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Since the reform and opening up, China's economy has achieved rapid development driven by the policy of allowing some people to get rich first. However, many studies have shown that China's economic development has the characteristics of falling absolute poverty and rising relative poverty, which means that China's income inequality has worsened to some extent, which means that many people in China are still not fully enjoying the benefits of economic development. In addition, China's social structure is undergoing great changes, and classes have begun to divide, and different classes have different levels in the possession and distribution of social resources such as income, prestige, and power. In the context of China's rapid economic growth, there are still many questions about whether the economic status of various strata has undergone fundamental changes, whether the degree of sharing the fruits of economic growth is different, and whether there is inequality in the ownership of resources by various strata. Therefore, it is of great sociological significance to judge whether economic growth is beneficial to poverty and its extent, and to study the benefits of economic growth from the perspective of class. Based on the understanding of the dynamic changes of poverty in China from 1989 to 2009, this book adopts non-anonymous methods to measure and decompose the effects of China's pro-poor growth and pro-group growth. Cross-sectional regression and income dynamic distribution analysis methods were used to study the convergence of income levels and income growth rates between poor and non-poor people and between different social classes. Then, from the perspectives of human capital, household property, social capital and natural capital, the influencing factors affecting the growth of pro-poor and pro-group growth in China are studied, and then the inequality and opportunity inequality of key influencing factors are measured and decomposed, and the differences at the household level and group level are analyzed. The main research contents and conclusions are as follows. First, through a literature review of poverty theory, pro-poor growth theory and inequality theory, it is pointed out that although the poverty measurement index cannot meet all the axiomatic criteria, it is still an admissible index, and the shortcomings in the poverty measurement are correspondingly reflected in the pro-poor growth measurement. Due to the advantages of the Gini coefficient measurement, it is more appropriate to use the Gini coefficient for measurement and decomposition when the contribution of the cross term is relatively small. In the case of severe cross-terms, in order to decompose the intra-group contribution and inter-group contribution more obviously, it is more appropriate to use the generalized entropy index. Second, it evaluates China's dynamic poverty from 1989 to 2009, analyzes the extent and characteristics of long-term poverty and temporary poverty, and analyzes the changes in the economic status of the poor after poverty alleviation from the perspective of long-term and short-term income transfer matrices. Studies show that the change in China's poverty situation depends more on the degree of poverty reduction in rural areas, and future poverty alleviation efforts need to pay more attention to long-term poor rural families while balancing urban and rural poverty. Due to the large number of low-income households in rural China, the incidence of rural poverty is more sensitive to the increase of the poverty line. The proportion of long-term poverty and temporary poverty among rural households is higher than that in urban areas, and it is relatively difficult to get rid of poverty. In the short term, non-poor households located near the poverty line are more likely to fall into poverty, but in the long run, non-poor households at different income levels tend to be more likely to fall into poverty. The first two years after poverty alleviation are the years of high incidence of returning to poverty, and the probability of returning to poverty after that is low. In the short and long run, poor people with different income levels have the opportunity to enter the top of social income, but this opportunity is relatively small. Third, based on the non-anonymous method, according to the dynamic poverty line, the two indexes of poverty growth index and poverty reduction equivalent growth rate were transformed, and the poverty growth degree of China from 1989 to 2009 was measured and decomposed from the national and urban and rural levels. The results show that in the 20 years from 1989 to 2009, economic development was low and pro-rich, and the income growth rate of the rich was higher than that of the poor. Economic growth shows the characteristics of moderate prosperity growth in urban areas, while low prosperity growth in rural areas. There are certain differences between urban and rural targets in sharing the benefits of economic growth, the rural rich benefit from economic growth less than the urban rich, and the urban poor benefit less from economic growth than the rural poor, but economic growth is more beneficial to the rich in both urban and rural areas. Decline in absolute poverty, in which worsening income distribution and rising poverty lines offset about half of the poverty reduction effect of economic growth; Relative poverty has risen, with the effect of economic growth and poverty reduction largely offset by the rise in the poverty line. Fourth, according to occupational stratification, the income growth of various social classes in China is comparatively analyzed, and the degree of benefit of each stratum in China's economic growth is analyzed by constructing the growth rate of Liqun growth, group growth curve and Liqun growth index. The study finds that during the transition period, state and social managers, enterprise operators and senior professional and technical personnel are the highest beneficiary class, general professional and technical personnel and clerical personnel are the middle beneficiary class, individual industrial and commercial enterprises and industrial workers are the equal beneficiary class, and commercial service personnel, agricultural workers and urban and rural unemployed people are the non-beneficiary class. Fifth, on the