It is a world suffused with technology,and technology is the mostsignificant phenomenon in teaching.Most of the previous researches either criticized the negative consequences of technology with a humanism stand or took the empirical way to prove some technical means of the pros and cons of teaching.Few people tried to review teaching from the technical point of view and constructed a teaching theory.It is the main purpose for this research to construct a theoretical framework to help people think over the technical problems in teaching,and the technical nature of teaching is the concept to generalize this topic.
Since technology means the alleviation of difference between the people's idea and the actual things,the technical process is constantly creating new things to validate new ideas.From our point of view,the technical nature of teaching consist of the creativity,embodiment and purposiveness.We discuss it from three aspects:teaching as technology,teaching by technology and teaching for technology.
The technical nature of teaching comes from the essence of teaching which is technique in essence.Teaching inherently requires the continuous transformation of teaching theory and teaching practice,and the teaching constantly innovates meanwhile.In our opinion it is the inherent requirement of teaching as technology.We call the characteristics of continuous self-renewal as the creativity of teaching.The creativity tells us that teaching starts from the problem,utilizes the theory to help decision-making,and finally,makes the teaching better and better.
If regarding teaching as technology is the metaphysical assumptions about teaching,then utilization of technology in the process of teaching is the most in tuitive and solidest foundation of the technical nature of teaching.In the history of human education,the various elements of teaching is changing continuously with the development of the technology.In general,it is where the technical problem of teaching comes out.When discussing the technical problem of teaching,we select several typical technology which has important influence on teaching in history,analyzes how different technologies affect people and in turn affect teaching,and puts forward the body problem in technology use.From the point of view of technology use,the teaching is the mutual construction process of the technical artifact and personal skills.
Taking technology as the aim of teaching actually imply a premise that technology is man himself in a sense.In the long run,all human activity is for themselves.Teaching,of course,is no exception.A tool which is widely used in the world will affect people live there.At the same time,this tool will be used in teaching finally.The application of technology in teaching begins with the utilization of tools,but it eventually becomes the teaching content which influence people more quickly and thoroughly.
The technical nature of teaching reminds us of changing the research methodology of teaching,innovate the means of teaching,alter the ideas of curriculum and apply the new science and technology in teaching.But most important of all,it is to rebuild the educational philosophy for the era of technology,establish an engineering science of teaching and lead the teaching research from“explain the world”to“change the world”.
Key words: Technology;Technical Nature of Teaching;Body;Designbased Research;Teaching Innovation
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