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《中国绿色GDP绩效评估报告(2016年湖北卷)》发布后,引起了社会各界的强烈反响和积极期待。在发布会现场进行的调查问卷显示,多名专家认为该报告“具有开创性”、“很真实、很实在”,其研究思路、方法、结果等为湖北各地区绿色发展提出明晰科学参照体系,为我国开创绿色快速发展之路提供了可供借鉴和推广的思想理论、评估体系和方法论原则,对当今全国各地的绿色发展转型探索具有重要参考价值和启示意义,“希望推广至全国乃至全世界绿色发展的绩效评价”。多名专家明确建议,“尽快将其成果送达高层”,以湖北为试点尽快落实、推广,并加强持续跟踪研究,以绿色GDP绩效评估研究引领全国的绿色发展。发布会后,由《中国绿色GDP绩效评估报告(2016年湖北卷)》衍生出的“推广绿色GDP绩效评估 引领绿色发展方向”等多项理论成果,被中华人民共和国教育部、光明内参总编室、中共湖北省委员会、湖北省人民政府等机构采用。人民网、新华网、光明网、《民生周刊》、湖北电视台等30多家媒体,从不同层面对《中国绿色GDP绩效评估报告(2016年湖北卷)》的内容、观点进行了广泛报道,引起了强烈的社会反响。华中科技大学国家治理研究院绿色GDP绩效评估课题组,也将尽可能完善和发展绿色GDP绩效评估研究,适时推出系列研究报告等多项成果,助力全人类的绿色发展。

Indicative Abstract

Report on GreenGDPPerformance Evaluation of China(2016 Hubei Province)is the first lo-calGDPPerformance Evaluation published by the university think tank since the theory and prac-tice of GreenGDPhas become familiar to Chinese people.The report possesses three features.First,the report is based on the consensus reached by the internal and external GreenGDPtheories and practices and in the report a new evaluation system with Chinese characteristics from the trans-subject view is established.According the strictest sense of GreenGDPcontent and the statistical practice in China,the report under the guidance of management,political science,statistics,ecology etc,established the basic data statistic and evaluation index system and Statistics and Evaluation Index System.The report contains 3 first-grade indicators,eleven second-grade indicators,52 third-grade indicators and 45 sub-sectors and a new Matrix of two-dimensional index system is formu-lated.Second,the report via the advanced big data carried out the calculation and analysis on the evaluation target with the guarantee of objectivity and scientificity.The report has made the im-provement in the directivity of the past resources depletion and ecological loss in greenGDPalgo-rithms and under the basis of it the report has collected 41,8710 valid data in resources depletion,environment al loss and ecological loss from 2008 to 2014 covering 42 different industries.Big Da-ta Analysis Platform of Green Development is developed to process the collected data in a particu-lar manner and finally the Report on GreenGDPPerformance Evaluation of China(2016 Hubei Province)is presented in front of the public.Third,all the raw data come from the authoritative de-partments including Statistics Department of Hubei Province and Environmental Protection De-partment of Hubei Province.The theoretical description covers targets presented in a quantitative manner and also covers the qualitative theoretical analysis of the target.The research conclusion is of theoretical referenceable and practical value.

According to the calculation result,the Report on GreenGDPPerformance Evaluation of China(2016 Hubei Province)has made the ranking list of 17 regions,cities states of Hubei province on several green development indicators includingGDP,per capitaGDP,greenGDP,per capita greenGDPand green development indicator.The ranking is as follows.GDPranking of 17 cities of Hubei province in 2014: Wuhan、Yichang、Xiangyang、Jinzhou、Huanggang、Xiaogan、Jinmen、Huangshi、Shiyan、Xianning、Suizhou、Ezhou、Enshizhou、Xiantao、Qianjiang、Tianmen、Shennongjia.Per capitaGDPranking of 17 cities of Hubei province in 2014: Wuhan、Yichang、Ezhou、Qianjiang、Xiangyang、Huangshi、Xiantao、Jinmen、Xianning、Shiyan、Suizhou、Tianmen、Xiaogan、Shennongjia、Jinzhou、Huanggang、Enshizhou.GreenGDPranking of 17 cities of Hubei province in 2014: Wu-han、Xiangyang、Yichang、Huanggang、Jinzhou、Jinmen、Xiaogan、Shiyan、Huangshi、Xianning、Suizhou、Enshizhou、Xiantao、Qianjiang、Tianmen、Shennongjia.Per capitaGDPranking of 17 cities of Hubei province in 2014: Wuhan、Yichang、Ezhou、Xiangyang、Qianjiang、Xiantao、Jinmen、Huangshi、Xianning、Shiyan、Suizhou、Tianmen、Xiaogan、Shennongjia、Jinzhou、Huanggang、Enshizhou.Green development indica-tor: Wuhan、Xiantao、Xiangyang、Yichang、Tianmen、Qianjiang、Suizhou、Shiyan、Xianning、Huanggang、Jinmen、Shennongjia、Enshizhou、Jinzhou、Ezhou、Xiaogan、Huangshi.

