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基金信息: 本书为2013年度国家社会科学基金项目“城镇化进程中郊区城市化与城乡社会管理一体化研究”(13BZZ038)的最终成果,又系2017年度国家社会科学基金项目“农村基层精准治理研究”(17BKS060)的阶段性成果。 展开































Realizing the Integrated Development of Urban and Rural Social Governance with Urban and Rural Integration——Preface You Lin's new book "Research on the Integration of Suburban Urbanization and Urban and Rural Social Governance" On the morning of the beginning of school in early 2017, Dr. You Lin came to my office with a large bundle of freshly bound manuscripts after her undergraduate class, and happily reported to me that the 2013 National Social Science Fund project "Research on the Integration of Suburban Urbanization and Urban and Rural Social Management in the Process of Urbanization" undertaken by her has been completed and is ready to be completed. I am invited to make comments with a view to revising and improving. I happily agreed. About two weeks later, I invited Yuleen into my office to give her feedback on my comments after reading it. I remember that I only briefly affirmed three or two sentences, and did not deliberately encourage her, and then expressed two debatable opinions straight to the point. But Yu Lin always listened to my opinion with a smile, felt that I had made some sense, and expressed her willingness to think about it when she went home. When she said goodbye to me, she said to me very sincerely: "Teacher Zhang, after I correct it, the project is successfully completed, and I want to publish it officially." At that time, can you write me a prologue? "I readily agreed. You Lin and I are alumni of Central China Normal University. We have all been deeply influenced by Guizishan's motto of "Liberal Arts, Erudition, and Fraternity", and the academic tradition and academic style of Central China Normal University have deeply infiltrated generations of Guizishan students. In June 2013, I was invited to preside over Yu Lin's doctoral dissertation defense. You Lin's doctoral dissertation is entitled "China's Rural Relations: A Review Based on National Governance", supervised by Professor Tang Ming, a well-known scholar in the industry. During the intense whole day of defense, Yu Lin left a deep impression on me. In the defense, in addition to being full of deep gratitude and respect for her supervisor, the tutor group and her alma mater, she was particularly full of spirit and devoted herself to the defense: confidently and calmly stating the thesis, carefully and quickly recording the questions of experts, answering questions smoothly after careful consideration, and humbly and sincerely accepting expert guidance. Her doctoral dissertation successfully passed the defense and was unanimously affirmed by the experts of the defense committee. After graduation, she actively absorbed the opinions of the experts of the defense committee, and under the guidance of Professor Tang Ming, she made serious revisions, and published her doctoral dissertation under the title "China's Rural Relations: Grassroots Governance Structure and Governance Capacity Structure" (China Social Sciences Press, 2015). Professor Tang Ming aptly commented in the preface, saying that the book provides researchers with "a new analytical perspective for understanding and observing rural relations, and also provides a theoretical framework for us to judge and grasp the future of rural relations"3207311. I agree with his judgment. After graduating, You Lin was introduced from Jingdezhen Ceramic University to the School of Political Science and Law of Jiangxi Normal University. After entering the university, You Lin followed me to do postdoctoral research under the recommendation of her supervisor, Professor Tang Ming. After our full discussion, she chose "Rural Grassroots Good Governance in the Context of Modern Governance" to continue her research on rural governance, and won the 55th batch of project research funding from the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation. During the station, he also won the 8th special funding project of the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation "Research on Countermeasures for Promoting the Modernization of Rural Grassroots Governance". During the station, in addition to teaching, she was able to endure hardships, be willing to think, write diligently, teach and research, and successfully left the station at the end of 2016. Her research report has been well received by reviewers and defense experts. During the station, Yu Lin's investment is full, and her harvest is also full. In addition, the paper she co-authored with her supervisor was reprinted in full and introduced on the cover of Xinhua Digest, won the second prize of Jiangxi Province Social Science Outstanding Achievement Award, and was selected as the "2015 Influential Person of the Year for Teachers of Ideological and Political Theory Courses in Colleges and Universities" by the Ministry of Education. In the context of the current rush to achieve quick results and impatience to influence the style of study, there are not too many young scholars like You Lin who can calm down and quietly do learning, and they are indeed worthy of praise. Yu Lin was born in the countryside. Like me, thanks to the college entrance examination to come out of the beautiful and rich Jianghan Plain; Enter a university to study and become a college teacher. So, she loves the countryside, cares about the countryside, and is determined to do something for the countryside, agriculture and the respectable farmers like her father's generation. Since her master's degree, You Lin has chosen rural grassroots governance as her main research target. The simple, hardworking and enterprising folk customs