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关键词:吐蕃王朝 历史地理 军事地理 吐蕃节度


The dissertation is a study on the military geography in the Tibetan regime(A.D.581 ~841),which takes the temporal and spacial process of Tibetan military expansion as the clue,and discusses Tibet's military geographical relations with its peripheral areas and the characteristics of such relations in the Tibetan period.Starting with issues in the Tibetan regime such as external military process and military geographical strategy,geographical deployment of Tibetan military forces,evolution of military boundary,changes in the mode of provisions supply for the purpose of conforming to different regional features,combines the process of war in terms of space and time,and provides related supplementary evidence to help restore the history from the perspective of military development process.The dissertation involves some micro issues related to the military location,such as the location of historical placename,migration of military towns,which are still controversial or unclear in the research of historical geography,and some macro issues such as partition and development of Tibetan military regions,different characteristics of Tibetan military regime,military establishment and military strategy in different regions of different Physical geographical features,as well as impacts of different geographical features on the war process.

Traditional document textual criticism is the primary method adopted in the research on Tibetan historical military geography.In addition,combining the research method employed in the research on humanitarian geography and resorting to the research methods and results in the fields of ethnology,philology,linguistics,religion,archaeology,sociology,as well as combining field re search,the dissertation attempts to present,as comprehensively as possible,the original picture of the history,and explores the relationship between geography and military regime,establishment of military institutes,military system of attack and defense,and so on in the historical context,which provides a research result fundamental to revealing the development rules of historical military process.

The Tibetan regime has been a military empire,the rationality of whose military regime and the success of whose military expansion,help create a splendid stage unparalleled in the Tibetan history.The Tibetan regime experienced a historical development process,i.e.,prosperity and decline,concurrent with that of Tang Empire.They were alternately at war and in peace,and the political and military relations nearly.Accompanied the existence of the two regimes in the war between Tang Dynasty and other regimes,Tang Dynasty was always in a significantly advantageous position,while its war with the Tibet was an exception.Tibet posed a big threat to Tang Dynasty regarding competing for the control of the frontier area as well as the Western region.In the partial battlefields in the areas of Longyou,the Huangshui River and the upper reach of the Yellow River,the Tibetan military even had an advantage.Besides the military strategy and the implementation steps,many other factors contribute to this situation,including the deployment of political and military strategies of Tang and Tibet,limitations as a result of the everchanging situation of the entire battle line covering the whole Western region,Hexi corridor,Southeast of Gansu to Jian-nan(the west of Sichuan),region of Xierhe,as well as the geographical environment,military regimes and the armament conditions of the two sides.

Based on thephysical geographical features of each geographical unit and impacts of the administrative division of Tang on the military deployment of Tibet,the dissertation divides the external battlefields in the period of Tibetan regime into 7 regions,including the Huangshui River and the upper reach of the Yellow River,the Western region,Hexi corridor,Southeast of Gansu to Jiannan(the west of Sichuan),region of Xierhe and the southern region of Tibet,and conducts research particularly on each of the 7 regions which clarifies the division of Tibetan military areas and its evolution.The three big military tribes in the early period of Tibetan regime,dpav-bvi-dmar-gsum,bar-gyi-dpav-sde,smad-gyi-dpav-sde,which corresponded to the battlefields of western region,the Huangshui River and the upper reach of the Yellow River and Xierhe respectively,gradually evolved into the whole military regions under the control of the socalled“so-mthav-dmag-dpon”.After the Insurrection Waged by An Lu-shan and Shi Si-ming,with the extension of the battle line in the war against Tang Dynasty,Tibet developed the“Tibetan northern military government”and“Tibetan eastern military government”from the former“Tibetan eastern military goverment”,which governed the battlefields of Hexi and Guanneia and Longyou.In the meantime,with the extension of battlefield to the south,“Tibetan Songzhou five dao military government”evolved into an individual fighting area governed by“Tibetan southern governor”.Sub-military areas were established under the military government.By means of the overall grasp of the entire battle line of Tibet,the dissertation clarifies the understanding of Tibetan military government which has been ambiguous among the scholars up to now.Based on the overall understanding of the whole Tibetan battle lines,this dissertation clarifies the ambiguity previously existing in people's knowledge of the Tibetan military government,and reproduces the process of the emergence,development,evolution and maturity of Tibetan military regime.