According to the evaluation data,the Report on GreenGDPPerformance Evaluation of China(2016 Hubei Province)carries out the theoretical analysis on the status quo of green development of 17 regions,municipalities and prefectures of Hubei province and their characteristics and develop-ment trend relatively.It is reported that first the status quo of green development of different re-gions differ in an obvious manner.In 2014,every single indicator of Wuhan city ranks the first in Hubei province and along with Yichang and Xiangyang belong to the first grade judging from the comprehensive performance,while theGDP,per capitaGDP,GreenGDPand per capitaGDPof Jinzhou、Huanggang、Xi aogan、Shennongjia、Enshi、Ezhou、Xiantao、Qianjiang、Tianmen with at least two indicators rank after 12th.Several indicators of Jin-men、Huangshi、Shiyan、Xianning、Suizhou rank the about 8th,belonging to the mid-level.Second,many regions have entered into the period of medium and high-level growing rate.The year of 2010 and 2011 enjoy the fast growing ofGDP,per capitaGDP,GreenGDPand per ca-pitaGDP.The above indicators are generally below 10%.Third the green development trend in these areas present different characters for the first time.From 2008 to 2014,four indicators in Wuhan、Yichang、Shiyan、Ezhou、Huanggang、Jinmen、Shennongjia、Xianning on the whole maintain stable.The growing pace of GreenGDPand per capita GreenGDPsurpass the pace ofGDPand per capitaGDPfor the first time in Suizhou、Enshi、Jinzhou、Xiaogan and Xiantao.The GreenGDPand per capitaGDPof Huangshi、Tianmen and Xiangyang are below the pace ofGDPand per capitaGDPof these regions.

Research team thinks that there is a bright future for the green development of Hubei province and a corner overtaking in green development will be achieved via the scientific approach.Report on GreenGDPPerformance Evaluation of China(2016 Hubei Province)points out: first,Hubei province should be bold in making the reform,introduce the performance appraisal mechanism for green development and consolidate the role local governments at different levels play in promoting the green development.The statistic scope of local government ranges from the growth ofGDPas well as the energy resources and environment consumption.Production sectors should not only re-port the productivity but also the consumption of energy resources and environment.GreenGDPof governments at different levels should be ranked and the greenGDPperformance should be au-dited.Second,government at provincial level should streamline and delegate more power to lower level government and encourage governments at different levels to establish and introduce different policies for green enterprises.On the basis of development status quo,governments at higher level should take bold steps to delegate more power to government at lower level,establish the environmental taxation policy compatible to the local development on the prerequisite that the lower level government apply for the audit and authorization,provide the incentive policies for the green tech entrepreneurs such as low-interest loan,establish and introduce green enterprises,green technologies in consistent to the development goal of local government and provide jobs for green industry so as to create opportunities for development in an active manner.Third,green development needs full mobilization.Supervision of the green development and propaganda should be intro-duced.Long-term sound interactive mechanism should be established with the joint effort of gov-ernment,market and society in correspondent to the need of green development.Different sectors should play their role.Local governments at different levels should mobilize the environmental or-ganizations and masses of people to further enhance the propaganda.Local governments at different levels should have the courage to supervise,to show their sword in face of trouble and lead the entire society to change the way of living and production so as to embark on the road of green development.

