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In the early 80s of the 20th century, the Institute of Ethnic Literature of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (then the Institute of Minority Culture) held a shamanic cultural symposium chaired by Director Jia Zhi and arranged by Mr. Fu Yuguang in the name of the Northern Chamber, with the participation of shamans, old folk artists, storytellers and shamanic scholars. This symposium has played a role in promoting the study of Chinese shamanic culture, so some people say that the study of Chinese shamanic culture began in the early 80s of the 20th century. Since then, in northeast China, Xinjiang, Yunnan, Inner Mongolia and other regions, shamanic cultural treatises and related materials have sprung up rapidly in various regions. In fact, not long after China's reform and opening up, those rescuers and inheritors of Chinese inheritance culture who love their own national roots culture have already taken action. They reap great rewards from fieldwork and visits to folk shamans and storytellers. For example, Mr. Fu Yuguang, the inheritor of Manchu culture in the northeast region, Mr. Fu Yingren (deceased), folk storyteller and so on, are pioneers. When the Manchus were their ancestors in ancient times, they not only established political power, but also used their hard work and wisdom to create a brilliant and splendid culture, filling and enriching the treasure house of Chinese culture. This is the case with shamanic culture. Since Nur Hachi, in the early 16th century, after the rise of the Heilongjiang River basin to the south, its society has changed rapidly, and in nearly a hundred years, it has rapidly developed from a hunting clan to a feudal society based on agricultural economy, until the establishment of feudal power in Guan, nearly three hundred years. The inherited culture of the Manchus has not disappeared with the rapid development of society, but has been passed on according to the law of the development of its culture. Now scholars in Manchu inhabited areas and in border areas with underdeveloped transportation, can still collect primitive and simple content, and even the sayings and shamanic texts of the matriarchal clan society period, which is caused by the deep precipitation of Manchu social culture in human history and culture. Over the decades, I have published a dozen shamanic texts and two narratives I have on hand, and written dozens of papers. It gives a glimpse of the cultural content and characteristics presented by the Manchu shaman culture and the teachings. First, Manchu shamanism has a deep history and culture, so it has a primitive quaintness. As far as the content covered in this book is concerned, from the matriarchal society of human society to the human civilization society, and even the life, customs, economy, etc. of various societies in the feudal society era, it is all expressed, only from the deities of each surname, such as one of the shamans surnamed Yang in Jiutai County, Jilin Province, the "cave mother god" in the cave. There are also social changes in the transition of human society from matrilineal to patrilineal, which is detailed and specific in the "Donghai Wowo Collection" of the World Culture Library. Changed from a goddess to a male god, such as the main god of the White Mountain surnamed Shi. In modern society, shaman culture in addition to different sacrificial supplies, sacrifices, but also pasta and other offerings, at the same time, craft gods, hero gods have also increased a lot, such as nearly 100 gods of the surname Shi, Yang, Guan, Lang and other surnames have gods of sacrifice, in short, only from the content of the gods and sacrificial rituals in the Manchu shamanic text, you can understand the development and social life of each stage of Manchu history. Second, the Qing Dynasty ruled China for nearly three hundred years, and it was already a settled business and economic life. But in shamanic texts, there is a clear history of clan nature and migratory travel. The surname Rushi migrated to Jilin Province hundreds of years ago from Jiangdong Sixty-four Tun in Heilongjiang, the surname Yang was transferred to Jilin Province from the Woji Department of Heilongjiang Province, and Wusuguan was migrated to Jilin Province by the Ussuri River in the Heilongjiang River Basin. Whenever the Manchu surnames are sacrificed, they first indicate what surname they are, what tun they live in, etc., and also emphasize that they are pure Manchu descendants who are "clean in blood". Even if the sacrificial activities of shamanism are still preserved, the Manchu surname is still a sacrifice organized by the surname, highlighting the clan (surname) nature. Third, the inclusiveness of shamanic culture. Modern shamanic culture has become a shamanic culture in a broad sense that includes all acts of witchcraft to worship gods, and of course, there is a typical shamanic culture that uses shamans to dance gods and practice witchcraft. So it's richer. For example, the singing of divine songs to the gods, the variety of sacrifices, and the dance art performed by shamans dancing gods, the recitation of divine songs, costumes, and magic instruments all reflect the Manchu cosmology, soul view, art view and other aspects of human society, which are basically covered in this book. The author also researched the special nouns and terms in Manchu shamanic culture, such as the "Zhoni" god that commonly exists in Manchu shamanic culture, which is a concrete embodiment of the martial spirit of fighting good battles based on the hunting economy in Manchu history, and is a very characteristic national heroic god; There are also "biao sticks" for the home shaman, also clan shaman; There are also "zali" as shamanic assistants, and some have also become home shamans; Wait a minute. Shamanism has been handed down from ancient times to the present, its variability is not small, at the same time, in some areas still retain and play a social role, play a role in promoting national unity and harmony, developing economic production, it is no longer a primitive form of sacrifice and worship, but a kind of worship of ancestors, ancestor sacrifice activities, although it contains animal and plant worship, but also ancestor worship content. Therefore, shamanic culture is a comprehensive cultural treasure trove for the study of human social ethnology, speech art and other disciplines, which plays the role of living fossils that archaeology cannot play.(AI翻译)





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