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近年来网络经济的快速发展带动了相关研究领域的繁荣,网络消费者行为研究即是其中较有代表性的一个研究分支。可以确定的是,网络经济的持续发展最终要由网络消费者推进,因此这一研究领域值得重视,其成果也受到越来越多的关注。出于推进网络经济发展的需要,在网络消费者行为研究中,正向促进其行为发展的研究一直受到较多关注,但随着网络消费者数量的增大和年龄层次的不断扩展,消费者过度使用网络的问题也浮出水面。早在20世纪90年代,美国心理学家Young关于网络成瘾问题的系列研究就已指出这方面问题的严重性,而薛君等同志在国家社科基金支持下展开的网络粘性行为研究可以说是对该领域研究的一个延伸和发展。网络粘性行为是介于正常使用和网络成瘾之间的一种过度使用网络的行为,生活中很多人在无意中已经成为具有这种行为特征的网络使用者。课题组针对这一行为特征展开的研究从研究视角而言既具有一定的创新性也有一定的现实意义。从研究方法上看,课题组为了展开上述问题的研究,运用了市场调研、结构方程模型、实验等方法,保证了研究成果的科学性和严谨性。就研究内容而言,课题组以持续使用理论为基础,对网络粘性行为演进过程进行了分析,厘清了网络粘性行为形成各阶段的影响因素,并在对现有网络应用行为测度指标进行分析的基础上,提出了针对中国网络消费者的网络粘性行为测评体系。该体系的提出解决了网络粘性行为的测评难题,可以有效帮助网络消费者认识自身在网络应用中是否存在问题。而基于前置影响因素和测评体系以及行为改变理论所提出的网络粘性行为干预机制设置,在目前相关领域的研究中也不多见。最终的研究成果解决了目前由于粘性行为评价标准欠缺而带来的干预难题;同时研究报告中所提出的粘性行为干预机制,既对网络消费者健康生活和网络经济的长远发展产生积极影响,又扩充了网络营销和电子商务中关于网络消费者行为的研究,从而丰富了网络经济学科研究的内容体系。虽然取得了上述成绩,但由于该领域研究目前尚不多见,因此本书仍存在进一步改进之处,如本次研究所做的实验为干预机制的有效性研究,主要方法是根据行为改变理论,对消费者干预机制采纳前后的行为差异进行了分析。总的来讲,该实验设计稍显简单,今后可以考虑进行更加规范的行为学实验。又如在干预机制设计中设想开发的软件,本意通过3D等表现手法强化干预效果,但由于种种原因,该设想未能顺利实现,最终只是通过一款简单软件设计将其展现出来。后期如果条件具备,希望作者能够继续做这方面的探索。总之,这是一个高水平的研究成果,故欣然作序,以飨读者。教育部高等学校电子商务类专业教学指导委员会副主任委员中国信息经济学会副理事长、电子商务专业委员会主任西安交通大学经济与金融学院电子商务系教授李琪 博士2014/8/31

In recent years, the rapid development of the network economy has led to the prosperity of related research fields, and the study of online consumer behavior is one of the more representative research branches. What is certain is that the sustainable development of the network economy will ultimately be driven by online consumers, so this research field deserves attention, and its results have received more and more attention. Due to the need to promote the development of the network economy, the research on positive promotion of the development of online consumer behavior has always received more attention, but with the increase of the number of online consumers and the continuous expansion of age level, the problem of excessive use of the Internet by consumers has also surfaced. As early as the 90s of the 20th century, American psychologist Young's series of studies on Internet addiction have pointed out the seriousness of this problem, and the research on Internet sticky behavior carried out by Xue Jun and other comrades with the support of the National Social Science Fund can be said to be an extension and development of research in this field. Internet sticky behavior is an excessive use of the Internet between normal use and Internet addiction, and many people in life have unintentionally become Internet users with this behavioral characteristics. The research carried out by the research group on this behavioral characteristic has both certain innovation and practical significance from the research perspective. From the perspective of research methods, in order to carry out the research on the above problems, the research group uses market research, structural equation models, experiments and other methods to ensure the scientific and rigorous research results. As far as the research content is concerned, based on the theory of continuous use, the research group analyzes the evolution process of online sticky behavior, clarifies the influencing factors of each stage of the formation of online sticky behavior, and analyzes the existing network application behavior measurement indicators, and proposes an online sticky behavior evaluation system for Chinese Internet consumers. The proposal of this system solves the problem of evaluation of online sticky behavior, and can effectively help network consumers understand whether they have problems in network applications. The intervention mechanism of network sticky behavior proposed based on pre-influencing factors and assessment system and behavior change theory is not common in current research in related fields. The final research results solve the current intervention problems caused by the lack of evaluation standards for viscous behavior. At the same time, the sticky behavior intervention mechanism proposed in the research report not only has a positive impact on the healthy life of online consumers and the long-term development of the network economy, but also expands the research on online consumer behavior in online marketing and e-commerce, thereby enriching the content system of network economy research. Despite the above achievements, there are still few studies in this field, so there are still further improvements in this book, such as the experiment done in this study is the effectiveness of the intervention mechanism, the main method is to analyze the behavioral differences before and after the adoption of the consumer intervention mechanism according to the behavior change theory. In general, the experimental design is a little simpler, and more standardized behavioral experiments can be considered in the future. Another example is the software envisaged in the design of the intervention mechanism, which was intended to enhance the intervention effect through 3D and other expression methods, but due to various reasons, the idea was not successfully realized, and it was only displayed through a simple software design. If the conditions are met in the later stage, I hope that the author can continue to explore in this regard. All in all, this is a high-level research result, so I am happy to write the foreword for the reader. Dr. Li Qi, Vice Chairman of the E-commerce Professional Teaching Steering Committee of Higher Education Institutions of the Ministry of Education, Vice Chairman of the China Information Economics Association and Director of the E-Commerce Professional Committee, Professor of the Department of E-commerce, School of Economics and Finance, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Dr. 2014/8/31(AI翻译)





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