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Growth ang fluctuations,1870-1913



















After the second world war, development economics, which studies the economic development of third world countries, has become one of the important branches of western economics. Among the economists who have made great contributions to this discipline, William Arthur lewis, a professor at Princeton university and one of the winners of the Nobel Prize in economics in 1979, holds a very important position. Lewis was born on January 23, 1915, into a black family on the west Indies island of st. Lucia. He studied at the London school of economics and received his doctorate in 1940. He taught at the London school of economics, the university of Manchester, the university of the west Indies and Princeton university. He retired from Princeton university in 1986 and lived near the university of the west Indies in Barbados, where he died in 1991. In addition, he has served as a government adviser to developing countries and regions such as Ghana, Nigeria and the west Indies, and held important positions in the Caribbean development bank and some specialized agencies of the United Nations. These practical works greatly enriched his research content. Lewis divides his academic career into three periods. He said: "my research on economics started from three aspects. The guidelines cover several developing countries; It has recently focused on the historical evolution of the international economy. Before the 1950s, it was the first period of lewis' academic career. At that time, he studied general economic theory and covered a wide range. His major works include economic problems today, monopoly in British industry, introduction to economy 1913-1939, principles of economic planning, fixed expenses, etc. After the 1950s, lewis specialized in the issue of economic development, the main books are "labor infinite supply of economic development" and "economic growth theory". These two works laid the foundation of his economic development theory and played an important role in development economics. After the '60 s, lewis research focuses on developing countries and developed countries on international economic relations, the main works are "introduction to tropical trade: 1883-1965", "the development of the foreign aid", "1883-1913 years of the development of the tropical, the evolution of the international economic order", the developing countries and the exchange rate stable, and the book. Lewis attaches great importance to the formation of the relationship pattern between developed and developing countries in international economic relations and its impact on the economic development of developing countries. He believes that in the existing international economic relations, it is the developing countries that depend on the developed countries. That is to say, "over the past 100 years, the growth of production in the developing world has depended on the growth of production in the developed world. When the developed world grew rapidly, so did the developing world; When the growth of the developed world slows down, the growth of the developing world also slows down "4365560. Lewis analyzes in detail the formation and development of this dependency and its impact on developing countries. He believes that the formation of this dependence on the economic development of developing countries have a certain role in promoting. However, in the long run, such dependence is detrimental to developing countries. Therefore, developing countries should get rid of this dependence and establish their own independent national economy.

in March 1977, lewis gave two lectures centering on the establishment of a new international economic order at the gervais lecture held at Princeton university in memory of the austrian-american economist schumpeter. The lecture was published in 1978 under the title evolution of the international economic order. This book has attracted the attention of the international economics circle. The famous American economist kindberg believes that in this book, "professor lewis gives an authoritative explanation of the world economy in this century with excellent insight and thorough understanding". A more detailed, comprehensive and profound analysis of the book's basic ideas was carried out in the book growth and fluctuation: 1870-1913 published in 1978. Growth and fluctuation summarizes lewis' research results on international economic relations, while evolution of international economic order is the synopsis of growth and fluctuation. To understand lewis's definitive account of the world economy in this century, therefore, one must read growth and volatility. Lewis divided the world into "core countries" and "peripheral countries" in the analysis of international economic relations. The core refers to Britain, France, Germany and the United States, and the periphery refers to other countries. In his view, in the mid-19th century, the core countries first successfully carried out the industrial revolution, which provided two options for the peripheral countries: one was to directly imitate the core countries to carry out the industrial revolution, and the other was to create conditions for the industrial revolution by trading with the core countries. Peripheral countries have responded differently to the challenges of the core. Some countries industrialized either through imitation or through trade, while most countries failed to take advantage of the development opportunities of core countries, thus leaving their economies in a backward state. The current international economic relations were formed in the last 25 years of the 19th century, and the dependence of developing countries on developed countries is also a continuation of the relationship between core countries and peripheral countries in history.

growth and fluctuation analyzes the economic development of core countries and peripheral countries and their relationship between 1870 and 1913. Lewis took the growth of industrial production in the core countries as the engine of the economic development of the peripheral countries, as a challenge to the peripheral countries, and took the economic development of the peripheral countries as a challenge to the core countries. Around this central issue, lewis analyzed the industrial growth and fluctuations in the core countries and various problems in the economic development of the peripheral countries over the past four decades. I don't want to tell you much about this book, but you can read it yourself. I just want to say that this book has some characteristics of its own: first, the content of this book is the economic history from 1870 to 1913, but the author analyzes history from the perspective of reality, so that people can feel its strong realistic significance. Second, the author organically combines history, economic theory and statistical data in writing, which is neither to list historical facts, nor to talk about theories in an abstract way, nor to conduct detailed textual research on statistical data. Third, the author of many problems, put forward their own point of view, for example, on the colonial influence on economic development, he does not like some western economists advocated colonialism brought civilization to backward area, and not, as some economists that the colonial nationalism behind entirely blame colonialism, he thinks that colonialism in different regions have different influence, be specific analysis. His characteristic analysis of many problems is enlightening. Of course, the reader may find many more important features in this book.

growth and volatility has attracted great attention in the west. The proceedings of the Swedish academy of sciences, which awarded the Nobel Prize in economics, listed the book as one of lewis's most important masterpieces. Ronald findlay, an American economist, said of it: "this is a truly remarkable book, and only lewis could have written it. No one has yet acquired the requisite combination of intellectual insight, historical knowledge and the painstaking work of collecting and analysing statistics. The result is a combination of theory, history and statistics that only schumpeter could match. After reading the book, you will feel that this comment is not an exaggeration.

China is a developing country, which is also facing the problem of how to deal with the challenges of new technologies. The experience of history is noteworthy. I think the readers will get many useful inspirations from this book.

December 1986





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