysis and empirical research the book points out that there is a great deal of relevant between executive competency and corporate social responsibility.This conclusion not only opens up a new perspective for the research of corporate social responsibility,and provides an effective way to enhance the performance of corporate social responsibility.Therefore,the fulfillment of corporate social responsibility can be effectively enhanced by the improvement of executive competency.Thirdly,dimensions of executive competency can influence social responsibility relatively,and management quality is the strongest effect.Finally,corporate responsibility management palys a partial inter mediary role between executive competency and corporate social responsibility.
Based on the above theory and empirical study,the book gives strategy and policy suggestions on how to enhance corporate social responsibility by perfecting executive competency for enterprises and government perspective,in order to better fulfill the corporate social responsibility.Meanwhile,further research studies are proposed.They are generally as follows: the scope of the study should be expanded; the applicability of the research model should be enhanced; and how to make executive competency matches different stages of enterprise development to improve the implementation of corporate social responsibility effectively.
Key Words: executive competency corporate social responsibility management managing by value tacit knowledge corporate social responsibility
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