The value direction and theoretical framework in the China's GreenGDPPerformance Evalua-tion Report(2016 Hubei Province)serve as the enlightenment to the green development of China and rest of the world.First,the evaluation system and approach adopted by theGDPperformance evaluation system provide experience of reference and promotion.The data adopted are published beforehand and the result calculated by the evaluation system objectively reflects the status quo of green development and foundation and qualification are already for the experience promotion.Second,the greenGDPperformance evaluation carried out by the research team hasmade positive exploration to break the eco-curse of economic development,the current global headache and thus provide the theoretical reference and methodological principles with Chinese characteristics.To balance the economic development while utilize the natural resources and protect the ecosystem in an efficient manner has become the global issue in the modern society.The report has initially constructed a framework of explanation and approach of management in this regard.Third,through the reversed transmission of the pressure to get something done,the greenGDPperformance evaluation research is expected to provide the accurate policy focus and operation advancing program for green development of China.GreenGDPperformance evaluation helps local governments find the targeted decision-making coordinate to pace up the green development transformation of economic society.Via the use of greenGDPperformance evaluation data,policy research on targeted in dustrial restructuring and environmental taxation are available to promote the modernization of state governance.

The release of Report on GreenGDPPerformance Evaluation of China(2016 Hubei Province)has aroused the great response and positive expectation.According to questionnaires collected in the publication,many experts consider the report groundbreaking,authentic and practical.Its re-search pattern,approach and result provide scientific reference for green development of different regions of Hubei province and also provide the theoretical reference and methodological principles with Chinese characteristics worth promoting.It is suggested that GreenGDPPerformance Evaluation be promoted to entire China and even the whole world,the result be reported to the high level as soon as possible and Hubei province as the trial be put into practice,promoted and traced so as to make the GreenGDPPerformance Evaluation lead the green development of China.The press conference for publication has derived many theoretical achievements including To Promote the GreenGDPPerformance Evaluation,To Provide the Guidance for Green development,etc.These achievements are adopted by the Ministry of Education,internal editor-inchief of Guangming News agency,Hubei Provincial Committee of CPC,People's Government of Hubei Province,etc and reported by more than 30 media including People's Network,Xinhua News Agency,Guangming Network,Minsheng Weekly and Hubei TV,etc from the perspective of its content and point of view in various manner.GreenGDPPerformance Evaluation Assessment Research Team of the Institute of State Governance of Huazhong University of Science and Technology will make the utmost effort to enhance the greenGDPPerformance Assessment research,launch several research reports and continue to make the share of contribution to the green development of humankind.

The "China Green GDP Performance Evaluation Report (2016 Hubei Volume)" is the first local green GDP performance evaluation report publicly released by a university think tank in the more than ten years since the theory and practice of "green GDP" has been silent in China. The report has three outstanding features, one of which is that the report creates a new evaluation system in line with China's national conditions with an interdisciplinary perspective and based on the existing consensus of domestic and foreign exploration of "green GDP" theory and practice. According to the scientific connotation of "green GDP" in the strictest sense, from the perspective of management, political science, statistics, ecology and other disciplines, and according to China's statistical practice, the report constructs a basic data statistics and evaluation index system for green GDP performance evaluation, as well as 3 first-level indicators, 11 second-level indicators, 52 third-level indicators, and 45 sub-industry statistics and evaluation index systems, forming a new "matrix" two-dimensional index system. The second is to use advanced big data technology and methods to carry out big data calculation and analysis on the evaluation object, and fully ensure the objectivity and scientific nature of data processing. The report fully improves the directivity of resource consumption and ecological loss in the previous green GDP algorithm, and on this basis, a total of 418,710 effective data on energy consumption, environmental loss and ecological loss in 42 different industries in 17 regions of Hubei Province from 2008 to 2014 were collected, and the "Green Development Big Data Analysis Platform" was specially developed to process the collected effective data, and finally formed the "China Green GDP Performance Evaluation Report (2016 Hubei Volume)". Third, all the original data of the report are from the public data of Hubei Provincial Bureau of Statistics, Hubei Provincial Environmental Protection Department and other authoritative departments, and