What's the basis of good life?This is human's fundamental issue that political philosophy focuses on and also shows ultimate concern for human's existence.Moreover,in different times,it appears with different forms.Hence,this issue is identical between the two— the times and human' s fundamentality.
Habermas‘political philosophy is how to pay close attention to human's historical existence and what's the process of realizing the integration of truth in current times.Therefore,“What's the basis of good life?”is embodied in the issue“how to integrate the values with diversities”.With the breaking up of rationality,its diversities in practice standards have sprung up in real life,and the incompatible conflicts are presented before the world as well,which is how rationality itself realizes its discourse.Just as Habermas puts forward,realizing the identical of life can be built up on the basis of rationality.Naturally,the integration of this kind is no more based on the acknowledged rationality to principal philosophy,but enables rationality to come back to practice again and renew its implication in practice,namely the emergence of communication rationality by Habermas'。
Communication rationality makes break-up truth standards integrated efficiently in dialogue structure.Communication consensus reached through dialogue is definitely the integrated truth efficiency.The efficiency of this kind constitutes the practice regulations for human's co-existence and points out the direction for future.Therefore,so far as Habermas' political philosophy is concerned,the rules in the essence of life with high qualities is rationality/to live rationally,namely on the basis of communication rationality,truth should be integrated and the identical of life rebuilt correspondingly,which is the significance of human's life.
Because morality and politics are included in the significance of human's practice,Habermas' study is certainly transferred to the two fields after he has constructed his own theory in terms of primitive theory.Thus,Habermas' political philosophy consists of primitive theory,morality theory,and politics theory.Through them is permeated the way how the communication rationality is combined with truth in practice,and how the practical life should be rebuilt to seek the truth in human's activities.He has renewed the publicity and value factors of classical politics,criticized the excessive technology controlling in modern politics,and especially opposed to the technology politics as a token of controlling.So,for Habermas' part,politics and morality have become significant fields for human's co-existence.
Moral consensus formed in public fields is the basis of political legality; the law formulated in political fields is the embodiment of truth.When people take truth as their act rules,or truth understandings as co-existence aim,human's existence value also gets embodied.As a result,as Habermas thinks,politics is becoming the highest significance fields for human's living.Its concrete form for realizing it is the world government as a core of deliberative democracy.
Key words: Habermas Communication rationality rational life discourse principle
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