Expansion of Tibetan military forces towards the periphery of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is constrained by distinct geographical conditions in different Physical geographical units,resulting in the different processes and characteristics of military geography,which indicates that geographical conditions play a crucial role on the depth of Tibetan military development,evidenced by the following aspects:

1.In the western region,oasis states are separate and are not subordinates to each other,and Tibet selected the southern of the Pamirs,the most complicated area in terms of geopolitics,as the penetration point.However,the most important strategy to control the western region should be dominating the life line of communication of and between the oases.Since the military geography is featured by large area for defense and denseness of defense points,small-scaled military units of Tibet were at an advantage in the military activities in this re gion.

2.Many military communication lines by which Tibet implemented the external expansion and plunder are centered in the Huangshui River and the upper reach of the Yellow River.Besides the traditional lines of the road between the Central area to Tibet and the area of Qinghai Lake,there were still the military lines of the Daxia River and Bailong River,and particularly the Hezhou on the military line of the Daxia River is the significant base for Tibetan military to pierce through the Tang's line of defense.

3.The Hexi Corridor is an independent Physical geographical unit.The Insurrection Waged by An Lu-shan and Shi Si-ming is a strategic turning point to the Tibetan military strategy regarding the Hexi Corridor.Before The Insurrection Waged by An Lu-shan and Shi Si-ming,Tibetan troops took the valleys in the Mont.Qilian as the primary routeway and adopted point-by-point attack pattern,especially the attack and defense system between Tang and Tibet formed surrounding the valleys in the Mont.Qilian can be acclaimed the classic of military attack and defense system;while after The Insurrection Waged by An Lu-shan and Shi Si-ming,they employed the method of penetrating from the Hexi corridor and encroaching westwards little by little.

4.In the battle field of Guannei Dao and Longyou Dao,except the military space process for some historically significant military communication centers and several main communication lines was clear for Tibetan troops,their activities were featured more by attacks at random and focus on plunder,which is the combination of the combating method of attacking for plunder as a result of military tribe alliance system and the Physical geographical conditions of Loess Plateau.The escalation of attack and plunder by Tibet and the defense by Tang led to the continuous change of the attack and defense system of the two troops,resulting in the formation of military defense pattern of the eight northwestern towns around the capital of Tang Dynasty,which is the outcome of Tibetan military strategy.

5.In the battlefield of western Sichuan,the peculiar geographical feature and the dangerous traffic conditions forced the Tibetan troops to give up their fighting strategy of rapid moving about and adopted the strategy of setting up mil itary forts for stationing and defending.The area of Ya' an and Kangding,where the traffic was relatively convenient,became a weak area in terms of military defense,for the“Binding Horse”road facilitated the attack by Tang's troops,and inconvenienced the Tibetan troops' retreat and defense.Therefore,Tibetan troops selected two points in the north and south areas,which centered around Weizhou town and Taideng town and were difficult to attack due to their dangerous geographical conditions,as their attacking points,and even built ghat for this purpose.

6.Xierhe area is a region having a comparatively early presence of Tibetan military,and smad-gyi-dpav-sde,one of the three military tribes of Tibet,once focused on attacking this area.Topographical conditions of this area were complex,many tribes settled here and these tribes were not subordinate to each other,and only Nanzhao was relatively strong owing to the support from Tang Dynasty.Administrative system adopted by Tang Dynasty for its border areas was modeled after by Tibet in this area,which established Dudufu to govern the various tribes located on both sides of Shenchuan Iron Bridge,while pure military actions primarily took place in the area to the north of Moxie River.

7.Tibetan military in the south area of Tibetan territory is constrained by the communication conditions of the area which is characterized by mountains,resulting in a comparatively limited development space.

Keywords: Tibetan Regime,Historical Geography,Military Organization,Tibetan Military Government





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