basis of the inter-provincial spatial correlation test, the Barro parsistic regression equation and dynamic income distribution analysis methods are adopted to study the absolute convergence of income levels and income growth rates between poor and non-poor people and between various strata. The results show that using the relative poverty line as the poverty criterion, the absolute convergence test shows that the per capita income and poverty incidence rate between provinces do not show absolute β convergence. The income level of the inter-provincial poor is unimodal convergence, and the per capita income of the inter-provincial rich is also unimodal convergence. In addition, China's social classes show a convergence of clubs in terms of income levels, of which the first club is a high-income club, including state and social managers, business operators, senior professional and technical personnel, and individual industrial and commercial enterprises; The second club is the middle-income club, which includes general professional and technical workers, clerical workers, business service personnel and industrial workers; The third club is the low-income club, which includes agricultural workers and the unemployed (unemployed, semi-unemployed) in urban and rural areas. Sixth, taking household property, human capital, social capital and natural capital as the main influencing factors, and using a combination of panel quantile regression and cross-sectional quantile regression model, the main influencing factors of income growth at the household level and individual level are studied. The study shows that in terms of the factors influencing the increase of household income, the education level of the head of the household, the age of the head of the household, the size of the family, the cultural level of the family labor, social capital, family property, the natural environment and public goods have a significant impact on the increase of household income, the gender of the head of the household and the marital status of the head of the household have no significant impact, and the number of labor force and urban-rural division only have a significant impact on low- and middle-income families. The increase of individual income is not significantly related to the situation of the head of household, the family size only has a significant impact on the increase in the income of middle-income family members, the urban and rural factors only have a significant impact on the increase of income of the middle and low-income class, and family property is a strong support for the increase of family members' income. Education level and age have a significant impact on individual income increase, gender and marriage only have a significant impact on the income increase of middle-income groups, and the most profitable social capital comes from government agencies or institutions. Seventh, measure and break down the inequities of human capital, political capital, natural capital, and health care for the poor and non-poor, as well as different social classes. On this basis, research is carried out on the fairness of opportunities in higher education, the fairness of opportunities to enter the government or public institutions, and the fairness of opportunities to enjoy social security. The results show that the balance of household human capital is increasing, the inequality of social capital is increasing, and medical security is basically universalized. The inequality of access to higher education has declined, the degree of unequal access to government or public institutions has increased, and the degree of inequality of access to health care has been greatly reduced. The research in this book points out: First, China's economic development needs to implement a pro-poor growth strategy. Economic growth policy packages should target vulnerable groups and not neglect income distribution in economic growth, such as government investment that is closely related to vulnerable groups themselves. Second, it is necessary to achieve the economic development goal of non-destructive and equitable growth. Economic development should be non-destructive and equitable, and this equity, measured by results, requires that inequalities in other quality-of-life indicators, including income levels, be free and that institutions be designed to ensure equal opportunities. Third, promote fairness in choosing jobs and eliminate barriers to class solidification. Eliminate the inequality of urban and rural job choices through urbanization, achieve a balanced human capital through the popularization of higher education, promote fairness in job selection, and eliminate class solidification. Fourth, realize household urbanization and eliminate inequality in the natural environment. The direction of urbanization must take the natural environment as an important consideration, rather than simply defining it in rural areas, and give priority to the overall relocation of families with poor natural environment. At the same time, urbanization needs to pay attention to the cultivation of family survival and development ability, urbanization needs to reduce their living costs, ensure that they have a certain source of income, and then achieve a fundamental improvement in the living conditions of urbanized families by exchanging time for space. Fifth, promote educational equity and increase the stock of human capital of households. China's education inequality is shifting from quantitative inequality to quality inequality, and the inequality in education quality is very serious. Inequalities in the quality of lower and upper secondary education have been passed on to inequalities in access to quality higher education, and it is urgent to address inequalities in the quality of education at the primary, lower and upper secondary levels. Sixth, strengthen the provision of rural public goods and quasi-public goods, and promote the equal sharing of public resources. While strengthening the provision of rural public goods and quasi-public goods, it is necessary to emphasize the principle of rational planning and categorical provision, and provide key public goods and quasi-public goods that are more effective for local economic development according to the economic development level of different rural areas.(AI翻译)





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