the theoretical description of the full text not only has a quantitative and objective presentation of the assessment object, but also a qualitative theoretical analysis of the assessment object, and its research conclusions have both theoretical reference value and important practical guiding significance. According to the calculation results, the "China Green GDP Performance Evaluation Report (2016 Hubei Volume)" ranked the GDP, per capita GDP, green GDP, per capita green GDP and green development index of 17 prefectures, cities and prefectures in Hubei Province. According to the report, the GDP rankings of the 17 prefectures and prefectures in Hubei Province in 2014 were: Wuhan, Yichang, Xiangyang, Jingzhou, Huanggang, Xiaogan, Jingmen, Huangshi, Shiyan, Xianning, Suizhou, Ezhou, Enshizhou, Xiantao, Qianjiang, Tianmen and Shennongjia. In 2014, the per capita GDP of the 17 prefectures and prefectures in Hubei Province were: Wuhan, Yichang, Ezhou, Qianjiang, Xiangyang, Huangshi, Xiantao, Jingmen, Xianning, Shiyan, Suizhou, Tianmen, Xiaogan, Shennongjia, Jingzhou, Huanggang and Enshizhou. In 2014, the green GDP rankings of 17 prefectures and prefectures in Hubei Province were: Wuhan, Xiangyang, Yichang, Huanggang, Jingzhou, Jingmen, Xiaogan, Shiyan, Huangshi, Xianning, Suizhou, Ezhou, Enshizhou, Xiantao, Qianjiang, Tianmen and Shennongjia. In 2014, the per capita green GDP of 17 prefectures and prefectures in Hubei Province were: Wuhan, Yichang, Ezhou, Xiangyang, Qianjiang, Xiantao, Jingmen, Huangshi, Xianning, Shiyan, Suizhou, Tianmen, Xiaogan, Shennongjia, Jingzhou, Huanggang and Enshi Prefecture. In 2014, the green development index ranking of 17 prefectures and prefectures in Hubei Province was: Wuhan, Xiantao, Xiangyang, Yichang, Tianmen, Qianjiang, Suizhou, Shiyan, Xianning, Huanggang, Jingmen, Shennongjia, Enshizhou, Jingzhou, Ezhou, Xiaogan and Huangshi. According to the evaluation data, the "China Green GDP Performance Evaluation Report (2016 Hubei Volume)" provides a theoretical analysis of the green development status, characteristics and development trends of 17 prefectures, cities and prefectures in Hubei Province. The report believes that, first, the status quo of green development in different regions of Hubei Province is obviously different. In 2014, Wuhan ranked first in Hubei in all indicators, and belonged to the first echelon of Hubei's comprehensive green development performance with Yichang and Xiangyang. Jingzhou, Huanggang, Xiaogan, Shennongjia, Enshi, Ezhou, Xiantao, Qianjiang and Tianmen have more than two indicators behind the GDP, per capita GDP, green GDP, per capita green GDP and green development index. Jingmen, Huangshi, Shiyan, Xianning and Suizhou rank about 8th in terms of GDP, per capita GDP, green GDP, per capita green GDP, and green development indicators, and are in the middle of the stream. Second, all regions in Hubei Province have basically entered a period of medium-high growth in economic growth. 2010 and 2011 were the peak growth rates of GDP, per capita GDP, green GDP and per capita green GDP in 17 prefectures, cities and prefectures in Hubei Province. Since then, the growth rate of GDP, per capita GDP, green GDP and per capita green GDP in the 17 prefectures and prefectures of Hubei Province has generally been below 10%. Third, different regions in Hubei Province have begun to show green development trends with different characteristics. From the historical comparison of GDP growth, per capita GDP growth, green GDP growth rate and per capita green GDP growth rate of various regions in Hubei Province from 2008 to 2014, Wuhan, Yichang, Shiyan, Ezhou, Huanggang, Jingmen, Shennongjia, Xianning, etc. have certain stability, and the indicators have not fluctuated much. The growth rate of green GDP and per capita green GDP in Suizhou, Enshi, Jingzhou, Xiaogan, and Xiantao began to exceed the GDP growth rate and per capita GDP growth rate in the region. The growth rate of green GDP and per capita green GDP in Huangshi, Tianmen and Xiangyang are significantly lower than the GDP growth rate and per capita GDP growth rate in this region. The research group believes that Hubei Province not only has great prospects in green development, but also can achieve the curve of green development according to scientific means. The "China Green GDP Performance Assessment Report (2016 Hubei Volume)" pointed out that, first, Hubei Province needs to make bold changes, introduce a green development performance evaluation mechanism, and consolidate the main responsibility of local governments at all levels to promote green development. The statistical caliber of local statistical departments at all levels should not only count GDP growth, but also count how many resources and energy are consumed; While declaring its own achievements, each production capacity department must also declare the consumption of resources, energy and environment; It is necessary to rank the green GDP situation in various places and implement the green GDP performance audit of cadres. Second, provincial governments need to streamline administration and delegate power, and encourage local governments to actively formulate different policies for the establishment and introduction of green enterprises. On the basis of facing up to the reality of local development, the higher-level government needs to boldly delegate power, allowing the lower-level government to actively formulate environmental tax policies that are compatible with the development of the