of the Jianghan Plain nourished Youlin's generation of young students. In her, she not only reflects the temperament of doctors and professors, but also reflects the simplicity of farmers from time to time. This is the advantage of You Lin's research on rural grassroots governance. The research of this book is a perspective and dimension of You Lin's research on rural governance. See the city from the suburbs to realize suburban urbanization; On the other hand, in rural areas, the suburbs are used as a model to promote the urbanization of rural areas. This is the logical framework of the author based on the middle to grasp the two ends, and thus formed the research ideas and patterns of urban and rural social governance, and reached the research conclusion of "integrated governance". Integrating urban and rural areas and integrating urban and rural areas to achieve the integrated development of urban and rural social governance is very valuable and meaningful in the new era of economic transformation, conceptual transformation and social transformation. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out in the political report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China that it is 3207312 to "create a social governance pattern of co-governance and sharing". From the perspective of governance subjects, urban and rural social governance is the relationship between the ruling party and the government, social organizations and community residents; From the perspective of spatial layout, it is the relationship between urban and rural areas. It can be seen that the author's research responds to the social concerns and practical needs of the new era in a timely manner. The suburbs, from the perspective of rural to upward, are the necessary places for rural areas to become cities; Looking back from the city, it is the periphery of urban and rural. This is the basis and starting point of the author's research. Therefore, the author believes that the suburbs are a transitional zone connecting urban and rural areas, and are the connection points between urban and rural areas to generate economic ties and realize urban-rural interaction. In a sense, China's urbanization is dominated by suburban urbanization, and suburban urbanization has an important strategic position in the integration of urban and rural development. At this stage, the process of suburban urbanization has brought about tremendous changes in the suburban economic structure, suburban social structure and suburban organizational structure, and there have been revolutionary changes such as diversification, differentiation and reorganization. These inevitably bring challenges and problems to social governance: first, more and more foreigners have entered the suburbs for employment and residence, which has brought about the complexity of governance objects and the increase of governance content; Second, the "landless peasants" in the suburbs cannot enjoy the same public services as urban residents in terms of education, medical care, sanitation, employment, and social security, resulting in the slow process of rural urbanization and bringing severe challenges to the social governance of the suburbs. Third, there are significant differences between the migrant population and urban residents in terms of education, medical care, employment and economic income, social security, etc., and the migrant population will form a sense of deprivation and squeeze psychologically, which will bring more severe challenges and impacts to suburban social security. Therefore, how to realize the integration of urban and rural social governance to adapt to the impact of urbanization; how to accelerate the process of rural urbanization; How to promote the integration of the foreign population into the city, so that urban and rural areas can share a highly developed material and spiritual civilization, and promote the equalization of urban and rural residents in basic public services such as education, employment, medical care, and old-age care is a major issue that needs to be solved urgently. Looking at the two ends of the suburbs - urban and rural, to analyze the integrated development of urban and rural areas, especially the realization of integrated urban-rural governance, it is necessary to analyze the exemplary effect of suburban urbanization on rural development based on the relevant theories of urban-rural integration, as well as the vibration effect on the extension of urban functions and influence radiation, build a logical framework for the rural-periurban-urban integration process, and explore the realization path of integrated governance. Therefore, taking suburban community differentiation, suburban community conflict-suburban community integration as a clue, the author conducts case studies on the pilot of urban-rural integration - Chongqing, Chengdu, Wenzhou and other places, explores the evolution of its path, clarifies the specific practices and achievements in recent years, and deeply analyzes the existing problems, and draws enlightenment to achieve suburban social integration by promoting the integration of urban and rural social governance. There are mainly the following aspects. First, try to divide the development form of suburban urbanization. Taking suburban urbanization as the research object, the author focuses on urban economic development radiating suburban residents, making them more closely and deeply connected with the city in economic life, resulting in a high degree of mixing various elements of urban and rural areas in the suburbs within a certain spatial range, and having the characteristics of urban and rural economic and social development. From the aspects of spatial form, production