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Solving the problem of urban-rural dual structure and promoting the comprehensive development of urban-rural integration is not only a new requirement for the development of the times, but also a fundamental way out to solve the problem of "three rural areas", and it is also an urgent task facing the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The Party Central Committee and the State Council have always attached great importance to the issue of "three rural areas", from the "Opinions on Several Policies to Promote Farmers' Income Increase" in 2004 to the "Several Opinions on Deeply Promoting Agricultural Supply-Side Structural Reform and Accelerating the Cultivation of New Momentum for Agricultural and Rural Development" and "Several Opinions on Comprehensively Deepening Rural Reform and Accelerating Agricultural Modernization" in 2017, 14 "No. 1 Documents" have been issued consecutively, a series of major agricultural policies have been issued, and clearly pointed out: "Adhere to the new development concept, Coordinate the promotion of agricultural modernization and new-type urbanization" "take the road of agricultural modernization with Chinese characteristics, establish a long-term mechanism for promoting agriculture with work and taking urban and rural areas, and form a new pattern of integration of urban and rural economic and social development." "The integration of urban and rural development is the fundamental way to solve the problem of 'three rural areas'" and "we must improve the system and mechanism, form a new type of industrial urban-rural relationship that promotes agriculture with work, takes urban and rural areas, reciprocalizes workers and farmers, and integrates urban and rural areas, so that the vast number of farmers can participate in the modernization process on an equal footing and share the fruits of modernization." This series of expositions has defined important goals, strategic tasks and major measures for the integrated development of urban and rural areas in China, and pointed out the way forward. In recent years, China's urban-rural integration construction has been accelerating, and the urbanization rate reached 58.52% in 2017. However, the dual structure of urban and rural has not been completely solved, and there are some hidden dangers in urban construction and development, for example, land urbanization is faster than population urbanization in some places, and empty cities and vacant land occur from time to time; In some places, the carrying capacity of resources and environment is too large, and the development is too advanced; In some places, farmers' hukou is "urbanized" and should enjoy "equal treatment". In particular, the urban-rural integrated development planning system is not perfect, the administrative order is higher than the urban and rural planning, and the leading role of planning is difficult to play; It is difficult to raise funds for urban-rural integrated construction, investment and financing platforms need to be improved, and the phenomenon of relying on land acquisition to support construction is more common; Industrial support has not yet been fully formed, the level of agricultural science and technology is low, and scale efficiency needs to be improved; The basic public service system is not perfect, the treatment level of urban and rural citizens is very different, and policy standards need to be connected urgently; There are many bottlenecks and constraints on institutional innovation, complex barriers to the interests of administrative divisions, and the urgent need to improve the development environment, etc., and there are many problems that need to be studied, discussed and solved. The integration of urban and rural areas in China, with a population of 1.3 billion, is a great feat in the history of human social development, the common aspiration of the entire Chinese people, and an arduous and complex strategic task for the Party and the government. In recent years, China from the central government, local governments to relevant departments have been constantly trying to explore the concepts, ideas and ways of integrated urban and rural development, especially rural social innovation and development. The innovative exploration of various localities and grassroots is a practical process to form their own characteristics, and it is also the enrichment and development of the "Chinese experience" of urbanization and rural development. Jiangxia's series of new ideas and practices in promoting new-type urbanization and urban-rural integrated development reflect the local in-depth thinking and re-exploration of the historical and strategic topic of coordinated urban-rural development, which is of important and far-reaching significance in theory and practice. In order to show the development of urban-rural integration in the central region, our research group has gone deep into Jiangxia District of Wuhan City for investigation and research many times, and deeply felt that the urban-rural integration construction of Jiangxia District of Wuhan City has entered a new stage after years of reform practice. Therefore, from a theoretical point of view, the study of the construction of new urbanization in Jiangxia District has very important academic value for the study of "Chinese experience". Because the entire Chinese experience is composed of three levels: central experience, local and departmental experience, and grassroots experience. As the late sociologist Mr. Zheng Hangsheng said: In the three levels of practical innovation and exploration, the central experience is the core, soul and guidance of the "Chinese experience". "The importance of local, departmental experience and grassroots experience lies in the fact that they together constitute the highlights and fulcrums of the 'Chinese experience', and jointly mark the trajectory points and growth points of the new socialist process of socialism with Chinese characteristics." 3263949 Jiangxia takes new industries and new communities as the starting point to build a beautiful home, involving multiple perspectives of agricultural production, social relations and natural ecology. This is a typical case of the "Chinese experience" of new-type urbanization and urban-rural integrated development from the grassroots level, showing the rich connotation of "Chinese experience" from a new perspective. In a practical sense, Jiangxia has made practical innovations in the process of promoting new-type urbanization in terms of "global planning", "industrial interaction", "facility interconnection", "industry-town integration" and "diversified and coordinated development of cities and towns", and its advanced ideas and practices need to be summarized, condensed and improved from multiple angles through social science. Starting from the mission of Chinese sociology, we will investigate and study the innovative experience of Jiangxia, so that the "Jiangxia experience" or "Jiangxia model" that has been formed can be dialogue with the practice of more places, and in turn better guide the practice of Jiangxia and even the whole country. As an important part of social sciences, Chinese sociology has the obligation and mission to investigate and study its experience and make its own practical theoretical summary, so as to improve its theoretical quality and better serve China's modernization process. The book "Exploration of New Urban and Rural Integrated Development" is a sociological refinement and summary of Jiangxia's practical experience on the basis of field investigation. The book deeply analyzes the major issues that need to be solved in the integrated development of urban and rural areas, such as "scientific planning and coordination", "industrial optimization and promotion", "sound supporting infrastructure", "reform and innovation of systems and mechanisms", "sound and equal public services", "ecological harmony and continuity", "urban diversified coordinated cluster development", etc., and strives to answer what is new-type urbanization, how to promote the integrated development of urban and rural areas, and in the process of promoting new-type urbanization and urban-rural integrated development, building a harmonious, modern, and harmonious What is the significance and role of bright countryside In these theoretical and practical issues, it shows and deeply describes the new achievements of China's grassroots and local governments in the process of urban-rural integration, and adds another typical case to the exploration of new urbanization in China. It is hoped that this book will not only provide theoretical support for the integration of urban and rural areas in China, but also provide scientific basis and useful enlightenment for the correct decision-making of all localities and relevant departments.(AI翻译)





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