region on the premise of submitting the approval of the higher-level competent authorities for review, provide low-interest loans and other incentive policies for green technology entrepreneurs, actively establish and introduce green enterprises and green technologies consistent with local development goals, provide green jobs, and create new development opportunities. Third, green development requires the mobilization of all employees to build a whole-of-society implementation and promotion mechanism such as supervision and public opinion publicity for green development. Green development requires the government, the market and society to work together to build a long-term benign interaction mechanism, each performing its own duties; Local governments at all levels also need to actively mobilize the strength of social environmental protection organizations and the people, further strengthen the publicity of public opinion on green development, dare to supervise, dare to show the sword, dare to disclose information, lead the whole society to change production and lifestyle, and consciously embark on the road of green development. The value orientation and theoretical framework contained in the "China Green GDP Performance Evaluation Report (2016 Hubei Volume)" have important enlightenment significance for China and other countries in the world to promote green development. First, the green GDP performance evaluation system and method adopted in the report provide important experience for reference and promotion for the national and even wider green GDP performance evaluation. The data used in this achievement are all publicly released data, and the results measured through the indicator system and evaluation method truly and objectively reflect the reality of green development in Hubei, and have the basis and conditions for experience promotion. Second, the green GDP performance evaluation research carried out by the research group has made useful explorations to solve the global and modern problem of breaking the ecological curse of economic growth, and provided China's theoretical reference and methodological principles. How to achieve sustainable green development while steadily developing the economy while rationally utilizing natural resources and effectively protecting the ecological environment has become a global issue for mankind to enter modern society. The results of this project have initially constructed their own interpretation framework and governance approach in this regard. Third, the green GDP performance evaluation research is expected to provide precise policy focus and feasible promotion plans for China's green development through the forced mechanism. Green GDP performance evaluation can provide local governments at all levels to accelerate the green development transformation of economy and society, and provide decision-making coordinates to recognize reality and find the right direction. The government can effectively use the green GDP performance evaluation data to carry out targeted policy research on industrial restructuring and environmental tax collection, and accelerate the modernization of national governance. After the release of the "China Green GDP Performance Evaluation Report (2016 Hubei Volume)", it has aroused strong repercussions and positive expectations from all walks of life. According to the questionnaire conducted at the press conference, many experts believe that the report is "groundbreaking", "very real and very real", and its research ideas, methods and results put forward a clear scientific reference system for the green development of various regions in Hubei, and provide the ideological theory, evaluation system and methodological principles for China to create a road of green and rapid development, which has important reference value and enlightenment significance for the exploration of green development transformation across the country today." It is hoped that it will be extended to the performance evaluation of green development throughout the country and even the world." A number of experts clearly suggested that "the results should be delivered to the top level as soon as possible", and Hubei should be used as a pilot to implement and promote as soon as possible, and continuous follow-up research should be strengthened, so as to lead the green development of the country with green GDP performance evaluation research. After the press conference, a number of theoretical achievements such as "Promoting Green GDP Performance Evaluation and Leading the Direction of Green Development" derived from the "China Green GDP Performance Evaluation Report (2016 Hubei Volume)" were adopted by the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China, the Guangming Internal Staff General Editor's Office, the Hubei Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Hubei Provincial People's Government and other institutions. More than 30 media, including People's Daily News, Xinhua Net, Guangming Net, Minsheng Weekly, and Hubei Television, have widely reported on the content and views of the "China Green GDP Performance Evaluation Report (2016 Hubei Volume)" from different levels, which has aroused strong social repercussions. The Green GDP Performance Evaluation Research Group of the National Governance Research Institute of Huazhong University of Science and Technology will also improve and develop green GDP performance evaluation research as much as possible, and launch a series of research reports