factors and management system of suburban urbanization, it is pointed out that the process of suburban urbanization is manifested in three forms: urban community, urban village and rural community. This provides a useful reference for the "adaptation to local conditions" and "categorical governance" of suburban governance from the policy level. Second, the research idea of suburban community differentiation-suburban community conflict-suburban community integration is designed. Urbanization inevitably brings about changes in the social structure of suburbs, which is concentrated at the community level as a dynamic process of continuous renewal and recombination of various components of a community, often manifested in three stages: community differentiation, community conflict, and community integration. Therefore, the author takes suburban community differentiation-suburban community conflict-suburban community integration as a clue to study how to achieve suburban social integration by promoting the integration of urban and rural social governance. This has formed an integrated transformation of research ideas, that is, grasping the organic connection between rural society and urban society, rural problems and urban problems, and studying the overall governance of urban and rural society and urban and rural issues. Third, an institutional system integrating urban and rural social governance has been constructed. The author focuses on institutional design, arguing that the essence of urban-rural integration is to minimize the gap between urban and rural areas, so that urban and rural areas can share highly developed material and spiritual civilizations, and this sharing needs to be realized through social governance; Through the construction of an integrated institutional system of social governance, the coordinated development of suburbs and cities will be promoted. The integrated institutional system of urban and rural social governance includes four aspects: the integration of urban and rural production factor allocation, the integration of urban and rural household registration management system, the integration of urban and rural social governance system and mechanism, and the integration of urban and rural public services. Among them, the core content of establishing the integration of urban and rural production factor allocation is to ensure that the civil property rights of suburban farmers are protected and realized; The core content of the integration of urban and rural household registration management systems is to ensure that the right to freedom of movement of migrants in suburban areas is protected and realized; The core content of establishing the integration of urban and rural governance systems and mechanisms is to promote the process of urbanization of suburban farmers and suburban migrant population; The core issue of establishing the integration of urban and rural public services is to realize the equality of basic rights of all citizens in society. This provides experience and useful enlightenment for ensuring the legitimate property rights and interests of suburban farmers in the process of suburban urbanization, ensuring that suburban migrants and suburban farmers can enjoy equal public services and public goods with urban residents, rebuilding the trust and recognition of suburban migrants and suburban farmers in the government, and realizing suburban social integration. From the perspective of the relationship between rural, peri-urban and urban, that is, the integration process, the author puts forward a series of opinions or views worthy of attention. The first is the research on the development pattern of suburban urbanization. Since the reform and opening up, with the development of the socialist market economy, the urbanization development of suburban areas has begun to enter a new period of development, showing an accelerated development trend. Driven by the influence of the city and the radiation of urban economic development, the suburbs highly mix various elements of urban and rural areas within a certain spatial range, and have the characteristics of urban and rural economic and social development. Suburban urbanization is manifested in spatial form, with one or more villages as units to carry out the demolition and relocation of the entire village, and the suburban residents are resettled on the spot or in different places as a whole, some are one village and one community, and some are set up as one community in several villages; In terms of production factors, the land owned by the village collective and the village collective assets are quantified and confirmed, and the "separation of politics and society" is realized, so the construction of suburbs into urbanized communities is its development direction. At this stage, due to the level of economic and social development in the suburbs, the urbanization process of the suburbs is manifested in three forms: urban communities, urban villages and rural communities. The second is the study of social differentiation caused by suburban urbanization. Compared with rural and urban areas, suburbs are spontaneous, heterogeneous and unique in terms of social attributes, location distribution, resident composition and lifestyle, and the process of suburban urbanization has led to diversification of community economic structure, differentiation of community social structure and change of community organization structure. Specifically, the diversification of the economic structure of suburban communities mainly includes the diversification of community ownership structure, the diversification of community industrial structure, the diversification of employment structure, and the differentiation of community