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The practice of world historical development proves that what kind of guiding ideology, what kind of social system and what kind of development path we choose will profoundly affect the future and destiny of a country and a nation. At present, in the face of the new situation of various ideological and cultural exchanges and confrontations, an important task of the philosophy and social science front is to consciously adhere to Marxism as the guide, deeply criticize the theory of "universal values", the concept of "constitutional democracy", neoliberalism, historical nihilism, democratic socialism and other erroneous trends of thought, and strengthen self-confidence in the road, theory and system of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Since the end of the Cold War, under the advocacy of the so-called "universal values" theory in the West, some countries have been tormented into pieces, some are torn apart, some are in flames, and some are in chaos all day long... Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen and other countries are typical cases. The Western capitalist value system has obviously brought these countries not "gospel" or "salvation", but endless turmoil and disaster. The bitter lessons of these countries and regions prove that there are simply no timeless values that are universal to all societies, all nations and all peoples. Values have always been the product of specific socio-economic and political forms under certain historical conditions, are concrete, historical, and changing, and are always linked to certain socio-economic and political relations, and the so-called abstract, supra-class, and supra-historical "universal values" cannot exist independently in real life. The theory of "universal values" advocated by some people is an ideological trap with specific political implications and specific intentions, and its purpose against our country is to abolish the guiding position of Marxism and replace it with Western bourgeois ideology, which is essentially to negate the leadership of the Communist Party of China, the guiding position of Marxism, the state system of the people's democratic dictatorship, and the socialist system. The concept of "constitutional democracy" is another erroneous trend of thought that has emerged in the ideological field in our country in recent years. Against the background of the Party Central Committee's major strategic plan to comprehensively promote the rule of law, some people have taken the opportunity to stir up trouble and deliberately confuse the essential difference between "governing the country according to law", "governing the country according to the constitution", and "ruling according to the constitution" and "constitutional democracy" in the West. "Constitutional democracy" is a political concept developed with the emergence of Western capitalism, which has gradually evolved into the mainstream political and institutional proposition of the Western bourgeoisie, and is completely the national concept, political model and institutional design of the Western bourgeoisie. The "constitutional democracy" advocated by them is, in essence, to completely negate China's socialist rule of law, the socialist system, and the socialist state system of the people's democratic dictatorship under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, replace it with the Western capitalist concept of rule of law and the rule of law model, and practice "separation of powers," "multi-party system," and "parliamentary system." In a word, the capitalist state system of bourgeois dictatorship. "Constitutional democracy" is obviously not a "universal democracy" or "universal value", it is not a political system applicable to all countries. China is a socialist country with its own specific historical and practical characteristics. What kind of system is suitable for China and what kind of model is applied is determined by China's national conditions. Copying the political system and political model of other countries will not work, and it will even bury the future and fate of the country. China is a big socialist developing country, and we need to learn from the beneficial achievements of foreign political civilization, but we must not abandon the fundamentals of the socialist political system with Chinese characteristics. The neoliberal trend of thought has infiltrated with China's reform and opening up. In essence, neoliberalism is the ideology of the Western bourgeoisie, representing the core interests and values of international financial monopoly capital, and opening up global space for international financial monopoly capital led by the United States by advocating complete privatization, complete marketization, absolute liberalization and global integration. Neoliberalism has been successively held by the British and American financial monopoly bourgeoisie on the throne of mainstream economics in the West, and gradually transformed from an economic trend into an ideological proposition with a series of policies and measures, and quickly spread to Latin America, Asia, Africa, Eastern Europe and other countries and regions. Since the late 90s, the "side effects" of neoliberalism have begun to appear, which have successively caused a series of countries and regions that introduced neoliberalism to be hit hard by their economies, social unrest, and people miserable. In 2007, the US subprime mortgage crisis broke out in full force, and then spread into a global financial crisis. In the past decade, in order to get out of the development dilemma dragged down by the financial crisis and economic recession, major Western countries led by the United States have been forced to adopt government intervention policies such as increasing government spending and expanding infrastructure investment. It can be said that the "economic disaster" of the world financial crisis, which began in the United States, officially declared the complete bankruptcy of neoliberalism. This bankruptcy shows that contemporary capitalism has not fundamentally solved the inherent contradiction between the socialization of production and the private ownership of the means of production, and the outbreak of periodic economic crises is an inevitable product of the development of the basic contradictions of capitalism. It is precisely because of the different ways of possessing the means of production that the nature of public ownership of the socialist market economy determines the evasibility and preventability of economic crises. The successful practice of socialism with Chinese characteristics tells people that only by closely integrating the institutional arrangement of public ownership as the main body with the market economy, and making good use of the "visible hand" and "invisible hand", can the superiority of the socialist system be better brought into play. Of course, the denial and criticism of the erroneous trend of thought in the Western ideological color does not mean a complete denial of all the valuable and useful views and practices created by Western modern civilization. Socialism with Chinese characteristics has developed on the basis of absorbing the world's advanced civilization. The Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as its general secretary adheres to the guidance of Marxism, holds high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, adheres to self-confidence in the theory, system and road of socialism with Chinese characteristics, vigorously strengthens ideological work, clearly criticizes and resists erroneous trends of thought, constantly consolidates the guiding position of Marxism, and consolidates the ideological foundation for the common struggle of the people of the whole country. In accordance with the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee, the leading party group of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences actively organized experts and scholars inside and outside the academy to carry out a series of in-depth research and refutation on issues such as the source, essence and harm of erroneous trends of thought, and launched a number of influential treatises, which have received extensive attention and full affirmation from all walks of life. This series of articles selects and compiles some key articles published in recent years, which actively use Marxist positions, viewpoints, and methods to carry out specific and in-depth criticisms of various fallacies. We hope that the publication of this anthology will help the broad masses of cadres and people to further study Marxism, study well the series of important speeches of General Secretary Xi Jinping, transform them into sober theoretical consciousness, firm political conviction, and scientific thinking methods, and play a more active role in promoting the Sinicization, modernization and popularization of Marxism, promoting the innovation and development of the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, accelerating the construction of a philosophy and social science innovation system with Chinese characteristics, and consolidating and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics. is the order. June 2016(AI翻译)





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