and other achievements in a timely manner to help the green development of all mankind. Indicative AbstractReport on GreenGDPPerformance Evaluation of China(2016 Hubei Province)is the first lo-calGDPPerformance Evaluation published by the university think tank since the theory and prac-tice of GreenGDPhas become familiar to Chinese people. The report possesses three features. First,the report is based on the consensus reached by the internal and external GreenGDPtheories and practices and in the report a new evaluation system with Chinese characteristics from the trans-subject view is established. According the strictest sense of GreenGDPcontent and the statistical practice in China,the report under the guidance of management,political science,statistics,ecology etc,established the basic data statistic and evaluation index system and Statistics and Evaluation Index System.The report contains 3 first-grade indicators,eleven second-grade indicators,52 third-grade indicators and 45 sub-sectors and a new Matrix of two-dimensional index system is formu-lated. Second,the report via the advanced big data carried out the calculation and analysis on the evaluation target with the guarantee of objectivity and scientificity. The report has made the im-provement in the directivity of the past resources depletion and ecological loss in greenGDPalgo-rithms and under the basis of it the report has collected 41,8710 valid data in resources depletion,environment al loss and ecological loss from 2008 to 2014 covering 42 different industries. Big Da-ta Analysis Platform of Green Development is developed to process the collected data in a particu-lar manner and finally the Report on GreenGDPPerformance Evaluation of China(2016 Hubei Province)is presented in front of the public. Third,all the raw data come from the authoritative de-partments including Statistics Department of Hubei Province and Environmental Protection De-partment of Hubei Province.The theoretical description covers targets presented in a quantitative manner and also covers the qualitative theoretical analysis of the target. The research conclusion is of theoretical referenceable and practical value. According to the calculation result,the Report on GreenGDPPerformance Evaluation of China(2016 Hubei Province)has made the ranking list of 17 regions,cities states of Hubei province on several green development indicators includingGDP,per capitaGDP,greenGDP,per capita greenGDPand green development indicator. The ranking is as follows. GDPranking of 17 cities of Hubei province in 2014: Wuhan、Yichang、Xiangyang、Jinzhou、Huanggang、Xiaogan、Jinmen、Huangshi、Shiyan、Xianning、Suizhou、Ezhou、Enshizhou、Xiantao、Qianjiang、 Tianmen、Shennongjia.Per capitaGDPranking of 17 cities of Hubei province in 2014: Wuhan、Yichang、Ezhou、Qianjiang、Xiangyang、Huangshi、Xiantao、Jinmen、Xianning、Shiyan、Suizhou、Tianmen 、Xiaogan、Shennongjia、Jinzhou、Huanggang、Enshizhou.GreenGDPranking of 17 cities of Hubei province in 2014: Wu-han、Xiangyang、Yichang、Huanggang、Jinzhou、Jinmen、Xiaogan、Shiyan、 Huangshi、Xianning、Suizhou、Enshizhou、Xiantao、Qianjiang、Tianmen、Shennongjia.Per capitaGDPranking of 17 cities of Hubei province in 2014: Wuhan、Yichang、Ezhou、Xiangyang、Qianjiang、 Xiantao、Jinmen、Huangshi、Xianning、Shiyan、Suizhou、Tianmen、Xiaogan、Shennongjia、Jinzhou、Huanggang、Enshizhou.Green development indica-tor: Wuhan、Xiantao、Xiangyang、Yichang、 Tianmen、Qianjiang、Suizhou、Shiyan、Xianning、Huanggang、Jinmen、Shennongjia、Enshizhou、Jinzhou、Ezhou、Xiaogan、Huangshi.According to the evaluation data,the Report on GreenGDPPerformance Evaluation of China(2016 Hubei Province)carries out the theoretical analysis on the status quo of green development of 17 regions,municipalities and prefectures of Hubei province and their characteristics and develop-ment trend relatively. It is reported that first the status quo of green development of different re-gions differ in an obvious manner. In 2014,every single indicator of Wuhan city ranks the first in Hubei province and along with Yichang and Xiangyang belong to the first grade judging from the comprehensive performance,while theGDP,per capitaGDP,GreenGDPand per capitaGDPof Jinzhou、Huanggang、Xi aogan、Shennongjia、Enshi、Ezhou、Xiantao、Qianjiang、Tianmen with at least two indicators rank after 12th. Several indicators of Jin-men、Huangshi、Shiyan、Xianning、Suizhou rank the about 8th,belonging to the mid-level. Second,many regions have entered into the period of medium and high-level growing rate. The year of 2010 and 2011 enjoy the fast growing ofGDP,per capitaGDP,GreenGDPand per ca-pitaGDP.The above indicators are generally below 10%. Third the green development trend in these areas present different characters for the first time. From 2008 to 2014,four indicators in Wuhan、Yichang、Shiyan、Ezhou、Huanggang、Jinmen、Shennongjia、Xianning on the whole maintain stable. The growing pace of GreenGDPand per capita GreenGDPsurpass the pace ofGDPand per capitaGDPfor the first time in Suizhou、Enshi、Jinzhou、Xiaogan and Xiantao.The GreenGDPand per capitaGDPof Huangshi、Tianmen and Xiangyang are below the pace ofGDPand per capitaGDPof these regions. Research team thinks that there is a bright future for the green development of Hubei province and a corner overtaking in green development will be achieved via the scientific approach. Report on GreenGDPPerformance Evaluation of China(2016 Hubei Province)points out: first,Hubei province should be bold in making the reform,introduce the performance appraisal mechanism for green development and consolidate the role