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基金信息: 国家社科基金项目研究成果(06BJL057);华中科技大学文科著作出版基金资助 展开



Throughout May to September 2008, the author worked day and night despite the scorching heat in Wuhan to write the research report of the National Social Science Fund project that the author presided. Finally, by October 2008, the first draft of the book - a total report of nearly 300,000 words of project research - was submitted to the Social Science Planning Office. After that, the author fell seriously ill and has not fully recovered. By June 2009, the author received anonymous comments from the project review experts organized by the Social Science Planning Office, and based on the experts' revisions, the author made the first revision of the research report for publication. Due to the insufficient final payment of the social science fund to cover the publication expenses, the author applied for the Huazhong University of Science and Technology Liberal Arts Publication Grant in November 2009, and again accepted the anonymous review organized by the Department of Liberal Arts and Sciences of our university. Regarding the innovation and research features of this book, the introduction and conclusion of this book have been explained, and here I would like to explain that some scholars may have some objections to the views of this book. The issue of overconcentration is a focus of this book's research, and some scholars argue that market mechanisms can allow cities to find their optimal size, and therefore the government should not interfere with the expansion of large cities. At the policy level, some scholars believe that we should make full use of the agglomeration economy of large eastern cities such as Shanghai and Beijing to improve industrial competitiveness and achieve urbanization through the transfer of population to large eastern cities. These seemingly plausible ideas actually have a big theoretical loophole. The author believes that this theoretical loophole is an important theoretical finding of this book: the non-matching nature of aggregating economies and aggregating uneconomic bearers. Traditional urban economics theory believes that the effective size of the city reflects a balance between higher production efficiency and higher cost of living generated by production and population concentration, with the increase of city size, the agglomeration economy changes in an "S" curve, the agglomeration economy changes in a "U" curve, and the city size when the agglomeration economy and the agglomeration diseconomy are equal is the optimal size of the city. According to this theoretical view, it seems that market mechanisms can enable cities to find their optimal size. However, the main bearer of the agglomeration economy (mainly refers to production efficiency) is the manufacturer, and the main bearer of the agglomeration economy (mainly including housing and transportation costs) is workers and consumers, in many realistic situations (such as the severe employment situation), workers can not pass the agglomeration economy to the manufacturer through wage negotiations, manufacturers can ignore the agglomeration diseconomy of the big city and continue to invest in the big city, which will inevitably lead to excessive concentration. "What is the criterion for excessive concentration? Does the excessive concentration of large cities such as Shanghai and Beijing mean a shift from manufacturing to tertiary industries in these cities? This book provides preliminary answers to these questions, although they need to be studied in more depth. First of all, the sign of excessive concentration is mainly excessive housing and transportation costs, and its judgment standard is the reasonable allocation of resources, which is not simple and direct, but under certain conditions, it can be judged by comparing the real income of large and small urban workers considering the cost of living. The excessive concentration of a large city does not necessarily mean the transformation of the city's manufacturing industry to the tertiary industry, but the decentralization of all industries to other cities and small and medium-sized cities or the control of further investment. On the basis of the theoretical research of excessive concentration, this book studies the existence of rural surplus labor in China, the urbanization of migrant workers, the formation of polycentric metropolitan areas, and the layout of national industrial centers. This book is part of the research series "New Industrialization Road and Industrial Structure Optimization and Upgrading" chaired by Professor Zhang Jianhua. The actual constraints of resources and environment and the actual background of international industrial competition require that China's urbanization and coordinated regional development cannot follow the industrialization road that developed countries have taken in the past, but must take the road of new industrialization, and can only be realized in the process of industrial structure optimization and upgrading, and China's industrial structure optimization and upgrading and new industrialization must also be truly completed on the basis of urbanization and coordinated regional development. If only the eastern region or some large cities have achieved new-type industrialization and industrial structure optimization, while the vast central and western regions are still in the backward industrial structure and backward industrialization stage, then our country cannot be regarded as truly realizing new-type industrialization and industrial structure optimization. Therefore, China's new industrialization path and industrial structure optimization and upgrading are complementary and inherently consistent with China's urbanization and coordinated regional development. If we want to achieve coordinated regional development, if we want to achieve the coordinated development of eastern cities and central and western cities, the third chapter of this book believes that market forces alone cannot be achieved, the main reason is the non-matching nature of agglomeration economy and agglomeration of uneconomic bearers, the market cannot automatically match the agglomeration economy and agglomeration diseconomy, the competitiveness of the vast majority of industries in eastern cities exceeds the industrial competitiveness of central and western cities, therefore, chapters 8 and 9 of this book believe, We must adopt a tilted policy to build a star city in the central and western regions, and we must face the future vacancy positioning, choose the sunrise industry as the leading industry of the central and western cities, and realize the spatial optimization of China's industrial structure. If only the backward industries in the eastern cities are transferred to the central and western cities, coordinated regional development may never be achieved. May this book contribute to the rational distribution of China's production and population, the development of regional municipalities and the healthy promotion of urbanization! Fan Hongzhong at Room 336, School of Economics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, March 28, 2010(AI翻译)





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