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The Research on the System Change and the System Innovation of Urcbanization with Chinexe Characteristics









城镇化是一个人口、社会生活方式和生产方式发生巨大变动的伟大历史过程,我国正处在这样一个伟大的历史过程中,如何完成和走好这一历史过程是摆在全国人民以及广大专家、学者面前的一个艰巨任务。城镇化受政治、经济、文化等多种发展因素的影响和制约,其中制度是最重要的因素之一。城镇化从本质上说,是在现实的制度选择所赋予的制度约束框架内对人口、土地、劳动和资本等经济要素进行再整合并逐步向城镇集聚的过程。当相关的制度内容与城镇化发展要求同步,亦或超之于前时,就会推动和加速城镇化的发展,反之,则会延缓甚至阻碍城镇化的发展。因此,对存在缺陷的不利于城镇化发展的相关制度及其内容进行创新,就成为了当前实现我国城镇化健康发展的当务之急。为避免研究中的泛泛而述,本书选择了以回顾和考察中国特色城镇化发展的基本过程和制度变迁为起点,以发达国家城镇化发展的主要经验教训和制度启示为借鉴,以我国城镇化发展的趋势为基本价值取向,对我国城镇化发展的制度变迁和制度创新进行分析、研究和总结。在分析和研究中,主要选取了土地制度、户籍制度、就业制度和社会保障制度为研究和创新的重点。这主要是因为,土地制度创新是实现我国城镇化和农民市民化的基础和前提,农民只有摆脱了土地制度对其人身自由的束缚,有了离开土地的自由裁量权和自由选择权,才有可能向城镇地区转移,实现农民市民化;户籍制度创新是顺利实现我国城镇化和农民市民化的核心所在,城镇化的核心因素是人,没有人,城镇化就无从谈起;就业制度创新是实现我国城镇化和农民市民化的关键,农民离开了土地,进入了城镇,能否在城镇中安定下来,关键就取决于能否在城镇中找到维持其本人及其家属所必需的生活资料的工作岗位;社会保障制度创新是实现我国城镇化和农民市民化目标的制度保障,没有适合农民市民化特点的社会保障制度,农民市民化的进程必然要受到阻碍。只有逐步建立起有利于引导和促进农民市民化的社会保障制度,给其以真正的市民待遇及制度保障,才能从根本上消除农民市民化的后顾之忧,促进城镇化健康发展。第一章主要是阐述城镇化和制度的概念及相关理论,以厘清这些概念在本书研究中的具体含义。并对马克思、恩格斯在城镇化发展与制度关系问题上的主要思想,对以往西方学者和国内学者关于中国城镇化制度研究的相关理论和文献进行梳理、分析和归纳总结。属于基础理论部分。第二章主要是从制度角度回顾我国所走过的城镇化道路,对我国城镇化发展的阶段性和具体制度变迁的过程及制度绩效进行深入的分析和研究,明确现存制度的缺陷和不足。属于纵向分析问题部分。第三章主要是对发达国家城镇化发展的制度经验和主要经验教训进行考察和总结,以期对我国城镇化在进一步发展中查找、弥补制度不足,推进制度创新有所启示。属于横向考察、借鉴部分。第四章主要是从分析我国城镇化发展趋势出发,明确城镇化发展的未来价值取向和基本创新原则,并以此为基础分析我国城镇化进一步发展中对土地制度、户籍制度、就业制度和社会保障制度等进行创新的基本结构。属于创新的战略选择部分。第五章主要是从创新的角度研究和阐述土地制度、户籍制度、就业制度、社会保障制度等,如何破除原有城乡二元制度结构壁垒,消除城乡差别,促进城乡一体化统筹发展的问题。属于解决问题部分。 关键词:城镇化;制度;制度绩效;制度创新

Urbanization is a great historical process in which the population, social way of life and mode of production have undergone tremendous changes, and China is in such a great historical process, and how to complete and walk this historical process well is an arduous task facing the people of the whole country and the vast number of experts and scholars. Urbanization is affected and constrained by various development factors such as politics, economy and culture, of which system is one of the most important factors. In essence, urbanization is a process of reintegrating economic factors such as population, land, labor and capital within the framework of institutional constraints imposed by realistic institutional choices and gradually agglomerating in cities and towns. When the relevant institutional content is synchronized with the requirements of urbanization development, or exceeds the previous ones, it will promote and accelerate the development of urbanization, and on the contrary, it will delay or even hinder the development of urbanization. Therefore, innovating the relevant systems and their contents that are not conducive to urbanization development has become an urgent task to achieve the healthy development of urbanization in China. In order to avoid generalizations in the research, this book chooses to review and investigate the basic process and institutional changes of urbanization development with Chinese characteristics as the starting point, take the main lessons and institutional enlightenment of urbanization development in developed countries as reference, and take the trend of urbanization development in China as the basic value orientation to analyze, research and summarize the institutional changes and institutional innovation of urbanization development in China. In the analysis and research, the land system, household registration system, employment system and social security system are mainly selected as the focus of research and innovation. This is mainly because the innovation of the land system is the basis and premise for realizing urbanization and peasant citizenization in China, and only when peasants get rid of the shackles of the land system on their personal freedom and have the discretion and free choice to leave the land can they transfer to urban areas and realize the citizenization of peasants; The innovation of the household registration system is the core of the smooth realization of urbanization and rural urbanization in China, and the core factor of urbanization is people, without people, urbanization cannot be discussed; The innovation of the employment system is the key to realizing China's urbanization and the urbanization of farmers, and whether farmers can settle down in cities and towns after leaving the land and entering cities and towns depends on whether they can find jobs in cities and towns that maintain the necessary means of living for themselves and their families; The innovation of the social security system is the institutional guarantee for achieving the goals of urbanization and peasant urbanization in China, and without a social security system suitable for the characteristics of peasant citizenization, the process of peasant urbanization will inevitably be hindered. Only by gradually establishing a social security system conducive to guiding and promoting the citizenization of peasants, and giving them real citizen treatment and institutional guarantees, can we fundamentally eliminate the worries of peasant citizens' worries and promote the healthy development of urbanization. The first chapter focuses on the concepts of urbanization and institutions and related theories in order to clarify the specific meaning of these concepts in the study of this book. The main ideas of Marx and Engels on the relationship between urbanization development and system are sorted out, analyzed and summarized by Western scholars and domestic scholars on the relevant theories and literature of China's urbanization system. It belongs to the basic theory part. The second chapter mainly reviews the urbanization road taken by China from the perspective of the system, conducts in-depth analysis and research on the phased and specific institutional changes of China's urbanization development and the performance of the system, and clarifies the shortcomings and shortcomings of the existing system. It belongs to the longitudinal analysis problem section. The third chapter mainly examines and summarizes the institutional experience and main lessons learned in the urbanization development of developed countries, in order to find and make up for the shortcomings of China's urbanization in the further development and promote institutional innovation. It belongs to the horizontal investigation and reference part. Chapter 4 mainly starts from the analysis of the development trend of urbanization in China, clarifies the future value orientation and basic innovation principles of urbanization development, and analyzes the basic structure of innovation in the land system, household registration system, employment system and social security system in the further development of urbanization in China. It belongs to the strategic options section of innovation. Chapter 5 mainly studies and expounds the land system, household registration system, employment system, social security system, etc. from the perspective of innovation, how to break the structural barriers of the original urban-rural dual system, eliminate the difference between urban and rural areas, and promote the integrated development of urban and rural areas. Belongs to the problem solving section. Keywords: urbanization; System; institutional performance; Institutional innovation(AI翻译)





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