residents' income structure. The differentiation of suburban social structure mainly includes the diversification of community population structure and the differentiation of community social class; The restructuring of the organizational structure of suburbs is mainly manifested in the reconstruction of community organizations and the rise of emerging organizations in "village resettlement". These new social elements are the observation points that social governance must focus on. The third is the impact of suburban urbanization on the traditional social management system. Suburban urbanization has led to the social differentiation of suburbs, and the subject, object and environment of suburban social governance have changed accordingly, and suburban urbanization has had an impact on the traditional social management system. First of all, it involves how to protect the land rights of suburban farmers. In the process of land acquisition or circulation in suburban areas, peasants are in a weak position due to the ambiguity of their status as subjects, resulting in their land being expropriated at low prices and damage to their land rights and interests. Secondly, it involves how to promote the "separation of politics and society" of village collective economic organizations. At present, although most suburbs have restructured village collective economic organizations, they still confuse the members of village collective economic organizations with community members, which not only does not get rid of the shackles of "not separating politics from society," but also damages the property rights of village collective organization members and reduces the efficiency of village collective economic organizations after restructuring. Finally, it involves how to improve the village collective asset management system. At present, most of the restructured village collective economic organizations generally have problems such as a large loss of village collective assets, unclear property rights, and long-term absence of management subjects. The fourth is to study on speeding up the process of urbanization of suburban peasants. The first is to promote the employment of suburban peasants. Based on the low cultural quality and lack of professional labor skills of suburban farmers, it is necessary to improve the employability and employment quality of suburban farmers, and promote suburban farmers to better adapt to the process of suburban urbanization. The second is to improve the psychological identification of suburban farmers with the suburbs. Based on the plight of suburban farmers in terms of life and employment, it is necessary to increase the supply of suburban public goods, so that suburban farmers can enjoy the same treatment as urban citizens in suburban public goods, and improve the psychological identity of suburban farmers to the suburbs. The third is to realize the reconstruction of social relations among peasants in the suburbs. Due to the impact of marketization and urbanization, the social network of suburban farmers has been torn apart, and it is necessary to help suburban farmers reach a social network of reciprocity, trust and standardization in the communities where they live with urban residents, so that they can enjoy the same public service resources as urban residents and obtain upward mobility social capital. Fourth, it is necessary to improve the comprehensive quality of peasants in the suburbs. Based on the large gap between suburban farmers and urban residents in terms of comprehensive quality, it is necessary to improve the comprehensive quality of suburban farmers, so that they can gradually reach the same level as urban residents in terms of production methods, lifestyles, behaviors, thinking styles and values. Fifth, it is necessary to realize the convergence of the social security system between suburban farmers and urban residents. In order to ensure the basic livelihood of suburban peasants after land requisition and promote social equity and social stability, it is necessary to build a social security system that integrates urban and rural areas, including the minimum subsistence guarantee system, the basic old-age insurance system and the medical insurance system. The fifth is research on promoting the integration of the suburban migrant population into the suburbs and eventually into the city. The process of social integration is the process of urbanization of the migrant population. At present, the degree of integration of the suburban migrant population at the economic level, the integration of the social level, the integration of the psychological level, and the identity level is generally low. This requires changing the economic situation of migrants in suburban communities, allowing them to enjoy equal basic public services and social benefits with local residents in suburban communities, allowing them to participate in the management of local public affairs, helping them form a network of mutual communication and deep integration with local residents in suburban communities, improving the sense of identity and belonging of migrants to the communities they live in, and finally realizing the goal of integrating migrants into the suburbs first and then into the city. Sixth, research on innovating social governance institutional mechanisms to adapt to the impact of suburban urbanization. Based on the problems of single management subjects and means in suburban governance, and the relatively backward development and development of community residents' autonomy, it is necessary to innovate social governance systems and mechanisms to adapt to the impact of suburban urbanization. Specifically, it includes the following three aspects: first, how to