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The Handbook of the Belt and Road







基金信息: 国家社会科学基金 展开




首先,“一带一路”倡议的基本理念和主体思路,已经为中国改革开放时期的发展和分享的经验所验证。中国过去40年的历程,为经济史提供了一个同时做大蛋糕和分好蛋糕的成功案例。1978—2015年期间,在实际GDP总量和人均GDP分别增长了29 倍和20倍的同时,伴随着经济增长就业不断扩大,城乡居民收入得到极大改善,实际消费水平提高了 16 倍,并且与劳动生产率(用劳均GDP衡量,其间提高了16.7 倍)总体上实现了同步。进入21世纪以来,实施西部开发和中部崛起等区域发展战略,改善了中西部地区的交通状况、基础设施条件、基本公共服务保障能力和人力资本水平。随着投资和发展环境显著改善,中西部地区承接制造业转移的能力得到提高。










All countries in the world are at different stages of development and have their own histories and cultures, but the peoples of all countries share the same aspirations for peace and development. Raising the level of economic and social development of the country with poverty alleviation and improving the quality of life of the people as the basic symbol is also the goal and continuous commitment of the rulers of various countries. At the same time, people tend to agree that any country should take into account other countries when seeking its own development, and that the common development of all countries is the sustainability of a country's development. Since Xi Jinping assumed the presidency of China in 2013, the concept of building a community with a shared future for mankind has been widely recognized by the international community, and the concept itself has been enshrined in a series of United Nations resolutions. A common aspiration for development does not mean a single path or a single model, but allows for diversification, localization and modernization of development pathways. However, countries also face some common obstacles on the road to development, such as bottlenecks in capital accumulation, inequality in international economic and trade relations, insufficient infrastructure capacity, difficulties in human capital cultivation, lack of human resource mobilization capacity and inefficient allocation, and so on. Therefore, while recognizing and encouraging the diversity of models, all countries in the world, especially developing countries, urgently need a strategic development strategy framework that is conducive to creating the necessary conditions for development, breaking bottlenecks in key areas, learning from successful experiences and learning lessons from failures, and at the same time giving each country a full choice of space. The Belt and Road Initiative proposed by Chinese President Xi Jinping in 2013 is one such open framework. First of all, the basic concept and main ideas of the "Belt and Road" initiative have been verified by the development and experience shared by China during the period of reform and opening up. China's history over the past 40 years has provided a successful case of economic history in making the cake bigger and sharing it well. During the period from 1978 to 2015, while the total real GDP and per capita GDP increased by 29 times and 20 times respectively, with the continuous expansion of economic growth and employment, the income of urban and rural residents was greatly improved, the real consumption level increased by 16 times, and it was generally synchronized with labor productivity (measured by per labor GDP, which increased by 16.7 times). Since the beginning of the 21st century, the implementation of regional development strategies such as the development of the western region and the rise of the central region has improved the transportation situation, infrastructure conditions, basic public service guarantee capacity and human capital level in the central and western regions. With the significant improvement of the investment and development environment, the ability of the central and western regions to undertake the transfer of manufacturing has been improved. Second, the Belt and Road Initiative adheres to the principle of consultation, co-construction and sharing. The initiative does not simply borrow the symbols of the ancient land and maritime Silk Roads, but also has deeper historical meaning and practical enlightenment. From a larger historical depth, this symbol implies the negation of traditional Western-centrism, and emphasizes the role of mutual communication and mutual learning between Eastern and Western civilizations in the history of human development. From a broader historical perspective, this symbol contains a new concept of how to break the content and mode of global public goods supply centered on traditional hegemonic countries, and pay more attention to the eradication of global poverty through the participation of all countries. Third, the Belt and Road Initiative captures infrastructure construction, a key constraint that countries face. In almost all countries along the "Belt and Road" and related countries, there are bottlenecks with weak infrastructure such as transportation and energy, which have long restricted investment efficiency and industrial development, and also prevented many countries from fully enjoying the dividends of economic globalization. China initiates and takes the lead in investment, and with the help of financing institutions such as the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, the BRICS New Development Bank, and the Silk Road Fund, cooperation with relevant countries and regions in infrastructure building capacity can be expected to greatly improve the infrastructure conditions of developing countries, as shown by its own western development strategy. Finally, the Belt and Road Initiative provides ample space for countries to explore development models suitable for themselves according to their national conditions. To shake off poverty and move towards modernization, every country needs to base itself on its national conditions and rely on its inherent determination and efforts to remove various obstacles in terms of development momentum and institutional environment. If there is anything outsiders can do meaningfully, whether calling it an international public good or not, it is undoubtedly to provide useful knowledge, including lessons learned from previous successes in other contexts, necessary help in building software and hardware infrastructure, and easy access and effective market investment opportunities. The Belt and Road Initiative is such an initiative that can be built and shared in parallel with the needs and efforts of each country. Since Xi Jinping's initiative in 2013, the Belt and Road Initiative has been rapidly transformed into action, reflected in the establishment of a series of international cooperation mechanisms, the implementation of cooperation projects, and the harvest of some early achievements. However, there is no consensus in the understanding of this initiative and action, as well as doubts, misunderstandings and even intentional distortions. This is also not surprising. After all, just as any activity in human society must go through a process of continuous exploration and understanding, and any cooperative cause needs to be constantly tempered by all parties involved, the "Belt and Road" initiative is inherently open in nature, and it is also necessary to accumulate experience, improve concepts and enhance consensus in its implementation. Therefore, at each stage of the initiative's practice, it was necessary to take stock of the progress made, assess the experience gained and confirm the consensus reached. This manual can be regarded as a phased summary of the initial achievements of the theory and practice of the "Belt and Road" so far. The writing was written by researchers from various fields and sought to reflect the original intentions and principles, history and current situation, basic knowledge and latest research results related to the concept and practice of the Belt and Road. The editors of this handbook do not expect it to serve as a guiding document for theory and practice, but hope that it will be a guide to the researchers, practitioners and observers involved in the construction of the Belt and Road, as well as interested general readers. The content of the text may not reflect the latest developments, mistakes are inevitable, and the author and editor-in-chief sincerely expect criticism from readers. Cai Fang: Vice President and Member of the Faculty of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Chairman of the National Global Strategy Think Tank of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, April 25, 2018(AI翻译)





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