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基金信息: 国家哲学社会科学成果文库 展开













As the full text of the research results of the National Social Science Foundation project "Investigation and Research on Social Stability in the Process of Building a Socialist Harmonious Society in Border Ethnic Areas-Taking Yunnan as an Example" (project number 05BSH034, certificate number 20070415), this book is divided into two volumes. The first volume is "Comprehensive Research Report", and the second volume is four "Special Research Reports" on the themes of regional and international geopolitical environment, ethnic relations and ethnic unity, highlighting social issues, and ethnic religion, and is always published under the title "Social Harmony and Border Stability: Empirical Research Based on Geographic, Ethnic, Social and Religious Relations". On this occasion, I would like to briefly explain the relevant situation as follows for reference. 1. Overall situation. The research project of the National Social Science Fund was approved by the author in 2005, and was completed in early 2007, and after being accepted and approved by the Yunnan Provincial Social Science Planning Office, it was announced on the Internet by the National Social Science Planning Office in August of the same year as "excellent" grade, and the following year the "Results Bulletin" No. 38 (No. 498) of 2008 was published with the title of "Suggestions on Countermeasures for Maintaining the Stability of Yunnan Frontier", and reported to the members of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee, the Secretary of the Secretariat, the Premier of the State Council, The vice premier and other high-level party and state leaders, as well as relevant departments such as the Central Political Research Office and the State Council Research Office, and then the leaders of the Yunnan Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Party of China made important instructions. 2. Research the topic. The theme of the project results contained in this book is to investigate and study the social stability of border ethnic areas at this stage, taking the areas along the border of Yunnan as the main spatial category. With the deepening of China's reform and opening up, entering the "golden period of development" and the "period of prominent contradictions", the party and the state have made the latest major strategic deployment for comprehensively building a harmonious socialist society. In this specific context, in accordance with the spirit of General Secretary Hu Jintao's important speech at the Central Party School and the Decision on Several Major Issues Concerning the Construction of a Harmonious Socialist Society of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee, the research group deeply discussed the ethnic areas of Yunnan's frontiers, especially along the border, from four aspects: regional and international geopolitical environment, ethnic relations and ethnic unity, highlighting social issues, and ethnic and religious areas, with brand-new concepts and broader perspectives. Under the new situation, various favorable factors for maintaining social harmony and stability, as well as the main problems and hidden dangers that exist, and put forward corresponding countermeasures and suggestions. 3. Achievement value. The value of the research results, in addition to the fact that the National Social Science Planning Office published the "Achievements Bulletin" to report to the senior leaders of the party and the state and relevant central departments, giving play to the inherent function and value of "senior administration", which played an important role in promoting the continuous deepening of the work of maintaining stability in the border areas, and also received unanimous praise in the academic circles. Among them, the first volume of "Comprehensive Research Report" won the first prize of Yunnan Province Outstanding Achievement in Philosophy and Social Sciences in 2009, and the rest have been condensed, abridged or rewritten, and are being published in national core journals such as "Ideological Front" of Yunnan University, for academic circles to use as a reference when researching a series of social hot issues in China, especially social stability in border ethnic areas. 4. Major innovations. To sum up, proceeding from the reality of Yunnan's border ethnic areas, the results have broken through the traditional thinking mode of "social problems → undermine border stability" and "managing social problems → maintaining border stability", and greatly expanded the relevant factors affecting and maintaining social harmony and stability to four aspects: regional and international geopolitical environment, ethnic relations and ethnic unity, highlighting social issues, and ethnic and religious aspects, so that people's understanding and understanding of social harmony and stability in border ethnic areas are more systematic and comprehensive and have reached a new height. At the same time, a series of countermeasures and suggestions based on the concept of harmony were put forward in the results, such as the problem of drug source areas and ethnic local armed forces in the "Golden Triangle", which is closely related to the drug problem in Yunnan, the problem of foreign hostile forces, the problem of "overall poverty" of some ethnic minorities in the border areas at this stage, the problem of mass incidents involving ethnic factors, the long-term mechanism of the "people's war against drugs and HIV/AIDS", and the strengthening of management in ethnic and religious issues in accordance with the latest spirit of the central government. All of them are both practical and have certain theoretical or practical innovative significance. 