local governments at different levels play in promoting the green development. The statistic scope of local government ranges from the growth ofGDPas well as the energy resources and environment consumption. Production sectors should not only re-port the productivity but also the consumption of energy resources and environment. GreenGDPof governments at different levels should be ranked and the greenGDPperformance should be au-dited. Second,government at provincial level should streamline and delegate more power to lower level government and encourage governments at different levels to establish and introduce different policies for green enterprises. On the basis of development status quo,governments at higher level should take bold steps to delegate more power to government at lower level,establish the environmental taxation policy compatible to the local development on the prerequisite that the lower level government apply for the audit and authorization,provide the incentive policies for the green tech entrepreneurs such as low-interest loan,establish and introduce green enterprises,green technologies in consistent to the development goal of local government and provide jobs for green industry so as to create opportunities for development in an active manner. Third,green development needs full mobilization. Supervision of the green development and propaganda should be intro-duced. Long-term sound interactive mechanism should be established with the joint effort of gov-ernment,market and society in correspondent to the need of green development. Different sectors should play their role. Local governments at different levels should mobilize the environmental or-ganizations and masses of people to further enhance the propaganda. Local governments at different levels should have the courage to supervise,to show their sword in face of trouble and lead the entire society to change the way of living and production so as to embark on the road of green development. The value direction and theoretical framework in the China's GreenGDPPerformance Evalua-tion Report(2016 Hubei Province)serve as the enlightenment to the green development of China and rest of the world. First,the evaluation system and approach adopted by theGDPperformance evaluation system provide experience of reference and promotion. The data adopted are published beforehand and the result calculated by the evaluation system objectively reflects the status quo of green development and foundation and qualification are already for the experience promotion. Second,the greenGDPperformance evaluation carried out by the research team hasmade positive exploration to break the eco-curse of economic development,the current global headache and thus provide the theoretical reference and methodological principles with Chinese characteristics. To balance the economic development while utilize the natural resources and protect the ecosystem in an efficient manner has become the global issue in the modern society. The report has initially constructed a framework of explanation and approach of management in this regard. Third,through the reversed transmission of the pressure to get something done,the greenGDPperformance evaluation research is expected to provide the accurate policy focus and operation advancing program for green development of China.GreenGDPperformance evaluation helps local governments find the targeted decision-making coordinate to pace up the green development transformation of economic society. Via the use of greenGDPperformance evaluation data,policy research on targeted in dustrial restructuring and environmental taxation are available to promote the modernization of state governance. The release of Report on GreenGDPPerformance Evaluation of China(2016 Hubei Province)has aroused the great response and positive expectation. According to questionnaires collected in the publication,many experts consider the report groundbreaking,authentic and practical. Its re-search pattern,approach and result provide scientific reference for green development of different regions of Hubei province and also provide the theoretical reference and methodological principles with Chinese characteristics worth promoting. It is suggested that GreenGDPPerformance Evaluation be promoted to entire China and even the whole world,the result be reported to the high level as soon as possible and Hubei province as the trial be put into practice,promoted and traced so as to make the GreenGDPPerformance Evaluation lead the green development of China.The press conference for publication has derived many theoretical achievements including To Promote the GreenGDPPerformance Evaluation,To Provide the Guidance for Green development,etc. These achievements are adopted by the Ministry of Education,internal editor-inchief of Guangming News agency,Hubei Provincial Committee of CPC,People's Government of Hubei Province,etc and reported by more than 30 media including People's Network,Xinhua News Agency,Guangming Network,Minsheng Weekly and Hubei TV,etc from the perspective of its content and point of view in various manner. GreenGDPPerformance Evaluation Assessment Research Team of the Institute of State Governance of Huazhong University of Science and Technology will make the utmost effort to enhance the greenGDPPerformance Assessment research,launch several research reports and continue to make the share of contribution to the green development of humankind.(AI翻译)





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