straighten out the suburban social management organization system; secondly, how to update the concept of community governance to meet the needs of suburban social development; Finally, how to improve social governance mechanisms to meet diverse social needs. The seventh is to build an integrated institutional system for urban and rural social governance. The essence of urban-rural integration is to minimize the gap between urban and rural areas and promote the coordinated development of urban and rural areas. The path of building an integrated system of social governance includes four aspects: the integration of urban and rural production factor allocation, the integration of urban and rural household registration management systems, the integration of urban and rural social governance systems and mechanisms, and the integration of urban and rural public services. Specifically, through the integration of urban and rural production factor allocation, the free flow of production factors such as labor, land, capital, technology and other production factors between suburbs and cities is realized, so that suburban farmers can obtain more benefits brought by urbanization, and its core content is to ensure that the civil property rights of suburban farmers are protected and realized; Through the establishment of the integration of urban and rural household registration management systems, the suburban migrant population will enjoy the social security system and social welfare such as pension, medical care, unemployment insurance and other social benefits related to the household registration system, and its core content is to ensure that the right to freedom of movement of the suburban migrant population is protected and realized; Through the innovation of social governance systems and mechanisms and the improvement of social governance methods, the core content of which is to promote the urbanization of suburban farmers and suburban migrant population is to build a grassroots organization and management system that integrates urban and rural areas; Through the establishment of the integration of urban and rural public services, the core issue of promoting suburban farmers and suburban areas to enjoy equal public services with urban residents is to realize the equality of basic rights of all social citizens. First, it is necessary to establish the integration of the allocation of urban and rural production factors and realize the market-oriented allocation of production factors in suburbs. The difficulties and constraints faced by suburban land, capital, housing, resources and other factors are important factors that lead to farmers not truly enjoying their own property rights and interests, and it is difficult to stimulate the production potential of suburbs. It is necessary to promote the excesses of surplus labor in suburban areas from the land through the market-oriented allocation of production factors such as land and houses in the suburbs, engage in non-agricultural production, protect the property rights and interests of farmers in the suburbs, and establish a mechanism for sharing the value-added income of land resources between village collective economic organizations, villagers and the state. At the same time, the legal status of the village-level collective economy after the restructuring should be clarified, and a new type of cooperative economic organization with shareholding cooperation, independent operation, risk sharing and benefit sharing should be formed. On the premise of protecting the rights and interests of members of former village collective economic organizations, standardize the principles and procedures for the circulation of equity inheritance, transfer, and gift, establish an equity management system, and promote the marketization of property rights elements. Second, it is necessary to establish the integration of urban and rural household registration management systems and promote the urbanization of suburban farmers and foreign populations. In promoting the urbanization of suburban peasants, it is necessary to respect the legitimate property rights of suburban peasants, and suburban peasants must not enter the city at the expense of their existing rights. In the process of transforming suburban farmers into citizens, they should enjoy the same public services and welfare benefits as local urban residents; In terms of promoting the urbanization of the migrant population in the suburbs, based on the establishment of a unified urban and rural household registration system, the establishment of a residence permit system for the migrant population temporarily not settled in the suburbs, and the establishment and improvement of a basic public service system linked to the length of residence and other conditions with the residence permit as the carrier. Improve the integrated urban-rural population service and management mechanism, gradually promote the coverage of all permanent residents with basic urban public services, and realize that the suburban migrant population and urban residents enjoy the same rights and treatment in basic public services and welfare. Third, it is necessary to establish an integrated institutional mechanism for urban and rural social governance and promote the orderly participation of multiple governance subjects. Promote the transformation of government governance. Standardize the operation of government administrative power and promote the rule of law in government governance; Scientifically define the scope of government functions and promote the realization of the role of "service-oriented government"; Build a management and service platform to provide "one-stop" services for community residents; Take the road of marketization