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中国是一个历史悠久的、统一的多民族国家,中华民族是一个历经沧桑的多元一体大家庭,这是认识和理解中国最重要的维度之一。在多样中维护统一,在多元中构筑一体,是中国特色解决民族问题的基本理念。中国共产党在延安时期的“中国道路”探索,包括了如何解决中国民族问题的路径抉择,并在新中国建立进程中确立了民族区域自治制度,走出了一条尊重历史、符合国情、顺应人心的解决民族问题之路,具有鲜明的“中国特色”。本书以2014年中央民族工作会议的精神为主线,力图以宏观的视野,围绕民族问题这一全球性的话题,论述中国特色解决民族问题正确道路的理论与实践;从具体入微的实证,在国际比较的视域中,分析了中国解决民族问题的当代主题,即中国各民族人民在物质生活层面缩小差距、共享发展,在精神生活层面尊重差异、认同一体。China is a unified multi-ethnic country with a long history, and Chinese nation, which has undergone many ups and downs, is a big family with a pluralistic integration. This is the most important perspective that people need to take when trying to understand China. The basic guideline of China’s way of managing ethno-national issues is to safeguard unity among diversity and to build integration based on diversification. Based on early exploration of a proper way of solving ethno-national during the Yan’an period, the Chinese Communist Party has finally established the system of regional ethnic autonomy since the foundation of People’s Republic of China. This system carries typical Chinese characteristics because it was built on through understanding of Chinese history and China’s current situations and has reflected people’s demand and expectations. Following the guideline of the working conference of ethno-national affairs of the Central Committee of Chinese Communist Party in 2014,this book has concentrated on the global issue of ethnic problems and elaborated the theory and practice of China’s proper way of addressing its ethno-national issues from a macro perspective. Based on comparative and empirical study,the book has also analyzed specific solutions of ethno-national issues in contemporary China, that is, how China has managed to narrow the gap of people’s material life among different Minzu (民族),make it possible for people of different Minzu (民族),to share the country’s development, and achieve identity integration with tolerance of diversity.

China is a long-established and unified multi-ethnic country, and the Chinese nation is a big family of pluralism and integration that has gone through vicissitudes, which is one of the most important dimensions for understanding and understanding China. Safeguarding unity in diversity and building unity in diversity are the basic concepts for solving ethnic issues with Chinese characteristics. The CPC's exploration of the "Chinese road" in the Yan'an period included the choice of how to solve the Chinese ethnic issue, and established the system of regional ethnic autonomy in the process of the establishment of New China, embarking on a road of resolving ethnic issues that respects history, conforms to national conditions and conforms to the will of the people, and has distinct "Chinese characteristics". Based on the spirit of the 2014 Central Ethnic Work Conference, this book attempts to discuss the theory and practice of the correct path of solving ethnic issues with Chinese characteristics from a macro perspective and around the global topic of ethnic issues. From the perspective of international comparison, this paper analyzes the contemporary theme of China's solution to ethnic issues, that is, the people of all ethnic groups in China narrow the gap and share development at the level of material life, and respect differences and identity at the level of spiritual life. China is a unified multi-ethnic country with a long history, and Chinese nation, which has undergone many ups and downs, is a big family with a pluralistic integration. This is the most important perspective that people need to take when trying to understand China. The basic guideline of China’s way of managing ethno-national issues is to safeguard unity among diversity and to build integration based on diversification. Based on early exploration of a proper way of solving ethno-national during the Yan’an period, the Chinese Communist Party has finally established the system of regional ethnic autonomy since the foundation of People’s Republic of China. This system carries typical Chinese characteristics because it was built on through understanding of Chinese history and China’s current situations and has reflected people’s demand and expectations. Following the guideline of the working conference of ethno-national affairs of the Central Committee of Chinese Communist Party in 2014,this book has concentrated on the global issue of ethnic problems and elaborated the theory and practice of China’s proper way of addressing its ethno-national issues from a macro perspective. Based on comparative and empirical study,the book has also analyzed specific solutions of ethno-national issues in contemporary China, that is, how China has managed to narrow the gap of people’s material life among different Minzu (nationality),make it possible for people of different Minzu (ethnicity),to share the country's development, and achieve identity integration with tolerance of diversity.(AI翻译)





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