5. Research methods. As an empirical study of "problems and countermeasures", methodologically, the research group follows the principle of "investigation first" and the combination of theory and practice, qualitative and quantitative, and successively led by the project leader to go to the prefectures and cities along the Yunnan border in stages and batches, while visiting relevant functional departments such as public security, border defense, political and legal affairs, ethnicity, religion, foreign affairs and other relevant functional departments to understand the situation, selectively go deep into the border line of Fugong and Lushui in Nujiang Prefecture, Tengchong in Baoshan City, Longchuan and Ruili in Dehong Prefecture, Gengma and Zhenkang in Lincang City. Pu'er City (formerly Simao City) Menglian and Lancang, Xishuangbanna Prefecture Jinghong, Menghai and Mengla Prefecture, Honghe Prefecture Jinping and Hekou, Wenshan Prefecture Maguan and other more than 10 border counties and cities and some border villages, as well as China-Myanmar border border Katama Port outside Datianba, Tengchong Port Diantan, Ruili Port Overseas Mujie and Nankan, Wancho Port Overseas Jiugu (baseball race), Menglian Port Mengah Overseas Wa Bangkang (Bangsang), Taluo Port Overseas Xiaomengla, China-Laos border Mohan Port Overseas Moching and Nanta, Lao Cai outside the China-Vietnam border estuary and Laos Hui Xuan at the junction of Myanmar, Laos and Thailand carried out field investigations with the hinterland of the "Golden Triangle" such as Meisle, Chiang Saen, Chiang Khong and Mae Sai, from which a large amount of first-hand and latest information was collected, which provided strong support for the research of the subject. 6. Operating procedures. In a larger sense, the research reports contained in this book are the crystallization of the hard work and sweat of all members of the research group. In short, the research of this topic is after in-depth and meticulous field investigation, according to the project design and research outline, first by each sub-project bearer including the author himself to write the first draft of each "Special Research Report", and then the project leader, that is, the author, on this basis, after summarizing, supplementing and revising, refining and sublimating and integrating through, writing the final result "Comprehensive Research Report", together with the repeatedly revised "Special Research Report". Together, form the full text of such a project achievement presented to you. Among them, the main members of the research group, in the order of "Special Research Report", are Professor Ma Shuhong of Yunnan Academy of Social Sciences, Zhang Xiaosong of Yunnan University for Nationalities, Professor Li Gen of Yunnan Administrative College, Dr. Ruan Huifeng, Yunnan Police College, and Professor Han Junxue of Yunnan University for Nationalities. These experts and scholars with professional backgrounds in different disciplines and fruitful early achievements, and who have made achievements in their respective research fields, participated in the research group, which provided a reliable guarantee for the smooth completion of the research project. For the specific tasks and corresponding achievements undertaken by the members of the above research groups, we will clearly mark them at the end of each "Special Research Report". 7. Other issues. Based on the need to transform the research results of the project into academic works, in addition to making appropriate adjustments to the format of the results for standardization and unification, we also made necessary simplifications to the titles, and partially supplemented and updated the relevant data in the results. At the same time, in accordance with the national laws and regulations and the review opinions of the relevant departments of Yunnan Province, the parts of the results that are not suitable for disclosure for the time being have been abridged or technically processed. Moreover, limited by time, energy, especially skill and level, coupled with the long border of Yunnan, the large number of neighboring countries and ethnic minorities, the special natural and human geographical environment, the complexity and wide range of circumstances, and the difficulty of investigation and research, I hope that colleagues in the academic community and readers will forgive and teach the mistakes in the book. Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt thanks to the National Social Science Planning Office, the Yunnan Provincial Social Science Planning Office, Yunnan University for Nationalities, as well as Party committees at all levels and relevant government departments in Yunnan Province and border areas, cadres and people of all ethnic groups and relevant people abroad who have given us concern and support for a long time. Lu Gang in the spring of 2010 at the lotus pond in Kunming(AI翻译)





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