and socialization to provide diversified services for community residents; The governance mode has changed from control to consultation, and the co-management and co-governance of multiple governance subjects have been promoted. Complete and improve the community market economic system. Give play to the decisive role of the market in the allocation of resources; Supporting and nurturing the development of community economies; Encourage community economic organizations to establish a modern enterprise system; Strengthen the supervision of the community market economic order; Wait a minute. Foster the growth of community self-government. Strengthen the construction of community party organizations; Promote the autonomy of village (neighborhood) committees in accordance with the law, and promote the healthy growth of community social organizations; Vigorously innovate the participation system and participation carrier of community residents. Build an institutionalized interaction mechanism between the three governance subsystems of government, market and society. Rationally demarcate the boundaries of power between the government and community economic organizations, neighborhood committees, and community social organizations; Strengthen the functional coupling between the government, the market and society, so that the three cooperate and complement each other, and avoid government failure, market failure and social failure. Fourth, it is necessary to establish an integrated urban and rural public service supply system, so that all residents in the suburbs can enjoy the same public services and social benefits as urban residents. Actively promote the integration of urban and rural public infrastructure, so that public infrastructure such as roads, water and electricity, communications, lighting, and entertainment venues in suburbs is at the same level as urban communities, so that suburban residents can enjoy and improve community public services such as public transportation, communication networks, entertainment and leisure, water, electricity and heating, and improve the production and living conditions of suburban residents; Actively promote the integration of urban and rural social security systems such as employment, education, old-age care, medical care, and social assistance, and establish a public service system that integrates urban and rural areas; Establish a public finance system for the equal supply of public services, establish a system that is commensurate with the power of affairs and the responsibility for expenditure, and the provincial and municipal and county governments bear and share the responsibility for expenditure accordingly according to the division of powers. At the same time, it is also necessary to establish a diversified cost-sharing mechanism involving the government, enterprises, society, and individuals to ease the financial pressure faced by the government in infrastructure construction and public service expenditure. Obviously, the above research conclusions are enlightening and thoughtful. People's thinking comes from social practice, and understanding deepens people's understanding of social practice, and helps to solve the contradictions and problems that continue to emerge in practice. This is the value and charm of scientific research. Of course, no research design and paradigm is perfect. While solving outstanding problems, it also exposes their limitations and even weaknesses. In particular, due to the diverse manifestations of urbanization in suburban areas and the different explorations in the practice of urban-rural integrated social governance, it is impossible for this research to cover all issues of rural-peri-urban integrated social governance development. This requires more experts in the academic community to study this issue in depth, form a consensus and wisdom with rich scientific content on the basis of opinions and opinions, apply it to practice, and solve various contradictions and problems in the integration of urban and rural social governance. I believe that You Lin will not stop there, she will also have greater determination and courage to pay attention to and study the transformation and changes of China's rural society in the new era, and continue to achieve new results. However, academic research is like the ancients called "words are instructed, secrets are boundless, and neglect is thousands of miles 3207313", so this requires scholars to have greater pursuit in research, greater investment in energy, and more cutting-edge ideas. This is the realm and strict requirements of the ancients: "learning is for facts, not empty words"3207314. This is also the fine tradition and style of learning of scholars throughout the ages, and it is especially worthy of inheritance and promotion at present. On the occasion of the publication of Yu Lin's magnum opus, I am happy to say the above remarks and make a preface to show that I am not happy with the appointment, but also to affirm and encourage young scholars to be proactive and diligent in research. There is no shortage of words of encouragement in the text, even if it is a teacher's expectation for students to improve in future teaching and research work! is the order. November 15, 2017 (Zhang Yanguo, Ph.D. in History, Postdoctoral Fellow. He is currently the vice president of Jiangxi Normal University, and the director, chief expert, professor, doctoral supervisor, postdoctoral co-supervisor, and government subsidy expert of the State Council Government Subsidy Expert of Jiangxi Province's "2011 Collaborative Innovation Center" - China Social Transformation Research Center of Jiangxi Normal University. )(AI翻译)





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